•****«*.*&..*..•. w nr»sassjasmrwr^BK^^^ aaa^aw^-Aaataras^isuM Pnfolo Btttlp Courier. Tax Tzarue B*K -A raagazlno MAOUI^E. WIUJ! thia title is about t o b e broojc&l oat la Lon- don. The eorre*poodeBt of the Times has tb* following la ref-ard to the a**oci*lk>us which cluttrr around tbe a TaO0le: n —- »f Where U there such a place la Europe aa the Temple* Tlme-hoaored, associated with the ..i;-rt.;f Johnaoa. Goldsmith, aod taaay more celebrities of* termer age, its anecwawftil barrU- >r» hare dooe t a d d o much in tbe world, and its briefless barristers do" more, la those Temple Chamber* works proportionately * tkr larger amount of tbe brain of England, than in any other locality of the tamt extent. See there, that Inrtd lirht la yonder window—lurid, because the night U foggy, and tbe blind yellow with age! Within B5U -, writing the next day's first lead- er for tbe Time*. There, where yon hear those «ona*s of mirth, is a group of men, who hare en- rolled tbemsebres into a Club, and called them- selves par octUctrtx "Th* Twelve.** Not a man of them but has made his mark in some depart- ment of literature, science, art or politics. Stu- dent, philosopher, jurist, mechanician, writer, dramatist, playwright, inventor—everything i* there represented, and much of the beat. I t i s a perfect human beehive, that quiet old Temple, with lu variegated gardens, sad Fottntain-con rt, with the subdued dm of Fleet-street ompJtrosee rolling past, and the hoarse cries of bargemen floating up on the murky sir from the river. TIIE Earaas* or Rrser* —The Dowager Em- press of Russia hi either dead or on the point of death. One report announce her demise, "While another of the same date states thatahe was grad- ually falling, with but alight hope* of recovery. The Empress was the daughter of Frederic William* III, Kingof Prussia, and sister of the f renent King ; wa» born on the 13th of July, 798, and baptized under the names of Frederiea- Chariotte-Lonsie-Wilhelmlna. On her nineteenth birthday she was married to the then^Graad Duke N'ichola*, and on his secession to the throne of Rnaala by the strange withdrawl of his brother Con*tantine, was crowned with him In 1890 at Moscow. The domestic relations of the royal family of Ruseia are said to be very happy, and the affection existing between the Jrarlcms memb- ers much stronger than usual among royalty. Tbe late Empress bore the reputation of* faith- ful and devoted wife. Daring the' last illness of the Czar Nlchola* she attended to him person- ally, and his death had * great effect upon ;her. The health of the Empress failing, ahe recently went to Nice, but all efforts to preserve her health have proved unavailing, and she has sne- cqmbed to a consumptive disease. 4$«m £iranwr«> STEAMBOAT Californlan <r 'ki and * TFVfugh. c*. Pas«ac<* No. 05 EXCHANGE ST,, BCFFALO. The subscriber has made aaabgements with all the first claw companies la Sew York, boston and Philadelphia, to forward Passenger* to most part* of i n- land, Ireland, Scotland. Prance and Germany, '-X ^"-^ or falling- Packet Boats, .-.':; ] .| • WITHOUT DELAY* At CireaUy Reduced K*U*». Those wi»Wn« to sand for Uwrlr Wends, ran d°so«» rerr »ason*W?tef«l also, Ttrk«s soM at this office lor Raurst^ and Steamboats t<> CALIFORNIA. (via the otrfy reaaW* U. P. Mail Route,) The C ^ s d ^ a n d ^ ^ r i s Albany. New York, Boston. Phltodelphla, Cleveland, of the an a AxacboTR OP Carer . Jtrsmca New York Times publishes the following onec-' dote of Chief Justice Taney, to show that he will not probably resign: When the library in the Capitol was in flames, and clouds of smoke were rolling out and envel- oping the building, th<* Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court appeared in his seat at the usual hour, looking quite tranquil and undisturbed.— "Mar it please your Honor," said an'officer of the Court, "will the Court alt to-day 1" The Chief Justice looked up, and coolly and signifi- cantly asked, "Is the Court-room really onfire?" •*Oh, no, not yet," was the answer. 4 *Then we'll dt til!it ii," added the Chief. And the Court did sit, and transacted business as usual, amid all the confusion about it. ^ ' Tail New Ha VEX MUBDKR.—At New Haven, on Saturday, K. K. Belden, medical student, and his companions, had their final examination on the charge of killing George 3. Stafford with a dirk knife. Belden was committed for murder, and W. H. McCullock . was held In $5,000 ball, and W. A. Baldwin in $3,000, as alders and abet- ters in the crime. Edo Desoto, Chicago, Milwaukee Galena^ RocklaUnd guaMih, Madison, St. Paul, St. tools,! <**«n Bay L*ke Superior. The same has also established a HOUSE AND LAND AGENCY, and has several rood Houses and Farms for sale or to rent; also, Lite and Property Insured in tbS best epmpa- raw- particulars attention paid to Shipping and Insur- torFrelrht to CalUonu* by Steamer or Cjtoper Backets. B F. B. MYERB, Agent; ^.14-ly ' No. C5 Exchange at.; Buffalo. N."!. NORTH AMERICAN' ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. raoa saw TOBX TO uraaroo*-. Chief Cabin P a s s a g e . . - ..... -.--.--. -HBO , - Second Cabin Passage .L ....... 75 raoa SOSTO* TO ijraaroot. Chief Cabin Passage .... t-HO Second Cabin Passage CO The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The.ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Bar- suit' PERSIA, Cant Judklna, ARABIA, Cspt. J. Stone, ASIA, Capt. E, O. Lou, CANADA. Capt. Lang, AMERICA, Capt. Moodle, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson, AFRICA/CapC Shannon, ETJROPA, Captain J. Lcltch, '~'7° y 8COTIA<now buDdlng.) Ol These vessels carry a clear, white light at masthead, green on starboard bow, red on pert bow. ETJROPA, Moodle, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Novem'r 14 PERSIA, Jindklns, leaves N. York, Wednesday, Nov'rSl CAN ADA, (Anderson, leave* Boston, Wednesday, Now., *& AFBICA, Shannon, leaves New York, Wddneaday, Dec. S AJtABTA; Stone, Uaves*»/rton,W*dneaday, Dec 1* ASIA, Lot*, leaves New Tbrk, Wednesday, Der. Iff Berths act secured unta paid for; An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for TAX*Y.— Tbe 0 ^ BUrer. BuUlon, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless hills of lading; are signed therefor and the x^^^^.^^^^^^^^^ 1J60. Northern RaSway of Canada. r P ERNi Route to Qlcagb, Mllwankee Sheboygan v iTkinae, Bault St. Marie, Bruce Mlnes,LakeBapertor and 0 ^ 0 Bay. Will, on tbe UI of April, be prepared to trana- JJrt Kim and Second Class passengers, EttlgranU and Suvers with their goods .ndUre stvck and aU kinds of r eight to places above named, and other l*ake port*, elleaper and more exptdl loualy than any other rout< The following Largest Class new upper Cabin Screw si-amers having unsurpa wed passenger accommodations, will run Tri-Weekly betw« en OoUlngwood and Chicago: HUNTER, Cx T, Dicxsoa, KVEBCREE: * CITY, CAM. CaAJtwrRLa, , »C!C, Oarr. Door, KENOSHA, C irr. LACT. 'iTralnsonthe Grand Trink Railway. Connect with this Line at Unto* St ation, To -onto;, sis*, rjtsamers With New York Central via LewUtot i; Erie and Ontario via Niagara; Oswego and Syracuse via Oswego; Watertown and Rome via Cape Vincent; Verrm ntCentral at Ogdensburgh, and Royal Mall Line from Qu< bee and Montreal. Vyor further informatkn enquire at Steamboat Office, ojpposlte Erie Street Depo:, Buffalo, s }• 0. • W. ROGERS. 6 enseal freight Agexit, 0. GABLE, Genen 1 Ticket Agent,Toronto. O. f. EVERTS, Tra (feline Agent. jeC:Cm J. LE V7I3 GRANT, Superintendent. |ewYork & Western States Line, AND NEW YORK APR WESTERN LINE. lECDWIJS TTgEVANS, (l PBQPBiEfdR, BUFFALO, " * Office, Corner Wa cr Stre|et and Ship CanaL \ Transportation from N m-Xoifc, Albany, and Troy, to Buffalo and ail points v ''est, and Superior facilities for Shipping Eastward Bounc Freight. H^|Li*aPaosAOsa«'N. Y. dc W . S . Line," and Ship at Pier 2, East ] Liver. NIWY'C-RK I •A. GENTS. ) <* I up o Stairs. MOB a Co. ,'Age nUi, W River Street," Troy. War. EATOS, Ageat, Xj» Plerj Albany. mr28:tnol Q fetjiitard. jyril.l>*60. ^&MSi**- POAOj Fj W. H. Oaass, Loois FosTanis, | 1T1 Broadway, and 1 Oourtland St. . R. I WniTK * NBAL, 118 Broad ^tree^, EsiaJa. Taluethereofthereto expressed. For freight or passage apply to no9 HTCONARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. Y, -. USE THE BEST." MRS. WILSON'S HALE REGENERAT0E. A M T O I R K L A N D . land and Hootlnnd i'o-r $30. TOBATLANTICBOXALMAIl STEAM Navioanos Coaaasrr'a New Toax kan GsLwaTLrsra. I rt departure from New, York s ill be the staunch and powerf01 Iron Steamer. PRINCE ALBERT, Cxrt. OxMPTJILL. To sail from New York on Thursday, Dee. 8th, touching at St. John, N. F., to receive the royal malls. raxoxs or txmxoz. .. First class ..... ai.SKJ, $Tb\ and $60 (According to -accommodation.) Third c l a n ............. ^ ....... -•>..-- S8D Including free tickets to all the principal cities on the main lines of railwaytoGreat Britain and Ireland. Third class must provide plate, knife, fork, * a j and bedding. Passage to St. John—First clas* *8»; second *W For freight or passage Inquire of the American Express Company, W Broadway, and at their other advertised offi- cestothe Interior.. Passage in' tbe third class can be se- cured at any or the above offices, to bring persons out from any of the principal cities an the lines of railway, to Great Britain for $89, or from Gsiway fdr $30. • AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY. A .