Low Transmissibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Based on Time to Detec6on from Pa6ents with an Ini6al Sputum Posi6ve by Liquid Culture but Nega6ve by Nucleic Acid Amplifica6on Tes6ng and Acid-Fast Bacilli Stain Saahir Khan 1 , Audrey Nakasone 2 , Minoo Ghajar 3 , Mariam Zhowandai 3 , Sunita Prabhu 3 , Rick Alexander 3 , Julie Low 4 , Ellena Peterson 2 , and Lauri Thrupp 1,2,5 1 Division of Infec6ous Diseases, 2 Clinical Microbiology Laboratory, 5 Epidemiology and Infec6on Preven6on, University of California Irvine Health, Orange, California 3 Public Health Laboratory, 4 Tuberculosis Control Division, Orange County Healthcare Agency, Santa Ana, California Background Tradi6onal guidelines for de-isola6on of suspected pulmonary TB cases require three respiratory specimens collected and tested nega6ve by acid-fast bacilli (AFB) staining 1,2 (based on studies showing nega6ve AFB indicates lower organism burden and transmission risk 5,9 ) but require pa6ents to spend two or more days in costly airborne isola6on rooms 3 . Of concern with this approach, 30-50% of specimens from culture posi6ve pulmonary TB cases have nega6ve AFB stain 4 , and 17% of new case transmissions are acquired from AFB-nega6ve cases 5 . Recently, use of nucleic acid amplifica6on tests (NAAT) has increased sensi6vity for TB diagnosis 6 , promp6ng studies sugges6ng de-isola6on aaer one specimen with nega6ve AFB stain and nega6ve NAAT 5,6,11 . However, this strategy may s6ll miss 10-20% of culture-posi6ve AFB nega6ve specimens, promp6ng recent guidelines sugges6ng two specimens with nega6ve NAAT be required for de-isola6on 7,8 . O’shea et al. found that 6me to detec6on (TTD) in liquid culture of 9 or more days indicated lower transmission risk beder than AFB stain 10 . Figure 1. Transmission rates and propor6on of secondary cases of ac6ve disease and latent infec6on (LTBI) stra6fied by 6me-to-detec6on. Reprinted from O'Shea et al., Clin Infect Dis, 2014. TTD has not yet been examined along with AFB stain and NAAT to determine if TTD adds substan=ve support to the concept of de- isola=on aAer one specimen nega=ve by AFB and NAAT. Principal Aim To evaluate whether predicted TTD, in combina=on with AFB and NAAT to iden=fy low risk cases of suspected pulmonary TB, supports the goal of de-isola=on aAer one specimen nega=ve for AFB and NAAT Methodology Retrospec6ve analysis of a cohort of all 117 pa6ents tested at U.C. Irvine Health (UCI) from 2013 to 2014 and 670 pa6ents tested at Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) in 2014 iden6fied a total of 94 Mtb culture-posi6ve first respiratory specimens (34 at UCI, 60 at OCHCA). Each specimen was assessed by AFB grade with Kinyoun stain, TTD in MGIT culture, and NAAT result by Cepheid Xpert on fresh (OCHCA) or stored frozen (UCI) rou6ne concentrates. Figure 2. Kinyoun stain for AFB (lea), MGIT for liquid culture (middle), and Cepheid Xpert for NAAT (right). We analyzed correla6on between AFB grade and TTD using Pearson correla6on coefficient with Student’s t-test for group comparisons. Results Time to Detec=on, AFB Grade, and NAAT Result for 94 Mtb Culture-Posi=ve First-Respiratory Specimens Figure 3. Time to detec6on in culture versus AFB grade and NAAT result for 94 specimens analyzed, stra6fied into low risk of transmission with TTD > 9 days and high risk of transmission with TTD < 9 days. Among 94 total specimens, 61 specimens (65%) were posi6ve by AFB stain and NAAT, and an addi6onal 21 (22%) were posi6ve by NAAT alone, leaving 12 specimens of interest (13%) that were posi6ve by Mtb solid culture but nega6ve by both AFB stain and NAAT. Figure 4. 