Godina (Volume) 12, Broj (Number) 1-2, Januar - Juni (January - June) 2015. Plinski endogenerator Grijači za peći Endogenerator

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Page 1: Godina (Volume) 12, Broj (Number) 1-2, Januar - Juni ...idealab.unze.ba/Masinstvo/Masinstvo-num1-2-2015.pdf · 2 RIJEČ UREDNIKA Poštovane koleginice i kolege, Evo nas ponovo zajedno

Godina (Volume) 12, Broj (Number) 1-2, Januar - Juni (January - June) 2015.

Plinski endogenerator

Grijači za peći


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ISSN 1512-5173



JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Godina (Volume) 12, Broj (Number) 1-2, Zenica, Januar – Juni (January – June) 2015.

Uredništvo (Editorial): Fakultetska 1, 72000 Zenica Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: +387 32 449 143; 449 145 Fax: +387 32 246 612 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Glavni i odgovorni urednik (Editor and Chief): Prof. Dr. Sc. Safet Brdarević

Osnivač i izvršni izdavač (Founders and Executive Publisher): University of Zenica Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakultetska 1, 72000 Zenica Bosnia and Herzegovina Recenzioni odbor (Review committe): Dr. Aleksandar Karač, Dr. Malik Čabaravdić, Dr. Jakub Osmić, Dr. Safet Brdarević, Dr. Sabahudin Jašarević

Urednički odbor (Editorial Board): Dr. Safet Brdarević (B&H), Dr. Jože Duhovnik (Slovenia), Dr. Vidosav Majstorović (Serbia), Dr. Milan Jurković (Croatia), Dr. Sabahudin Ekinović (B&H), Dr. Gheorge I. Gheorge (Romania), Dr. Alojz Ivanković (Ireland), Dr. Joan Vivancos (Spain), Dr. Ivo Čala (Croatia), Dr. Slavko Arsovski (Serbia), Dr. Albert Weckenman (Germany), Dr. Ibrahim Pašić (France), Dr. Zdravko Krivokapić (Montenegro), Dr. Rainer Lotzien (Germany)

Časopis izlazi tromjesečno (Journal tree monthly) Tehnički urednik (Technical Editor): Prof. Dr. Sabahudin Jašarević Štampa (Print): Štamparija: EUROGRAFIKA d.o.o. Zvornik Uređenje zaključeno (Preparation ended): 30.06.2015.

Časopis je evidentiran u evidenciji javnih glasila pri Ministarstvu nauke, obrazovanja, kulture i sport Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine pod brojem 651. Časopis u pretežnom iznosu finansira osnivač i izdavač. Časopis MAŠINSTVO u pravilu izlazi u četiri broja godišnje. Rukopisi se ne vraćaju

The Journal is listed under No 651 in the list of public journals in the Ministry of science, education, culture and sport of the Federation of B&H. The Journals is mostly financed by founder and publisher. Frequency of Journal MAŠINSTVO is 4 issues a year. Manuscripts are not returned

Časopis objavljuje naučne i stručne radove i informacije od interesa za stručnu i privrednu javnost iz oblasti mašinstva i srodnih grana vezanih za područje primjene i izučavanja mašinstva. Posebno se obrađuju slijedeće tematike: - tehnologija prerade metala, plastike i gume, - projektovanje i konstruisanje mašina i postrojenja, - projektovanje proizvodnih sistema, - energija, - održavanje sredstava za rad, - kvalitet, efikasnost sistema i upravljanje proizvodnim i poslovnim sistemima, - informacije o novim knjigama, - informacije o naučnim skupovima - informacije sa Univerziteta,

The journal publishes scientific and professional papers and information of interest to professional and economic releases in mechanical engineering and related fields. In particular, the following topics are treated: - Technology for processing metal, plastic and rubber, - Design and construction of machines and plants, - The design of production systems, - Energy, - Maintenance funds for the work, - Quality and efficiency of the system and the management of production and business systems, - Information about new books, - Information about scientific meetings - Information from the University,

Page 4: Godina (Volume) 12, Broj (Number) 1-2, Januar - Juni ...idealab.unze.ba/Masinstvo/Masinstvo-num1-2-2015.pdf · 2 RIJEČ UREDNIKA Poštovane koleginice i kolege, Evo nas ponovo zajedno


RIJEČ UREDNIKA Poštovane koleginice i kolege, Evo nas ponovo zajedno da nastavimo tradiciju dugu jedanaest godina i četrdesetčetiri izdata broja Vašeg i našeg časopisa MAŠINSTVO. Da nastavimo zajednički na uzvišenom putu razvoja i širenja znanja. Tematika časopisa je ista, široko područje mašinstva ali i drugih grana tehnike i multidisciplinarnih oblasti tehnike. U ovom broju preovladavaju radovi iz područja kvaliteta, kao ukupne filozofije života, odnosno društvene reprodukcije, posebno u njenom proizvodnom dijelu. Pozivamo da sarađujete i date doprinos razvoju nauke i tehnike, zemlje i svijeta. S poštovanjem Vaš Red.prof.dr. Safet Brdarević

EDITORIAL Dear Colleagues, Here we are together again to continue the long tradition of eleven years and forty-four issued number of your and our journal MAŠINSTVO. To continue together on the elevated road to development and dissemination of knowledge. Subject the journal is the same, a wide area of engineering and other branches of techniques and multi-disciplinary art. In this issue predominantly papers in the field of quality, as well as the overall philosophy of life and social reproduction, particularly in its production area. We invite to cooperate and give contribution to the development of science and technology, the country and the world. Yours faithfully, Prof.dr. Safet Brdarević


1. Vanjski kontekst organizacije M.Drljača 3

2. Continuous Quality Improvement in Modern Organizations trough Kaizen Management M.A. Tîtu, R.A. Simina, S. Tîtu 13

3. Determinants of the Concept of Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing Company - Case Study A. Kucińska-Landwójtowicz 19

4. Improvement of Quality Management System – Case Study of a Metal Industry Company W. Bialy, E.W. Maruszewska 25

5. Biomehanička analiza pokreta čučnja u ANYBODY MODELING sistemu D. Spahić 31

6. Uvođenje ekspertnog sistema ANFIS – a u održavanje procesnih ventilatora S. Alić, S. Brdarević, S. Jašarević, M. Imamović 37


1. External Context of the Organization M.Drljača 3

2. Continuous Quality Improvement in Modern Organizations trough Kaizen Management M.A. Tîtu, R.A. Simina, S. Tîtu 13

3. Determinants of the Concept of Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing Company - Case Study A. Kucińska-Landwójtowicz 19

4. Improvement of Quality Management System – Case Study of a Metal Industry Company W. Bialy, E.W. Maruszewska 25

5. Biomechanic Analysis of the Squat Motion in The Anybody Modeling System D. Spahić 31

6. Introduction of Expert System ANFIS into Maintenance System of Process Fans S. Alić, S. Brdarević, S. Jašarević, M. Imamović 37

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 3 – 12, (2015) M.Drljača: VANJSKI KONTEKST ORGANIZACIJE




Miroslav Drljača Zračna luka Zagreb d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia Ključne riječi: sustav kvalitete, vanjski kontekst organizacije, upravljanje rizicima Keywords: quality system, external context of the organization, risk management. Paper received: 29.04.2015. Paper accepted: 24.05.2015.

Conference paper REZIME Kad se govori o reviziji norme ISO 9001:2015 nabraja se desetak promjena u odnosu na normu ISO 9001:2008. Neke od predviđenih promjena terminološkog su karaktera. Predviđene su i suštinske promjene: 1) u strukturi uvažavajući SL aneks, 2) razumijevanje organizacije i njenog konteksta, 3) potpune procesne orijentacije u upravljanju organizacijom i 4) uvođenje zahtjeva za upravljanja rizicima. U radu autor, primjenom metoda znanstvene spoznaje, donosi rezultate istraživanja „vanjskog konteksta organizacije“. Razumijevanje ovog fenomena zahtijeva filozofski pristup upravljanju kvalitetom i razumijevanje praktičnog funkcioniranja organizacije. Radi se o važnom zahtjevu revizije norme jer pozicionira organizaciju na lokalnom, regionalnom i globalnom tržištu.

Conference paper

SUMMARY When talking about the revision of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, usually ten changes in comparison to the ISO 9001:2008 standard are listed. [4] Some of the foreseen changes are of terminological character only. However, also some changes of essential nature are provided, such as: 1) structural changes respecting Annex SL, 2) understanding the organization and its context, 3) total process orientation in organizational management and 4) introduction of a requirement for risk management. In this paper the author presents, in a systematic way, using scientific methods of cognition, the results of the research “external context of the organization” as a phenomenon. Understanding of this phenomenon requires philosophical approach to quality management and understanding pragmatic functionality of the organization. It is about the important requirement of the revision of this standard because it positions the organization as an entity in the local, regional and global market.

1. UVOD Revizije norme ISO 9000ff dešavaju se u razmacima od šest do osam godina. Nakon donošenja norme ISO 9001:1987, godine 1987, slijedeće revizije dešavale su se 1994., 2000., 2008. godine, a naredna će se desiti 2015. godine. Svaka od navedenih revizija donosila je određene značajne promjene u konceptu ISO 9000ff normi, odnosno konceptu sustava upravljanja kvalitetom. U razdoblju od 2003. do 2013. godine, EU 28 ostvarile su prosječnu stopu rasta GDP-a (Gross Domestic Product - Bruto domaći proizvod)[1] prosječno 1,09%, s tim da rast nije bio kontinuiran, budući su 2009. godine zabilježile pad od 4,4% i 2012. godine pad od -0,4%. Istovremeno se broj izdanih ISO 9001 certifikata udvostručio.[2] Povećao se s 242.455 u 2013. godini na 485.554 u 2013. godini.

1. INTRODUCTION Revisions of the standards series ISO 9000ff happen in intervals of six to eight years. The first edition of ISO 9001 took place in 1987, it was followed by revisions in 1994, 2000 and 2008, and the next will come out in 2015. Each of the listed revisions brought certain relevant changes in the standards series ISO 9000ff, i.e. in the concept of the quality management system. In the period from 2003 to 2013, EU 28 achieved a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) average annual growth rate of 1.09%, but the growth was not continuous, since in 2009 there was a fall of 4.4 % and in 2012 a decrease of 0.4%. At the same time, the number of issued ISO 9001 certificates doubled.[2] It rose from 242,455 in 2003 to 485,554 in 2013.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 3 – 12, (2015) M.Drljača: VANJSKI KONTEKST ORGANIZACIJE


Istovremeno, u analiziranom razdoblju SAD su ostvarile prosječnu stopu rasta GDP-a od 1,8% što je za 0,71% prosječno više od EU 28.[1] U istom razdoblju u SAD se broj izdanih ISO 9001 certifikata povećao za svega 13%, s 30.294 u 2003. godini, na 34.869 u 2013. godini. )[2] To je manji porast od EU 28 za ozbiljnih 87%. Zaključuje se da SAD imaju znatno manji porast broja izdanih ISO 9001 certifikata u analiziranom jedanaest godišnjem razdoblju od EU 28, a imaju prosječno veću stopu rasta GDP-a. Moglo bi se konstatirati da broj certifikata ISO 9001 nije dominantni faktor povećanja konkurentnosti gospodarstva u svijetu. Do gotovo identičnog zaključka došlo se i istraživanjem konkurentnosti gospodarstva u korelaciji s brojem izdanih certifikata ISO 9001 u Hrvatskoj. „Uvođenje sustava upravljanja kvalitetom sukladno zahtjevima međunarodne norme ISO 9001 treba biti strateška odluka organizacije. Misija je ovog projekta kroz uređenje te upravljanje uređenim sustavom poboljšati konkurentnost organizacije i doprinijeti povećanju konkurentnosti nacionalnog gospodarstva. Kod mjerenja razvijenosti kvalitete pojedine zemlje nije dovoljno uzeti u obzir samo broj certifikata ISO 9001, već treba računati relativne pokazatelje koji omogućuju sagledavanje stupnja razvijenosti kvalitete neke zemlje u europskom i svjetskom kontekstu. Pored toga, stupanj razvijenosti kvalitete nije isključivi faktor koji doprinosi konkurentnosti nacionalne ekonomije neke zemlje, već treba sagledati utjecaj i ostalih faktora ekonomske, monetarne i fiskalne politike.“[3] Autor ovaj fenomen naziva konfliktom ostvarivanja misije i objašnjava: „Fenomen konflikta ostvarivanja misije sustava upravljanja kvalitetom može se definirati kao konflikt, s jedne strane rasta broja certifikata ISO 9001 kao međunarodnih potvrda da sustav upravljanja ispunjava zahtjeve ove norme i s druge strane, istovremenog pada konkurentnosti nacionalnog gospodarstva, a nastaje kao posljedice višegodišnje afirmacije deformiranog sustava vrednota u društvu koje se manifestira kroz različite oblike „nekvalitetnog“ ponašanja koji se toleriraju.[3]

Simultaneously, in the relevant time period the average GDP growth rate recorded in the USA was 1.8%, on average being 0.71% above the EU 28.[1] In the same period the number of ISO 9001 certificates issued in the USA rose for only 13%, from 30,294 in 2003 to 34,869 in 2013.[2] This increase is for significant 87% lower than the EU 28. It may be concluded that in the analysed eleven year period the USA had a notably lower rise of the issued ISO 9001 certificates compared to the EU 28, and a higher average GDP growth rate. It could be therefore concluded that the ISO 9001 certificates number is not a dominant factor in the increase of competitiveness of economy in the world. The research of competitiveness of economy in correlation to the number of issued ISO 9001 certificates in Croatia led to the almost identical conclusion. “The adoption of the quality management system according to requirements of the ISO 9001 international standard ought to be a strategic decision for an organization. The mission of this project is to improve organization’s competitiveness and contribute to an increase of competitiveness of the national economy, through arrangement and management of a well ordered system. When measuring the level of development of quality in a certain country it is not sufficient to take into account only the number of ISO 9001 certificates, but relative indicators should be considered that enable consideration of the development level of quality of the country in the European and the world context. Besides, the development level of quality is not the exclusive factor that contributes to competitiveness of the national economy of a country, but impacts of other factors of economic, monetary and fiscal policies should also be taken into consideration.[3] The author calls this phenomenon a conflict of mission realization and explains: “The phenomenon of a conflict of mission realization within a quality management system may be defined as a conflict of, on the one part, a growth of ISO 9001 certificates number as international verification that management systems meet the requirements of this standard, and on the other part, the simultaneous fall of competitiveness of the national economy. It comes about as a consequence of perennial affirmation of a deformed value system in the society, manifested in tolerance to various forms of “bad quality” behaviour.[3]

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 3 – 12, (2015) M.Drljača: VANJSKI KONTEKST ORGANIZACIJE



Kad se govori o reviziji norme ISO 9001:2015 obično se nabraja desetak promjena u odnosu na normu ISO 9001:2008.[4] Neke od predviđenih promjena terminološkog su karaktera. Međutim, predviđene su i promjene suštinskog karaktera kao što su: 1) promjene u strukturi uvažavajući SL aneks, 2) razumijevanje organizacije i njenog konteksta, 3) potpune procesne orijentacije u upravljanju organizacijom i 4) uvođenje zahtjeva za upravljanja rizicima. Kontekst se definira u jezičnom smislu kao „...govorna i tekstovna cjelina koja točno određuje smisao pojedine riječi, koja je i sama njezin dio. Misaona cjelina, povezanost, veza, suvislost. Staviti u kontekst – razmotriti u okviru okolnosti.“[5] Preslikano na zahtjeve norme ISO 9001:2015, kontekst organizacije treba shvatiti kao okruženje koje utječe na organizaciju, koja je i sama njezin dio. Staviti organizaciju u kontekst – razmotriti situaciju u organizaciji u okviru okolnosti na domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu. U tom smislu može se govoriti o dvije razine konteksta: 1) unutarnjem kontekstu i 2) vanjskom kontekstu. Predmet ovog rada je istraživanje vanjskog konteksta koji treba sagledavati najmanje na tri razine: 1) lokalnoj, 2) nacionalnoj, 3) regionalnoj i 4) globalnoj. Organizacija treba utvrditi vanjske okolnosti koje su za nju releventne i utječu na njezinu sposobnost za postizanje postavljenih upravljačkih ciljeva. To su okolnosti u kojima će organizacija kao sustav upravljanja djelovati i koje će na pozitivan ili negativan način utjecati na njezino poslovanje. S obzirom na učinak koji imaju na organizaciju, okolnosti koje čine vanjski kontekst mogu biti: 1) pozitivne, 2) neutralne i 3) negativne. S obzirom na značaj koji mogu imati na organizaciju okolnosti koje čine vanjski kontekst, može se podijeliti na: 1) beznačajne, 2) značajne i 3) presudne. Mogući su i pojedini podoblici ovih pojavnih oblika. To će trebati uzeti u obzir kod procjene rizika. [7] S obzirom na trajanje utjecaja na poslovanje organizacije, okolnosti koje čine vanjski kontekst mobu biti: 1) kratkotrajne, 2) traju određeno vrijeme i 3) konstantne. S obzirom na učestalost pojavljivanja, okolnosti koje čine vanjski kontekst organizacije, mogu biti: 1) povremene, 2) srednje učestalosti, 3) stalne.