-, WM. B. PECK, Agent. Jyl:tf _ * No.», 11 * 18 West Seneca st„ Buffalo. Railroad. SwEr Twar,. UU * or ICE. Oontracta for freight will bo made to CLEVELAND, 1N>LE©0, OHICJAGO, ; JVlil^varoke ej Columbus. CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, INDIANAPOLIS, SALTS T LOUIS, CAIRO, and idl other points 8outh South treat, West and Northwest, ! /A* Low ae by any other Boiite, b/application at the Frel jht Office of the Buffalo andState Line Railroad Company, < n Louisiana street. I $3^" Mark Goods via " Lake Shore Route," and consign to care Buffalo and State Line Railroad. i %W Freight received f rom T.JA. M. to B P. M. AN. BROWN, Superintendent. ' 0. K. Looms, Gcn'lFi eight Agent. - Buffalo, March 1,18<J0., f mr8 American E: cprejss Company. SPRING AND Showing the time of a nival and departure, and the Opening and closing of E cpresst a at Buffalo, from Mon- day, April 9th, 1860. (By New York time, 2C mlnutjes fikater Omn Buffalo.) m SKtottei. The Regenerator is pat ap in two sizes, and retails for 50 cents for pint bottles, and $1 for quart bot- tles. The quart bottles are.much the che jpest. K I ** Who wants a Good Head of Hair? U s e M r s . W l n a l o W » a H a i r Regeneratoy a n d H a i r Dreaalns. i Please read a few certificates from tbe following relL ,- ble and well known people: MasaaH. Haxar P. Wruo* k Co.—My wife is now using your Regenerator for tbe Hair, and pronounce* It far su- perior to anything ahe ever used for the hair. It U easily applied, does not soil In the least, has no disagreeable odor, Increases the growth of the hah*, prevents It faUlng off, and often enres the headache. I forward you this certificate unsolicited, because I think an article that will do what your Hair Regenerator will, should be widely ,. known. I think it la tbe beat article for the hair now to i use. Respectfully, *c, Rer. JACOB BTBTEN8, Newbury port, Me. *KJ like th* Hair Iteyeneratorand Droning very »>f »<•*." Rev. Oto. W. Woonao, Hartford, Ct. i - " / unk**iUttingly pr<OfU>une+it an invuluabli arti- cle, from the effect on my own Head." S. A. H n i , wife of Rev. Henry Hill, Manchester, N. H. '* It render«d my Aa i r *ofl and qloety." Muwr FJUUU*, Saratoga Springs, N. T. - I/eel oon/ldent that it operat**^ov a*ady*.but to rmtore. Vu roote to Ouir naturai'Ji&toiy state.'* Rev. I. M. Kmtiu± i Bawia*, N. H. " / mo*t cAeerfttUy recommend It to aU perton #." Rev. C JtnasTTt, Lttttston, N. H. November 1. Msssss. HaxaT P. Wnaoa a Co.—I bars no hesitancy to saying,tomy opinion. Mrs. Wilson's Hair Regenerator and HalnDriaarns; are the best hair preparations now In use. I shall continue to use them wnh pleasure. Rev. H, EL HAETWELL, Lawrence,, Miss, 7 November. '! Massas. H n a r P. Wnscsr a Co.—I hare used yoor Hair Regenerator and HaJr Dressing, and have received peat benefit from thexx I deem the articles worthy of high commendatlori, and cheerfully recommend them to all who want to restore gray hair to its original color, or to any wbo ar*> troubled with dandruff, or a disagreeable Itching of »/ae head, or humors, or to those whose hair is falling r- om the head. Rev. G. W. H. CLARK, Great Falls, N. H. Masses. Haaat P. Wnanx * Co.—I deem Mrs. Wilson's Hair Regenerator and Hair Brassing the standard articles of all hair preparations. I have, to many instances, known them to restore the hair where it had laBen off, re- move <landraff, restore the hah* to lu original color, cure entirely the most painful beadachea, and rn some instances most serious humors. Personally, I have been a sharer to several of these benefit*. * HENRY BELL, Manchester, N. If. OIL! OIL! OIL! F. S. PEASE, W r hole«fllo £)enler and M A N U F A C JT U.R.E..R OF OIL, NO. 61 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, SIGN. O F T H E i\^ALE. SPERM OIL, ELEPHANT OIL, Refined and bleat ted winter. ' •-. •-'•'"'• •> Ptfrtr*, C-LITE OIL. * ILVER ISEDAL AND DIPLOMA Awarded to F. S. PEASE, by the N.t State Agricultural Society at Buffalo, FOR THE BEST Hi a. r»d O ilJ j •-.,; •...:• . At d Other Oila, LARD OIL, Winter and Summer St rained TALLOW, WOOL AND RBD OH. wVIsUULE OIL. WINTER AND SPRING REFINED^Bleached. STRAITS, BANK, TANNER'S AMD SEAL OIL. PURE OLIVE AND NEATS-POOT OIL. Linseed V>ilp Raw and Rolled, Warranted Pure! MACHINERY OIL, * good article, at low. price, j ICei^o.&.'jB.na ..Qil 5 . ' Genuine article, and COAL OILS of every description, at Manufacturer's prices. VARNISH, TURPENTINE AND FLUID. PEASE'S Improved Engine and Signal Oil! ' FOR . HA1LBOAD8 AND MACTaiNKRY, AdntDWledged t n b e Or* c P - - ' - BEST LUBRICATOR ' f.J * I THE CHEAPEST BURNING OIL ! :i ^ TWm *• a«wivi:j A a * First Premium awarded by Syracuse Mechanic's Associ- ation,to1854. . ••] Ftort Premium awarded by N. T. State Agricultural So- cietyto1835. '• Medal awarded by American Institute, New York, 1856. Silver Medal and Diploma by N. Y., Agricultural Bociety FOR AXJUSs*, *RQT, NEW TOBK iKD BOOTON. Connects at Albanr >rtth Western (M^1«**^ A **°J Northern Railroads Tor Boston, and all ptobestoNew-SJof- ian<L : .-. ."'-•• Lt; '/ \ ':.". ON AHD AFTER MONDAY, - . A p r i l O, J®^* TratoM eave Bnffsdo, from Exchange Street Dspot, as «t- S ^'Vasfa A. M. BUFFALO A N s ) N B W BeJaTiaT Byron, Rochester. (Breasiasti Palmyra, Clyde, Jordan?Syrseuse,Chlttenango, tome.C^tDtaneOjLU- Ue F S i , Palatine Bridge, Fonda and Schenectady arrtv- togstAlbSntatadOP. st^Slstsareet. N^ Yt>ra^ atJOO P7M., and Boston atll-JB) P.M. 3Ws ******** »* iBatariawith traintorStafford, Le Boy, C*le4onto, Hone- oye 1 raUs, West Bloomneld, IWstBloomfleld *ndCanandal- 11 Connects also at Rochesterwith trains vtoCanandai. sneva and Auburn to Syracuse. '_-•; ' '.': A . ITI. A C C O i T O I O D A T I O N TRAIN TO KOCHK8TBR.-« to PP ln E M .att sta- A ; H I . B T B A M B O A T «XPM»S. Stops at Batavla, Byron, Bergen, Church- Ooldwater, Bochoster, iTalaYjrrsv Newark,^Ly- «,, Port Byron. Jordan, Syraowe^dlnner,) and . principal places between SyracuseandAlbany,«>n- g wtth People's Line of Steamers,, arriylngtoNew at 6-00 next morning. Also wtth train on Hudson Railroad, with alceptog car attached, arrlvtog In 'Ork ct fiiO next morning, i^v At > ~'-M P. in. JTLAIL TBAIN^-8tops at all statious—via Rochester, Oauandahjua, Gene- urn and Syracuse; also, connects with train at Ba- 4for Stafford, Lo Roy, Caledonia, Genesee YaDey Rail- road; Junction, West Rush, Honeoye Fails, West Bloomfleld. MUlSr's Corners, East Bloomfleld and Canandalgna, and east Syracuse at 11 P. M. i j _ P. JUL NIGHT EXPRESS—Stops at Lancaster. Batavia, Byron, Bergen, Roches- pper) Palmyra, Newark, Jordan, Syracuse, Oneida, Utlca, Little Falls, St. Johusrille, Fonda and Bche- dy. Arrives at Albany 4:48 A M.,81st street, New j at &:46 A. M., Boston at L-00 P. M.; U ^AA *• CINCINNATI \ EXPRESS. TIMI Stops at Batavla, Rochester, Lyons, Port By- roa,Byracnse, Cblttenango, Oneida, Boms, UUca, HerkV merrilttle Fails, 8L Johnsville, Fort Plain, Fonda, Am-, sterdam and Schenectady,. Arriving at Albany at 9-45 A M„ New York at 2-16 P. M., Boston at 4-00 P. M. JOT SLEEPING OARS Attached, to this train between Buffalo and Albany. J ' ' ^ \ , « : • »»< « ELEGANT SMOKING OARS attached to each Day ess Train. ONLY ONE TBiALK ON SUNDAY^ P. Mt NIGHT EXPRESS.—Arrives at Albany at 4:45 A M„ New York, at 9:40. A. M. §ail §oanis-Wwt«jat». •• > . . . " . 18 GO. Sommer 1860. LAKE SHORE 3 Thelrain leaving' BoSaV aVeTdo ^r^Satwdayj run directly through, arriving In New York at 0.46 Sunday morning. •. • ' *' ^ - Trains arrive from the East at 1:80,4.80 and 110.00 A.M., and S.80, 7.80 and 10.80 P. M. I Baggage, checked Through.to Albany, Troi,New IS leav TO AND PBtOlTI THE EAST. THROUGH AND WAY }IXPRE8S^Vla new road from : Rochester. Arrive at 8 00 P. M.; opened next morning; | Closes 7:80 A. M.; leave s at 8:00 A). M. WAY EXPRESS—-Via old road from Rochester. Arrives j 1:40 A M.; opened at 8 00 A M. Closes at 2:30 P. M.; ' leaves 8:00 P. M. L00KPORX EXPRESS—i jrivefl 10:10 A.M.; opened 10:40 A M. Closes 6:10 P. M.; leavfes 5:40 P. M. 'THROUGH MONEY EXPRESS—For New York and Al- bany. Arrives 10:00 A. M.: opened 10:80 A. M. Closes 6:00 P. M.; leaves 6:00 1'. M. TO AND PR'MH THE IVEST. CANADA AND WESTER « EXPRESS—Through Canada j to Detroit and Toronto. Arrives 7:80 P. M.; opened next | morning. Closes 8:80 A. M.; leaves 8:45 A. M. SOUTHERN EXPRESS—torCleveland, Cincinnati, etc. T Arrives 5:25 P. M.; ope led 6:00 P. M. Closes evening I before; leaves 0:45 A. B L BUFFALO & LAKE HUE ON EXPRESS—Arrives 5:40 P. I M.; opened 6:00 P. M. Closed at 9:45 A. M.t leaves at 1O.20 A. M. •WESTERN THROUGH HONEY EXPRESS—To Detroit, etc Arrives 9:60 A At.; opened 10:15 A. M. Closes 6:00 P. M.; leaves 0:801. M. •SOUTHERN MONEY El PRESS—To Cleveland, Clncln- natl, etc. Arrives 4:20 . L M.: opened 8:00 A. M.; closes 6:80 P. M.; leaves 10:00 P. M. I far Expresses starred f) carl-y money and small pack- age* only. Matter to be lpaurcd being forwarded: hy.Jirat and Boston. "alo, IVI»xffaraFallH, Saspensloia dge, JLewlstom and l^oclcport. and after MONDAY, May ilth, 1860, Trains will Buffalo, from Erie street Depot, as follows : A. Itt. FOR LOCKPORT AND Way Stations to Rochester. A. M. FOR LEWISTON.TORON- |J * TO, Detroit and Chicago. f\ P . M . FOR S U S P E N S I O N BRIDGE, 19 London and Toronto. f\ P. M. FOR LOQKPORT AND \M Way Satlonsto Rochester. O P . DI. D E T R O I T AND CHICAGO Express. _ Javes Buffalo at 9:00 A M. Returning, leaves Suspen- sion Bridge at 6:lO"P. M., Niagara Falls C:20; arrive at Buffplo 7:80. .. Trains leave Niagara Falls at 4:45 and 6:60 A M., andj 2:00, 6:40, 6:00 and lOiOO P. M. Train East from N. Falls on Sunday at 6:00 P. M. ese Trains connect at Rochester with Express Trains Buffalo for the East. All erf the above trains to Suspension Bridge, make clos£ connections with trains on the Great Western Rail- wayf going West. Trains arrive from Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge at 1 ):00 A. M., 1:20P. M.,and7:80P. M > Tiatos arrive from Lockport at 10:10 A. M., and 9:00 P. W. N. Y. Central Tune is 20 minutes faster than Buf- falotTlme. I Jei2 . J; OOLLAMEB, Assistant Bnpt, Buffalo, New York & Erie. IMHI S3H31 luSm [n nnK in S ,t wsr!