Messina, ITALY- February 5, 2016 #SmartME - reti di connessioni fisiche a supporto del territorio Riccardo Di Pietro University of Messina [email protected]

#SmartMe - reti di connessioni fisiche a supporto del territorio

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Messina, ITALY- February 5, 2016

#SmartME - reti di connessioni fisiche a supporto del territorio

Riccardo Di PietroUniversity of Messina

[email protected]

DHLabs srl

Cittadini Aziende

#SmartME @ Startup Europe Week Messina - February 5, 2016

University of Messina's Crowdfunding Initiative

Project milestones:

● February, 17 2015 - startup of the funding stage

● April 14, 2015 - conclusion of the funding phase

● April 28, 2015 - First working meeting○ Introduction○ Chancellor speech○ Demo

● Now - development and prototyping stage for the hardware/software platform.

● ASAP the first release !!! Stay in touch.

http://stack4things.unime.it/ http://smartme-data.unime.it/ http://smartme.unime.it/


#SmartME @ Startup Europe Week Messina - February 5, 2016

Gas sensor

Brightness sensor

Bar sensor


Humidity sensor

#SmartME @ Startup Europe Week Messina - 5 Febbraio 2016

First Prototype - ABSOLUTE PREVIEW !!!


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...

Lao - tzu

Riccardo Di PietroUniversity of [email protected]