When talking about the revision of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, usually ten changes in comparison to the ISO 9001:2008 standard are listed. [4] Some of the foreseen changes are of terminological character only. However, also some changes of essential nature are provided, such as: 1) structural changes respecting Annex SL, 2) understanding the organization and its context, 3) total process orientation in organizational management and 4) introduction of a requirement for risk management. In linguistic terms the context is defined as “...a spoken and a text unit precisely defining the meaning of a certain word, which is also its part. A unit of thought, connection, linkage, meaning-fulness. To put into context – to consider within the framework of circumstances.”[5] Applied to the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, the context of the organization should be understood as the environment affecting the organization that is its constituent part. To put the organization into context–to consider the situation in the organization within the framework of circumstances in the domestic and international market. In this sense, it is possible to talk about two levels of context: 1) internal context and 2) external context. The subject matter of this paper is research of the external context to be considered at minimum four levels: 1) local, 2) national, 3) regional and 4) global. The organization shall determine external issues that are relevant to it and that affect its ability to achieve the set management objectives. These are the circumstances in which the organization as a management system will operate and which will affect its business operations in a positive or a negative way. With regard to the effect they have on the organization the circumstances forming its external context may be: 1) positive, 2) neutral and 3) negative. With regard to the relevance they may have to the organization the external context issues may be divided to: 1) irrelevant, 2) relevant and 3) crucial. Individual sub-forms of these forms of appearance are also possible. This will have to be taken into account when assessing risks. [7] With regard to duration of the impact on the organization’s business operations the external context issues may be: 1) short term, 2) lasting for a certain period of time and 3) constant. With regard to frequency of appearance circumstances forming the external context of the organization may be 1) occasional, 2) of medium frequency, 3) continuous.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 3 – 12, (2015) M.Drljača: VANJSKI KONTEKST ORGANIZACIJE


Tablica 1. Vrste podjela okolnosti koje čine unutarnji i vanjski kontekst organizacije

Vrsta podjele Pojavni oblici

S obzirom na UČINAK

1. Pozitivne 2. Neutralne 3. Negativne

S obzirom na ZNAČAJ

1. Beznačajne 2. Značajne 3. Presudne

S obzirom na TRAJANJE

1. Kratkotrajne 2. Traju određeno

vrijeme 3. Konstantne

S ozirom na UČESTALOST

1. Povremene 2. Srednje

učestalosti 3. Konstantne

Table 1. Types of classification of the circumstances forming the organization’s external context

Type of classification Forms of appearance

With regard to EFFECT

1. Positive 2. Neutral 3. Negative

With regard to RELEVANCE

1. Irrelevant 2. Relevant 3. Crucial

With regard to DURATION

1. Short-term 2. Lasting for a certain

period of time 3. Constant

With regard to FREQUENCY

1. Occasional 2. Of medium frequency3. Constant

Ova podjela okolnosti predstavlja polazište za izradu metodologije za utvrđivanje konteksta organizacije te za primjenu metoda procjene rizika pojedine okolnosti za ostvarivanje upravljačkih ciljeva organizacije. 2.1. Vanjski kontekst organizacije Razumijevanje vanjskog konteksta organizacije može uključivati, ali nije ograničeno samo na: 1. Na lokalnoj razini:

• značaj organizacije za lokalnu zajednicu (gospodarski značaj, organizacija kao faktor socijalne stabilnosti;

• uloga lokalne zajednice u upravljanju organizacijom;

• oblici, intenzitet i kvaliteta suradnje organizacije sa lokalnom zajednicom;

• način osnivanja organizacije (je li osnovana na području lokalne zajednice ili je ispostava organizacije koja ima sjednište negdje drugdje);

• oblici i intenzitet utjecaja lokalne zajednice za organizaciju i dr.

2. Na nacionalnoj razini: • institucionalni okvir (zakoni, norme,

drugi propisi); • kulturološki okvir (navike, običaji,

tradicija, jezik, pismo i dr.); • društveni okvir (odnosi u društvu, stupanj

razvijenosti demokracije i dr.);

This classification of circumstances represents the starting point for making a methodology for determination of the context of the organization and for application of risk assessment methods for each issue in order to achieve the organization’s managerial objectives. 2.1 External context of the organization Understanding the external context of the organization may include, but is not limited to: 1. At the local level:

• importance of the organization for the local community (economic significance, organization as a factor of social stability);

• role of the local community in managing the organization;

• forms, intensity and quality of cooperation of the organization with the local community;

• the manner of founding the organization (if it was established in the territory of the local community or it is a subsidiary of an organization having its registered seat elsewhere);

• forms and intensity of the local community influence for the organization and the like.

2. At the national level: • institutional framework (laws, standards,

other regulations); • cultural framework (habits, tradition,

language, script, etc.); • social framework (relations in the society,

democracy development level, etc);

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 3 – 12, (2015) M.Drljača: VANJSKI KONTEKST ORGANIZACIJE


• financijski okvir (stupanj razvijenosti nacionalne ekonomije, dostupnost financijskih sredstava na domaćem tržištu i dr.);

• tehnološki okvir (stupanj razvoja tehnologije, uloga znanosti u gospodarstvu i dr.);

• ekonomski okvir (ima brojne dodirne točke s financijskim, tehnološkim, društvenim i institucionalnim okvirom);

• ekološki okvir (stupanj svjesnosti o načelima održivog razvoja i dr.).

3. Na regionalnoj razini: • članstvo u ekonomskim, političkim i

drugim integracijama na regionalnoj razini;

• stupanj ovisnosti o uvozu/izvozu u regiju/iz regije;

• stupanj konkurentnosti u okvirima regionalne zajednice;

• stupanj ovisnosti (ljudi, tehnologija, izvori financiranja i dr.) o regionalnoj zajednici;

• doprinos regionalnoj zajednici (gospodarski, kulturološki, tehnološi i dr.);

• uloga konkretne regionalne zajednice na globalnoj razini i dr.

4. Na globalnoj razini: • uloga organizacije na globalnom tržištu; • stupanj konkurentnosti organizacije na

globalnom tržištu; • stupanj ovisnosti o globalnom tržištu i

stabilnosti/nestabilnosti globalnog tržišta; • doprinos globalnoj zajednici

(gospodarski, kjulturološki, tehnološki i dr.) i dr.

Svaka dobro upravljanja organizacija trebala bi, bez obzira na zahtjeve norme ISO 9001:2015, imati analizu navedenih razina vanjskog aspekta organizacije. Bez takve analize, tj. bez utvrđivanja vanjskog konteksta, organizacija ne može utvrditi kvalitetne strategije i materijalizirati ih kroz politike te operacionalizirati kroz opće i posebne menadžerske ciljeve. Pri sagledavanju okolnosti vanjskog konteksta organizacije, organizacija mora uzeti u obzir pitanja za utvrđivanje rizika, jer rizici postoje u okolnostima vanjskog konteksta organizacije.

• financial framework (the level of national economy development, availability of financial means in the domestic market, etc.);

• technological framework (the level of development of technology, the role of science in the economy, etc.);

• economic framework (has numerous contiguous points with the financial, technological, social and institutional framework);

• environmental framework (the level of awareness of sustainable development principles, etc.).

3. At the regional level: • membership in economic, political and other

integrations at the regional level; • degree of dependence on import/export to the

region/from the region; • competitive levels within the regional

community; • degree of dependence (people, technology,

sources of financing, etc.) on the regional community;

• contribution to the regional community (economic, cultural, technological, etc.);

• role of the relevant regional community at the global level, etc.

4. At the global level: • role of the organization in the global

market; • level of competitiveness of the

organization in the global market; • degree of dependence on the global

market and stability/instability of the global market;

• contribution to the global community (economic, cultural, technological, etc.).

Every well managed organization should, without regard to the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, have an analysis of the listed levels of the organization’s external aspects. Without such analysis, i.e. without determination of the external context, the organization cannot determine good quality strategies, materialize them through policies and operationalize through objectives and special managerial targets. During consideration of the organization’s external context circumstances, the organization shall take into account issues for identification of risks, because there are risks in the organization’s external context.

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Da bi se utvrdilo značaj pojedine okolnosti, potrebno je učiniti slijedeće:

• utvrditi sve okolnosti, i • imati instrumentarij za procjenu njihova

utjecaja. Za analizu vanjskog konteksta organizacije mogu se koristiti ove metode: 1) PEST – analiza je akronim (politička,

ekonomska, sociološka i tehnološka ) metoda analize poslovnog okruženja i predstavlja temelj za strateško planiranje. PEST analizira okolinu, za tržište u nastajanju ili već postojeće i pruža pregled vanjske situacije koja može imati utjecaj na industriju u globalu ili na tvrtke unutar promatrane industrije.

2) SWOT – analiza je jedna od instrumenata kojima se menadžer može poslužiti u kreiranju strategije. Ovo je kvalitativna analitička metoda koja kroz 4 čimbenika nastoji prikazati snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje određene pojave ili situacije. Međutim, treba uzeti u obzir da se radi o subjektivnoj metodi.

3) PORTER'S FIVE FORCES – analiza je okvir za analizu razine konkurentnosti unutar. Oslanja se na pet snaga koje determiniraju konkurentnost: snaga dobavljača; prijetnja novim sudionicima; snaga kupaca; prijetnja supstitutima i stupanj suparništva. Metodu je osmislio Michael E. Porter s Harvard sveučilišta.

4) FOUR CORNERS ANALYSIS – alat za predviđanje koji se koristi za utvrđivanje smjera aktivnosti organizacije u svrhu povećanja konkurentnosti. Četiri kuta su: pokretači; sadašnja strategija; pretpostavka menadžmenta i mogućnosti. Također se pripisuje Michaelu E. Porteru.

5) VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS – lanac vrijednosti je lanac aktivnosti koje organizaciju poduzima u posebnim okolnostima obavlja kako bi isporučila vrijedan proizvod ili uslugu za tržište. Koncept dolazi iz poslovnog upravljanja i prvi je koji je opisao i popularizirao Michael E. Porter u svojoj najprodavanijoj knjizi Konkurentska prednost, 1985 godine. Uporište ima u procesnom pristupu u organizaciji.


In order to determine the significance of individual circumstances, the following should be done:

• determine all issues, and • have the instruments for assessment of

their impacts. For analysis of the external context of the organization the following methods may be used: 1) PEST – analysis is an acronym (politic,

economic, social and technological), a method of analysing business environment that represents the foundation for strategic planning. PEST analyses the environment for emerging or already existing markets and offers a review of the external situation that may affect the industry in general or companies within the industry under consideration.

2) SWOT – analysis is one of instruments that may be used by a manager in creating strategy. This is a qualitative analytical method attempting, through 4 factors, at showing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a certain phenomenon or situation. However, it should be noted that it is a subjective method.

3) PORTER'S FIVE FORCES – analysis is a framework to analyse level of competition within industry. It relies on five forces that determine competitiveness: power of supplier; threat of new entrants; power of customers; threat of substitutes and intensity of rivalry. The method was designed by Michael E. Porter from Harvard University.

4) FOUR CORNERS ANALYSIS – a predictive tool used to determine the course of action of the organization for the purpose of increasing competitiveness. Four corners are: drivers; current strategy; management assumptions and capabilities. It is also assigned to Michael E. Porter.

5) VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS – a value chain is a chain of activities performed by the organization in special circumstances in order to deliver a valuable product or service for the market. The concept comes from business management and was first described and popularized by Michael E. Porter in his 1985 best-seller, Competitive Advantage. It is based on the process approach in the organization.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 3 – 12, (2015) M.Drljača: VANJSKI KONTEKST ORGANIZACIJE


6) WAR GAMING – business war gaming – ili wargaming – razlog za primjenu je taj što je to važan alat u slučaju kad konkurencija pristupa procesu promjena i omogućuje donositeljima odluka proaktivno sagledavanje djelovanja različitih sudionika na promjene.

Kvantitativna analiza za utvrđivanje važnosti okolnosti koje čine vanjski kontekst organizacije, pomoći će donositeljima odluka da na jednostavniji način sagledaju značaj pojedine okolnosti vanjskog konteksta, a kako bi lakše donijeli odluku o potrebi procjene rizika. Prijedlog metode kvantitativne analize autor donosi u Tablici 2. Naziva se „RANG“ metodom.

6) WAR GAMING – business war gaming – or wargaming – the rationale for its application is that it is an important tool when the competitive environment is undergoing a process of change, as it allows decision makers to consider proactively how different players can react to the changes.

Qualitative analysis for determination of relevance of circumstances forming the external context of the organization will help decision makers to recognize relevance of individual issues in a simpler way, in order to easier make a decision on the need for risk assessment. A proposal of a quantitative analysis method is presented by the author in Table 2. It is called the “RANK” method.

Tablica 2. Utvrđivanje važnosti okolnosti koje čine unutarnji i vanjski kontekst Utjecaji s obzirom na Pojavni oblici Rang

1 2 3 4 5


Pozitivni x Neutralni Negativni



Beznačajni Značajni Presudni x



Kratkotrajni Traju određeno vrijeme Konstantni x



Povremeni Srednje učestalosti Konstantni x

Impact with regard to Forms of appearance Rank 1 2 3 4 5



Positive x Neutral Negative



Irrelevant Relevant Crucial x



Short term Lasting for a certain period of time

Constant x


Occasional Of medium frequency Constant x

Utvrđivanje važnosti okolnosti koje čine vanjski kontekst prikazuje se na primjeru institucionalnog okvira (zakoni, propisi, norme) kao vanjskog konteksta na nacionalnoj razini. Rangovi su od „1“ – najmanji do „5“ – najveći.

Determination of relevance of issues forming the external context is shown on the example of institutional framework (laws, regulations, standards) as external context at the national level. Ranks range from “1” – the lowest to “5” – the highest.

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S obzirom na „učinak“ institucionalni okvir u ovom primjeru tretirat će se kao pozitivan. I to ne sasvim, budući uvijek može biti bolji. Slijedom toga dodjeljuje mu se rang „4“. S obzirom na „učinak“, budući je zakonodavni okvir ocijenjen pozitivnim, ne može više biti ocijenjen neutralnim ili negativnim. Dakle, može se ocjenjivati samo za jedan pojavni oblik. Na isti način ocjenjuju se pojavni oblici s obzirom na „značaj“. U ovom primjeru, zakonodavni okvir je „presudan“ jer se mora poslovati sukladno zakonima i drugim propisima. S obzirom na „trajanje“, zakonodavni okvir je trajan pojavni oblik, budući se poslovanje uvijek treba odvijati sukladno zakonima i drugim propisima. S obzirom na „trajanje“ zakonodavni okvir ocjenjuje se konstantnim i to najvišim rangom, budući djeluje stalno. S obzirom na „učestalost“ zakonodavni okvir ocjenjuje se konstantnim i slijedom toga dodjeljuje mu se najviši rang „5“. Na kaju, potrebno je zbrojiti vrijednosti ranga: Σ I-IV. U ovom primjeru zbroj iznosi 19. To znači da se radi o vrlo značajnoj okolnosti, odnosno njezinu utjecaju, budući da je:

- suma vrijednosti ranga od 4 – 8 – okolnost nije značajna;

- suma vrijednosti ranga od 9 – 14 – neutralna okolnost;

- suma vrijednosti ranga od 15 – 20 – značajna okolnost.

Vrednovanje je potrebno provesti nad svim okolnostima vanjskog konteksta, kako bi se utvrdilo koje su okolnosti značajne. To je važno radi upravljanja rizicima u sustavu kvalitete, a s težištem na vanjski kontekst organizacije. Slijedom toga, težište procjene rizika treba biti

na značajnim okolnostima konteksta, a to su okolnosti vrednovane vrijednostima od 15 – 20. With regard to “effect” the institutional framework in this example will be treated as positive. However, not completely, since it can always be better. Consequently, rank “4” is awarded to it. With regard to “effect”, since the regulation framework is evaluated positive, it may not be marked neutral or negative any more. So, it may only be ranked for one form of appearance. In the same way the forms of appearance are graded with regard to “relevance”. In this example, regulation framework is “crucial” since business operations must obligatory comply with laws and other regulations. With regard to “duration” institutional framework is seen as constant, and due to its continuous influence it receives the highest rank. With regard to “frequency” the institutional framework is considered constant and consequently awarded the highest rank “5”. Finally, the rank values should be added up: Σ I-IV. In this example the sum is 19. This means that this issue, meaning its impact, is very significant, given that:

- Rank value sum 4 – 8 – issue not relevant; - Rank value sum 9 – 14 – neutral issue; - Rank value sum 15 – 20 – relevant issue.

Evaluation needs to be conducted for all issues of external context in order to determine which are relevant. It is important for risk management in the quality system, with the weight on the external context. Consequently, the relevant context issues should be the basis of risk assessment, and such issues are the ones evaluated with values from 15 to 20.

4. ZAKLJUČAK Za svaki uređeni sustav upravljanja, koji se oslanja na sustav upravljanja kvalitetom sukladno zahtjevima međunarodne norme ISO 9001, nove okolnosti dobra su prilika za upravljanje u skladu s kontekstom. I do sada je, neovisno o reviziji norme ISO 9001:2015, svaki sustav upravljanja trebao sadržavati kontekst organizacije. Tim prije jer misija je svake organizacije ispunjenje zahtjeva svojih korisnika. Zapravo je teško prihvatiti da menadžment neke organizacije nije sagledao većinu okolnosti vanjskog konteksta organizacije.

4. CONCLUSION For every well-ordered management system relying on the quality management system according to the requirements of the ISO 9001 international standard, new circumstances are a good opportunity for management in accordance with the context. Until now, unrelated to the revision of the ISO 9001 standard, every management system should have included the context of the organization, even more so because the mission of every organization is to meet the requirements of its users. In fact it is difficult to accept that the management of an organization have not considered the majority of external context issues of the organization.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 3 – 12, (2015) M.Drljača: VANJSKI KONTEKST ORGANIZACIJE


Dakle, revizija norme ISO 9001:2015 pokušava standardizacijom podići razinu upravljanja organizacija na globalnom tržištu. Od menadžmenta se traži široko znanje o upravljanju procesima s naglaskom na upravljanje rizicima. Svaki temeljito utvrđeni kontekst organizacije usmjerava menadžment u kojem pravcu se treba orijentirati da bi postali konkurentni.