^^iw^'irTrw^^^wT:*l > ww^^wsTT IINEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, "Ai*I> &TJN1BDK& TO CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CTNCTNNATI, TOLEDO, CHIOAGO, Mh.WAUB^F-GALENA cW ROOK ISL- AND. BUBLINGTO^DUBUQTJE.OT^ PAUL, •.:-rT MADISON,^^ CUMMF/OT. LOOTAJv ;> A'nd in Pointstothe West and South-West. On and after MOI0AY, the W Inst., IrsSat wiaieare Buffalo ft-om Exchange Street Depot, as follows, (Sundays «e*pt*«Mp-; r7 T-'AF At 4 ~KJKJ # it. * M -MAJlXs.* Arrlyesat DUNKIRK 8-45 A M., ERIE WK50 AM..OLEVE- IAND2-25 P. M., rDtoe.lTOLEDOT^?.^! <8«PJ*§> and CHICAGO 5-65 A. M. This train connccU at Cleve- land with mall train for 1 the South—reaching. Columbus 9-soP.M.. ; . .;;..;./; | ( . ,.,...•„-. ld-oo A ^i&ass?" 1 *** Arrives at DUNKIRK 11-50 A. M., (Dine.) ERIE 1-48P. M, OLKYBLAND6-aO P,,M, (SappeO TOLJII^LO^S PJfcfj, OB10AGO 8-00 Jkl M-,. (iir«ikfast,) and MILWAUKEB 1:13 P. M. This train connects at Cleveland with Night Express for the South, reaching Columbus 11-05 P. M., Cincinnati 8-10 A. M., and Indianapolis 6-00, A M. ^h'KjKJ ACCOIHMODATION. Reaches >VESTFIELD 7-10 P. M. Be turning leaves 16,1* Inftrtlible •nipjj asJ field 6*60 A M.» arrives at Buffalo 9-80 A; M. 3KJ PRESS* Arrive* at DUNKIRK 1945 A M., ERIE 2-08 i. M., CLEVELAND 5-80 A. M.. (Breakfast,) TOLEDOi0-20 A M., ICHICAGO P i n e at White Pigeon) 8-15 P^ M M and MttWAtTKBE 12^50AM. TW*watoc<)nne>at01et«- land with Day Express for the South, reachbg Columbus 11^0 A M., Cincinnati 4*20 P. M., and Inoataapolls MD P.M.. t*. . FOR RHEUMATOL ( STIFF NECK AND CUTS AND m(~ AND ALL Tbe great natural Bone Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticu Is known AU orer .the TJbBsAilate*, Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Cowiecticu tn the antharof ^Dr. Sw^^»slfcfattrals " Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never falls. Dr. Sweet's InfaUible Liniment Isacertalhreine^rai'lrfsarahjrta. | f Dr. Sweet's l^lliMe^M Cures Burns and Scalds Immediately. , .. .;.••, Dr. Sweet's Infallible Iliniment la the.bleat kaowa reme4y for Sprains Sn4 Bruises. a. «... «- .T1T W « °rt,f a* the Otd Court-Uooat \ ay. the 15th day e oSlS^ % SB*««rts&' S SS^ S Hal. Aloe,wtiaihs city of Buffalo, on th« known rear, J. S. Smith. No. 2. A house and lot Term, ol 5*at: at n ai«v Now ** »» no. x. A nousc a n a io» altuated In tA. i .^^^&?f^! ^JL w ^slilwfr •treeu, oeing so ieet rront on South *^•- Wl « Blfcw- TWOjat seep on JQUoott ^reet. N? w occ^*^? No,S.* A claim against Van a»ke \«*^ balatteoc^i*a«dpidaadirrteTeatWflo^t 08 » fcf Dr. Kali 8*s>dryr^*^dr.^and J l3 l S^ Ocott A Hale, amonaUng tofc3??Zrf»*» aasjl. menta against the same parties 48,^^5 ****? h#. 18-100, exclusive of Interest saVi^IfT* ' fo W.*a ceptaaces and Judgments are bett otiWfoT? ,l » sad Ai. the notes, drafts and acceptances, w h i S c »aoaw of on from date to maturity. ««*— Ha 5. Nine drafts Bryde.and acre Interest. Buffalo, Nor. Receiver of falo. afts made by n. § R..^ ?pted, amounting to. H^. * }••*<'.' ttlSCU. the property .'Vkc„ of the HolMrter *2? a S U !>IClHL10i«. COU"UT*oTiS^ Krie Oounty, M as :^ Orlando Allen, pUiaufLlS Burt etche i Jan r,[Ar Taff his wife, Henry Taff, Henry B. Burt, Julia A. Burt Rosetta Burt his wife, Zenas H. hurt, i. bin wife; NVS'JS* nojciia »urv ou wur, /.ru« u. Durt, LUCY HI>H wi.^ Rltsa Fleteher, CharteV Fletcher, Heirv C £? fr 5 "- H. Bast, James BuTt;!. Taylbr Burt, Martha j a*JT?^ ard Taff, j Ann EUsaTaff hUwlf». M.nt!!.V""!i ate Sweet's Infallible Iainiment Direct connections are made in (nlcago with ,xhf morning and evening trains of aU the ,WMtcro Roads, pisassaxaB DCSTINSDTO OOLUMBUSL SPRINGFIELD, DATfOH, iHD LIS, CrNClKNATIjLOUpVILLE, Ac, INDIAN APO- LSAya Via Columbus, at 6-05 A M7 : 0-00 P. " Via Clyde and Dayton, at5-55 A * 8-16 P. M. (Mail,) and (Exp.) 5-00 P.M. (Exp.) J. Connections aro also mad> at Toledo with the ••' TOLEDO, WABABH ANDlrTaTEBN BAlLBOAl)' " For Port Wayne, Wabash, Pen, Logansport, La Fayette, Danville', SprtogfWd ana St. Louis, Leaving T?ol6dd^Ml<f-SO A. M. and Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. Dr. Affords Sweet's Infallible fcniment lmmedlatf reUef for Piles, and seldom falls to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures T oothach*toone minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures-Cuts and Wounds Immediately, and leaves no scar. Dr. 10-j »M. j SJBCONH CE.ASS *TH4S—go through to CHIOA? GO on all Express tratosjbus offering to the publlo the advantage of HIGH 8PEJD wltbLOW FARE. LUXURIOUS BLEEPyG'OARS accompany all Night Express Trains througtfo the Mississippi river, securing to the traveler by thlslA« the comfort of a Hotel, where- ever nightovertakes hU,. j. ,. {; - , . \:,u.- ; «•/•- A ,iiU* BAGOAGE CAECKIEB THJROUGjlH To Cincinnati,' Toledo, jblcago, St., Louis, MUwaukes, and , all principal pinta West and South-West. l^fTIUOUGH T/JKETS BY THIS ROUTE can be obtained at all the /dncipal Ticket officestothe United States, and 1 i BuffaL at the Company's Ticket office, Ex!- change Street Depo' ata o a ' t the GsrsrESAt UNIOH •tfrar Omos, No. 17 Exoiuiiaa StaaaT. ..; i .."'. WM. R. BARB, General Agent, Burrau). Buffalo, AprilftI860. ^ ap!8 Dr. Has nralse Dr. Is truly bo. n h Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tbe b ;st remedy for Sore* in the known world. Sweet's Infallible Liniment used by more than a million people, and all Sweet's Infallible Liniment \ " friend in need," and every family should have it at'htnd. , ; Dr. {Sweet's Infallible Ianiment Is for aa e by ail Druggists. Price 25 cents. . •. > RICHARDSONft00., Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct. For sale tn Buffalo by G. A. REYNOLDS A CO., And all dealers. jeSSdacly Francis J. At water, William Qughea, Jarnc !s wife, Manuti TtfRirS. rah Ann Taff h b w & n ^ AlanaonCro.bjr.j^J^ »^»:feSffi h Ann Taff hbwtf. nUz Flaid, John Hammond.vWimam a.-u.p— , BaarjrGarrett, deceased, Alanso..^™ao mcr, William SuttonJWllnam Farthing, ^lu 4tt L,ri!r eater, William H. Blodgett, H i W o 5 2 ! 1860. 1860 v&prete must be dellveret by ths time given for: closing. 1 e* mentioned as "opened." Packages will be readyforidellve|ry at the offlce at the tlm MARG0 4 apll 18CO. WELLS, BUTrSRFIELb A CO. f P r 0P ri etors. WM. a |PE0K, Agent, Nos. 9,11A118 West Seneca street. ston, Baltimore and Was WIDE AND COMFORTABLE C Ttfalns liavo the Depot of "Buffalo. New Yo, •oad,. corner of Exchange and Michigan at: Ral low and Erie •ets, as fol- cr Arraugemont. GREiT WESTERN 'IN CONNECTlOiN WITH lVliqiI»AN C E N T R A L •> AMD ;.:;•. Detroit and Milwaukee VIA'DFFALO AND SUSPENSION BRIDGE, s a Bt3K--slsV-ywsT " J'wsr^^wFrT'r'wsrTrwwTr: TO TORONTO, Ds^OIT, CHIOACiO, I?H1LWAIJK1E1S, ^^''' r '-jCraleBa.PraIrtoAttOn1ea,'X* ,l 'Ori*ss*«F; - "•*-*•' - go^PAUI* DUBUQUE, MADISONJ FOND DU LAO^ f ao /r Rock lsiMdi^uhgfon,autocey, •: - f * n/p /OUIB^ ST. JOSEPH, and -all Points in the West, North and South-west, and after MONDAY, April 9th, trains'- leave the I'UBIFT THK BLOOD. VetetabWIiife Pillff AND - !• PHOENIX 'IS! - a 1800. r : •• COCOA-NUT OIL Saiir Dressing. TV " ' ' T Mrs. Wilson's 1-talr Dressing is put up in large bottles, and retails for 3T eta. per bottle, and for ilisssnnn the hair of any person, young or old, there la not lie equal to the world. It wDl make tbe halr-^everythtog you wish it to be, and moreover. It has a perfume that Is Infinitely superior to any of the fashionable extract*, either foreign or American, which ilone should entitle It to a place on every lady's toilet ta ble. Silver Medal and Diploma by N. Y. Agricultural Society to 1858. ' • j SUver Medar and Diploma by New York Agricultural Societyto1860. | *jy_ Reliable orders filled for any part of the World. XJkJ* for tale only by the manufacturer, • "F. ; a l wnsASE, Janlt-tt . j^ : •- ^ .41 Main Street. ; S^S*K'8lMPK6^&D r 5lL / AMERICAN EXPIRES COMPANY. Capital [...$750,000. The unequalcd Fac Jltieaj and, great extent of the Route of this company, enable them to transport with, the greatest safety and sp :ed, C o i n * B a n k : N o t e s , J e w e l r y , and other Valuabloa, Goods and IPackage*, , i an TO j Collect Notes, drafts & Accounts, Bills sent with goods, ant; to execute all other commis- sions connected with the I zpresa business, at ail the prin- cipal places between the < lty of New York and the West- ern, North and Southwestern States and Canada. . Its con* nectlons with other axaro: ramus Ebqpresa Companies, also extend their facilities to all parts of the vjnitcd States , 3 California and H i s t r o p e . At the .WesVtbexlnea of rttxe Conapaay are constantly being extended to the opening of how Routes. jay™ Each Express is lent on a.firstclass passenger train, and. accompanied J ij a trusty Messenger, provided with an iron safe for. seem lty of valuables. "Tor notice of the time 0' the departure of each Express frbm'Buffalo, see "Time !otlceX > v --v " WELL*, BDTTEEFDSLD 4 00.', Ne. 62 Broadway, New 1 York. LIVINGSTON, FARGO St CO., jaltf Nos^'9' at d 11 West Seneca st., Buffalo. A . M . - S 5 0 R N E I . 1 L S V * X L E WAY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.—Arrives at Avon^ G 100 at Vt 80 P. M., and HomeDsvillo at 2 80 P. M. AA A. FI.--PHII.AlsSI.raiA ANI W BALTIMORE MAIL EXPRESS.—Dinner 7 Avcfb; supper at WlUiamsport; breakfast at Plilladelpb or Baltimore at S o'clock nextmorrdng. Connects at Av* for Rochester, and at Oorntog for Blnghamton. > • A toft P. F f . — N E W Y O R K NIGHT E> *. ^v pRESS.~f or Le Roy, Avon, Rochester, OorOg and ! New York. BChrough to Hew York without c a s - ing. ; patent Night Oars with rrcllnlng seats and ead rest 9. (Magnificent Sleeping Osra run from OarnK t0 NevrYork.) Supper, at Avon: Breakfast at Port ^ris> Arr ves in New Yerk-atKhOO A. StJ "•" ' A Oft P.' Itt.-BAMI1IORE d: PE^A- 4 #v DELPHIA EXPRESS.-Arrives atElmlra/H:80 P. M.; leaves Elmir* at 4;38 A V., arrives at Philselphla at 5 P. M., Baltimore 5 P. M , Washington 7 P. M. . P. mE.-HORNELLSVIIil.s9 EX- PRESS.—Arrives in Horneilsville at 1WJP. M. No Trains East or W<st on Sunday. JEt. By New York time, 20 mnutes faster tbu. Buffalo EPINO CARS ON NIGHT TWAINS. Buffalo to Avon and Return? ,. 