94 specimens analyzed by AFB grade, NAAT result, and TTD were stra6fied into a high transmission risk group (pink) with posi6ve AFB stain or posi6ve NAAT or TTD less than 9 days and a low transmission risk group (blue) with nega6ve AFB stain, nega6ve NAAD, and TTD greater than or equal to 9 days. All 12 specimens with nega6ve AFB stain and NAAT had TTD of 9 days or greater indica6ng lower risk of Mtb transmission (see Figure 3 on lea). TTD has strong inverse linear correla6on with AFB grade (ρ=0.62). Figure 5. Mean 6me to detec6on with correla6on to sputum AFB grade (error bars represent SEM) Discussion/Conclusion Nega6ve AFB stain and NAAT predict TTD of 9 days or greater, all of which indicate low organism burden predic6ng low transmission risk. These findings support early de-isola6on aaer one specimen with nega6ve AFB stain and NAAT since the culture-posi6ve subset of these pa6ents all had TTD of 9 days or greater indica6ng low transmission risk. Addi6onally, inves6ga6ons of contacts with prolonged exposures likely overes6mate transmission risk in hospital seongs with brief exposures. UCI now allows removal of airborne isola6on for suspected pulmonary TB cases (without cavi6es, miliary padern, or immunosuppression) aaer one specimen nega6ve by both AFB stain and NAAT. 1. Taylor, Z., et al., Controlling tuberculosis in the United States. Recommenda9ons from the American Thoracic Society, CDC, and the Infec9ous Diseases Society of America. MMWR Recomm Rep, 2005. 54(RR-12): p. 1-81. 2. Erkens, C.G., et al., Tuberculosis contact inves9ga9on in low prevalence countries: a European consensus. Eur Respir J, 2010. 36(4): p. 925-49. 3. Kalimuddin, S., Tan, J. M. M., Tan, B. H. & Low, J. G. H. A retrospec9ve review of a ter9ary Hospital's isola9on and de-isola9on policy for suspected pulmonary tuberculosis. BMC Infect. Dis., 2014. 14, 547. 4. Dud, A. K., Stead, W. W. Smear-nega9ve pulmonary tuberculosis. Semin Respir Infect, 1994. 9: 113-119. 5. Behr, M. A. et al. Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from pa9ents smear-nega9ve for acid-fast bacilli. Lancet, 1999. 353: 444–449. 6. Chaisson, L. H. et al. Impact of GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay on Triage of Respiratory Isola9on Rooms for Inpa9ents with Presumed Tuberculosis: A Hypothe9cal Trial. Clin Infect Dis, 2014. 59: 1353. 7. Na6onal Tuberculosis Controllers Associa6on. Consensus statement on the use of Cepheid Xpert MTB/RIF assay in making decisions to discon9nue airborne infec9on isola9on in healthcare seOngs. April, 2016. 8. Lipincod, C. K., et al. Xpert MTB/RIF assay shortens airborne isola9on for hospitalized pa9ents with presump9ve tuberculosis in the United States. Clin Infect Dis, 2014. 59: 186. 9. Cruz-Ferro, E., et al. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in Galicia, Spain, 16 years aSer the launch of the Galician tuberculosis programme. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2014. 18, 134–140. 10. O'Shea, M.K., et al., Time-to-detec9on in culture predicts risk of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission: a cohort study. Clin Infect Dis, 2014. 59(2): 177-185. 11. Campos, M., et al. Feasibility of shortening respiratory isola9on with a single sputum nucleic acid amplifica9on test. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2008. 178: 300. 12. Millman, A. J., et al. Rapid molecular tes9ng for TB to guide respiratory isola9on in the U.S.: a cost-benefit analysis. PLoS One, 2013. 8: e79669. Mtb Culture Posi6ve 94 (100%) AFB Stain Posi6ve 61 (65%) AFB Stain Nega6ve 33 (35%) Mtb NAAT Posi6ve 21 (22%) Mtb NAAT Nega6ve 12 (13%) Mtb TTD > 9 Days 12 (13%) Mtb TTD < 9 Days 0 Abstract 57911 0 10 20 30 40 Time to Detec=on (Days) AFB Grade: neg neg 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ Total NAAT Result: neg pos pos pos pos pos N=94 higher risk lower risk NAAT TTD Smear Total 0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ Nega6ve < 9 days 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 ≥ 9 days 12 0 0 0 0 12 Posi6ve < 9 days 1 1 3 8 10 23 82 ≥ 9 days 20 12 15 11 1 59 Total 33 13 18 19 11 94 Rela6ve Risk of Transmission: TTD > 9 days = 0.44 10 AFB nega6ve = 0.19-0.22 5,9 lower risk higher risk TTD = -3.5*(AFB) + 23 Doubling Time = 25 hours 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ Mean Time to Detec=on (Days) Sputum AFB Grade References