Hence, the revision of the ISO 9001 standard tries, by means of standardization, to raise the level of managing the organization in the global market. Managers are required to possess extensive knowledge of process management with emphasis on risk assessment. Every thoroughly determined context of the organization steers the management in the direction in which to turn in order to become competitive.

5. LITERATURA - REFERENCES [1] EUROSTAT. [2] ISO organizacija. [3] Drljača, M.: Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom i

kvaliteta sustava upravljanja, Kvalitet i izvrsnost, FQCE-Fondacija za kulturu kvaliteta i izvrsnost, Vol. 1, Broj 7-8, Beograd, 2012, str. 16-19.

[4] To su slijedeće promjene: 1) Promjene u strukturi (HLS-High Level Structure); 2) Promjene u načelima upravljanja kvalitetom; 3) Nedvosmisleni zahtjevi za procesnim pristupom upravljanju; 4) Sgledavanje šireg konteksta organizacije; 5) Uvođenje modela upravljanja rizicima; 6) Izostanak eksplicitnog zahtjeva za provođenjem preventivnih mjera; 7) Terminološke promjene kada je riječ o dokumentaciji (dokumentirana informacija); 8) Umjesto proizvoda govori se o dobrima i uslugama; 9) Poboljšanje više ne mora biti stalno poboljšanje i 10) Prvi se put koristi izraz accountable (odgovornost). (These changes are the following: 1) Changes of structure (HLS-High Level Structure); 2) Changes of quality management principles; 3) Unambiguous requirements for process approach to management; 4) Consideration of wider context of the organization; 5) Introduction of risk assessment model; 6) Absence of explicit requirement for preventive measures; 7) Terminological changes regarding documentation (documented information); 8) Instead of product, talking about goods and services;

9) Improvement need not be continual anymore and 10) Term accountable used for the first time.)

[5] Anić, V. i dr.; Hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik, Jutarnji list, Novi liber, Zagreb, 2002.

[6] Drljača, M; Upravljanje rizicima, faktor održivog uspjeha,“ Zbornik radova 7. naučno-stručnog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Quality 2011, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Zenici, Zenica, Neum, 2011, str. 399-404.

[7] Drljača, M.; Bešker, M.: Održivi uspjeh i upravljanje rizicima poslovanja, XIV. savjetovanje SQM 2010, Centar za kvalitet Crne Gore i časopis Kvalitet, Br. 7-8, Poslovna politika, Beograd, Tivat, 2010, str. 33-39 i 110.

[8] http://www.ebizmags.com/sto-je-pest-analiza-i-cemu-sluzi/

[9] http://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWOT_analiza

[10] http://www.quickmba.com/strategy/porter.shtml

[11] http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlnqc1_how-to-perform-porters-four-corner-analysis_lifestyle

Coresponding autor: Dr. sc. Miroslav Drljača Zračna luka Zagreb d.o.o. Zagreb, Hrvatska/Croatia E-mail: [email protected]

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 13 – 18, (2015) M.A. Titu, …: CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT….



Tîtu Mihail Aurel1, Răulea Andreea Simina1, Tîtu Stefan2 1 Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania 2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Cluj Napoca, Romania Keywords: quality, quality management, continuous improvement, Kaizen management Paper received: 27.04.2015 Paper accepted: 20.05.2015.

Conference paper SUMMARY Currently, the issue of the quality is one of the most debated. The most important theme is represented by the way in which organizations are able to build a competitive strategy based on quality products and services in the circumstances of the increasing pace of competition. This scientific paper proposes to bring into question the continuous improvement of the quality, productivity, profitability and speed of response to each job, processes and organizations as a whole, taking permanently into account the operational excellence, obtained by increasing the added value and by loss elimination that can be achieved by addressing the concept of Kaizen and Kaizen management as well. The main objective of this paper is to emphasize the importance of implementing a Kaizen management for organizations that are oriented towards quality and continuous improvement given the fact that in order to succeed organizations have to implement and maintain this kind of practices.

1. INTRODUCTION Kaizen is a philosophy with the origins in the mid-twentieth century. In his book entitled “Kaizen: The key to Japanese Competitive Advantage” Masaaki Imai refers to the term Kaizen having possible origin in Toyota Motor [1, 2]. The documentation referred to Kaizen as abundant, and there are several researches with different case studies reporting some benefits. For example, in a research in Japanese manufacturing plants, Cheser [3] concluded that Kaizen generated an increase in motivation and positive change in employee’s attitude. According to Aoki [4], it is feasible to expand the Kaizen philosophy to other countries with a different culture from the Japanese but, in order to have success, companies must implement the basic principles of Kaizen, namely: customer focus, continuous improvements, open acknowledgment of the problem, creation of teams works, development of self-discipline, provision of constant feedback to employees and promotion of employee development. Due to its reported benefits, Kaizen philosophy was

applied by a large number of entrepreneur managers; however, despite its popularity, Kaizen implementations in companies had little success [5]. For example, in a survey with U.S. manufacturers, Rink [6] reported that 90 % of the 3,000 industrial organizations implementing continuous improvement projects, but only 10 % felt they were achieving the desired results. The present paper approaches a field to which the interest of practitioners has increased constantly since it appeared. Created based on the evolution of the quality concept and in the favourable context of the appearance and development of organizational culture, national culture and intercultural management concepts, Kaizen management is considered to be the most performing management system in the world. Same can be said about the Toyota Production System that has been lauded as the pinnacle of flexible, just-in-time manufacturing and design and the founder of “lean work” systems, which claim to improve product quality and employee productivity. Japanese production management became a dominant influence in the field of

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 13 – 18, (2015) M.A. Titu, …: CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT….


operations management when knowledge of its main elements became known worldwide. Those elements – quick set-up, small lots, cells, KANBAN, and so on – are well known. Lean techniques are widely used throughout the manufacturing industry to provide just in time delivery of product and ultimately to create value for the consumer using the least resources. These techniques have particular relevance to the current learning organizations that are oriented towards quality [7]. The importance of the research theme relies on the fact that in order to survive in a more and more competitive world, companies must adopt an approach of continuous improvement without resisting changes. The main objective of this paper is to emphasize the benefits and the problems faced while implementing Kaizen management. 2. METHODS, PRACTICES AND TECHNIQUES OF KAIZEN MANAGEMENT Made out of two characters: KAI ('change', 'continuous', 'ocean') and ZEN ('good', 'improvement', 'wisdom', 'harmony') Kaizen means continuous improvement. Although it is known more as a management system, the Kaizen concept represents a philosophy in itself, a lifestyle, a state of mind and an attitude model because of the principles it is built on and the values it promotes.

What recommends the Kaizen concept as a life philosophy and management system is its general purpose to bring improvements in all aspects of life, starting with the personal level (Kaizen Individual), continuing with the group

level (Kaizen focusing on Groups) and (Kaizen Management) and finishing with the social level and the natural environment (Kaizen Social®). The general scope of the Kaizen management is aimed at two directions: keeping processes and products and services quality and their continuous improvement. Keeping refers to the activities that are in accordance with the technological, managerial and functioning standards, as well as complying with them through training and discipline. Improvement refers to optimizing standards in order to eliminate losses of any kind [8]. As opposed to the European and American management styles, focused on innovation through significant costs, Kaizen management promotes the continuous improvement in ‘small steps’, day after day, with minimal investments, the entire activity being done by active participation of all employees in the improvement process. According to Professor’s Masaaki Imai plastic formulation ‘one step forward made by o hundred people is more valuable than a hundred steps made forward by their leader’ [9]. Based on a solid structure, with very clear principles, the Kaizen management system represents the perfect balance between adaptability, continuous improvement through change and reliability. Kaizen covers most of the Japanese practices that have acquired fame all over the world. The scope of these techniques, practices and methods (Table 1) is to improve the work environment, productivity and the total quality of products and services but also the people and the work relationships.

Table 1. Techniques and practices used in implementing the management system

Techniques for making the production processes more efficient

Techniques for organizing the work space and reducing losses or defects

Tools for identifying the problem causes and their analysis

Employee motivation methods

CWQM (TQM) – Total Quality Management

The 3M Analysis 5 “Why?” Teian - the suggestion system

TFM – Total Flow Management

Eliminating the 7 classes of muda

4W1H Method

TPM- Total Productive Maintenance

The 3K The 7 classical tools

VSM – Value Stream Mapping

The 5S method The 7 modern tools

TSM – Total Service Management

Visual management

Kanban Poka-Yoke

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Regarding the techniques for making the production processes more efficient, CWQM (TQM) – Total Quality Management keeps under control quality starting with identifying the quality demands of consumers and ends only after the product has reached the consumer and the he is satisfied; TFM – Total Flow Management visualizes, measures and analyses the performance of the material flow of a process; TPM- Total Productive Maintenance maximizes the efficiency of the equipment during its entire working life; VSM – Value Stream Mapping reduces losses with production and diminishes the price asked by the buyer and TSM – Total Service Management fallows client satisfaction by continuously improving the employees. Regarding the techniques for organizing the work space and reducing losses or defects, the 3M refers to eliminating loss, irregularity, stress (muda, mura, muri). Eliminating the 7 classes of muda (losses) refers to over-production, stock, defects, wasted movement, processing, waiting and transport; The 3K refers to eliminating kiken (dangerous), kitanai (dirty) and kitsui (stressful); The 5S method represent a method of maintaining and improving the work place in 5 steps: seiri (sorting), seiton (systematization), seiso (glow), seiketsu (standardization) and shitsuke (support);Visual management is a rapid method to supply clear and clear information to all employees, at the same time, through a simple visualization; it also helps at identifying abnormalities through graphs, photos and drawings, maintenance plans, performance indicators, panels, markings, indicators, intermittent lights etc.; Kanban in a nutshell refers to a label attached to a product lot or pieces from the production line with delivery instructions in requested quantities, at the requested term and with the adequate resources; Poka-Yoke goal is to eliminate defects at manual operations by using the configuration rules and the simple surveillance equipment of the error sources. 3. KAIZEN BENEFITS Improvement begins with the belief that every organization has opportunities for change and improvement. The traditional wisdom holds that “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, the Kaizen philosophy takes the view that every process can be improved and therefore even if you think “It isn’t broke, fix it anyway.”

Because Kaizen is more a philosophy than a specific tool, its approach is found in many different process improvement methods. Under Kaizen, all employees are responsible for identifying the gaps and inefficiencies and everyone, at every level in the organization, suggests where improvement can take place and because all the people are implied when it comes to Kaizen management benefits can be viewed as long term improvements. Among the main benefits of implementing a Kaizen management are: immediate results, waste reduction, improvement in all areas, decreasing the general production and services costs, reducing the productive threshold, sustainable improvement of quality, of the delivery deadlines and of the working conditions, motivation and involvement of employees in the continuous improvement of the company’s performance, ensuring discipline and standardization. Kaizen does not focus on large and intensive capital improvements but it concentrates on investments which can continually solve problems creatively. Large, capital projects and major changes will still be needed, and Kaizen will also improve the capital projects process, but the real power of Kaizen is in the on-going process of continually making small improvements that improve processes and reduce waste. Also, an important aspect of Kaizen management refers to waste reduction in areas such as inventory, waiting times, transportation, worker motion, employee skills, over production, excess quality and in processes. When it comes to Kaizen benefits we have to mention improvements in space utilization, product quality, use of capital, communications, production capacity and employee retention. These continuous small improvements add up to major benefits. They result in improved productivity, improved quality, better safety, faster delivery, lower costs, and greater customer satisfaction. On top of these benefits to the company, employees working in Kaizen-based companies generally find work to be easier and more enjoyable. An example of an organization that consistently makes the highest-quality cars with the fewest defects of any competing manufacturer, while using fewer man-hours, less on-hand inventory, and half the floor space of its competitors is Toyota and all is due to Kaizen and zero defects management. At Toyota, every business processes is improved by eliminating wasted time and resources, building quality into

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workplace systems, finding low-cost but reliable alternatives to expensive new technology, producing in small quantities, and turning every employee into a quality control inspector. 4. PROBLEMS OF KAIZEN

IMPLEMENTATION According to the above paragraphs, it is clear that despite the benefits of Kaizen benefits not all the companies succeed and many of them are facing problems. Among the main critical problems in Kaizen implementation are: the absence of a real culture, general resistance to change, lack of momentum, no sense of ownership, short term visions, failure to identify problems, lack of resources,. Because Kaizen is seen just as another process, there is no action aimed at changing employee’s behaviours or value system and even worse: actions and behaviours inconsistent with the Kaizen culture are not argued back. There is no clear desired state and there is no noble cause behind the Kaizen initiative. Existing and prevalent culture and processes will also prevent Kaizen, especially if there is a culture of ‘you cannot touch that’, ‘this is the way we’ve always done it’, or ‘this is not my/your duty’. People are told to improve, but then there is not enough communication, no visibility, no energy, no metrics, no process, no training, and no support and the most important, there is no clear follow-up. Another issue is that not everyone is involved in the Kaizen initiative and that way people will feel that Kaizen is just another burden thrown at them. People won’t be able to talk back to managers, make decisions, or, metaphorically speaking, stop the line. Sometimes, a symptom of no real ownership and empowerment can be identified when ‘Kaizen circles’ or ‘Kaizen squads’ are created at management levels instead of enrolling everyone into the Kaizen initiative. In some cases Kaizen is not a real priority. Some companies suffers from short-sighted vision, so financial goals and project delivery dates are considered more important than Kaizen initiatives or, in other cases, Kaizen is seen as a short-term project with an end date. When it comes to identify root causes, some companies, apply shortcuts and workarounds, but are unable to reveal the real problem causes that are hidden and in some case remained never solved. As the original causes are not solved,

sometimes the same cause can span different problems in an unpredictable way. Implementing Kaizen management can be a problem forms the point of view of the resources because managers don’t have enough time nor skills to approach Kaizen in a productive way so they will not analyze, reflect and plan for improvement in a productive way. There are solutions to overcome each obstacle presented before. For most of them, change is the best engine. However, we are talking more about a change in the paradigms of thinking and less of one that annuls the individual identity and suppresses the potential of the human capital. The occurrence and development of uncertainty, of risk and obstacles previously mentioned [10] only appear when the potential of change of bringing improvements in the total quality is not fully understood and exploited. Without a long term consistent investment in the human capital and without the development of an environment in which employees are trained, respected, appreciated for what they are and what they can offer, encouraged to bring their input, ensured that this will not have a negative impact on their position in the company and rewarded based on the results they bring, the operational and financial performances aimed at by applying the Kaizen management cannot be reached [11]. This happens because the employee does not believe in a system which, although seems to be built for him, in fact, follows its own purpose [12]. And he believes even less in a system delivered as an obligation and less as a group of improvement solutions of his and the company’s situation. Therefore, he will act accordingly. When the Kaizen management system is applied without being fully understood, clearly conveyed and supported accordingly, the results obtained are for weaker compared to the expected ones. Therefore, again, one turns to the mentality “this will work just as fine” and the mistrust in the Kaizen management system thus confirming the initial misconceptions. However, there are organizations in which Kaizen, the heart of lean manufacturing also known as the Toyota Production System, represents the way that the things are done. An example is Takata Romania, a company that develops seat belts for automobiles, airbags, child restraint systems and additional safety products. To prevent the rise in the number of accidents accompanying the progress of motorization, Takata has worked to achieve its

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dream of “a society with zero fatalities from traffic accidents” by improving automotive safety systems using a Kaizen Management. 5. CONCLUSIONS Changing processes and redesigning work are just part of the Kaizen management. The real essence of Kaizen lies in its ability to change cultures and attitudes. Changing the way that the things are done is one of the biggest challenges because breaking old habits implies to forget the old concept and to find more creative ways of doing things. This is the essence of change. Even if is well known the human tendency to resist change those who are implied in Kaizen management must accept the fact that change represent the way things are going to be done in order to improve. As a consequence, the first recommendation to increase the speed of change of the personnel’s mentality, to reduce the change resistance and to use accordingly the cultural diversity is organizing seminars and courses destined to instruct top management and mid management. This stage is indispensable for building the competences and credibility of management in order to send accordingly the vision of the Kaizen management to the company’s employees but also to acquire the ability to make the necessary adaptations. It is vital for management to be able to manage both employees and the activities supported by the employees. And even more, to convey the behavioural models expected from the employees. When management expects commitment, results, adherence to the organizational culture values and the newly implemented management system without giving a personal example of supporting the

desired model, employees’ attitude is in accordance with the delivered behaviour. The second recommendation regards the improvement of communication and facilitating the know-how transfer within the organization. The best way of keeping the experience and know-how gathered by the company, as well as to communicate internally between the departments and externally with third parties in an efficient manner is by drawing up standards regarding the manner in which employees work, accompanied by their implementation, compliance and improvement. Regarding implementation and functionality of the Kaizen management, we have to point out that everything starts in the mentality. As long the interest, openness and the cultural diversity is seen as an advantage, through proper training, practice and personal example, the necessary expertise for implementing and supporting the system in any company and in any field can be learned. Kaizen means innovative evolution under a frame solid enough to face changes but at the same time, flexible enough to adapt rapidly thus obtaining competitive advantage. In the Kaizen Management customer, company, employees, the natural environment and society are equally important. That is way Kaizen Management offers a managerial model in which internal demands (of the company, employees and management) and external (of customers, suppliers, partners, etc.) are met by means of the techniques and practices used, supported by employees from all levels. Kaizen management system follows the constant improvement of the organization, starting with the staff, continuing with the processes and closing with the products and post-sales services.