1 75 Leave Buffalo. At-.Batavi*. *rr. Hoch.'r. 'S:0OM; ' S:80 P.M. 00 P. M. 11:00" P. M. 6.30 4 20 time. S Maill Express 7.10:18 AVTMI Nigjit Express.. 4:20 P. M. Leave Rochester. Night Express.. 6:40 A. M. TJ oM I Use tbe Regenerat >r before retiring at night, and in the morning apply a llttl|s of tbe Dressing, and your hair will be even more life-uki 1tocolor and beauty. Use nothing en yoor hair but these preparations, and use these according to directions, and we warrant you a good healthy head ol hair. Manufactured and sold at wholesale by IIENRY'P; WILSON A CO„ Manchester, N. H, to whom all letters should be addressed. -r . w* t. I. MATHEWS, oc9-2aw*ely Waoleaalc Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. For Sewing THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD FOR PINE The high speed at which Sewing Machines are run. re o^fc^the^tiustoUthat'canbe made to keep them,to or feaeeU (HI U need and recommended by all the prln- 1 dpal Sexolng Machine Makers throughout the country as the '- j j " B E S W t t T T H A T C A W B E ! U S E D . Bkt~Made«ny^b>'' ,'p I . Vm S..PEA:S FIANUFACTURER OP OIL, T«.-. '} .CI Matoaweet, Buffalo, N.T. > l '>• j S-» < Also, for sale by A/I. MATHEWS, Druggist, 220 JV 1 T 3B3 8 eF"EnQUire for Psoas's Seeing Machine OU. and NOTICE that P. & Psfsa, Sawrso MACmw OrL Buvvsxo, T- mrlfrtf N. Y., Is blown op each bottle. r » & * VJt L C O H 0 3 L > t P X « T X X i L l - C R y X . CJ1JL1.ET, 2*oa~ X8» SO knd »S Uoyti Street, Marmfactnr sr and Whole**)*Sealerto, 55 and 96 PEA CENT. ALOOl INQ FLUID,". COs^OCNR Oontatos a complete and eias*rined fist of ail the RAILROADS, CANALS AND NAVIGABLE RIVERS l a the United States and.Canadas. * Together with the names of the towns and villages Utua- ted thereon or tributary thereto. '' i .'•' I '*:- "<!/• " !: " " Also, a list of the Omeers, Agents, Ac.' connected with the Rafh-oaday Canals, and COLLECTION OF CUSTOMS, with Distance Tables, Rates ot TnA Freight Tariff*/ *c 4c *- --• W fiuXiTf I 'j •*" ii 5 TEp' ST EXPRESS. 1860. Capital. 6500,000. " 1860. BUFFALO OFFICE, NO IB WEffl!. SENECA STREET. The recent extension of the routes of this Company into MISSOURI, IOWA, B ANSAS AND NEBRASKA, and the establishment of A .gencles at all points of import- ancetothose State* and T rrritories^i completes a continu- ous chain of offices from :«EW YORK CITY to.the FAR WEST, embracing all the t rindpal cities and towns in ! omO.INDIANA^-ItaNOIfl AND MICHIGAN, enabling them to transmit Goods, Ootoy Bank Notes, Jew- elry, and Valuables, with f PEED and SAFETY, and WITH- OUT TRANSFER, -. •• .... ; - I. Their ravorable connect ens wtth other reliable Express Companies, enable them to guarantee the prompt and faithful execution of all »e cpxeas businesstoevery part of the UNITED. STATES, OA WFORNIA and EUROPE. Notes, Drafts, Bills and A ccounts collected, and proceeds returned wtth the greatest despatch. , For additional security, nark goods: " By United States Express Co." ., , . . I \ i "-• QKirraLt ovrioKS. •'!'• . No. 62 Broadwi y; New.Yprk. - ' V No. 16 Weat Seneca street, Buffalo. > I-. D. N. BA RNEY. President, New York. HENRY KTP, Gen'l Sop t, Buffald. . deSlCB^tf •NXT'KXJ-' S'T'-ATTBl'^ BJlXl- PRESS COMPANY, v i a - i V _lTalo, N«vtr 1T< »rk A Erie Railroad. Freight, Packages, and Pei Ishable Goods delivered at our Offlce, No. 82 Broadway, F ew York, at four o'clock P. M., win be forwarded by the N ght Express .Train, and deliv- eredtoBuffalo next morning,, r " ,"]/ ' ]' telO' ••< ..••'••>- .. H E N R Y BTBP, G e n i S u p t . Le^e Batavla; Arr. Buffalo. :00 AM., 10:80 A, Mj ;28P. M, 5:40 P.M. 1:00 P. M/ 4.15 Mall. .'.'. ..11:45A. M. Bn res* .... : . . . ' ftOO P, BL 'i 1:00 P. M 7 .12:45 A M, ' T -alns arrive from the East ajfollows . NIGHT EXPRESS—Leaves "Tew Ybrf at'6:00 P.M.i arrivestoBuffalo at 10:85 A Bi / P ULADELPHIA J AND BAQlMOBja MAIL TRAIN, DIRECT—Arrhrea at6:40 P. Mi > HORNELLSVILLE. TRAINS-Lcave Hornollsvilie 6:00 A M. and 11:00 A M- . Arriveit Buffilo 10:85 A M. and 6:40 P;M. ' ' v ! ' " B JPFALO DAY EXPRESS-leaves. New York at t:00 A. 11. Arrives at Buffalo 12:81. N. Je 18 -''• •• >• : ••' A. IPATOHIN, President. FALL ARRAIQEMENT- I860- »^^J^4444l4i4J^l^^J441^tlA^lr^ > | w York aid Harlenv :10 A.M. A,HI. TrJatoion N, 9:)0».M. As a Gaxettser ttbAS NO EQUAL, being COMPREHENSIVE ANR.RCXIABL.E, any other yet published. Asatraasportatlonguide it has NO CO ""SiJJ?* thni Axxwa, becomes at once XwpiSFJQBABLE TO IVIBJY MAN 0. Who istoany way connected wtth the shl: A: B I D W E L L , LSHIP B«JII.IIINd AND REPAIRING, ON BUFIALO CREEK. m*i » : tOpposiWfeotrtCMeagoStsest:) The undersigned would respectfully Inform the public that they are prepared &• contract for the building of STEAMERS, PROPELLER} ,TUG8, and VESSELS of every description, for the Lakei, Seaboard, and Canals, on as reasonable terms as any otl ler establlahmcnt. Having du- ring the past winter fitted t p two of the best DRY DOCKS to this section of .the count 7, we are, prepared to do all And contains 2,000 more placestoour own country than [ kinds of repairing on the s) lortest-possible notice, aodj in the meat thorough manner. Also, all kinds of Jolrier R»and BUSINESS, o»*'trans- Bonrborx, O l d R y e dk Re^tlfleA'triilaker; portatlon ot^property. In vies 10 BRANDIES and GIN. EVERY TRANSPORTS Also, DO] A superfine article of RXCTIFYINO COAL always jar Agent the lowest ma; •rela. I R O N B A J L I N » Corner of Ch arch and Jad for the Vesta OH Company, and for sale at :r's pricestobarrel* and tsif bar- HENRY T. GILLET;DistuleT, Buffalo, N. Y. Parestsssrp-may rely, on h*vtog good packages and cor- rect Guajces. SPORTATION MAN MUST USE IT I JBYEEY RAILROAD AGENT SHOULD GET OWE! - IVEEY WHOLESALE MERCHANT NEEDS A COPYi 1VEBT MANUFACTURER SHOULD 'HAVE ITT And in fact, all who have occasion to use a gazetteer, pur- chasingthia '' »•.:../ p *\i , 1 WlUt -*AVr ; MO|4Ey^ i - \1 Being furnhhed at LESS THAN ONE-THIRD the price W a Gawtter alone, it is thereby commended ' "•'-*; TOrtHB HAVOK ALL. ^ %W For sale at the offlce of publication and at the aooAatoroa.' . 1 I DOOs% HON SHUTTERS, Aa. t' &"* ""^ "^ { j ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ ' " a Factories. PlsmoForta Factori^- *, *•>-• ^ J^MJ» A PHELPS, Publisher. . nrSsTwIljnte^^^ JjCtf - -,;•* • **.-* IsstTienee* street, (bp stairs.) Ht^r^ D I C < D M O C - , B e W W Ta/riWHK^ B K A V E R AN1J Call abd See. j J\CL FELT HATS-UNTRJMMJD-rpf tbe latest sty le, | W O R K S , Blacksmith s n j 8paryworA a^da^taBto^^ """"***". « ^ ' ^ 1 V I a l l arrangement com^ricinpj Monday, Oct. 15tl , 1360, leaving Albany aa fiowB: 5 A TVT -EXPRESTRAIN.-ConnectlnB J%i AuL. with " Clevebd and Chicago Express Ti ain on the N; Y. C. R. Ri arriving in New York at •10;10A:M. ./! •' " ! i? ' •"'' lAi EXPRBS FIAlI..---OonnccUng with.' 1 Clevand and Chicago Express Y. 0, R. R„ , Vrrlylng to New York at P Hir —EX sRESS TRAIN.—Con- 1 AlA. nectln with •• Buffalo, New York agara Falls Express q N. Y. C. R. R., M arriving InjNew York at 8:00>. M. '' - u *'" ; " EpT N. B.—The 5 A; M; RPRES8 TRAN wUl run on Sundays. .• ' ! 7 From New York, Trains leve from cor.-of 26th .street' and&th Avenue,at/7 A M.Jad 5 P. M,, connecting .with through trains on thetN. Y.]» R. R. J, .*. ,.: „ >.„ .tar THROUGH TIOKTOAND CTJECKSPRQ0URED ATfLL OFFICES ON N7fO;B. r B. f••';•' '. '^ The Harlem Railroad Atnt, will, on arrival of Trains {at Albany, r«celve-Cbeck»ndtransfer all Baggage to the Cars' Free.; n:, in; J J , .• • ^"7'. ft • t \ a Si H •"•• n' u 1 jar This Road is In ntaplete repair, equipped with NEW- AND COMMODIOrj CARS, not to be surpassed on any; Route. ' .J. ' T ,-..'•,•":: . •,- .,•; larffmchinv CarMt'cJiedtoEach -Train.\J& •• OFFICE li Albanj-, cot Maiden Lane and Dean street, directly oproatte N. Y. C;R. R. \ Buffalo,ttt. 12,I860.;. : x ../v :.•„./• J O H L N B U R O H I I i l i . AssU fioftf F. NEWJiHK, Qoc'-Western Agt. , - . 1 1 je Street Depot. Buffalo, New York Central Railroad fie, as follows, Sundays excepted: 8-45 A. F I . , 2 - 3 0 a n d 6 - 3 0 P. FI. laklng close Connections at Suspension Bridge with the j GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Trains leave Suspension Bridge as follows, Sundays ex- cepted : A. Ff. FfORNINO EXPRESS. Arrives at DETROIT 4-00 P. M., CHICAGO 6-00 AM. 1A.2AA. ITU 1 DAY EXPRESS. IV.DVArrlvea at DETROIT t-80 P. M. f (Supper,) CHICAGO 8-00 A. M., MILWAUKEE 11-00 A. M. via D. A M. R., connecting at Chicago and Milwaukee 'with all trains for the Westf- A. FI. JLONBON ACCOMMODA- TION. Arrives at HAMIITON 6-00 P. M., TORONTO 940 P. M., LONDON 9-60 ]». M. 111 A es P•!**• NIGHT El PRESS. l V . ' l V Arrives at DETROIT at 7-00 .L M., (Breakfast,) CHICAGO at 8-00 P. MV.and MILWAtKEE at 10-80 P. M.,vlaD.A M. Railway from Detroit,, Connecting at Milwaukee and Chicago with all trains for the West. Trains leave Detroit, .1 VIA DETROIT & MILWAUKEE RAILWAY as follows: FOR MILWAUKEE, , 7 - 3 0 A . M . a n d 7 - 3 0 P. FA Arriving at Milwaukee at 10-80 P. M. and 11-00 A. M. •,;.--'• Trains leave Hamilto'n |or Toronto, 9-00 A, FA, 12-30. 3-00 a n d 7 - 4 5 P . M . Trains leave Toronto for Hamilton. 9-00 and I04O A;M,; and„4-45 and 10-60 JP. M. |^-THROUGH TICKETS for all Points West and Southwest can be obtained at the Ticket Office of the New York Central Depot, Erie street, and of MILTON RAN* DALL, Agent, UNION OFFICE. NO. 17 EXCHANGE BT., BUFFALO, t •„ Gen'l Agent G. W.|and D. AM. KaUways, Bnffato. °' J '^*mre^r Q. W. Railway, HamBton^, W. • W. K. MulR,' ap9 GenM Sur/t Detroit and Mil. Railway, Detroit. T H E HIGH AND ENVIED CELEBRITY these pre-eminent Medicines h i r e acquired their lnv triable efficacytoall the diseases which they 1 fess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. •' IN ALL CASES Of Asthma, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LITER COMPLAINTS. In the Sc uth and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found Invaluable. Biles, Costlveness, COLDS and COUGHS, Chollc DYSPEPSIA.