Low Transmissibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Based

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1.  Taylor,Z.,etal.,ControllingtuberculosisintheUnitedStates.Recommenda9onsfromtheAmericanThoracicSociety,CDC,andtheInfec9ousDiseasesSocietyof

America.MMWRRecommRep,2005.54(RR-12):p.1-81.2.  Erkens,C.G.,etal.,Tuberculosiscontactinves9ga9oninlowprevalencecountries:aEuropeanconsensus.EurRespirJ,2010.36(4):p.925-49.3.  Kalimuddin,S.,Tan,J.M.M.,Tan,B.H.&Low,J.G.H.Aretrospec9vereviewofater9aryHospital'sisola9onandde-isola9onpolicyforsuspectedpulmonary

tuberculosis.BMCInfect.Dis.,2014.14,547.4.  Dud,A.K.,Stead,W.W.Smear-nega9vepulmonarytuberculosis.SeminRespirInfect,1994.9:113-119.

5.  Behr,M.A.etal.TransmissionofMycobacteriumtuberculosisfrompa9entssmear-nega9veforacid-fastbacilli.Lancet,1999.353:444–449.6.  Chaisson,L.H.etal.ImpactofGeneXpertMTB/RIFAssayonTriageofRespiratoryIsola9onRoomsforInpa9entswithPresumedTuberculosis:AHypothe9cal

Trial.ClinInfectDis,2014.59:1353.7.  Na6onalTuberculosisControllersAssocia6on.ConsensusstatementontheuseofCepheidXpertMTB/RIFassayinmakingdecisionstodiscon9nueairborne

infec9onisola9oninhealthcareseOngs.April,2016.8.  Lipincod,C.K.,etal.XpertMTB/RIFassayshortensairborneisola9onforhospitalizedpa9entswithpresump9vetuberculosisintheUnitedStates.ClinInfectDis,


9.  Cruz-Ferro,E.,etal.EpidemiologyoftuberculosisinGalicia,Spain,16yearsaSerthelaunchoftheGaliciantuberculosisprogramme.IntJTubercLungDis,2014.18,134–140.

10.  O'Shea,M.K.,etal.,Time-to-detec9oninculturepredictsriskofMycobacteriumtuberculosistransmission:acohortstudy.ClinInfectDis,2014.59(2):177-185.11.  Campos,M.,etal.Feasibilityofshorteningrespiratoryisola9onwithasinglesputumnucleicacidamplifica9ontest.AmJRespirCritCareMed,2008.178:300.12.  Millman,A.J.,etal.Rapidmoleculartes9ngforTBtoguiderespiratoryisola9onintheU.S.:acost-benefitanalysis.PLoSOne,2013.8:e79669.



















NAAT TTD Smear Total0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+

Nega6ve <9days 0 0 0 0 0 0 12≥9days 12 0 0 0 0 12

Posi6ve <9days 1 1 3 8 10 23 82≥9days 20 12 15 11 1 59Total 33 13 18 19 11 94



lowerrisk higherrisk








0 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+MeanTimetoDetec=o