6. REFERENCES [1] Imai, M.: KAIZEN: the key to Japan’s

competitive success, Editorial CECSA, Mexico. In Spanish, 1996.

[2] Nemoto, M.: Total quality control for management. Strategies and techniques from Toyota and Toyoda Gosei, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.

[3] Cheser, R.: The effect of Japanese KAIZEN on employee motivation in US manufacturing, Int J Org Anal 6(3):197–217, 1998.

[4] Aoki, K.: Transferring Japanese KAIZEN activities to overseas plants in China, Int J Oper Prod Manag 28(6):518–539, 2008.

[5] Tanner, C.; Roncarti, J.: KAIZEN leads to breakthroughs in responsiveness and the Shingo prize at Critikon, Natl Prod Rev 13(4):517–531, 1994.

[6] Rink, J.: Lean can save American manufacturing. Reliable plant. http://www.reliableplant.com/Read/330/lean-manufacturing-save. Accessed at 14 April 2014.

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[7] Tîtu, M.; Oprean, C.; Boroiu, Al.: Cercetarea experimentala aplicată in cresterea calităt ii produselor si serviciilor, Editura AGIR, ISBN 978-973-720-362-5, Bucuresti, 2011.

[8] Imai, M.: Gemba KAIZEN – o abordare practică, cu costuri reduse, a managementului, FINMEDIA, Publishing House, 3rd Edition, 2006.

[9] Imai, M.: KAIZEN, the Key to Japan’s Competitive Success, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1986.

[10] Oprean, C.; Tîtu, M.; Bucur, V.: Managementul global al organizaţiei bazată pe cunoştinţe, Editura AGIR, 2011.

[11] Oprean, C.; Ţîţu, M.: Managementul calităţii în economia şi organizaţia bazate pe cunoştinţe, Editura AGIR, ISBN 978-973-720-167-6, Bucureşti, 2008.

[12] Tîtu, M.: Managementul calităţii în organizaţiile industriale moderne, Doctorat Thesis, Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu, 2007.

Coresponding author: Tîtu Mihail Aurel Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu Sibiu, Romania e-mail: [email protected]

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Aneta Kucińska-Landwójtowicz Opole University of Technology, Opole, Poland Keywords: continuous improvement, Kaizen, suggestion system, critical success factors Paper received: 25.04.2015 Paper accepted: 17.05.2015.

Conference paper SUMMARY The article concerns the application of the continuous improvement concept and its evolution taking place in a manufacturing company from its implementation to the achievement of the maturity phase. It presents a theoretical analysis of the continuous improvement concept from the Deming’s definition to modern interpretations. Next, the results of research on the identification and analysis of the factors determining the realization of this concept are discussed in a company producing electronic components and the results of its application on the three levels of the organization are presented, such as: management, team and individual.

1. INTRODUCTION Companies operating in the market today have to meet very high demands posed by the modern economy. Among many organization's improvement possibilities there is one, which has derived from Japanese companies, which brings them great success, it is the concept of Kaizen. Currently, it has become the basis for good management practices; it combines philosophy with troubleshooting systems and tools aimed at continuous improvement of external and internal customer-oriented activities. Japanese approach to Kaizen is based on the work, experience and approach of Imai, who described its role and place in the company's management and created the basis of this concept, meaning continuous improvement for both the management members and all employees of all levels [6]. However, at this point one should also pay attention to the concept of continuous improvement (CI), which, according to the analysis carried out by the author regarding the concept development, is usually considered as a synonym of Kaizen [4, 3]. It is defined as: continuous and infinite improvement of production processes and services that causes the improvement of the quality, productivity and reduces costs, or: the process implemented throughout the company, focused on continuous incremental innovations, or: planned, organized and systematic process of permanent, incremental and company-wide changes of existing practices, aimed at improving the company's activities [8,

9]. Continuous improvement is also related to quality management and is understood as a project undertaken in order to obtain additional benefits both for the organization as well as for its customers, which may concern both actions and products [5]. The purpose of this article is to present the concept development of the continuous improvement in the exemplary manufacturing company and an indication of the key success factors for its implementation and operation. In the conducted analyses, quantitative (performance measurement) as well as qualitative research (direct observation, document analysis, partly structured interview) has been used. 2. APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT


Research concerning the determinants of development of the continuous improvement concept was carried out in a company producing electronic devices. For many years, the company's strategical priorities have been the quality and efficiency, vital in building of the competitive advantage. In 2008, the company's management decided a formal introduction of the principle of continuous improvement to the set of organization's priority strategic objectives, making it a management concept. It began with launching of the improvement activities program

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at the team and management level. A year later, changes in the organizational structure were introduced and an independent new organizational unit was appointed, whose task was to manage the company’s operational activities in the process improvement. In the company's organizational structure, it took an autonomous position in relation to the operation activity area, reporting directly to top management. It means a possibility of a self-activity, taking into account the objectivity and independence of the assessment of individual processes. It also allows the realisation of the objectives, which were assumed by the company in terms of continuous improvement, regardless of the current situation and possible obstacles appearing in the daily operations of the production system. It should be noted, however, that the goals of the continuous improvement section and operational objectives are consistent. The development of the scope of the company’s continuous improvement is included in three stages, in which changes in the company in the area of improvement, measurement and management have been indicated. The first stage of the concept implementation, took place in the years 2009-2011, it included activities related to the preparation for the implementation of the principles of continuous improvement, the introduction of the first formal decisions and procedures for activating the program, initiation of rationalisation teams' work and the suggestion system and then the appointment of an organizational unit responsible for the program implementation. Measurements concerned the results obtained by the processes for the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) coefficient, they concerned costs of internal faults and results directly related to the program, which is the number of reported and accomplished suggestions. In the area of business' management principles, the changes concerned the introduction of the leadership, based on the culture and management principles arising from the concept of the continuous improvement. The second stage in the concept development is a continuation of activities within the work of the teams of the continuous improvement and the suggestion system as well as the introduction of a new approach to process rationalization, based on methods related to the accomplishment of the Lean Manufacturing concept, i.e. 5S, TPM (Total Productivity Maintenance), waste reduction, the organization of the production pull-system flow, added- value analysis. That

was due to the launch of the accomplishment of the perfecting projects. In the area of the management, a large emphasis was laid on the development of the employee's own responsibility and the continuous learning throughout upskilling and mentoring, what means discovering and developing the potential of the staff employed in the company. In the third stage of the concept development of the continuous improvement in the company, some new activities in the area of perfecting appeared, these were the Lean activities which were also launched in the areas of administration and development. Additionally, projects were launched in accordance with the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) approach, which is the optimization of processes using statistical analysis. In the management area a new approach was undertaken, it is called the Lesson Learned Approach, therefore accepting the principles of the self-learning organization. In the measurements emphasis was put on the measurable objectives and analysis of the obtained results. 2.1. CI at the management level In the management basing on the concept of the continuous improvement, the action basis is deemed to fulfil two functions: maintenance and standards improvement [6]. According to this approach, one may not make any amendments without pre-determined standards; therefore standardization is one of the natural elements of the concept. In the company, in which the research was conducted, the standardization has been ensured through the use of tools such as manuals and procedures, describing the way of acting in the processes and workplaces. To a large extent, this has been helped by the quality management system, existing in the company, in accordance with ISO 9001: 2008, which became the basis of obliging and structured solutions in workflow and processes. The accomplishment of the principles of the continuous improvement is also associated with the interdepartmental management; it means to coordinate activities in the accomplishment of the interdepartmental goals and objectives at the level of processes. Thanks to the flat organizational structure it is coordinated by the company's chief operating officer, assisted by the section of the continuous improvement. For the top management two categories are important: relating to factors such as: profit,

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market share or production volume and relating to the improvements, various company's systems and interdepartmental-actions. In the company, not only targets are determined but also ways of achieving them. Both the objectives delegation and the interdepartmental management, PDCA cycle applies. The interdepartmental objectives are defined before the departments' ones. The annual targets for the profit rate and CI are determined on the basis of long and medium-term company's goals. In formulating the objectives, one takes into account the results of the last year and the assessment methods for their rationalization. After determining the annual goals by the management, they are delegated to lower levels. In order to accomplish the company's policy, managers of lower levels must start acting. The lower the level, the strategy becomes more precise, till the detailed measureable targets. Delegating objectives requires interpreting strategies according to own responsibilities and procedures. 2.2. Continuous team -oriented improvement In the analyzed company, actions at the team level are stable, reproducible activities are represented by CIP teams (Continuous Improvement Project), which are the equivalent to the Japanese so-called quality circles and so called Kaizen teams invoked to solve the problems reported to date. During their work teams use old and new tools of the quality management and in order to design the process flow the SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers) technique is used. The company applies a temporary workers’ release from their daily responsibilities and redirects them to the group participating in the improvement workshops. The number of people participating in the meeting depends on the scale of the problem and ranges from 6 to 12 participants, among whom a team leader is appointed, as well as a moderator, so called sponsor (the owner of the process whom the problem concerns), and possibly also an expert mastering extensive knowledge on the subject. The average duration of such an improvement workshop is about two working days. Undoubtedly, the success of the Kaizen’ teams' work depends on the proper definition of their tasks and goals, on the possibilities of cooperation with a thoroughly selected expert and the attitudes and actions of the team’s leader (actions’ coordinator). A large impact on the effect of their work has also the meetings

organization and directing of its course. Therefore, the company has adequate tools, allowing a perfect preparation of the workshop, such as: ‘a check list’ designed to check the status of preparations and the agenda containing the initial objectives of the project, e.g. a tools selection to solve the problem, a set of data necessary for analysis, or a possible proposal to the expert. Each project, which is accomplished through the workshop, requires a description of the current situation and the problem as well as the identification of goals that the team intends to achieve. At this stage, an estimation of financial and non-financial effects takes place that the goal accomplishment may bring. Conducting workshops ends with the elaboration of proposals to solve the problem, defining the project range and the date of its completion. A coefficient to measure the realised goal is determined. The practice of the workshop conducting, which are attended by Kaizen teams, thanks to their organization's refined procedures and their conduct has become one of the most important techniques for collective problem solving. Each year the number of such meetings increases (from 2 meetings in 2011 to 17 in 2014), what proves a high effectiveness of this action form. Due to such action, determination and realization of the goals increases team's integration, its members share and coordinate tasks more efficiently, the vertical and horizontal communication is rationalised additionally employees' morale goes up. Except that, the employees, through participation in workshops and continuous improvement projects, broaden the range of their skills and knowledge.

2.3. Continuous improvement at the level of an individual employee Kaizen oriented on a unit appears as a form of a suggestion system, which enables the possibility of rationalisation of the operations performed by a single person and has a positive effect on the level of their work commitment. The management does not expect immediate economic effects but also pays attention to the employees' morale. The suggestion system, however, must be properly organized. In the analyzed company it was divided into two parts: individual suggestions and group recommendations. The suggestion system enables the opportunity of a direct conversation between the employee and their superiors, improves bilateral communication and

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gives employees the opportunity to help employees in problem solving. The number of the suggestions reported by employees is considered to be an important criterion for assessing the work quality of direct supervisors. Senior supervisors should support the staff directly supervising employees, so that they may support them creating more suggestions. The aim is to allow the presentation of a large number of suggestions, and

information about that number is placed in an assigned, clearly visible spot of the production facility, in order to encourage employees' to compete (both between employees and between the teams). Standard invented by the employee themself is also for them easier to accept. Operation of the company's suggestion system is considered to be effective, as evidenced by the results listed in Table 1.

Table 1. The results of the suggestion system

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Number of completed applications 24 153 393 641 1195 1254 Number of applied proposals 307 284 402 1335 1645 1626 Percentage of completed applications 8% 54% 98% 48% 73% 77%

Source: self elaboration

With the increase of the number of reported and accepted applications suitable for the accomplishment, an analysis of the average time to achieve them was ignited. In the period from January to September 2014 it turned out to be 30 days, which means the need of the analysis of the reasons of such a situation and an introduction of actions enabling a quicker response from the staff responsible for implementing the changes. 3. KEY SUCCESS FACTORS OF THE CI

CONCEPT The conducted analysis allowed to confirm the efficacy of the continuous improvement program accomplished in the company as well as to identify the key factors for the program success. They were determined on the basis of nine areas, in area of which the requirements of the CI concept are accomplished (table 2). In the area of the program standardization, the factors which successfully stimulate its accomplishment are: the introduction of a formal program for the company (in the form of existing procedures), the determination of a specific structure of its operation and the elaboration of the implementation of the actions development plan and the improvement projects. The activities continuity and the time control of their execution are ensured by the constant and consistent accomplishment of specific goals and the monitoring of its progress in action. In order to ensure the widest possible range of perfecting activities, the procedures comprise the entire company and the system approach is applied. Another area is the training, which in the company is carried out primarily with courses

prior to the accomplishment of Kaizen workshops, as well as the workers' assignment to external training. The company's management considers the continuous improvement, as an indispensable management tool and puts great emphasis on building an organizational culture based on the principles of CI. Other key success factors in the accomplishment of the concept are: actions of the organizational section responsible for the CI (coordination of the program), methods and tools which were applied (Kaizen tools and the quality management tools), the definition of measurable objectives and the results monitoring (performance measurement) as well as the use of some communication forms: information boards, staff' meetings (results communication). 4. SUMMARY As the presented research analysis concerning the application of the continuous improvement concept reveals, in order to be successful in this area, it is necessary to engage the top management, the program acceptance of all employees and to overcome resistance to changes. It is important to ensure appropriate conditions for its development, both in the social and the technical area. Therefore, it is necessary to build a work culture and an organizational system allowing the introduction of the substantive and technical improvement actions in terms of the accomplished processes. The identified key success factors should be considered by companies that are interested in the continuous improvement, as particularly important conditions for the concept

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development in its practical application. The results obtained in the analysis in polish enterprise, confirm the conclusions resulting

from the research in different countries carried out by Aoki, Al Smadi and Marksberry with the team [1, 2, 7].

Table 2. Key success factors of the CI concept

Area / requirements Key success factors Program formalization and the determination of the action structure.

The formal program of continuous improvement. The formal structure of the action. A specific action plan for the development and improvement projects.

Determination of the continuity principles and control of their turnaround times.

Stable continuous improvement program based on the accomplishment of clearly defined development objectives. Monitoring of the objectives accomplishment. Analysis of the execution time.

The distribution and the activity range.

To reach all levels of the organization with the upswing procedures. System approach.

Training. Special training in the area of: - methods and tools to analyze and solve problems, - the principles of teamwork, - methods and techniques for process perfecting.

Management commitment. Providing required resources. Integration of CI with the strategic objectives. Setting up of the policy, system and procedures of actions. Building a culture of the continuous improvement.

Coordination of the program. An appointment of the internal coordinators to support the CI activities, facilitating the access to resources and to the methodological advisory for the improvement teams’ members and other employees.

Methods and tools. The application of scientific methods and tools to identify problems and to analyze their reasons and to accomplish the projects included in the elaborated improvement plans.

Results measurement. Defining of measurable goals. Monitoring results in the area of specific parameters.

Communication of the results, a form of motivation.

Application of selected communication forms: information boards, staff meetings. Identification and the application of the incentive system (recognition and encouragement).

Source: self elaboration 5. REFERENCES [1] Al Smadi S.: Kaizen strategy and the drive

for competitiveness: challenges and opportunities, Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, ISSN 1059-5422, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2009, pp. 203-211.

[2] Aoki K.: Transferring Japanese kaizen activities to overseas plants in China, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, ISSN 0144-3577, Vol. 28, No. 6, 2008, pp. 518-539.

[3] Bhuiyan N.; Baghel A.: An overview of continuous improvement: from the past to

the present, Management Decision, ISSN 0025-1747, Vol. 43, No. 5, 2005, pp. 761-771.

[4] Caffyn S.: Development of a continuous improvement self - assessment tools, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, ISSN 0144-3577, Vol. 19, No. 11, 1999, pp. 1138-53.

[5] Hamrol A.: Zarządzanie jakością z przykładami. PWN, Warszawa, 2005.

[6] Imai M.: Kaizen. Klucz do konkurencyjnego sukcesu Japonii, MT Biznes, Warszawa, 2007.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 19 – 24, (2015) A.K. Landwojtowicz, …: DETERMINANTS OF THE CONCEPT….


[7] Marksberry P.; Badurdeen F.; Gregory B.; Kreafle K.: Management directed kaizen: Toyota’s Jishuken process for management development, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, ISSN 1741-038X, Vol. 21, No. 6, 2010, pp. 670-686.

[8] Sanchez L.; Blanco B.: Three decades of continuous improvement Three decades of continuous improvement, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, ISSN 1478-3371, Vol. 25, No. 9, 2014, 986–1001.

[9] Sua´rez-Barraza M. F.; Ramis-Pujol J., Kerbache L.: Thoughts on kaizen and its evolution Three different perspectives and guiding principles, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, ISSN 2040-4166, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2011, pp. 288-308.

Coresponding author: Aneta Kucińska-Landwójtowicz Opole University of Technology Opole, Poland e-mail: [email protected]

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 25 – 31, (2015) W.Bialy, …: IMPROVEMENT OF QUALITY….