—No person with, this distressing disease should d day using these meulclnes immediately. ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, e . ERYSIPELAS AND FLATULENCY. FEVEI; AND AGUE.—For.this scourge of the Western country 1 hese medicines will befounda safe, speedy sad certain r ;medy. Other medicines leave the system sub- ject to a return of tbe disease—score by these medicines is permanent. Try them, be satisfied, and be cured. ESS OF COMPLEXION. GENERAL DEBILITY,. Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Impure Blo< id, JaundlceL Loss of Appetite. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Never folia to eradicate entirely all the effect* of Men ai- ry Infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of SarsaparlUa. Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Or- ganic Affections, PILES. , j . The original proprietor or these medicines was cured ct Plies of 85 years standing by the use of these Life Mjedl- cines alone. RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with this terrible disease will be so relief by the me soeoicinea. •*-..._ .. SCROKJULA, or KING'S EVIL, to 1U worst forma, cers of every description. WORM 3 of all kinds are effectually expelled by these medicinei. Parents will do well to administer them when- ever their existence Is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PHOBNIX BTTTKfta i PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. 1 Prepari >d by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, No. 885 Broadway, (Moffat BuBdtogAN- Y. For Bali by ail Druggists. Je2:dawly The Bankiof Upper Canada, Orrtn B. Tltm, lll^TiZ: son, Tbe Farmers' and Mechanic*' Bank of Ume.T-5 Nathaniel Wligus, defendants. ^™' w To the above named defendantj: You arejbereby snmmoned to answer tiie eonioUkit, this action, and serve a copy of your answer on aSua,1 oflloeinthfl.cltyof Buffalo, N. Y., within twenty^, JT the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such ierri« • au If you fall |U> answer the complaint aa aforesaid, ttw, *£: tiff will apply to the court for the relief demaaitd la t* said cemptatot; which complaint was uled lu th. 0 m..r, the Clerk of the said Superior Court of Buffalo. 00 tk* u dayof AusWlftoO. . J, w Dated August 8d, I860. - TH. O. WELCH, Plaintiff, Attora<v aol-Th7t . _ . f Buffalo, «x TJP*\WBL\pTEt COtJIlT'oPlcmLb — J a n e s Morris, plaintiff, against EllzabttMiM^ defendant. w * To the def sndant: You are hereby summoned to answer the coajltuu a this actton} and Mrre a capy of youranawer toer«o*at •i ^'^PA 111 ^ dt - v of buff * J °. *Wn twenty <iaji»^ the aeiricj hereof, exclusive of the da/of such a t r % £ H i ^ , ? " i ^ ^ T ^ e co^PWntss sforessid,ttmiSL C ??J )l ^f t i W ^. C ^ rnp, * I,,t *" tMs da . v U*A In S'fi of the Clerk of thla Court. - »«ww* Dated October 2,1860. _oe«hl8^ DAVID F. DAY, FlaiutlTa Attorney. S U»A*aiiMJil OoU^X-^KuTcorja. ' T X»Z]?«F 3 L MarU,l > P l * lnll{ l. against FaycUe R Dl aey and Elizabeth his wife, George Bowen, The CUnta Bank of Buffalo, James M. Meade, Samuel A. Btot* Henry Yclverton and Robert Yelverton, Stephen C. Wii er. Joseph A Drelfores. PhUllp Beyer, Galua B. Rich,» . bridge G. Sbauldtog, William M. Arbuckle, Uaalltosa John H. BUsa, The Manufacturers' and Traders'lT Abncr Cutler. Cyrus H, Deforest. To the defendants above named: You are hereby summoned to answer the compUta. this action, of which a copy is herewith served u^rn, and serve a: copy ef your answer on me, at aw olu-ii, the city of Buffalo, within twenty days after tit «rr!ci hereof, exclusive of tbe day of such service; acj u \ * fail to answer the complaint as aforesaid, the pliintlffiiii apply to the Court for the relief demanded In tht ull complaint; which complaint was filed in the office ct u,* Clerk of the county of Erie, ton the 81st day of Julj.lW. Dated, July Bl. 1660. \ .1 I WM. W. MANN, Plaintiff's Attorney,. an9Th7t .*H6 Main street, Buffilo. " ^ A T K O F SUPREME COURT, ERIE French and Julia Ann French his wife, plaintiffs, ajihr. Elka Ann Reaves, Myron Reaves, Charles F. Rmn tai Clara Jane Itcavca, defendants. To the above named defendants: . You are hereby summoned to answer the complain to this action, which will befiledtothe offlce of ths Clerk ot the county of Erie, and to serve a copy of your aonvr 00 me, at my officetothe city of Buffalo, N. Y., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of met service; and If you fall to answer the complaint wafore said, tbe plaintiffs will apply to the Courtfortbe relief de- manded In the said complaint. Dated Julf 27,1 SCO. I FRANK M. THORN, Plalntiffi* Attornty. The said complaint wan filed In said Clert'i office 00 the 80th daylof July, 1800. augTWt OITIOBi T O S' N E W VORk- vnrv COCNTY-Tliomu^D. U N I V E R S AsL, cotJGH REMEDY By its B inipllclty and mosb^perfect adaptation to all THROAT AND LUNO COMPLAINTS, from Infancy to old lege, asks for special attention.: 80 strictly are the laws of n edlclne conformed to, that I ask the same free- dom of usetodisease, as Its saict natural feature, th*' I 1 would of rood to hunger. I Both are analogous, *»£ hath untrue uidess they can be appUed to toe><^ h r «- j fore, fronTwaoorl-o Corjo», **» **"^-?C*! b if^? d ' I THIS Buffalo and ICE T O CJUkCUiTOHlei to an order of Charles C. Severance, Esq. Erie County. Notice Is hereby siren, to til g claims or demands against Wllllita H. is- the city of Buffalo,tosaid county, deceased, required to exhibit the same with tbe voach- Davld F. Day, the administrator of lbs* deceased, at the office of the aaldadniali the'HwelfUi dsy of October, 1860. Datedthellthdayof AprU 1SC0. DAVID F. BAT. apliThCm! « Aonualstrator, sc \yrOBTGAGE 8ALE"-r^*f' 2ST Surrogate of persona havL drews.late< that they; era thereof, I tateofthsi - ' FOR- DETROIT; CH ICAGO, . Aisd :^U a?oUat» lVest. f . y j On and after TUESDAY, MAY 1st. Trains will leave Buffalo,/Sundays excepted,) from Erie Street Depot, on New York time, as follows: 1 A A A , A Tiff -DETROIT AND C1HI- 10 W l A . BL* CAGO EXPRESS. , Arriving at Paris at J. 48 P. M.. and connecting with Great Western train' leaving Suspension Bridge at 10:80 A. M.. arriving at Detroit at- 7:80 P; M.> (Sotoper,) Chicago 8:00 A. M., and connecting with *n trams West, Northwest and South; arriving at Godericb at B:80 P. M. 2 2 0 P a I E J Arriving at Paris at'7:60 oc25tf lone to order. tar Wo have always 01 > hand and for sale, all kinds of Sh^Tnnber/Plans^Knees Acrac. . < • 1 1 AAMA80N. , Lai5:tf] j Q,:8. BIDWEtiE. TT3 B M O V A L , X JLTA' The undersigned, having removed Ids.stock, of goods to the New Store, No. 4, directly opposite the old stand on East, Swan street, j ma liaytog concluded to confine. -53 1 i 5' J Jr^*S«Ta, , OILa\'filicaE3AaJ H :. i \ : r> Would respectfully invite ti 10 attention of thosetowant to his large and well selected assortment of • Painter's Stpcl;, and Artist's Materials, whit h he pledges himself to sell as low as any other housein t ie city. j oc8 .JOHN H. COLEMAN, No. 4 EaatSwnnst. , BOAiminiO &.SALU STABLE. OJ5IN S. STJEVENSON has taken the modlousfi tablet) adjoining the Genesee House, er.of Main aid Qendsee streets, Buffalo, where he wil conttabe theht litaess of baying and seUhrg' HORSES on Commission;'and will also, take' Horses to boattfiry^e^^eet^ndirwitt^jaw Horses priked. docked .and broke to harness or saddle. Gentlemen wWilngtopurchase horses win find It to their advantage tq give tlm ocaU. Also, those having horses to dispose of Ian hatro them fltted'for sale or* exchange by experienced grooms. Particular attention given to the purchase andaale of horsea..-. , • i,", f. apl8 MANU M XCN , »» of alt kinds can be bought cheap at J*. H I li-'S^ IT ;0 yGMBL |-A; j&i jwt 3,i AND AMBR< (TYPE Eg AMES, . Of all the regular sixes, cc nstantly aolhand and for isa's cheap, at COLEMAN'B Pictpre Gallery, ' *• ' y< ''''" ; ;-:: : '' - : - Wo. ° Swain street, up ataha. . JfM-Tl feNlfdHlNO GOODS pJUEM A.NIH P I C T U R.K NO. 5 SWAN STREET, j (Ur-STAtns.) Having resumed lustoess again at the Old Stand, I would respectfully invite the attention, of'the public to my in creased facilities foj the sale and manufacture of Looking Glasses and Hcture Frames. The assortment of. Pictures is vufy large, and will be sold at a slight advance on cost. Dealers wlfl find alarge and well-selected stock of Frames in Compo ani Mouldings of all kindstothe length, which will be sold cicap for cash. 1 .!: ; >• U 1'IJfA There are also about 400 Moulds, suitable for nil descrip. tlonrbf rnoura^u^orl^ w h l c h w m B e ® ' Alao. One lion Press, for cbrflpowoTk.'-- ' -••"- '. *«5 - JOHN H. COLEMAN. Proprietor.rjJ Also. ocCtf O «~i ! MIX LINGTON'S, 259 Main at, , -the Churches 1 100 lockets superior Government Ja*a. ' Justreceivedby HOLUSTER k LAVERAOK, se2r>_ /j^enn*T«d8toi*4^WsvahtostopBtraet. •XXT^Hsl'l?^ BIOa.NrO"^^rW*vhave:"par V V-'' band a superior article for Preserving. , HOLUSTER A LAVERACK, Chejuered Store, 303 Washtogton street. at 9: All trains connect way to and from St. BAGGAGE •jar Trains arrive lows: 11:45 A. P. M., Western Train, arriving at London it^iOOAM: ' " ' "' Port Oolborne with Welland Rail- tertoes, Ac. JOKED THROUGH. , Buffalo on New York time as foK and-5:35ff*.Iff., 'connecttoi lows: 11:45 A. BI.,-and-.5:35 a*. Iff., connecting with Buffalo, New York and Erie,.and New York Central 'trains to New York, Boston^ Albany. Coining, Elmlra, Bal- timore and Phlladelphla^ajtidall points East.- ^efttl" Great % necttog P.M. atttrSB^' M., connectsat Parts wltti: .leaving DetrpUat,80».A M.,.cori.; gan Central jtrsin leaving Chicago at 8 TliroTigH Ticket* and further information can be obtained at the Erie Street i 3 :> i 19 i il\ tal *LI^TTaiQc^*p't,»Baffalct^ R. S. CARTER, General Manager, Brantford. i , May 1,1800. ;;' ;: .1 a ,'•'','":! ; ! ;. MANPFAOTURERS OF CARRIAGES, OO., WAGONS; SLEIfiHS, AC, .