11 top questions before you choose a CRM

11 top questions before you choose a CRM

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11 top questions before you choose a CRM

Page 2: 11 top questions before you choose a CRM

CRMs are amazing, but…

•  70% of CRM initiatives fail •  90% of CRM implementations fail to show

positive ROI •  75% of CRM initiatives fail substantially

impact the customer experience.

Page 3: 11 top questions before you choose a CRM

1. Why you want a new CRM?

•  ‘My enterprise needs streamlining

•  ‘My Sales process stinks, there gotto be a better way’

•  ‘My contacts and conversations are all over the place, I want it to be at one place’

•  ‘I’m scaling up my company’

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2. Costs involved?

•  A huge cost upfront Or SaaS model (per user per month billing)?

•  What about updates – you pay separately for that?

•  Does it include support cost?

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3. Length of CRM implementation?

•  How soon do you want your CRM to start working? Weeks or months?

•  Different vendors will have different timelines – ask them

•  Other Implementation costs?

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4. Can it import my existing data?

•  You might be on excel sheets, an accounting software or a legacy CRM. Nevertheless, the data is important for you.

•  How well does your new CRM import this data?

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5. Web/Mobile first - How does it work for you?

•  If you ask me, without mobility, your CRM won’t work - So this is a key driver

•  IOS, Android, Windows native apps? •  How well Web translates to these apps? •  How well does my CRM work offline?

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6. Do you use other tools? How well the integration works?

•  You might be using N tools. Right? •  Trust me - you will use more tools in future •  Your marketing automation, email

marketing tool, social media tools, document storage/versioning, invoicing.

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7. Dashboard, Reports, Analytics?

•  There is no point in having TBs of data if you can’t make sense out of it.

•  CRMs should enable you to visualize, query and analyze the data

•  Some of the most used ones include Sales funnel analysis, Forecast reports, deals won

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8. Learning Curve (UI/UX) - Adoption

•  Your CRM strategy would succeed only if there is 100% adoption rate.

•  How intuitive is the UI of the CRM? •  Manual Data Entry and Updation of Data are

two main factors hindering the adoption of CRMs

Note: Vibe(http://vibeapp.co) helps the sales people to manage their CRM beautifully by avoiding data entry and removing problem of contact updates.

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9. Is it making you work even more?

•  As mentioned, more manual work = Less adoption -> CRM Strategy Fail

•  Some of the basic automations – Call Logging, email automation, alerts, reminders etc.

•  As the rule of thumb: most of the tasks which are redundant, there should be some way for CRM to help you out in this.

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10. Is it scalable?

•  You are growing, how well will your CRM grow?

•  It is a pain to do the whole process again. Right

•  Admin access/privileges, cost to scale.

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11. Can you move out of it, should you decide to?

•  Let’s face it, your company might take a big turn or even grow much bigger than you ever imagined.

•  How easy it is for you to move to another CRM – to export data into a new system?

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Vibe helps you to append and update each CRM record pertaining to a contact. Integrate once and forget.