Witold Bialy1, Ewa Wanda Maruszewska2 1Silesian University of Technology, Zabrze, Poland 2University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice, Poland Keywords: quality management system, audits, complaints, corrective and preventive actions Paper received: 09.04.2015 Paper accepted: 20.05.2015.

Conference paper SUMMARY Continuous monitoring and improvement of quality management system is a must for a modern company to operate smoothly. Properly conducted audits and application of preventive correction actions are important elements of the system as well. The paper presents the results of research conducted in a large metal industry company with a tradition exceeding one hundred years. The main focus was placed on internal audits and on handling with customer complaints. Corrective and preventive actions were presented in order to eliminate the causes of existing and potential nonconformities within the existing quality management system.

1. INTRODUCTION Quality management system (QMS) improvement is a basis for the efficient work of a contemporary enterprise. However, quality is frequently perceived in a fragmentary way, without taking into consideration the complexity of the problem and mutual influences of its particular aspects [2]. For this reason, the improvement of quality management systems is gaining more and more importance in management, as it shapes the image of an enterprise. To be fully used, a quality management system requires the results of audits to be analysed on a regular basis and corrective and preventive actions to be undertaken [4]. Another important issue is creating an improved system on the basis of the already made changes [1, 3, 5]. Therefore, examining the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2008 standard [6], which has been used in a big company operating for nearly 20 years provides a possibility to thoroughly explore the system and to assess it in an objective way. As a result of conducted studies (analyses) on the current condition of QMS, directions for further actions aimed at improving the existing system have been specified.

The mission of the enterprise having a more than one-hundred year’s tradition is manufacture of highest quality products, the safety of employees as well as respect for natural environment. The company’s vision is to operate as a quality leader, strengthen its competitive position owing to the quality of manufactured products as well as the observance of law regulations and achieving the best possible economic results.

2. RESEARCH RESULTS A quality management system based on ISO 900 series standard imposes an obligation to conduct audits, which are indispensable instruments for these systems’ improvement. According to PN-EN ISO 9001:2008 standard (paragraph 8.2.2) “An organisation should conduct internal audits at planned time intervals, in order to determine whether the quality management system: a. complies with the planned arrangements …,

with the requirements of this International Standard as well as the quality management system requirements established by the organisation,

b. is effectively implemented and maintained” [7].

An organisation should conduct internal audits and establish an obligatory auditing procedure –

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„a documented procedure has to be established in order to define responsibility and requirements related to the planning and conductance of audits, record keeping and presenting of records”[7]. Conclusions from audits (conformity or nonconformity) provide input data for reviewing the management system and should constitute an element of improvement of the quality management system effectiveness (paragraph 9.5.1 of PN-EN ISO 9001:2008 standard). The quality management system in the enterprise in question was implemented in 1966 and certified by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance.

The conducted analysis of the quality management system covered the years 2012 and 2013. 2.1. Internal audits analysis In the years 2012 and 2013 a total of 25 internal audits were conducted, 12 of which were carried out in 2012 and 13 in 2013. As a result of audits conducted in 2012, sixty eight nonconformities were found, most of which concerned the documentation [6]. The number of remarks by category has been presented in a graph (Fig. 1). In the year 2013 there were 82 nonconformities related to various categories (Fig. 2).

Figure 1. Internal audit results in the year 2012

Figure 2. Internal audit results in the year 2013

The role of internal audits was to evaluate the usefulness of the changes introduced in the process of QMS restructuring. A total of 25 remarks were formulated in connection with the conducted restructuring.

The remarks related to the production process included the following: • failure to observe guidelines concerning the

storage of products withheld due to improper quality,

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• missing updated records in machine maintenance books,

• inconsistencies between the records and documentation related to the labelling of products which do not fulfil the requirements.

The most important conclusions resulting from the conducted audits are as follows: • documentations needs to be periodically

reviewed in detail, • supervision over the fulfilment of

requirements contained in the procedures should be increased,

• station documentation has to be updated, • supervision over the completeness of

documents needs to be exercised. 2.2. Analysis of corrective and preventive actions The role of corrective and preventive actions is to ensure that activities aimed at eliminating the causes of nonconformities and potential nonconformities are undertaken. The procedure described in the standard defines the manner in which corrective and preventive actions should be undertaken. Each employee is obliged to report any discovered inconsistencies, which pose a potential threat to quality. After the implementation of corrective measures, preventive actions should be initiated in order to

prevent a particular nonconformity in the future. The sources of information on nonconformities are: • results of the conducted internal and external

audits, • inspection results, • complaints and conclusions of customers, • employees’ conclusions. Corrective actions (their number) that were conducted in the year 2013 in particular units of the plant have been presented in Fig. 3. There is no need to explain how important are properly conducted internal audits in a plant. Also customers’ complaints are a source of corrective measures. The chart (Fig. 4) presents internal audits against the background of other forms of control, including complaints. The chart (Fig. 4) presents that out of 113 sources of corrective measures, 76 are actions resulting from internal audits and complaints, which accounts for as much as 67%. 2.3. Complaints The analysis of complaints (percentage) shows that they concern mainly foreign customers (Fig. 5).

Figure 3. Number of corrective actions in plant units, where: 1 –pipe and rod production department, 2 – laboratory, 3 –tape and rollers production department,

4 – automatic control engineering department, 5 – strategic raw materials purchase department, 6 – foundry department, 7 – maintenance department, 8 – finished products warehouse, 9 – technical office,

10 – sales department, 11 – purchasing department, 12 – management office, 13 – QMS plenipotentiary 14 – IT department

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Figure 4. Sources of corrective actions

Figure 5. Product complaints in the year 2013

The situation regarding complaints in previous years was similar: the year 2012 – 68% of foreign complaints, 2012 – 71% of foreign complaints. A comparison of the complaints allows concluding that they are similar – they are mainly connected with two departments of the plant and concern identical defects – shape and size. The chart (Fig. 6) shows complaints by quantity in the years 2011-2013.

Each complaint reported by a customer is thoroughly analysed. Moreover, corrective actions adjusted to each incident are instantly undertaken so as to avoid a similar situation in the future. Despite implementing the corrective measures the defects keep occurring. However, they do not influence the image of the plant, as the number of orders for products increases year by year.

Figure 6. The number of complaints filed in the years 2010-2013

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2.4. Customer satisfaction survey In every organisation customer satisfaction is an indicator of the organisation’s functioning on the market. This is also the case in the discussed enterprise. For this reason, it is subject to continuous monitoring in the following areas: • company’s image in the eyes of customers,

trust for the company, • opinion on the products – assortment,

prices, terms, logistics, • quality of products and services offered, • analysing the number of customers who use

the company’s services for the second and subsequent time,

• direct conversations with customers, employees, interested parties,

• analysis of reported complaints,

• customer surveys, • external audits evaluations. Information obtained this way serves further improvement of the manufactured products. The analysis of research results shows that more than 90% of customers are satisfied with co-operation. The evaluation of the analysed enterprise’s co-operation with other enterprises providing the same kind of products indicates that as many as 71% of them assess it as good and very good, 22% of respondents evaluated the enterprise as an average one, while 7% were not satisfied with co-operation (Fig. 7).

Figure 7. Evaluation of the examined enterprise’s co-operation with customers

3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM – BENEFITS „An organisation should constantly improve the effectiveness of its quality management system by using a quality policy, audit results, data analysis, corrective and preventive measures as well as management reviews” ((PN-EN ISO 9001:2008 standard, paragraph 8.5.1). An efficient quality management system allows a QMS plenipotentiary to control organisational mechanisms and analyse management system benefits. Continuous improvement offers benefits also to customers, as they can be sure that: • they are provided with a product which is

high quality, fulfils their declared needs and is manufactured by a reliable enterprise,

• the product is manufactured in a way that prevents a negative influence of the production process on people and environment,

• the product is manufactured in conditions which do not pose a threat to employees’ lives,

• the production process is compliant with the legislation in force,

• the amount of waste and consumption of raw materials are reduced,

• the product is manufactured in time, • documentation is kept in a proper way, • corrective and preventive measures are

applied. Continuous improvement of the enterprise’s quality management system has considerably reduced the number of nonconforming products (complaints), which has a considerable impact on the costs as well as the efficiency of the company’s functioning. The enterprise is an important partner for many recipients and keeps acquiring new customers. This is related not only to the high quality of products offered, but also the efficient organisational activities.

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6. REFERENCES [1] Hąbek P.: Jak osiągnąć trwały sukces

rynkowy? Podejście ISO 9004:2009. Instytut Organizacji i Zarządzania w Przemyśle „ORGMASZ”, Ekonomika i Organizacja Przedsiębiorstwa, nr 4. 2010, Warszawa.

[2] Kołodziej S., Goszczyńska M.: Psychologiczne uwarunkowania przedsiębiorczości młodych Polaków. Ruch Pedagogiczny, LXXVIII, 2007. s. 29-45.

[3] Midor K.: Wprowadzenie systemu zarządzania jakością zgodnego z normą ISO serii 9000:2000 – ryzyko czy szansa dla współczesnej organizacji, Międzynarodowa Konferencja: Veda a krízové situácie

MLADÁ VEDA 2008 – Žilinská univerzita 2008.

[4] Molenda M.: Effectiveness of planning internal audits of the quality system, Scientific Journals Maritime University of Szczecin, 2012, 32(104) z. 1 pp. 48-54.

[5] Zasadzień M.: Using the Pareto diagram and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) to idenify key defects in a product, Management Systems in Production Engineering. Nr 4 (16), 2014.

[6] Zyzański K.: Doskonalenie systemu zarządzania jakością na przykładzie.… (Praca niepublikowana), Katowice 2014.

[7] Norma PN-EN ISO 9001:2008. PKN, Warszawa 2009.

Coresponding author: Dr. Ewa Wanda Maruszewska University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Finance and Insurance 40-287 Katowice, ul. 1 Maja 50, Poland e-mail: [email protected]

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 31 – 38, (2015) D.Spahić: BIOMEHANIČKA ANALIZA POKRETA….





Denis Spahić University of Zenica, Bosnia &Herzegovina Ključne riječi: muskuloskeletni sistemi, inverzna dinamika, biomehanika, AnyBody Modeling, pokret čučnja Keywords: musculoskeletal systems, inverse dynamics, biomechanics, AnyBody Modeling, squat motion Paper received: 01.04.2015 Paper accepted: 04.06.2015.

Konferencijski članak REZIME U radu je dat pregled softvera Anybody Modeling System, dizajniranog za virtualno modeliranje i biomehaničke analize različitih muskuloskeletnih sistema. Na primjeru muskuloskeletnog modela ljudskog tijela, demonstrirane su mogućnosti i neke od značajki sistema . Analiziran je slučaj pri kojem model ljudskog tijela, sa i bez dodatnog opterećenja, izvodi pokret čučnja, pri čemu su dobijene individualne sile kvadriceps mišića, aktivnost mišića gornjeg dijela tijela, kao i reakcije u zglobu kuka.

Conference paper

SUMMARY This paper reviews The AnyBody Modeling System, designed for virtual modelling and biomechanical analysis of different musculoskeletal systems. On the example of human body musculoskeletal model, capabilities and several features of the AnyBody System are presented. An example of a full-body model doing a squat motion, with and without additional weight, is analysed, where individual forces in the quadriceps muscles, muscle activity of the upper body, as well as the reaction forces in the hip joint are obtained.

1. UVOD AnyBody Modeling System (AMS) predstavlja softversko rješenje dizajnirano za simulaciju mehanike višesegmentnih sistema krutih tijela, sa posebnim naglaskom na modeliranje muskuloskeletnih sistema. Softver je razvila grupa istraživača sa Aalborg univerziteta [1], što je kasnije rezultiralo formiranju spin-off kompanije – AnyBody Technology [2]. AMS je baziran na primjeni generalnog formalizma višesegmentne dinamike [3], principima inverzne dinamike [4] te optimizacijskom algoritmu aktivacije mišića [5]. Za izradu višesegmentnih dinamičkih modela AMS koristi AnyScript – deklarativni, objektno orijentisani programski jezik koji posjeduje određeni broj predefinisanih klasa na osnovu kojih korisnici kreiraju objekte. Predefinisane klase sadrže osnovne tipove podataka, numeričke i string vrijednosti, mehaničke objekte – kao što su kosti (segmenti), različite spojeve-zglobove, sile, mišiće, i drajvere-pokretače (vremenske funkcije koje određuju vrijednost različitih kinematskih mjera, a također se mogu koristiti i kao virtualni pokretači u odsustvu mišića).

1. INTRODUCTION The AnyBody Modeling System (AMS) is a software solution designed for simulating the mechanics of rigid multi-body systems – especially musculoskeletal ones. It was originally developed by a group of researchers from the Aalborg University [1], that has grown up in a spin-off company - AnyBody Technology [2]. The AMS is based on the application of general multi-body dynamics formalism [3], principles of the inverse dynamics [4] and the muscle recruitment optimization [5]. To develop multi-body dynamics models, the AMS provides a declarative, object-oriented programing language - the AnyScript [6], which has a number of predefined classes that the user can create objects from. The predefined classes comprise basic data types, such as numbers and strings, mechanical object types, such as bones (called segments), joints of various types, forces, muscles, and drivers (functions of time determining values of different kinematics measures, which can also be used as the virtual motors when there are not defined muscles).

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Jedna od ideja iza AnyScripta je da njegov tekstualno bazirani format i objektno orijentisana struktura čini jednostavnim transfer elemenata između različitih modela. To znači da se može kreirati jedna biblioteka segmenata tijela za korištenje u različitim analizama, te da se modeli mogu jednostavno razmjenjivati među korisnicima AMS-a tokom saradnje na složenim projektima. Koristeći AnyScript jezik za modeliranje, korisnik također kontroliše grafički prikaz modela koristeći posebne objekte sa mogućnostima vizualizacije (slika 1).

One of the ideas behind the AnyScript is that its text-based format and object-oriented structure makes it easy to transfer elements between different models. That means that a library of body segments could be built for the use in different analysis projects, and the models could be easily exchanged between users in collaboration on complex modelling tasks. Using the AnyScript modelling language, the user also controls the graphical appearance of the model by means of special objects with vizualization capabilities (Fig. 1).

Slika 1. Pojednostavljeni muskuloskeletni model ruke Figure 1. Simplified musculoskeletal model of an arm

Za ulazne podatke model zahtijeva podatke o kretanju segmenata, te opciono vrijednost vanjskih sila (dobijene odgovarajućim mjerenjem ili definisane u vidu objekata unutar AnyScripta), preko kojih se onda računaju unutrašnje mehaničke karakteristike modela (npr. individualne sile u mišićima, aktivnost mišića, vrijednost ukupnih sila i momenata koje djeluju u zglobovima, itd). Kretanje modela može biti definisano na različite načine: a) koristeći podatake (u formi C3D ili BVH dokumenata) iz sistema za snimanje pokreta (npr. Vicon, Xsens, Kinetic, Animazoo, itd), b) preko interfejsa između modela i okoline – gdje se modelom upravlja iz okoline (npr. veza između stopala ili ruku sa nekim pokretnim dijelovima mašine), c) manuelni unos u formi parametara koji uključuju unos anatomskih uglova zglobova, ili definisanje vremenski zavisnih pokretača koji kontrolišu neku kinematsku mjeru (npr. poziciju ili kretanje ruke, položaj centara mase, itd). Koristeći AMS moguće je modeliranje različitih muskuloskeletnih sistema, bilo da se radi o ljudskom, ili muskuloskeletnom sistemu drugih bića.

As the input data the system requires motion and optionally external forces (measured or defined as objects in the AnyScript), from which the internal mechanical properties of a multi-body system are calculated (individual muscle forces, muscle activity, net joint forces and moments, and much more). The motion could be applied in a different ways: (a) measured motion using a motion capture system (e.g. Vicon, Xsens, Kinetic, Animazoo, etc.) in a form of C3D or BVH data, (b) through the interface between a model and environment – where the model is driven by the motion from its environment (e.g. connection of the feet and hands with some parts of a machine), (c) manual input in the form of parameters which involve anatomical joint angles, or defining time-dependent drivers which control a kinematic measure (e.g. position and movements of hand, or centre of mass). The AMS allows users to model just about any musculoskeletal system, be it a human or other creatures.

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Također je moguće analizirati reakcije sistema sa objektima iz okruženja, koji mogu biti unutar modela (implanti, npr. koljena ili kuka), povezani sa modelom (egzoskelet, npr. potpora za koljeno), ili objekti sa kojima model vrši interakciju (npr. invalidska kolica, automobilsko sjedalo, pomoćni uređaji, dio opreme). S obzirom da su muskuloskeletni modeli ljudi i životinja vrlo kompleksni, njihova detaljna izrada „od nule“ predstavljala bi ogroman zadatak za većinu korisnika. Iz tog razloga AMS dolazi sa detaljnim muskoskeletnim modelom ljudskog tijela (slika 2), koji je detaljno validiran [7]. Ovaj model sadrži većinu kostiju, zglobove i mišiće ljudske fizionomije (približno 1200 mišićnih snopova). Model je dimenzionisan tako da odgovara prosječnom Europljaninu (visina 1,76m, težina 75kg), ali je također moguće izvršiti i njegovo skaliranje prema nekoliko dostupnih zakonitosti.

It is also possible and analyse reactions with them and an environment - which can be something within the model (implant, e.g. knee or hip device), attached to it (exoskeleton, e.g. knee brace) or something interacting with the model (e.g. wheelchair, automotive seat, assistive device, piece of equipment). Since musculoskeletal models of humans and animals are very complex and their accurate modelling from scratch would be an enormous task for most of users, the AMS comes with a full body model (Fig. 2), which is broadly and deeply validated [7], containing most bones, joints and muscles in the human physiognomy (roughly 1200 individual muscle fascicles). By default the body model represents the size and weight of an average European male (1.76m, 75kg), but the model can easily be scaled according to several scaling laws.