• Have removed from the 1 comer of Pearl and. Mohawk Streets, to their new building, at the CORNER OF NIAGARA AND MOHAWK STREETS, WheretbepwiU, continue to kee* on baud all the most ap#w^W«e**fli!i< • •*. •: i>jVtii.i:"T*1 /J'71.1*41.J LIGHT OARRIAOEAi . • , . . ._ ^ ' •* T O P B U G « E a , : ' '. *•*•',• * >J if OPErTBUGGIES, EXPRESS WAGONS, : ' GROCERS WAGONS, ' i , . L . LUMBER WAGONS, Ao., Or the very, beat workxoanshlp and materials, and at prices to suit the times. Tbey aro also prepared to manufacture to order.any style of vehicle in their line upon the shortest notice. 1 ;i, , I •aa7~SpeclalattenUongr*)rtJ'to^REPAIRING. Buffato»^^ i |. ,,, j tt% ,, t i3 [Xr : ,• ./ i **Mrt! I>T3 KENTUCKY lorn, irum n u w n . u v/uuuo, j--- r---_i m . nXMXTtT. Lung Coniplalnta, common u> mil «se», tt» a nfarrov. TOLU ANODYNE THE GREAT NEURALGIC.. SPASMODIC AND NEBV- OUS REMEDY. AND AliOTHE^BJE^PEST AND ONLY NATURAL OPIATE EVER GIVEN TO - - THE WORLD. , , . The per recti freedom with which Phytlclana are asked to Inveatigate this splendid »^d'mao^n^^i}Pi»*J», ^F. Formula >r Trial of the Anodyne, both of whten will be sent on di mand, and th* frsj »«ceptaacsat. sHwho HAV* used it at id also Its splendid resultstocase of Neuralgia, Headache of every kind, Rheumatism, Tooth and Earache, Loss of 81 tep, Delirium Tremens, Chotet*-Morbus, Dysen- tery, A c , i c , Ja enough to call attention, as I ask Investi- gation. ' Aftor six years of trials and rfsuitt, the Tolu Anodyne and Unlv« real Cough Remedy are fairly before the world, and Itmi t sal wjaotopw wUl,do me the josiicalo Investi- gate by trial, compare all suggestions of testimonials In the pamphlets to be found with all dealers, or will be sent " free " bjy- me, and -then, by the real merit they possess, lift them i bove all charges or imputation of quackery. Prices v ithto reach of aUi JOHN I*. HfJNNEWELL, Proprietor, PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST. ?al office, No. 0 Commercial Whj^.Boetan. , , d by all rcspectablo dealers everywhere. itoBuffalo—O. H..P. Champlto, A. Reynolds Jt mortgaB* jrtth the power recorded fn Rrie County Clerk's Offlce 00 the 12th aa/ « June, 1857, In Uber lM of mortgagea, page l«,«aaoo wtdchmortgage there la claimed to be doe-on the flat publication dfthla notice of interest the aura of *14in». audio become due, the sum of $800, with Interest there on from the 6th day of October, I960, and no suiter pro ceedtojW At law having been Instituted to recorer the M. aeenred by isald mortgage or any part thereof. «ov, therefore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue oMJ power of sale thereto contained, and the irtatutetosud case made and provided, tiie said niortR^gewm be forf dosed by a sale of Uie premises ^«^ described tea hall of the npw Court Houae in the dry of BuffaJOjMtbe 4th d a y l r Jirrtrary. 1881. at two o'clock to tijeirwo* ot that dajr, to tht WghesVbidder. The premlsntobe v&* are described tn said mortgage aa follows: ... AU that certain piece or parcel of land riturAe.tTSJt and being, in the town of Aurora aforesaid, ftnO«>**< I part Of lot number forty, township number nto**, *J B »*£ of the Holland Land o—>p.n V uonnded a*> lows, to wit: begtrmtog ontoesouth line of the-tnlta***! at tbe T>oH*»'cwterly comer of lands owned by &. WtBLt, thence running westerly along ssAd line seres chaw' and nfty-threJe links; thence southerly parallel **w the east One bf said lot, twenty-six chains and nlDety-ts^ ltokSjJte the centre of the Wlllardsbfre road; thence etir erly along said road seven chains and fifty -three links, use thence northerly- on a fine parallel' with the westerlyJ«l' of said lot, jto the place of beginning, Dt ^W*«*> .acres, be same more or less; and saJd B, V l ! t fS,iWi7 iglven to sedure tbe purchase money for said premises or some part thereof. Dated October 0,1860. rw ^ .,„_._,„„ ERA8TUS WAIAIS. ^^gCl P. M. YoariuROH, Atty, Buffalo, V. Y. . °*2T. IGE"HAL%M5 Co., J. E. Gibbon, J Schmidt. Francis, Holllster A Lav H. Colenton,"Ji P.-Dlehl, and r t * *' r ; !* 3—,1* ' '.1. furaitnw E. Harries, A ' « Hoffer A ocl8eod*ctja9 m N-i*»*;>. Set :• t , OABHO-T WAESHOUSs\< ON WM OtVBk aTO* _JJ mtuJK^TJUO*-Tb*:iae**a*as;*2^^ Good Fur aiture at Low Prices, has induced a still further building on Main street'and'extendtog It through f200 feet deep anc five stories high] to Washington street—where may be f< und tbeUrtfest, cheapest and best assortment of blato and elegant new style CABINET FTJHNITIJBE wood Soft apCufcia i s t u , Divans, i Ow<*atan9 and covered L iBrocatelle, Plush. Damask and Hair prices varying from $6 to $150 each, j , rjti viir&axMtti** ffWAi of all the latest improvements. Also, Patent Extension^ and Easy Chairs of ail kindsr Bocktoj Easy and common Choirs; over 100 different p MahoganV, Rosewood, Walnut. Oak, M*pl*i •**A\lma t painted, at pricea varyinsj from85 CentstoJ^sacJk,HA* a* great v Boards, Piano having been made cured to be paid by a certain indent^' lffi8 ^ in the p.ymentof motuysae- 'e of mortgage, bear- ing: date the] 18th day of June A&J^iJSarftS Jc5m Walls and Hannah W^Us W *-J. «J™ t ™jSs«i fsto. county of, Erie and Bt**f*™2$£JSS& GlbbS, of thf same place E ' ^ J J ^ J S W y rewrd- a newer of sile, and, toge^r , j2J w JSt? in Uber* of e d i n the offlfce of tbe a^LfriSSnuV day China, licatton of thfs noti*. the wmofone J f ^ 5 J s a a a « interest ttwrkav**?.**}** , d *l?L:i for'^coUectlan suit or p r S o ^ g having been lu » Utu ^ w ^re, JS of said montrs « «ay P art ther ' ;of: N °* ll - - SlntdV^ia-ortgage, and recorded J^"»£j; »»S.*nato the statute in «uch case inadrW P^vwe^ Srsaidawrtgagewin be ^ c ]f c n d ' h ^S"n f? ^renilses^ affected ^ereby sold A a^_pubU^^ ri? premiaea auccicu witnw "y~i -- *•"uefV'tf Br€u highest bidder, at the old Court Hoose ^ ; &*~?.<f* fafo,on Baturday, the 10th day of Nov* 'j .1 as follows: All that certain plec/- com , ro encl»g K « *f°^ hour of 18 o'clock, noon, of that da.v^j ln , a jd morigsr The premises aferesald are deaf parce i 0 f land, »'»•; ate, lying in the no to said e of ninety-live P&*2***Za£ northerly, "parallel *^ th &'. trly. V** ^^krect.twohondred^ to8«?1 ^Jilrty Ireet, nl <[*Hence easterly, »tuu(( w.c —- of fcnlly atreetdrtrty j ^ ^ the pU< °. of b .•gtaninr^" aware street: ruantog: thj running thence westerly.^ . atreej ntoety J^j fttt . u,«nc« sootherly^P** lei with EndlyBtrejket ^^y fwt ^ to tlre-portheriy n» lei wlthDelawa5r ence ; Mter iy, along the hortheriy at pricea va- Bolsten, RYE WniSBtY, » JdS*v*l EEOEIVED WFTY OA8K90LD BJ3rTUPKY ***$&$ ikev^lbr-satrbt H. 4 D.'L0YBRID6E: Nb.^ Je^>^- tonfitreet.'" ^'•"- : "^'' '-•'-• •. ••. '•• A*. ~~Z ZT „ty of Book cases, itnrtvoa, Cctnnrat Hacks, ardrobes, Bedsteads, Tables, Standr la. Music Racks, Corner , I s F F l O a * Chairs, Desks, A c ; painted Bed. Room rytogfro^asOtcJnBO.^^^^ >ODS. U P H O L T E B Y /Mattresses, Curled Hair, Cotton and Palm I pillows and Cushions., ..rers* prices, Lookin 1 Glasses at manuCoijtery Materials for sale to Oabtoe i Hardware and V the trade). >ed manufacturing facilities It bj largely incrtocreaae ln business, to sell at a my purpose, by a Uny prices. While the quality of the reduction on fonodned as heretofore, unrivalled, every work wUl be mtbxrefor* be warranted to be properly article sold i|8a materials.• **<»»>»>x> T^^n 'if-rY^' made.-andctoae to order.' Repairing, boking and pack- uthe best manner, and on tbe most reasonable tog donp M :i;. i:^,: . •••; Jr * >.iif ;*- »*. termsde can nnderstand that the CASH system Asa* not A*o large profits to make up for losses by bad debt* rese whoiwlah, by paying cash, to obtain a good article, Jd save from twenty to fifty-per cent, are respectfully to meacalL ofl^mllystrs£ d thirty feet to front and reir, tog aloto' T eet de^joffaio AugUft 171960. ' > Dat ' AltTEMAS GIBBS, Mo rt «?|^ ^vro F. PAT, Attorney, 161 Main st. ^~~^?h S U P E R I O R <3OTJ»VX\0F BCJg* O — Alexander.M. Bruen, ptatotlff, against uj" BlaaeU.Sarab P. BUaellhls wife, Mary B. Austin, m -^ A. Georger, Alrah Cburcm Reuben B. Heaccek, « •** ^ Curtiss, Frederick Deming, OUver H. P. Champ* 10 ' - D las Hemenway, defendants. To the defendant Mary A Austin: ..^ You are hereby summoned to answer the com '' l ~7 B1 > this action, ankl serve a copy of your answer on »«• 0 j office to the Idty of Buffalo, County of Erie an J ^ New York, wHiun twenty days after the service ««£ elusive of the;day of such service; ajad 1/ you w » , swer the complaint as aforesaid, the plalnul wu» ^ to the Court for the relief demandedtol V rU: 1 " which complaint was filed ln the offlce of the we' this court.—Dated September ltth, 18C0. .. ! CHA8. D. NOR TO ,^, W . no9F7t Plaintiff's Attorney, L oyerldge'r^AHOp JE(I1IEB3 are a itoe atiA; It e beverage, and a perfect regulator of the sythei Lo som creates an appetite ondjissiate t^djgeaUon. '.'jySO^' 3 G : *r*a1 quintals St. f | g e Flsb, a su- C i perlor article, Just wcelved by AVERAGE, HOLLISTER /aahlngton street. oc6 Chequered Store, Y ISAAC D. WHITE, SOS Main street. Where wood, Spring- Re-upho Be will keep on h*n< r,any, and other Ac. Particular attention paid Vo repairing" 2ring, and Re-varnlahing Furniture. ap61 I BY *- HADABZKS: 1 !** ;..".. BY "Warbiinits "Wartolinfi:» at ' : I g. SfflUSSW* 1 - a O B3v<». Eve, BY BY ?HABft|- Price Each L. The abeve beautiful pieces, arranged Tor tne n Just published, iand4or sale »t •_._,„,«; „i j, Main *-^ ociS 8HEPPARD A CQTTIER^^ll^-^-, O F " T H ¥ CAaVA* GLASS W**%,„ Att flin, TTorki, totinscity of t h e Clyde^tt»a»» Q JeD , 'rfnlsbGlasi of the celebrated d^ran1.,lnsil^r f? uto ftMANt No. 4 East airan _ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Daily... · 2008. 9. 3. · ^&MSi**-POAOj Fj W. H. Oaass, Loois FosTanis, | 1T1 Broadway, and 1 Oourtland St. . R. I WniTK * NBAL, 118

