ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Andrea Cantaroni Período de Práctica: primero Institución Educativa: EPBNº 75 Dirección postal: 8000 Localidad: Bahía Blanca. Pcia: Bs AS Sala/Grado y sección: Nivel Primario – 4to grado – B .Turno tarde - Inglés Cantidad de alumnos:27 Nivel lingüístico del curso: beginners Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Frida frog and color Fecha: 23/6/14 Clase Nº: 4 Hora: 14:00 Duración de la clase: 50 minutos Página 1

Lesson plan 4 primaria

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Período de Práctica: primero

Institución Educativa: EPBNº 75

Dirección postal: 8000

Localidad: Bahía Blanca. Pcia: Bs ASSala/Grado y sección: Nivel Primario – 4to grado – B .Turno tarde - Inglés

Cantidad de alumnos:27Nivel lingüístico del curso: beginners Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Frida frog and color Fecha: 23/6/14

Clase Nº: 4

Hora: 14:00

Duración de la clase: 50 minutos

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Teaching points:

Vocabulary related to colours.· Aims or goals:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to recognize different colours.By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe and name different colours.· Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation


Referring to things that are in each room.

Toilet, cooker, lamp and sofa.

This is a toiletThis is a cookerThis is a lamp This is a sofa

Voiceless Alveo Palatal Fricative/ʃ/

Voiced Dental Fricative/ð/


Referring to learn new colours

Colours: blue, yellow, green, red, purple ,orange ,

What’s colour is it? It is red.It is green.It’s orange.It’s green.I’s yellowIt’s purple.

Voiceless Dental Fricative/θ/ (Athens)

Voiced dental Fricative/ð/

- Teaching approach: Communicative Approach

· Materials and resources: hand-outs –pictures

· Seating arrangement: pairs.

Lesson Procedure:

- Daily routine (2 minutes)

Interaction patterns:Teacher-Class

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Skills / Skills Integration:Listening and speaking (every day greetings)

Learning styles:Visual, auditory and kinaestheticI will greet the students and ask them to sit down.I: Hi everyone! How are you doing today?Student: Fine, thank you and you?I: I´m super!

We start with a review about last class, we learnt language about many things that Zappy found in each room .Do you remember? Can you tell me? Zappy finds a sofa in the livingroom Zappy finds a cooker in the kitchen .Zappy …..I will say that they have to complete the sentence.

-Presentation (15 minutes)

Interaction patterns:Teacher-Students

Skills / Skills Integration:Listening and speaking

Learning styles:Visual, auditory and kinaesthetic

First I will prepare the board, I will put on the board a big picture with Frieda frog in the lake. Then I will tell students that today we are going to speak about Frieda, a frog,it is a short and fun story that will help children learn to recognize the colors of the rainbow. She is a frog she says: “this is a cap .You can guess the color. It’s red” like this .I will point to the first color of the rainbow .Then I will say “this is a pumpkin .You can guess the color. It’s orange like this...”.I will point to the second color of the rainbow .Then “this is a duck .You can guess the color. It’s yellow like this”. I will point to the third color of the rainbow.Then I will say that “this is a bean” .You can guess the color. It’s green like this” .I will point to the fourth color of the rainbow .Then I will say “this is a ball .You can guess the color. It’s blue like this” .I will point to the fifth color of the rainbow .Then I will say “this is a lollipop .You can guess the color. It’s purple like this” .I will point to the sixth color of the rainbow .Did you like this story? Well, then I will ask:“What color is the lollipop?” “Purple” “what’s color is the pumpkin?” “It’s orange”. “What’s color is the cap?” It’s red. Then I will

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say that we will practice each color of the rainbow in the following activity.


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- Development

Reading Activity 1 (10 minutes)

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Interaction patterns:Teacher-Student

Skills / Skills Integration:Speaking and listening

Learning styles:Visual, auditory

In this activity I will point to each colour of the rainbow and I will ask students “What colour is this?” then I will go on with the following colour of the rainbow, I will ask “what colour is it?” I will go on with all the colours. They love participating all the time. Then I will ask “what colour is the cap?” They will answer: “it is red” Then I will ask “what colour is the duck?” They will answer: “it is yellow” Then I will ask for different volunteers that they can ask and answer “what colour is the cap?” “It is red”. Then I will say that in the following activity children have to speak about others objects in the classrooms.

Activity2 (10 minutes)

Interaction patterns:Teacher-Student

Skills / Skills Integration:Speaking and listening

Learning styles:Visual, auditory

Then I will say that we are going to speak about different objects in the classroom .I will ask “What colour is this?” I will point to a pencil case I will wait until children answer .They will say “It is red” or I will ask “Is the book red ?” .I will wait until children answer the questions. I will help them when they don’t remember the vocabulary .This is a communicative activity where students can participate and also they enjoy answering the questions .In this way we will go on asking questions and answering them in a clear and easy way.Activity2 (10minutes )

Interaction patterns:Teacher-StudentsStudentsPossible Problems:Students might resort to L1 so I would provide students with the correct word in English and ask them to repeat it.


Learning styles:

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After that I will ask questions about the colours and other objects in the classroom, or yes/ no questions?.I will give a sheet of paper with an activity where they have to write the colour that Friday frog shows in the rainbow .They have to guess and put the word with the right spelling in order to practice the spelling of each new word or colour. In this activity students have to complete the sentences about the story. They can see the spelling of each word in the picture on the board.I will give them each sheet of paper with the following activity:

1) The cap is ( edr ) …..

The pumpkin is (gnorae ) ……

The lollipop is (ruppel)……

The bean is ( neegr )…….

The duck is ( llowye )……

The ball is ( lueb)……

For instance:lueb theyhave to complete :the ball is blue.

Then I will help them and I will walk around the room in order to answer their questions and help them to do the activity. Then I will help students to do the activity and also I will answer their questions because they are demanding all the time .They will ask for help in order to do the activity .After that I will say that we have to complete sentences. I will correct their activities because they are demanding and they ask for the teacher corrections all the time.

Learning styles:

- Closure (3 minutes)Interaction patterns:


I will say: Well kids, we have come to an end. I will be correcting your actives and bringing them for you next week. I am sure they will be great. . Bye bye now.

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