Slika 2. Detaljan model ljudskog tijela Figure 2. The full human body model

Korisnici AMS-a na raspolaganju također imaju repozitorij muskuloskeletnih modela (AMMR) implementiranih za AMS [8]. Obično se radi o modelima koji su rezultat istraživačkih projekata akademskih institucija ili su nastali u kolaboraciji akademskih institucija i kompanije Anybody Technology. Repozitorij sadrži bazne modele tijela i aplikacijske modele. Bazni modeli su generički modeli koji mogu biti upotrijebljeni u odgovarajućem kontekstu, odnosno situaciji koja se želi analizirati. Aplikacijski modeli koriste bazni model tijela, specifikuju određene parametre, te ga postavljaju u odgovarajuće okruženje/aktivnost koje se želi analizirati.

In addition, users of the AMS are also provided with the AnyBody Managed Model Repository (AMMR) [8], which is the repository of musculoskeletal models that has been implemented for the AMS. Typically the models are originally developed by research projects at academic institutions or by AnyBody Technology in collaboration with academic institutions. The repository contains body and application models. The body models are generic models which can be applied in investigation/analysis and placed in the right context-application. The application models typically include a body model, specify optional parameters for it, and insert it into the environment/activity that is wished to be analysed.

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U zavisnosti od nivoa znanja korisnika, AMS se može koristiti na nekoliko načina. Standarda procedura uključuje analizu svakodnevnih aktivnosti (npr. hodanje, trčanje, guranje/ povlačenje) u cilju dobijanja informacija o aktivnostima i silama u mišićima, reakcijama u zglobovima, kinematike segmenata modela, itd. Za napredni nivo korištenja AMS-a, korisnicima je omogućen unos specifičnih informacija vezanih za subjekt koji se želi analizirati (modeli kostiju dobiveni CT/MRI dijagnostikom, antropometrijski podaci, jačina mišića, broj mišića ili pozicija njihovih hvatišta, kinematski podaci), kao i izmjena mehaničkih i fizičkih karakteristika modela. Pored toga što nudi različite tipove izlaznih podataka, AMS omogućava i njihovo eksportovanje u druge softvere u cilju vršenja naknadnih analiza ili obrade podataka (Python, Matlab, Office aplikacije). Dostupni su interfejsi za eksport podataka prema softverima baziranim na primjeni metoda konačnih elemanata (Abaqus i Ansys). Na ovaj način mogu se aplicirati i analizirati vrlo detaljni i složeni scenariji opterećenja kostiju. Također je moguće u AMS učitati različite CAD modele izrađene u softveru SolidWorks (npr. različiti komadi namještaja, sportska oprema ili mašine) [9], povezati ih sa muskuloskeletnim modelom , te izvršiti brojne analize. Pored generalnog uvoda u AMS, cilj ovog rada je provesti nekoliko biomehaničkih analiza u svrhu procjene opterećenja u pojedinim zglobovima i mišićima muskuloskeletnog modela ljudskog tijela prilikom simulacije pokreta čučnja u varijantama sa i bez dodatnog opterećenja. 2. MODELIRANJE POKRETA ČUČNJA U svrhu izrade simulacije čučnja, korišten je muskuloskeletni model ljudskog tijela postavljen u stojeći položaj. Ovaj model dostupan je iz baze predefinisanih AMS predložaka, a karakteriše ga sljedeće: • Oba stopala modela povezana su sa

podlogom. Stopala je moguće pomjerati sa izmjenom držanja tijela, ali je njihova veza sa podlogom stalna.

• Držanje tijela kontroliše se promjenom anatomskim uglova zglobova (svih osim skočnih).

• Model automatski balansira držanje tijela podešavajući uglove skočnih zglobova, tako da težište tijela uvijek bude vertikalno iznad skočnih zglobova.

According to the users’ level, the AMS could be used in a several work flows. Standard work flow involves analyses of daily living activities (e.g. walking, lifting, pushing/pulling, etc.) in order to provide information about muscle activities and forces, joint reactions, kinematics of segments, etc. In advance work flow users may use subject specific information (models of bones from CT or MRI scans, anthropometry data, strength of muscles, numbers of muscles or the position of their attachments, motion and external force data) and modify the mechanical and physical characteristics of the body model. In addition to obtaining different sorts of output data, the AMS is also capable to export them to other software solutions for the subsequent analysis or post processing (Python, Matlab, Office applications). There are interfaces for exporting data to finite element modelling software (Abaqus and Ansys). In this way a very detailed and complex load scenarios on the bones could be applied and analysed. It is also possible to import various CAD models designed in 3D CAD design software SolidWorks (for example different pieces of furniture, sports equipment or machines) [9], put them in connection with the body model and make numerous analyses. The main objective of this paper, besides the general introduction of the AMS, is to make several biomechanical analyses in order to estimate loads in the selected human body joints as well as muscles activities and forces, which are developed during the squat of the body with/without dumbbells. 2. MODELING THE SQUAT MOTION For the purpose of the squat simulation of the body model, the standing model from the template library was used. This model has a few predefined features and some that can be modified: • The model is supported by having both feet

connected to the ground. The feet can move with the posture, but they are always supported by the connection with the floor.

• The posture of the model is controlled via anatomical angles for all major joints except the ankles.

• The model automatically balances its posture by means of the ankle angles such that its collective centre of mass remains vertically above the ankle joints.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 31 – 38, (2015) D.Spahić: BIOMEHANIČKA ANALIZA POKRETA….


Modificirajući anatomske uglove glenohumeralnog zgloba (fleksija = 100 stepeni, abdukcija = 90 stepeni, vanjska rotacija = -20 stepeni), model je postavljen u početni položaj. Za trajanje simulacije izabran je interval od 2 sekunde sa rezolucijom od 30 koraka u sekundi. Tokom ovog perioda model je mijenjao svoju poziciju vršeći fleksiju u zglobovima koljena i kuka obje noge (fleksija koljena od 0 do 90 stepeni, fleksija kuka od 0 do 45 stepeni). Ove promjene uglova definisani su odgorarajućim drajverima koji prate sinusne funkcije. Dvije pozicije modela, za vremenske korake od 0 i 1 sekunde, prikazane su na slici 3.

By modifying the anatomical angles of the glenohumeral joint (flexion = 100 degrees, abduction = 90 degrees, external rotation = -20 degrees), the body model was set in the starting position. The simulation time was chosen to be 2 sec with the resolution of 30 steps per second. During this time, the model changed its position by simultaneously varying the values of the knee flexion (from 0 to 90 degrees) and the hip flexion (from 0 to 45 degrees) of the both legs. It was done by following the sine functions defined by the drivers. Two positions of the model, for the time step 0 and 1sec, are presented in Figure 3.

Slika 3. Dvije pozicije modela tokom izvođenja čučnja

Figure 3. Two positions of the model during the squat motion

Pored navedenog scenarija, analiziran je još jedan slučaj sa određenom promjenom u postavkama modela. Ovoga puta model je bio opterećen vanjskim silama (F=25 N) koje su djelovale na poziciji dlanova u smjeru naniže. Ovaj scenario opisuje čučanj tijela u kombinaciji sa dodatnim utezima u rukama. U posljednjem koraku izvršena je analiza kinematike i inverzne dinamike modela. 3. REZULTATI Svaki pojedinačni objekat definisan u AMS-u generiše određene izlazne podatke (rezultati analiza kinematike i inverzne dinamike), koji se koristeći dostupne alate mogu grafički predstaviti u vidu 2D/3D grafikona. Kao neophodan preduslov za obavljanje analize inverzne dinamike, prvo se mora izvršiti kinematska analiza, čiji se podaci često koriste prilikom različitih ergonomskih studija.

An additional case was also investigated, with one change in the set-up. This time the model had two external forces (F=25N) acting on the position of the palms in the downwards direction. The scenario described the squat with the additional dumbbells. As the last step, kinematics and inverse dynamics analyses were conducted. 1. RESULTS Every object defined in the AMS model generates some form of the output data, either kinematic or dynamic. After having done the inverse dynamics analysis, using a standard graphing tool, the user can investigate huge amount of data presenting them in the form of 2D/3D charts. As the prerequisite for the operation of the inverse dynamics, the kinematics analysis of the model is done first.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 31 – 38, (2015) D.Spahić: BIOMEHANIČKA ANALIZA POKRETA….


Uzevši u obzir analiziranu aktivnost, na grafikonima 4 i 5 prikazani su položaj i brzina desne ruke modela.

The data obtained from this type of analysis could be used for various ergonomic studies. Taking into account the observed activity, the position, measured from the ground level, and velocity of the right hand are shown in Figures 4 and 5.

Slika 4. X,Y,Z koordinate desne ruke Figure 4. X,Y,Z coordinates of the right hand

Slika 5. Brzina desne ruke Figure 5. Velocity of the right hand

Čučanj predstavlja pokret kojim se aktiviraju uglavnom mišići nadkoljenice (vastuslateralis, vastusmedialis, vastusintermedius i rectus femoris), kuka i glutealne regije. Vrijednost sila generisanih od strane kvadriceps grupe mišića prikazane su na grafikonu 6. Uzimajući u obzir pozicuju ruku tokom izvođenja čučnja, aktivnost mišića gornjeg dijela tijela također su istražene. Analizirana su dva različita slučaja, sa i bez dodatnog opterećenja ruku prilikom izvođenja vježbe. Da bi držali ruke u zadatoj poziciji, mišići gornjeg dijela tijela, posebno deltoidni, aktivirani su na način kako je prikazano na slikama 7 i 8.

The squat is compound, full body exercise that trains primarily the muscles of the tights, hips and buttocks, quadriceps (vastuslateralis, vastusmedialis, vastusintermedius and rectus femoris). The forces generated by this muscle group are shown in Figure 6. Taking into account the position of the arms, the muscle activity of the upper body were also investigated. Two different cases were analysed, with and without the additional dumbbells in the hands. In order to keep arms in the chosen position, the upper body muscles, especially the deltoid muscle, were activated as shown in Figures 7 and 8.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 31 – 38, (2015) D.Spahić: BIOMEHANIČKA ANALIZA POKRETA….


Slika 6. Vrijednost sila generisanih u kvadriceps mišiću Figure 6. Forces produced by the quadriceps muscle

Slika 7. Aktivnost mišića u gornjem dijelu tijela

Figure 7. The upper body muscle activity

Pored informacija o aktivnostima i silama mišića, za istraživače koji se bave biomehanikom od posebnog značaja su i informacije o reakcijama koje se javljaju u zglobovima modela. Vrijednosti ovih sila za zglob kuka prikazane su na grafikonu 9.

Slika 8. Aktivnost mišića u gornjem dijelu tijela – slučaj sa dodatnim opterećenjem

Figure 8. The upper body muscle activity – the case with additional loads

Besides the muscle activity and forces, many biomechanical researchers are also interested in joint reaction forces. Their values for the hip joint, generated during the observed activity, are presented in Figure 9.

Slika 9. Vrijednost sila reakcije u zglobu kuka

Figure 9. Reaction forces in the hip joint

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 31 – 38, (2015) D.Spahić: BIOMEHANIČKA ANALIZA POKRETA….


4. ZAKLJUČAK Modeliranje muskuloskeletnih sistema ljudskog tijela, kao i drugih bića, predstavlja izuzetno zahtjevan zadatak. Gotovo je nemoguće simulirati realne muskuloskeletne sisteme ručno (analitički) ili ih razviti uz pomoć matematičkih softvera za generalne namjene. Jedino moguće rješenje jeste koristiti kompjuterski sistem dizajniran isključivo za tu svrhu. U radu je dat opći pregled softvera AnyBody Modeling System, namijenjenog modeliranju i simulaciji mehanike muskuloskeltenih sistema. Koristeći muskuloskeletni model ljudskog tijela u stojećem položaju iz AMS repozitorija, uz odgovarajuće prilagodbe anatomskih uglova pojedinih zglobova, izvršena je simulacija pokreta čučnja sa i bez dodatnog opterećenja. Za definisanje potrebnog kretanja modela, određeni detalji programirani su koristeći AnyScript programski jezik. Nakon provedenih analiza, kinematike i inverzne dinamike, prikazano je nekoliko izdvojenih rezultata (kinematski podaci segmenta ruke, sile koje generiše kvadriceps mišićna grupa, aktivnost mišića gornjeg dijela tijela, reakcije u zglobu kuka). Na osnovu prikazanog može se zaključiti da AMS predstavlja savremeno softversko rješenje sa izuzetnim mogućnostima, namijenjeno istraživačima u polju biomehanike, inženjerima dizajnerima, kao i medicinskim radnicima, zainteresovanim za istraživanje muskuloskeletnog sistema ljudskog tijela, te izradu proizvoda optimiranih za ljudsku upotrebu. 5. LITERATURA - REFERENCES [1] Aalborg University, http://www.enaau.dk

(12.5.2015) [2] AnyBody Technology,

http://www.anybodytech.com (12.5.2015) [3] P.E. Nikravesh, Computer-Aided Analysis

of Mechanical Systems, Prantice Hall Inc.,Englewood Cliff,NJ,1988.

[4] Gordon Robertson, Graham Caldwell, Joseph Hamill, Gary Kamen, Saunders Whittlesey, Research Methods in Biomechanics, Human Kinetics; 2nd edition, 2014.

[5] Michael Damsgaard, John Rasmussen, SørenTørholm Christensen, EgidijusSurma, Mark dee Zee, Analysis of musculoskeletal systems in the AnyBody Modeling System, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 14, Issue 8, 2006, pp 1100 – 1111.

4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Modelling humans and other creatures in the forms of musculoskeletal systems is a very demanding task. It is virtually impossible to simulate realistic musculoskeletal systems by hand or even develop them bottom-up by general mathematical software. The only viable solution is to use a computer system designed for this particular purpose. This paper gives a general overview of the AMS, the state-of-the-art software solution for modelling and simulating mechanics of musculosceletal systems. Using the full body standing model of the human body from the AMMR, in combination with some adjustment of the joints anatomic angles, simulation of the squat motion with and without additional load was done. In order to define required motion of the model, certain details were programmed using AnyScript programming language. Following the kinematics and inverse dynamics analyses, some of the results were presented (kinematic data of the hand, forces produced by the quadriceps muscle group, the upper body muscle activity, force reactions in the hip joint). According to presented material, it could be

concluded that the AMS seems to be a contemporary software solution with great capabilities, intended to the biomechanics researchers, designer engineers and physicians, interested in investigation of the musculoskeletal system of the human body and making optimised products to be in contact with humans.

[6] AnyScript community,

http://www.anyscript.org (12.5.2015) [7] AnyBody Technology publication list,

http://www.anybodytech.com/index.php?id=publications (12.5.2015)

[8] AnyBody Model Repository, http://forge.anyscript.org/gf/ (12.5.2015)

[9] SolidWorks, http://www.solidworks.com (12.5.2015)

Coresponding author: Denis Spahić University of Zenica Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Email: [email protected] Phone: +387 32 449 120

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 39 – 50, (2015) S.Alić,...: UVOĐENJE EKSPERTNOG SISTEMA….





Senad Alić1, Safet Brdarević2, Sabahudin Jašarević2, Mustafa Imamović2 1 ArcelorMittal Zenica, 2 University of Zenica Bosnia &Herzegovina Ključne riječi: fuzzy logika, vještačke neuronske mreže, anfis, predikcija vibracija i temperatura Keywords: fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, ANFIS, vibrations and temperature predictions Paper received: 01.04.2015 Paper accepted: 04.06.2015.

Originalan naučni rad REZIME Neuro-fuzzy sistemi predstavljaju modernu klasu hibridnih inteligentnih sistema. Opisuju se kao vještačke neuronske mreže okarakterisane fuzzy parametrima. Kombinacijom dva različita koncepta vještačke inteligencije nastoje se iskoristiti pojedinačne prednosti fuzzy logike i vještačkih neuronskih mreža u hibridnim sistemima homogene strukture. Ovakvi sistemi se sve više koriste za rješavanje svakodnevnih kompleksnih problema. Mogućnost prikaza fuzzy modela u obliku neuronske mreže najčešće se koriste kod automatskog određivanja parametara fuzzy modela na osnovu baze ulazno-izlaznih podataka. U radu je predstavljen aplikativni softver baziran na adaptivnom neuro-fuzzy inteligentnom sistemu – ANFISU-u (Adaptive Neuro – Fuzzy Interfence Systems) koji omogućava treniranje fuzzy strukture, predikciju temperature i vibracija kao i reprezentaciju podataka iz korištene radne baze podataka vibracija i temperatura četiri klizna ležaja procesnih ventilatora u sistemima bazne industrije za proizvodnju sintera.

Original scientific paper

SUMMARY Neuro-fuzzy systems represent a modern class of hybrid intelligent systems. They are described as artificial neural networks characterized by fuzzy parameters. The combination of two different concepts of artificial intelligence tries to take of individual advantages of fuzzy logic and artificial neural networks in hybrid systems of homogeneous structure. Such systems are increasingly being used for solving of everyday complex problems. The possibility to display fuzzy models in the form of neural network is commonly used in the procedures of automatic determination of fuzzy model parameters based on input-output data base. This paper introductuces an application – software based on adaptive intelligent neuro-fuzzy system ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro – Fuzzy Interence System), which enables fuzzy structure training, vibration and temperature predicition and representation of data related to vibrations and teperatures of process fans four slide bearings in the systems of basic sinter-making industry.