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Daily... · 2008. 9. 3. · ^&MSi**-POAOj Fj W. H. Oaass, Loois FosTanis, | 1T1 Broadway, and 1 Oourtland St. . R. I WniTK * NBAL, 118

•****«*.*&..*..• . w nr»sassjasmrwr^BK^^^ aaa^aw^-Aaataras^isuM

Pnfolo Btttlp Courier. Tax Tzarue B*K -A raagazlno M A O U I ^ E .

WIUJ! thia t i t l e i s about t o b e broojc&l o a t l a L o n ­don. T h e eorre*poodeBt o f t h e Times has t b * following l a ref-ard t o the a**oci*lk>us which c lu t trr around t b e a T a O 0 l e : n — - »f

W h e r e U t h e r e s u c h a p l a c e l a Europe aa t h e T e m p l e * T l m e - h o a o r e d , associated wi th the . . i ; - r t . ; f J o h n a o a . G o l d s m i t h , a o d taaay more celebrit ies o f * termer age , i ts anecwawftil barrU-> r » h a r e d o o e t a d d o m u c h in tbe wor ld , and i ts briefless barristers do" more , l a t h o s e T e m p l e Chamber* w o r k s proport ionate ly * tkr larger a m o u n t o f t b e brain o f England, than in any o t h e r loca l i ty o f t h e tamt extent . S e e t h e r e , that Inrtd l irht la yonder window—lurid , because t h e n ight U foggy , and tbe bl ind y e l l o w w i t h age! Wi th in B 5 U -, wr i t ing t h e n e x t day's first lead­er for tbe Time*. There , w h e r e y o n hear those «ona*s o f mirth, i s a g r o u p o f m e n , w h o h a r e en­rolled tbemsebres i n t o a Club , a n d cal led them­se lves par octUctrtx " T h * Twelve.** N o t a m a n o f them b u t h a s m a d e h i s mark in s o m e depart­ment o f l i terature, sc i ence , art o r po l i t i c s . Stu­dent, ph i losopher , jur i s t , m e c h a n i c i a n , writer , dramatist, p laywright , i n v e n t o r — e v e r y t h i n g i* there represented, and m u c h o f t h e beat . I t i s a perfect h u m a n beeh ive , t h a t q u i e t o l d T e m p l e , with l u variegated g a r d e n s , s a d Fottntain-con rt, with the s u b d u e d d m o f F lee t - s t ree t ompJtrosee rol l ing past , a n d t h e hoarse cr ies o f bargemen floating u p o n t h e m u r k y s i r f rom the river.

T I I E E a r a a s * o r R r s e r * — T h e D o w a g e r Em­press o f Russ ia hi e i ther dead or on t h e point o f death. O n e report announce her demise , "While another o f t h e same date s tates thatahe was grad­ually fal l ing, w i t h but alight h o p e * o f recovery .

T h e E m p r e s s was the daughter o f Frederic Wil l iam* I I I , K i n g o f Prussia, and s is ter of t h e

f renent King ; wa» born o n the 13th o f J u l y , 798, and baptized under the n a m e s o f Frederiea-

Chariotte-Lonsie-Wilhelmlna. O n h e r n i n e t e e n t h birthday she was married to t h e then^Graad D u k e N'ichola*, and on h i s s e c e s s i o n t o t h e throne o f Rnaala by the strange w i thdrawl o f h i s brother Con*tantine, w a s c r o w n e d w i t h h i m In 1890 a t Moscow. T h e d o m e s t i c re lat ions o f t h e royal family o f Ruseia are said t o be very happy, and the affection e x i s t i n g b e t w e e n the Jrarlcms m e m b ­ers m u c h s tronger than usual a m o n g royalty. T b e late E m p r e s s bore t h e reputat ion o f * faith­ful and d e v o t e d wife. D a r i n g t h e ' last i l lness o f the Czar Nlcho la* she attended t o h i m p e r s o n ­ally, and h i s death had * great effect u p o n ;her.

T h e heal th o f the E m p r e s s fai l ing, ahe recent ly went t o Nice , b u t al l efforts t o preserve h e r hea l th have p r o v e d unavai l ing, and s h e has sne-c q m b e d t o a c o n s u m p t i v e disease.

4$«m £iranwr«>


C a l i f o r n l a n

<r • • 'ki

a n d * T F V f u g h . c * . P a s « a c < *

N o . 0 5 E X C H A N G E S T , , B C F F A L O . T h e subscriber has m a d e a a a b g e m e n t s with

all the first claw companies la Sew York, boston and Philadelphia, to forward Passenger* to most part* of i n ­land, Ireland, Scotland. Prance and Germany, '-X ^"-^ or falling- Packet Boats, . - . ' : ; ] .| •

W I T H O U T D E L A Y * A t C i r e a U y R e d u c e d K*U*».

Those wi»Wn« to sand for Uwrlr Wends, ran d ° s o « » rerr » a s o n * W ? t e f « l also, Ttrk«s soM at this office lor R a u r s t ^ and Steamboats t<>

C A L I F O R N I A . (via the otrfy reaaW* U. P. Mail Route,)

T h e C ^ s d ^ a n d ^ ^ r i s

Albany. New York, Boston. Phltodelphla, Cleveland,

o f t h e

an a

A x a c b o T R O P C a r e r . J t r s m c a N e w York Times publ i shes t h e fo l lowing onec- ' d o t e of Chief J u s t i c e Taney , t o s h o w that he wil l not probably res ign:

W h e n the l i b r a r y i n the Capitol w a s i n flames, and c louds of s m o k e were rol l ing o u t and envel ­o p i n g the bui lding, th<* C h i e f J u s t i c e o f the Su­preme Court appeared in h i s sea t at the usua l hour, l o o k i n g quite tranquil a n d undisturbed.— "Mar it please y o u r H o n o r , " said an'off icer o f the Court , "wi l l t h e Court a l t to-day 1" T h e Chief Jus t i ce l o o k e d u p , and coo l l y a n d signifi­cantly asked, " I s t h e Court-room real ly o n fire ?" •*Oh, n o , n o t y e t , " was the answer. 4*Then we'll dt til!it i i ," added the Chief. A n d the Court d id sit , and transacted b u s i n e s s as u s u a l , a m i d all t h e confus ion about it. ^

' T a i l N e w Ha V E X M U B D K R . — A t N e w Haven, on Saturday, K. K. Be lden , medical s tudent , and his companions , had the ir final examinat ion o n t h e charge o f k i l l ing George 3 . Stafford w i t h a dirk knife. Be lden w a s c o m m i t t e d for murder , and W. H. McCul lock . was h e l d In $5,000 ball, and W . A. B a l d w i n in $3,000, a s a lders a n d abet­ters in t h e cr ime.

Edo Desoto, Chicago, Milwaukee Galena^ RocklaUnd guaMih, Madison, St. Paul, St. tools,! <**«n Bay L*ke Superior.

The same has also established a H O U S E A N D L A N D A G E N C Y ,

and has several rood Houses and Farms for sale or to rent; also, Lite and Property Insured in tbS best epmpa-

raw- particulars attention paid to Shipping and Insur-torFrelrht to CalUonu* by Steamer or Cjtoper Backets.

B F. B. MYERB, Agent; ^.14-ly ' No. C5 Exchange at.; Buffalo. N."!.


Chief Cabin P a s s a g e . . - . . . . . - . - - . - - . -HBO , - Second Cabin Passage . L . . . . . . . 75

raoa SOSTO* TO ijraaroot. Chief Cabin Passage. . . . • t-HO Second Cabin Passage CO

The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The.ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Bar-


PERSIA, Cant Judklna, ARABIA, Cspt. J. Stone, ASIA, Capt. E, O. Lou,

CANADA. Capt. Lang, AMERICA, Capt. Moodle, NIAGARA. Capt. Anderson,

AFRICA/CapC Shannon, ETJROPA, Captain J. Lcltch, '~'7° • y 8COTIA<now buDdlng.) O l • These vessels carry a clear, white light at masthead,

green on starboard bow, red on pert bow. ETJROPA, Moodle, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Novem'r 14 PERSIA, Jindklns, leaves N. York, Wednesday, Nov'rSl CAN ADA, (Anderson, leave* Boston, Wednesday, Now., *& AFBICA, Shannon, leaves New York, Wddneaday, Dec. S AJtABTA; Stone, Uaves*»/rton,W*dneaday, Dec 1* ASIA, Lot*, leaves New Tbrk, Wednesday, Der. Iff

Berths act secured unta paid for; An experienced Surgeon on board. • The owners of these ships will not be accountable for

T A X * Y . — T b e 0 ^ BUrer. BuUlon, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless hills of lading; are signed therefor and the


1J60. Northern RaSway of Canada.

r P ERNi Route to Qlcagb, Mllwankee Sheboygan v iTkinae, Bault St. Marie, Bruce Mlnes,LakeBapertor and 0 ^ 0 Bay. Will, on tbe UI of April, be prepared to trana-JJrt Kim and Second Class passengers, EttlgranU and Suvers with their goods .ndUre stvck and aU kinds of r eight to places above named, and other l*ake port*, elleaper and more exptdl loualy than any other rout<

The following Largest Class new upper Cabin Screw si-amers having unsurpa wed passenger accommodations, will run Tri-Weekly betw« en OoUlngwood and Chicago:

H U N T E R , Cx T, Dicxsoa, K V E B C R E E : * C I T Y , C A M . CaAJtwrRLa, , » C ! C , Oarr. Door , K E N O S H A , C irr. LACT.

'iTralnsonthe Grand Trink Railway. Connect with this Line at Unto* St ation, To -onto;, sis*, rjtsamers With New York Central via LewUtot i; Erie and Ontario via Niagara; Oswego and Syracuse via Oswego; Watertown and Rome via Cape Vincent; Verrm ntCentral at Ogdensburgh, and Royal Mall Line from Qu< bee and Montreal. Vyor further informatkn enquire at Steamboat Office,

ojpposlte Erie Street Depo:, Buffalo, • s }• 0 . • W. ROGERS. 6 enseal freight Agexit,

0. GABLE, Genen 1 Ticket Agent,Toronto. O. f. EVERTS, Tra (feline Agent.

jeC:Cm J. LE V7I3 GRANT, Superintendent.

|ewYork & Western States Line,


N E W Y O R K A P R W E S T E R N L I N E .

l E C D W I J S T T g E V A N S , • (l PBQPBiEfdR, BUFFALO, " * Office, Corner Wa cr Stre|et and Ship CanaL

\ Transportation from N m-Xoifc, Albany, and Troy, to Buffalo and ail points v ''est, and Superior facilities for Shipping Eastward Bounc Freight. H ^ | L i * a P a o s A O s a « ' N . Y . dc W . S . L i n e , "

and Ship at Pier 2 , East ] Liver.


•A. GENTS. ) <* I upo Stairs.

M O B a Co. ,'Age nUi, W River Street," Troy. War. E A T O S , Ageat , Xj» Plerj Albany. mr28:tnol


fetjiitard. j y r i l . l > * 6 0 .


POAOj Fj W. H. Oaass, Loois FosTanis, | 1T1 Broadway, and 1 Oourtland St. .

R. I


118 Broad ^tree^,

EsiaJa. Taluethereofthereto expressed.

For freight or passage apply to „ no9 HTCONARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. Y,




A M T O I R K L A N D . l a n d a n d H o o t l n n d i'o-r $ 3 0 .

TOBATLANTICBOXALMAIl STEAM Navioanos Coaaasrr'a New Toax kan GsLwaTLrsra. I

rt departure from New, York s ill be the staunch and powerf01 Iron Steamer.

PRINCE ALBERT, Cxrt. OxMPTJILL. To sail from New York on Thursday, Dee. 8th, touching at St. John, N. F., to receive the royal malls.

raxoxs or txmxoz. .. First class . . . . .a i .SKJ, $Tb\ and $60

(According to -accommodation.) Third c l a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . . . . - • > . . - - S8D

Including free tickets to all the principal cities on the main lines of railway to Great Britain and Ireland. Third class must provide plate, knife, fork, * a j and bedding.

Passage to St. John—First clas* *8»; second *W For freight or passage Inquire of the American Express

Company, W Broadway, and at their other advertised offi­ces to the Interior.. Passage in' tbe third class can be se­cured at any or the above offices, to bring persons out from any of the principal cities an the lines of railway, to Great Britain for $89, or from Gsiway fdr $30.


Jyl:tf _ * No.» , 11 * 18 West Seneca st„ Buffalo.

Railroad. SwEr

T w a r , . UU * • or ICE. Oontracta for freight will bo made to

C L E V E L A N D , 1 N > L E © 0 , O H I C J A G O , ;

JVlil^varoke ej C o l u m b u s . CINCINNATI, L O U I S V I L L E ,

INDIANAPOLIS, SALTS T LOUIS, CAIRO, and idl other points 8outh South treat, W e s t and Northwest , ! / A * Low ae by any other Boiite, b/application at the Frel jht Office of the Buffalo andState Line Railroad Company, < n Louisiana street. I $3^" Mark Goods via " Lake Shore Route," and consign

to care Buffalo and State Line Railroad. i %W Freight received f rom T.JA. M. to B P. M.