1. UVOD Osnovna ideja ANFIS-a ili adaptivnog neuro-fuzzy sistema zaključivanja (Adaptive Neuro – Fuzzy Inference System) se zasniva na metodama fuzzy modeliranja i učenja na osnovu zadatog skupa podataka. Stuktura neuro-fuzzy inteligentnih sistema je slična strukturi neuronskih mreža. Na osnovu ulazno-izlaznog skupa podataka formira se odgovarajući fuzzy sistem zaključivanja i izračunavaju parametri funkcija pripadnosti. Parametri karakteristični za odgovarajuće funkcije pripadnosti mijenjaju se kroz proces učenja mreže.

1. INTRODUCTION The basic idea of ANFIS or adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (Adaptive Neuro - Fuzzy Inference System) is based on fuzzy modeling methods and learning based on a given set of data. Structure of intelligent neuro-fuzzy systems is similar to that of neural networks. Based on the input-output data set corresponding inference fuzzy inference system is formed and parameters of membership functions are calculated. Parameters which are typical for corresponding membership functions are changed through the process of network learning.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 39 – 50, (2015) S.Alić,...: UVOĐENJE EKSPERTNOG SISTEMA….


Izračunavanje ovih parametara se obično obavlja na osnovu vektora gradijenta greške preslikavanja fuzzy sistema zaključivanja ulaznog skupa u izlazni skup podataka. Na slici 1. data je osnovna struktura neuro-fazzy inteligentnih sistema, a na slici 2. dat je neuro-fuzzy sistem zaključivanja (adaptivni neuro-fuzzy sistem zaključivanja – ANFIS.).

Calculation of these parameters is usually done on the basis of gradient vector, of error that measures accuracy of inference fuzzy system for mapping of input into output data set for a given set of tested parameters. In Figure 1. you can see basic structure of neuro-fazzy intelligent systems, and Figure 1. shows ANFIS structure.

Slika 1. Osnovna stuktura neuro - fuzzy inteligentnih sistema

Figure 1. The basic structures of neuro - fuzzy intelligent systems

Slika 2. Adaptivni neuro-fuzzy sistem zaključivanja (ANFIS)

Figure 2. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS)

2. ADAPTIVNI NEURO – FUZZY SISTEM ZAKLJUČIVANJA Parametri funkcija pripadnosti fuzzy sistema su podešeni korištenjem algoritma prostiranja unazad (backpropagation algorithm) ili kombinacije pomenutog algoritma i metode najmanjih kvadrata. Ovo podešavanje omogućava fuzzy sistemima učenje na osnovu ulazno-izlaznog skupa podataka.

2. ADAPTIVE NEURO - FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM The parameters of membership functions of fuzzy systems are configured using the back propagation algorithms or combination of the afore mentioned algorithms and the least squares methods. This adjustment allows learning of fuzzy systems based on input-output data set.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 39 – 50, (2015) S.Alić,...: UVOĐENJE EKSPERTNOG SISTEMA….


Ovaj metod učenja sličan je metodu učenja neuronskih mreža. Izlaz iz svakog sloja je predstavljen Oi

1, gdje i oznaka za i-ti čvor prvog sloja. Adaptivni neuro-fuzzy sistem zaključivanja funkcioniše na sljedeći način: 1) U prvom sloju izračunava se stepen

pripadnosti :

.21),( 11 iizaxO

iAi == μ

(1) .43),( 2


iizaxOiBi ==−


gdje su: ii BA iμμ odgovarajuće funkcije

pripadnosti za fuzzy skupove Ai i Bi. 2) Izlaz iz svakog čvora drugog sloja predstavlja intenzitet aktivacije odgovarajućeg pravila. Koristi se relacija AND, odnosno operator product :






21 12










i Aii



== ∏ =





3) U i-tom čvoru se računa odnos i-tog intenziteta aktivacije odgovarajućeg pravila i sume svih intenziteta aktivacije odgovarajućeg pravila:


3 iizaww

wwO i

ii =+

== (3)

4) Za i-ti čvor se računa vrijednost izlaza pravila:

)( 214

iiiiiii rxqxpwfwO ++== (4)

gdje su: iw – normalizovani intenzitet

aktivacije pravila i { }iii rxqxp ,,,, 21 – modifikovani skup parametara. 5) U izlaznom čvoru se sumiraju svi ulazni intenziteti :


5 iizaw


i i

i ii

ni ii ===

∑∑∑ =


Adaptivni neuro-fuzzy sistemi zaključivanja računaju funkciju greške na sljedeći način :

2)( 2ii

iyoE −

= (6)

gdje su : oi – željeni izlaz i yi – izlaz iz modela. Adaptivni neuro-fuzzy sistemi zaključivanja podržavaju isključivo fuzzy sisteme Sugeno tipa.

This method of learning is similar to the method of neural networks learning. The output from each layer is presented by Oi

1, where the lebel i represent i-th node of the first layer. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system works as follows: 1) The first layer is calculated by the degree of


.21),( 11 iizaxO

iAi == μ

(1) .43),( 2


iizaxOiBi ==−


where: appropriate membership functions for fuzzy sets Ai and Bi. 2) The output from each node of the second layer represents the firing strength of the appropriate rule. Relations AND is used i.e. operator product:






21 12










i Aii



== ∏ =





3) i node calculates ratio of i intensity of activation of appropriate rule and sum of all intensities of activation of the appropriate rule:


3 iizaww

wwO i

ii =+

== (3)

4) For i, value of rule output is calculated:

)( 214

iiiiiii rxqxpwfwO ++== (4)

where: iw - normalized intensity of i rule activation - modified set of parameters. 5) All input intensities are summed up in output node:


5 iizaw


i i

i ii

ni ii ===

∑∑∑ =


Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems calculate error function as follows:

2)( 2ii

iyoE −

= (6)

where: oi - desired output and yi - output from the model. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems support only fuzzy systems of Sugeno type.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 39 – 50, (2015) S.Alić,...: UVOĐENJE EKSPERTNOG SISTEMA….


Fuzzy sistemi mogu biti i Mamdani tipa, koji je u osnovi dosta sličan Sugenu. Osnovna razlika je što kod Sugeno tipa izlazna funkcija pripadnosti može biti samo linearna ili konstantna. Prednosti Sugeno tipa su: da je računski efikasniji, dobro radi sa linearnim tehnikama, dobro radi sa optimizacionim i adaptivnim tehnikama, pogodan je za matematičku analizu. Postupak modeliranja adaptivinih neuro-fuzzy sistema zaključivanja se sastoji iz sljedećih koraka: 1. Određivanje ulazno – izlaznog skupa

podataka u formi prilagođenoj za obučavanje neuro-fuzzy sistema zaključivanja.

2. Pretpostavlja se struktura modela sa parametrima, koja pomoću pravila preslikava ulazne funkcije pripadnosti u izlazne funkcije.

3. Model se trenira (uči) na osnovu podataka za obučavanje. Pri tome se modifikuju parametri funkcija pripadnosti u skladu sa izabranim kriterijumom greške kako bi rezultati modela bili validni.

U opštem slučaju, ovakav način modeliranja je pogodan ako su podaci za obučavanje u potpunosti reprezentativni za sve osobine koje neuro-fuzzy system zaključivanja treba da ima. U praksi to nije uvijek tako. U nekim slučajevima, podaci koji se koriste za obučavanje sadrže, u manjoj ili većoj mjeri, greške mjerenja, tako da podaci nisu u potpunosti reprezentativnog karaktera za sve osobine koje treba da sadrži model. Zato treba izvršiti provjeru modela podacima za testiranje. Postoje dva načina testiranja neuro-fuzzy modela. Prvi način provjere modela, koji je kada se kao ulaz uvedu podaci koji nisu korišteni za obučavanje. Ovaj postupak pokazuje koliko precizno model predviđa izlazni skup vrijednosti. Jedan od problema ovakvog načina testiranja modela je izbor skupa podataka tako da se oni dovoljno razlikuju od podataka koji nisu korišteni prilikom obučavanja modela. Drugi način provjere modela je matematički postupak. Ako se kao skup podataka za testiranje koriste podaci koji su služili za obučavanje, potrebno je da se dobije izlazni rezultat sa minimalnom greškom. Uvođenju ekspertnog sistema ANFIS-a u ovom radu dat je sljedeći model predikcije vibracija: V(t +d) = fV[V(t), V(t–d),...,

V(t–n*d), S(t), M(t), paramV] (7) gdje je: - fV je funkcija realizirana fuzzy strukturom dobijenom korištenjem ANFIS-a,

Type of fuzzy system can alse be Mamdani type, which is basically very similar to Sugeno. The main difference is that output membership function in Sugeno type can only be only linear or constant. Benefits of Sugeno type are: computationwise is more efficient, works well with linear techniques, works well with optmizational and adaptive techniques, it is suitable for mathematical analysis. Modeling method of adaptivinih neuro-fuzzy inference system consists of the following steps: 1. Determination of input - output data set in the

form of customized training neuro-fuzzy inference system.

2. Assumes model structure with parameters, which with the help of the rules maps input membership functions into output function.

3. Model is trained (learned) based on training data. Beside that, membership functions parameters are modify according to the selected error criteria in order to get valid model results.

In general, this type of modeling is appropriate if training data are fully representative for all characteristics which neuro-fuzzy inference system should have. In practice, this is not always the case. In some cases, data which are used for training contain, more or less, measurement errors, so the data are not fully representative for all the features which should be included in the model. Therefore, it is necessary to validate the model using testing data. There are two ways of testing of neuro-fuzzy models. The first way of checking is application of data that were not used for training as input. This procedure shows how accurately the model predicts the output dataset. One of the problems of this method is selection of data set in the way they sufficiently differentiate from the data that were not used in training. Another way of model checking is mathematical procedure. If training data are used as a set of data, it is necessary to get output result with minimum error. The introduction of an expert system ANFIS in this paper gives the following model of vibration prediction: V(t +d) = fV[V(t), V(t–d),..., V(t–n*d), S(t), M(t), paramV] (7) where: - fV is a function is realized in fuzzy structure which was obtained by use of ANFIS's,

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- paramV je skup parametara fuzzy strukture koji se dobija podešavanjem fuzzy strukture korištenjem ANFIS-a, - S(t) jeste dnevno vrijeme u satima, - M(t) jesu redni brojevi mjeseci u godini. U konkretnom primjeru je odabrano je n = 2 prema tome za izračunvanje predikcijske vrijednosti vibracije koriste se trenutna vrijednost vibracija i vibracije u prethodna dva koraka. Parametar d predstavlja period uzorkovanja signala (u satima). U konkretnom primjeru je uzeto d = 1 ili d = 2. Na slici 3. je prikazan fuzzy sistem za predikciju vibracija i temperature. Ukoliko su prekidači P i P1 u gornjem položaju predikcija se vrši za vrijeme d sati. Ukoliko su prekidači P i P1 u donjem položaju tada se predikcija može vršiti u dužem vremenskom periodu jednakom k*d gdje je k proizvoljno odabran prirodan broj tako da se dobije širok prozor predikcije uz zadovoljavajuću tačnost predikcije.

- paramV is a set of parameters of fuzzy structure which is obtained by adjusting of fuzzy structure using ANFIS, - S (t) is daily time in hours, - M (t) are the ordinal numbers of months in the year. In the particular example we choose n = 2, therefore, for calculation of vibration prediction value, current vibration value and vibration in previous twp steps is used. Parameter d is period of signal sampling (in hours). In a specific example, d = 1 or d = second. Figure 3. shows a fuzzy system for prediction of vibrations and temperature. If the switches P and P1 are in the top position, prediction is performed during d hours. If the switches P and P1 are in the lower position then the prediction can be made over a longer period of time which is equal to k*d where k is an arbitrary selected number, so a wide prediction range is obtained with satisfactory prediction accuracy.

Slika 3. Fuzzy sistem za predikciju vibracija i temperatura Figure 3. Fuzzy system for prediction of vibration and temperature




Z-1 Z-1




V(t + d)



V(t -d)


V(-2d) V(-d)P




T(t + d)

S(t) M(t)


T(t -d)

V(t -d)








M U XV(t)



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Model predikcije temperature je opisan sljedećom formulom:

Model for prediction of temperature is described by the following formula:

T(t+d)=fT[V(t),V(t–d),...,V(t–n1*d),T(t),T(t–d),...,T(t–n2*d),S(t),M(t),paramT] (8)

gdje je: - fT je funkcija realizirana fuzzy strukturom dobijenom korištenjem ANFIS-a, - paramT je skup parametara fuzzy strukture koji se dobija podešavanjem fuzzy strukture korištenjem ANFIS-a, - S(t) jeste dnevno vrijeme u satima, U konkretnom primjeru je odabrano je n1 = n2 = 1 pa se prema tome za izračunvanje predikcijske vrijednosti temperature ležaja koriste trenutna vrijednost vibracija, vrijednost vibracija u prethodnom koraku, trenutna vrijednost temperature kao i vrijednost temperature u prethodnom koraku. U praktičnoj realizaciji estimatora strukture prikazane na Slici 3. su realizirane za takozvani nominalni režim i režim otkaza (kvara). Modeli prediktora u nominalnom režimu i otkazu su strukturno identični, ali se razlikuju u parametrima, što se postiže trenirajući strukture koristeći dva različita seta trening podataka tj. podataka za nominalni režim i režim okaza. U radnom režimu obje strukture rade paralelno, ali se odluka koja je predikcija tačnija uzima upoređujući predikciju oba modela u prethodna tri koraka sa stvarnim mjerenjima vibracija u prethodna tri koraka. Model koji ima manju prosječnu apsolutnu vrijednost greške predikcije u prethodna tri koraka uzima se kao pouzdaniji model za predikciju u tekućem koraku. Treba napomenuti da se red sistema za predikciju vibracija i temperature može relativno jednostavno promijeniti promjenom parametara n, n1 i n2, kao i promjenom broja ulaza u multiplekser (vodeći računa o redoslijedu ulaza prema logici na Slici 3.). Također je nakon učinjenih izmjena potrebno ponovo pokrenuti postupak treninga fuzzy struktura za predikciju temperature, kako za nominalni režim tako i za režim otkaza (kvara). Isto tako se mora napomenuti da je prilikom korištenja podataka o temperaturi i vibracijama ležaja bilo za crtanje, predikciju ili treniranje moguće koristiti filtrirane podatke. Ako je odabrano filtriranje podataka tada se podaci o temperaturi i vibracijama filtiraju kroz filter drugog reda sa funkcijom prenosa

( )22


2 nn




++= (9)

where: - fT is function realized in fuzzy structure obtained by ANFIS, - paramT is set of fuzzy structure parameters which is obtained by adjusting of fuzzy structures using ANFIS's, - S(t) is time in hours. In specific example n1 = n2 = 1, therefore for calculation of bearing prediction temperature, current vibration value is used, vibration value in the preceding step, current temperature value and temperature value in previous step. The practical realization of estimator (shown in Figure 3.), stuructures are realized in so-called nominal regime and cancellation regime (failure). Models of predictors in nominal and cancellation mode are structurally identical but they differ in the parameters, which can be achieved by training of structures using two different sets of training data ie. data for nominal regime and cancellation regime. In operating regime, both structures work in parallel but the decision about which prediction is more accurate is made by comparing prediction of both models in previous three steps with actual measurements of vibration in previous three steps. Model which has lower average absolute prediction error value in previous three steps shall be taken as a more reliable model for prediction of the current step. It should be noted that the order of system for prediction of vibration and temperature can be relatively easy changed by changing the parameters n, n1 and n2, and by changing the number of inputs in a multiplexer (taking into account the sequence of inputs to the logic in Figure 3.). After made changes, it is also necessary to restart the process of training of fuzzy structures for prediction of temperature, both for nominal regime and cancellation regime (failure). In the same way, it must be noted that when using bearing temperature and vibration data (whether for drawing, prediction or training), it was possible to use filtered data. If filtering of data is selected, then temperature and vibration data are filtered through the filter of the second order with a transfer function

( )22


2 nn




++= (9)

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pri čemu je: - ζ (= 0.8) faktor relativnog prigušenja polova, a ωn (= 1 rad/s) prirodna neprigušena učestanost polova. - M(t) jesu redni brojevi mjeseci u godini. 3. KARAKTERISTIKE I MOGUĆNOSTI PROGRAMA” PREDIKCIJA” Program „predikcija“ (predviđanje) omogućava crtanje podataka temperature i vibracija, predikciju (predviđanje) temperature i predikciju (predviđanje) vibracija, kao i treniranje fuzzy prediktora za bilo koji ležaj i za bilo koju velicinu podataka iz MS Excel fajla.

where: - ζ (= 0.8) is factor of relative damping of poles and ωn (= 1 rad/s) is natural undamped frequency of poles. - M(t) are ordinal numbers of months in the year. 3. FEATURES AND OPTIONS OF "PREDICTIONS" PROGRAM "Prediction" program enables drawing of temperature and vibration data, prediction of temperature and vibration, as well as training of fuzzy predictors for any bearing an any size of data from MS Excel files.

Tabela 1. Ulazne vrijednosti vibracija i temperatura kliznih ležajeva pomoću MS Excel fajla Table 1. Input values of vibration and temperature using the MS Excel file

A) Program „predikcija“ omogućava crtanje podataka vibracija i temperature iz MS Excel fajla Prije crtanja potrebno je odabrati početni i krajnji red podataka u excel fajlu za crtanje. Pritiskom na dugme crtanje traženi podaci se nacrtaju. (Slika 4) B) Program „predikcija“ omogućava predikciju podataka vibracija i temperature iz MS Excel fajla. Prije crtanja potrebno je odabrati dužinu prozora predikcije i ukupan broj podataka u MS excel fajlu iz koga se čitaju podaci. Pritiskom na dugme predikcija mjereni i predikovani podaci se nacrtaju. (Slika 5) C) Program „predikcija“ omogućava trening fuzzy prediktora vibracija i temperature korištenjem podataka iz MS Excel fajla za bilo koji ležaj. Prije crtanja potrebno je odabrati broj podataka za trening u MS Excel fajlu i broj podataka za testiranje u MS Excel fajlu. Pritiskom na dugme trening pokreće se proces treninga fuzzy prediktora. Na kraju se dobija trenirani fuzzy prediktor (Slika 6).

A) "Prediction" program allows drawing of vibration and temperature data from MS Excel File. Before drawing, it is necessary to select start and end row of data in Excel file for drawing. Press the button to draw the requested data. (Figure 4.) B) "Prediction" program allows prediction of vibration and temperature data from MS Excel files. Before drawing it is necessary to choose length of prediction window and total number of data from relevant MS Excel file. Press the button 'prediction' to draw predictions and measured data. (Figure 5) C) "Prediction" program enables training of vibration and temperature fuzzy predictors using data from MS Excel files to any bearing. Before drawing it is necessary to choose number of data for training in MS Excel file and number of testing data from MS Excel file. Press the button to start training process of fuzzy predictors. In the end you get trained fuzzy predictor. (Figure 6)

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Slika 4. Crtanje vrijednosti temperatura i vibracija izMS Excel fajlova korištenih u programu predikcija Figure 4. Drawing of value of temperature and vibration from MS Excel files used in the program prediction

Slika 5. Predikcija temperature i vibracija iz MS Excel fajla korištenih u programu predikcija Figure 5. Prediction of temperature and vibration from MS Excel file used in programs prediction

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Slika 6. Trening fuzzy prediktora vibracija i temperature korištenjem podataka iz MS Excel fajla za bilo koji ležaj

Figure 6. Training fuzzy predictors of vibration and temperature using data from MS Excel file for any bearing

4. ZAKLJUČCI Za dobivanje predikcionih vrijednosti korištena je baza stvarnih vrijednosti vibracija i temperatura na četiri klizna ležaja tri procesna ventilatora od 01.05.’10.-27.03.’12., od 16000 vrijednosti. Kontinuiranim monitoringom se registruju u operativnim centrima vrijednosti vibracija i temperatura svaki sat vremena. Ova baza podataka je korištena kao ulaznu baza podataka za softver prediktor u kojem se vrši mašinsko učenje ponašanja procesnih ventilatora. Na osnovu toga mogu se konstatovati sljedeći zaključci: - uvođenje prediktivnog (proaktivnog)

održavanja tj. uvođenje ekspertnih sistema – vještačke inteligencije, adaptivnog neuro-fuzzy inteligentnog sistema ( ANFIS ) koji predstavlja softver sastavljen od fuzzy logike i neuronskih mreža za prediktivno praćenje stanja i odgovarajuće održavanje tj. predviđanje ovih parametara i poduzimanje adekvatnih zahvata održavanja, poboljšava održavanje složenih tehničkih sistema,

- ovakvi softveri se mogu instalisati u glavne procesne računare koji prate kontinurano tehničko – tehnološke parametre stanja procesnih ventilatora koji moraju optimalno raditi i bez čijeg kontinuranog rada nema dobre prozvodnje za rad metalurških postrojenja za proizvodnju sintera,

4. CONCLUSIONS For obtaining of prediction value, base of actual vibration and temperature values of four slide bearings of process fans (01. 05. 2010 to 27. 03. 2012., a total of 16000 values) is used. Every hour, continuous monitoring records vibration and temperature values in operational centers. This database is used as an input database for predictor software, in which a mechanical studying of process fans behavior is done. Based on this the following can be concluded: - introduction of predictive (proactive)

maintenance ie. introduction of expert systems - artificial intelligence, adaptive neuro-fuzzy intelligent systems (ANFIS) which are represented by the software that consists of fuzzy logic and neural networks for predictive monitoring of condition and proper maintenance i.e. predicting of these parameters and taking of adequate maintenance procedures, improving maintenance of complex technical systems

- such software can be installed in the main processing computers that continuously monitor technical - technological parameters of process fan conditions which must work optimally because there is no good production without their continuous operation

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- kontinuirani monitoring instalisan u procesne računare koji prate sve tehničko – tehnološke parametre i instalisan softver predikcija u procesne računare kontinuirano prediciraju buduće vrijednosti vibracija i temperatura i taj proces kontinurano radi na način da sa većom stvarnom bazom podataka dobivamo sve tačniju predikciju vremenski i po veličini,

- mašinskim učenjem, izradom dijagnostičkog i prognostičkog modula kojeg omogućava softver prediktor tj. ( ANFIS ) vrši se ovladavanje zdravljem postrojenja procesnih ventilatora koji predavljaju jedno od najvažnijih postrojenja u tehnološkom lancu proizvodnje aglomerata, kasnije gvožđa i čelika kao strateškog materijala svake države,

- ovaj softver na osnovu stvarne baze podataka vibracija i temperatura pedicira vrijednosti vibracija i temperatura ispred stvarnih vrijednosti i omogućava pravovremeni pregled postrojenja procesnih ventilatora, poduzimanje odgovarajućih zahvata od strane rukovaoca ovih postrojenja i u slučajevima većih problema za rad ovih postrojenja njihovo zaustavljanje i sprečavanje njihovog havarijalnog stanja koje mogu izazvati velike materijalne štete i smrtne povrede zaposlenika koji opslužuju procesne ventilatore,

- poslije pravovremenog zaustavljanja poduzimaju se planirani zahvati održavanja i remonti procesnih ventilatora sa izvođenjem svih bitnih zahvata održavanja za njihov dalji optimalan rad, što veće iskorištenje bez ikakvih posljedica,

- sagledavanjem stanja i poduzimanjem pravovremenih zahvata održavanja procesnih ventilatora mogu se adekvatno planirati svi kapaciteti za njihovo održavanje (specijalni i potrošni rezervni dijelovi i njihova količina na skladištima, broj zaposlenika za održavanje i frekvencija njihovog učešća u održavanju ovakvih postrojenja, planirati vrijeme njihovog rada i svođenje stanja otkaza na minimum),

- ovakvim pristupom uvođenja ekspertnih sistema u održavanje procesnih ventilatora kao važnih postrojenja i bez čijeg rada nije moguće raditi sa metalurškim postrojenjima i proizvoditi sinter (aglomerat), kao glavnu sirovinu za proizvodnju gvožđa i dalje čelika,

se vrši pojeftinjenje i smanjivnje troškova njihovog održavanja na minimum.

- continuous monitoring installed in the process computers is tracking all technical - technological parameters and software installed in the prediction process computers continually predicts future values of vibration and temperature; the process workis continuously in a way that with bigger actual database we can get more accurate prediction, timewise and sizewise

- mechanical learning, developing of diagnostic and prognostic module which is enabled by software predictor (ANFIS), mastering of system (machine) health is done (process fans which represent one of the most important facilities in technological chain of sinter production and later hot metal and steel as a strategic material of each country,

- this software (based on actual database of vibration and temperature values) pedicts vibration and temperature in front of the actual values and allows timely review of process fans, taking of appropriate interventions by the operators in cases of major problems related to operation of these facilities, their shut down and prevents emergency situations that can cause significant material damage or fatal injuries of employees working in the area of process fans,

- after timely stopping, planned maintenance is doen as well as overhauling of process fans in order to achieve their further optimal performance, as higher yield without any consequences,

- observing the situation and by taking of timely actions related to process fan maintenance we can adequately plan capacities for their maintenance (special and spare parts and their quantity on stock, number of employees to maintain the frequency of their participation in the maintenance of these installations, plan their work time etc),

- this approach of introduction of predictive (proactive) maintenance of process fans (very important facilities without which it is impossible to produce sinter which is main raw material for the production of hot metal and steel), cost related to their maintenance can be cut down to a minimum.

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5. LITERATURA-REFERENCES: [1] Brdarević, S.: Održavanje sredstava za rad,

Mašinski fakultet u Zenici, Zenica, 1993. [2] Subašić, P.: Fazi logika i neuronske mreže,

Tehnička knjiga, Beograd, 1997, str.201. [3] Adamović, Ž.: Planiranje i upravljanje

održavanjem pomoću računara, Beograd, 1987.

[4] Avdić, H.; Tufekčić, Dž.: Terotehnologija I, Mašinski fakultet u Tuzli, Tuzla, 2007.

[5] Sebastijanović, S.; Tufekčić, Dž.: Održavanje, Tuzla, 1998.

Coresponding author: Alić Senad ArcelorMittal Zenica Email: [email protected]

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51 – 55, (2015) N. Surname 1 et al.: TITLE OF PAPER….


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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51 – 55, (2015) N. Surname 1 et al.: TITLE OF PAPER….


English. The metrology and terminology used in the paper have to meet legal regulations, standards and International System of Units (SI) 1.1. Subtitle 1 (Writing Instructions)

(Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold) The text of the paper is arranged in sections and when necessary into subsections. Sections are marked with one Arabic numeral and subsections with two Arabic numerals, e.g. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., ... When a subsection is arranged in smaller parts, each of them is marked with three Arabic numerals, e.g. 1.1.1., 1.1.2., ... Further divisions are not allowed. The text has to be organized in the following order: Title of the paper (up to 15 words). Papers should be headed by a concise but informative title that clearly reflects the subject of the paper. Authors' full names (without grades and ranks). Summary-Abstract (up to 150 words) should present a brief and factual account of content and conclusions of the paper, and an indication of the relevance of the new material presented. Title and abstract in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS). Only for authors from ex-Yugoslavian area. Alphabetic list of keywords in English and in (BCS). Keywords normally originate from the title and from the abstract. Introduction should state the reason for the work, with brief reference to previous work on the subject. It informs about the applied method and its advantages. Central part of the paper may be arranged in sections. Complete mathematical procedures for formula derivations should be avoided. The necessary mathematical descriptions may be given in an appendix. Authors are advised to use examples to illustrate the experimental procedure, applications or algorithms. In general all the theoretical statements have to be experimentally verified. In Conclusions all the results are stated, and all the advantages of the used method are pointed out. The limitations of the method should be clearly described as well as the application areas. List of references should be brought together at the end of the article and numbered in square brackets in order of their appearance in the text followed by other literature. Coressponding authors' full names followed by the name and address of the institution in which the work was carried on. A List of used symbols and theirs SI units is optional after list of references.

1.1.1. Subtitle 2 (Preparation of Manuscript) (Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold)

The paper should be written using Latin characters. Greek letters may be used for symbols. The volume of the article is limited to 10 pages (A4 format). That includes blanks and equivalent number of characters covered by figures and tables. Number of pages must be even. The text should be sent to the Editorial Board using e-mail. For the text preparing may be used only MS Word for Windows respectively *.doc, *.docx (Word Document) or *.rtf (Rich Text Format) format of records. The text has to be prepared in accordance with this template. The Editorial Board may exceptionally request the CD-ROM with recorded articles and figures and tables. In that case the figures (drawings, diagrams and photographs) should be submitted stored on the CD-ROM in JPG/JPEG, PNG, TIF (TIFF Bitmap) or BMP (Windows Bitmap) format, min. resolution of 300 dpi. Each figure is labelled the same as it is in the paper and recorded format (e.g. fig-1.JPG). If figures inserted into text they must be also with min. resolution of 300 dpi. Latin or Greek characters in italics are used for physical symbols and normal characters for measuring units and numerical values. Text in figures is also written with normal letters. Character size is to be chosen on the basis of the following criteria: after expected figure size reduction a capital Latin character should be about 2 mm high (no less than 6pt). All figures in the Journal will be printed in black and white technique. Coloured figures will be seen only in the PDF format on the Web address http://www.mf.unze.ba/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=118&Itemid=107 Tables are created with the word processing program. Each table is positioned in the desired place in the text. In the case of decimal numbers use comas (e.g. 0,253); use a small gap separating the thousands (e.g. 25.000, but not in the case of 1500). The texts under figures and table titles are in English language and in BCS for authors from ex-YU area. Section titles and titles of subsections are typed in small letters only in English language. Equations are numbered with Arabic numerals in parenthesis at the right margin of the text. In the text an equation is referenced by its number in parenthesis like "... from Eq. (3) follows ...".

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51 – 55, (2015) N. Surname 1 et al.: TITLE OF PAPER….


Create equations with MS Word Equation Editor (some examples are given below).

)( 214

iiiiiii rxqxpwfwO ++== (1)

2)( 2ii

iyoE −

= (2)

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2 nn




++= (3)

(Notice: If you convert and save your document as a MS Word 2010 file and then add equations to it, you will not be able to use previous versions of MS Word to change any of the new equations.). Figures and tables are numbered with Arabic numerals (1 ÷ n). In the text in figure or table is referenced by its number (e.g. in Fig. 1, in Tab. 1, etc.).

Slika 1. Tekst unutar formula (samo za autore sa ex-YU prostora)

Figure 1 The texts under figures (Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Italic)

Figure 2. Simplified musculoskeletal model of an arm

(Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Italic)

When reference to literature is made the publication number from the list of references in square brackets is used like "... in [7] the authors showed ...". In the list of references literature is cited in accordance with examples in Section. 2 COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT Copyright assignment. The author hereby assigns to the journal "Mašinstvo" the copyright in the above article (for U. S. government employees: to the extent transferable), throughout the world, in any form,

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51 – 55, (2015) N. Surname 1 et al.: TITLE OF PAPER….


Figure 3. Page setup (Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Italic)

Figure X. Photography resolution of 300 dpi (min) (Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Italic) 3. PUBLICATION ETHICS AND PUBLICATION MALPRACTICE STATEMENT The publication of an article in a peer reviewed journal is an essential model for our journal "Mašinstvo". It is necessary to agree upon standards of expected ethical behaviour for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer and the publisher. Publication decisions. The editor of the "Mašinstvo" is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the Journal should be published. The editor may be guided by the policies of the Journal's editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements as shall then be in force

regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor may confer with other editors or reviewers in making this decision. Fair play. An editor at any time evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. Confidentiality. The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate. Disclosure and conflicts of interest. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in an editor's own research without the express written consent of the author. Contribution to editorial decisions. Peer review assists the editor in making editorial decisions and through the editorial communications with the author may also assist the author in improving the paper. Acknowledgement of sources. Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer should also call to the editor's attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51 – 55, (2015) N. Surname 1 et al.: TITLE OF PAPER….


Table 1. Table titles (Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Normal)

Engineering stress σe / MPa

Engineeringplastic strain εe,pl / %

True stress σt / MPa

True plastic strain εt,pl / %

250,0 0,00 250,8 0,00 250,0 0,21 250,8 0,21 285,7 1,35 290,0 1,34 322,7 2,13 330,1 2,10 358,4 3,06 370,0 3,00 393,1 4,35 411,0 4,24 423,6 6,05 450,1 5,85 449,7 8,76 490,1 8,36 457,0 15,79 530,1 14,59 467,9 21,58 570,0 19,45 475,0 29,77 617,5 25,94

(Style in table: Times New Roman, 11pt, Normal) X. CONCLUSION Paper manuscripts, prepared in accordance with these Instructions for Authors, are to be submitted to the Editorial Board of the "Mašinstvo" journal. Manuscripts and the CD-ROM are not returned to authors. When being prepared for printing the text may undergo small alternations by the Editorial Board. Papers not prepared in accordance with these Instructions shall be returned to the first author. When there are several authors the first author is to be contacted. The Editorial Board shall accept the statements made by the first author. The author warrants that the article is original, written by stated author/s, has not been published before and it will not be submitted anywhere else for publication prior to acceptance/rejection by "Mašinstvo", contains no unlawful statements, does not infringe the rights of others, and that any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained by the author/s.

XX. REFERENCES (Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Normal) [1] P.E. Nikravesh, Computer-Aided Analysis

of Mechanical Systems, Prantice Hall Inc.,Englewood Cliff,NJ,1988.

[2] Gordon Robertson, Graham Caldwell, Joseph Hamill, Gary Kamen, Saunders Whittlesey: Research Methods in Biomechanics, Human Kinetics; 2nd edition, 2014.

[3] Imai, M.: KAIZEN: the key to Japan’s competitive success, Editorial CECSA, Mexico. In Spanish, 1996.

[4] Nemoto, M.: Total quality control for management. Strategies and techniques from Toyota and Toyoda Gosei, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.

[5] Cheser, R.: The effect of Japanese KAIZEN on employee motivation in US manufacturing, Int J Org Anal 6(3):197–217, 1998.

[6] Aoki, K.: Transferring Japanese KAIZEN activities to overseas plants in China, Int J Oper Prod Manag 28(6):518–539, 2008.

[7] Tanner, C.; Roncarti, J.: KAIZEN leads to breakthroughs in responsiveness and the Shingo prize at Critikon, Natl Prod Rev 13(4):517–531, 1994.

[8] Rink, J.: Lean can save American manufacturing. Reliable plant. http://www.reliableplant.com/Read/330/lean-manufacturing-save. Accessed at 14 April 2014.

[9] SolidWorks, http://www.solidworks.com (12.5.2015)

Coresponding author: Name and surname Institution Email: [email protected] Phone: +xxx xx xxxxxx (Style: Times New Roman, 11pt, Bold)

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Mašinstvo 1-2(12), 51 – 55, (2015) N. Surname 1 et al.: TITLE OF PAPER….


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ISSN 1512 - 5173