A N . BROWN, Superintendent. ' 0 . K. Looms, Gcn'lFi eight Agent. -

Buffalo, March 1,18<J0., f mr8

A m e r i c a n E: cprejss C o m p a n y .

SPRING AND Showing the time of a nival and departure, and the

Opening and closing of E cpresst a at Buffalo, from Mon­day, April 9th, 1860.

(By New York time, 2C mlnutjes fikater Omn Buffalo.)

m SKtottei.

The Regenerator i s p a t a p in t w o sizes , and retails for 50 cents for pint bottles, and $1 for quart bot­tles. The quart bottles are.much the che jpest.


I **

W h o w a n t s a G o o d H e a d o f H a i r ? U s e M r s . W l n a l o W » a H a i r R e g e n e r a t o y a n d H a i r D r e a a l n s .

i Please read a few certificates from tbe following relL ,-

ble and well known people:

MasaaH. Haxar P. Wruo* k Co.—My wife is now using your Regenerator for tbe Hair, and pronounce* It far su­perior to anything ahe ever used for the hair. It U easily applied, does not soil In the least, has no disagreeable odor, Increases the growth of the hah*, prevents It faUlng off, and often enres the headache. I forward you this certificate unsolicited, because I think an article that will do what your Hair Regenerator will, should be widely

,. known. I think it la tbe beat article for the hair now to i use. Respectfully, * c ,

Rer. JACOB BTBTEN8, • Newbury port, Me.

*KJ like th* Hair Iteyeneratorand Droning very »>f »<•*." Rev. Oto . W. W o o n a o ,

Hartford, Ct. i -

" / unk**iUttingly pr<OfU>une+it an invuluabli arti­cle, from the effect o n my own Head."

S. A. H n i , wife of Rev . Henry Hill , Manchester, N. H.

'* It render«d m y A a i r *ofl and qloety." M u w r F J U U U * , Saratoga Springs, N . T .

- I/eel oon/ldent that i t operat**^ov a*ady*.but to rmtore. Vu roote to Ouir naturai'Ji&toiy state.'*

Rev. I . M. Kmtiu±iBawia*, N. H.

" / mo*t cAeerfttUy recommend It to aU perton #." Rev. C JtnasTTt, Lttttston, N. H.

November 1. Msssss. HaxaT P. Wnaoa a Co.—I bars no hesitancy

to saying, to my opinion. Mrs. Wilson's Hair Regenerator and HalnDriaarns; are the best hair preparations now In use. I shall continue to use them wnh pleasure.

Rev. H, EL HAETWELL, Lawrence,, Miss,

7 November. '! Massas. H n a r P. Wnscsr a Co.—I hare used yoor Hair Regenerator and HaJr Dressing, and have received p e a t benefit from thexx I deem the articles worthy of high commendatlori, and cheerfully recommend them to all who want to restore gray hair to its original color, or to any wbo ar*> troubled with dandruff, or a disagreeable Itching of »/ae head, or humors, or to those whose hair is falling r - o m the head.

Rev. G. W. H. CLARK, Great Falls, N. H. Masses. Haaat P. Wnanx * Co.—I deem Mrs. Wilson's

Hair Regenerator and Hair Brassing the standard articles of all hair preparations. I have, to many instances, known them to restore the hair where it had laBen off, re­move <landraff, restore the hah* to l u original color, cure entirely the most painful beadachea, and rn some instances most serious humors. Personally, I have been a sharer to several of these benefit*. *

HENRY BELL, Manchester, N. If.


W r h o l e « f l l o £ ) e n l e r a n d

M A N U F A C JT U.R.E..R O F O I L ,

N O . 6 1 M A I N S T R E E T , B U F F A L O ,

S I G N . O F T H E i \ ^ A L E .

S P E R M O I L , ELEPHANT OIL, Refined and b l e a t ted winter . ' •-.

•-'•'"'• •> • Ptfrtr*, C-LITE OIL.

* I L V E R I S E D A L A N D D I P L O M A Awarded to F. S. PEASE, by the N . t State Agricultural Society at Buffalo, FOR THE BEST

Hi a. r»d O i l J j •-.,; •...:• . A t d O t h e r O i l a ,

LARD OIL, Winter and Summer St rained TALLOW, WOOL AND RBD OH.


L i n s e e d V>ilp R a w a n d R o l l e d , W a r r a n t e d P u r e !

MACHINERY OIL, * good article, at low. price,

j ICei^o.&.'jB.na . . Q i l 5 . ' Genuine article, and COAL OILS of every descript ion, a t

Manufacturer's prices . VARNISH, T U R P E N T I N E A N D FLUID.

PEASE'S Improved Engine and Signal Oil!

' FOR . H A 1 L B O A D 8 A N D M A C T a i N K R Y ,

AdntDWledged t n b e Or* c P - - ' -B E S T L U B R I C A T O R

A » ' f.J * • • I T H E C H E A P E S T B U R N I N G OIL ! :i ^ TWm *• a«wivi:j A a

* First Premium awarded by Syracuse Mechanic's Associ­ation, to 1854. . ••]

Ftort Premium awarded by N. T. State Agricultural So­ciety to 1835. '•

Medal awarded by American Institute, New York, 1856. Silver Medal and Diploma by N. Y., Agricultural Bociety

FOR AXJUSs*, *RQT, NEW TOBK i K D BOOTON. Connects at Albanr >rtth Western ( M ^ 1 « * * ^ A * * ° J

Northern Railroads Tor Boston, and all ptobes to New-SJof-ian<L: . - . ."'-•• • Lt; '/ \ ':.".

ON AHD AFTER MONDAY, - . A p r i l O , J ® ^ * TratoM eave Bnffsdo, from Exchange Street Dspot, as « t -

S^'Vasfa A . M . B U F F A L O A N s ) N B W BeJaTiaT Byron, Rochester. (Breasiasti Palmyra, Clyde, Jordan?Syrseuse,Chlttenango, tome.C^tDtaneOjLU-Ue F S i , Palatine Bridge, Fonda and Schenectady • arrtv-togstAlbSntatadOP. st^Slstsareet. N ^ Yt>ra atJOO P 7 M . , and Boston atll-JB) P.M. 3 W s * * * * * * * * » *

iBata ria with train tor Stafford, Le Boy, C*le4onto, Hone-oye 1 raUs, West Bloomneld, IWstBloomfleld *ndCanandal-

11 Connects also at Rochesterwith trains vtoCanandai. sneva and Auburn to Syracuse. '_-•; ' '.':

A . ITI. A C C O i T O I O D A T I O N T R A I N T O K O C H K 8 T B R . - « t o P P l n E M .att sta-

A ; H I . B T B A M B O A T « X P M » S . Stops at Batavla, Byron, Bergen, Church-

Ooldwater, Bochoster, iTalaYjrrsv Newark,^Ly-« , , Port Byron. Jordan, Syraowe^dlnner,) and

. principal places between SyracuseandAlbany,«>n-g wtth People's Line of Steamers,, arriylng to New at 6-00 next morning. Also wtth train on Hudson Railroad, with alceptog car attached, arrlvtog In 'Ork ct fiiO next morning, i ^ v At > ~'-M

P . i n . JTLAIL T B A I N ^ - 8 t o p s at all statious—via Rochester, Oauandahjua, Gene-

urn and Syracuse; also, connects with train at Ba-4for Stafford, Lo Roy, Caledonia, Genesee YaDey Rail­

road; Junction, West Rush, Honeoye Fails, West Bloomfleld. MUlSr's Corners, East Bloomfleld and Canandalgna, and

east Syracuse at 11 P. M. i j _ P . JUL N I G H T E X P R E S S — S t o p s at Lancaster. Batavia, Byron, Bergen, Roches-

pper) Palmyra, Newark, Jordan, Syracuse, Oneida, Utlca, Little Falls, St. Johusrille, Fonda and Bche-

dy. Arrives at Albany 4:48 A M.,81st street, New j at &:46 A. M., Boston at L-00 P. M.;

U^ A A * • M « C I N C I N N A T I \ E X P R E S S . T I M I Stops at Batavla, Rochester, Lyons, Port By-

roa,Byracnse, Cblttenango, Oneida, Boms, UUca, HerkV merrilttle Fails, 8L Johnsville, Fort Plain, Fonda, Am-, sterdam and Schenectady,. Arriving at Albany at 9-45 A M„ New York at 2-16 P. M., Boston at 4-00 P. M.

JOT SLEEPING OARS Attached, to this train between Buffalo and Albany. J ' • ' ^ \ , « : • »»< «

ELEGANT SMOKING OARS attached to each Day ess Train.

ONLY ONE TBiALK ON S U N D A Y ^ P . Mt N I G H T E X P R E S S . — A r r i v e s

at Albany at 4:45 A M„ New York, at 9:40. A . M.

§ail §oanis-Wwt«jat». •• > . . . " .

18 GO. Sommer 1860.



Thelrain leaving' BoSaV aVeTdo ^ r ^ S a t w d a y j run directly through, arriving In New York at 0.46

Sunday morning. •. • ' *' ^ - Trains arrive from the East at 1:80,4.80 and 110.00

A.M., and S.80, 7.80 and 10.80 P. M. I Baggage, checked Through.to Albany, Troi,New



T O A N D PBtOlTI T H E E A S T . THROUGH AND WAY }IXPRE8S^Vla new road from : Rochester. Arrive at 8 00 P. M.; opened next morning; | Closes 7:80 A. M.; leave s at 8:00 A). M. WAY EXPRESS—-Via old road from Rochester. Arrives j 1:40 A M.; opened at 8 00 A M. Closes at 2:30 P. M.; ' leaves 8:00 P. M. L00KPORX EXPRESS—i jrivefl 10:10 A.M.; opened 10:40

A M. Closes 6:10 P. M.; leavfes 5:40 P. M. 'THROUGH MONEY EXPRESS—For New York and Al­

bany. Arrives 10:00 A. M.: opened 10:80 A. M. Closes 6:00 P. M.; leaves 6:00 1'. M.

T O A N D P R ' M H T H E I V E S T . CANADA AND WESTER « EXPRESS—Through Canada j to Detroit and Toronto. Arrives 7:80 P. M.; opened next | morning. Closes 8:80 A. M.; leaves 8:45 A. M. SOUTHERN EXPRESS— tor Cleveland, Cincinnati, etc. T Arrives 5:25 P. M.; ope led 6:00 P. M. Closes evening I before; leaves 0:45 A. B L

BUFFALO & LAKE HUE ON EXPRESS—Arrives 5:40 P. I M.; opened 6:00 P. M. Closed at 9:45 A. M.t leaves at


e t c Arrives 9:60 A At.; opened 10:15 A. M. Closes 6:00 P. M.; leaves 0:801. M.

•SOUTHERN MONEY El PRESS—To Cleveland, Clncln-natl, etc. Arrives 4:20 . L M.: opened 8:00 A. M.; closes 6:80 P. M.; leaves 10:00 P. M.

I far Expresses starred f) carl-y money and small pack­age* only. Matter to be lpaurcd being forwarded: hy.Jirat

and Boston. "alo, IVI»xffaraFallH, Saspens lo ia d g e , JLewlstom a n d l^oclcport.

and after MONDAY, May i l th , 1860, Trains will Buffalo, from Erie street Depot, as follows :

A . Itt. F O R L O C K P O R T A N D Way Stations to Rochester.

A . M . F O R L E W I S T O N . T O R O N -| J * TO, Detroit and Chicago. f\ P . M . F O R S U S P E N S I O N BRIDGE, 19 London and Toronto. f\ P . M . F O R L O Q K P O R T A N D \M Way Satlonsto Rochester.

O P . DI. D E T R O I T A N D C H I C A G O Express.

_ Javes Buffalo at 9:00 A M. Returning, leaves Suspen­sion Bridge at 6:lO"P. M., Niagara Falls C:20; arrive at Buffplo 7:80. ..

Trains leave Niagara Falls at 4:45 and 6:60 A M., andj 2:00, 6:40, 6:00 and lOiOO P. M.

Train East from N. Falls on Sunday at 6:00 P. M. ese Trains connect at Rochester with Express Trains Buffalo for the East.

All erf the above trains to Suspension Bridge, make clos£ connections with trains on the Great Western Rail-wayf going West.

Trains arrive from Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge at 1 ):00 A. M., 1:20P. M.,and7:80P. M >

Tiatos arrive from Lockport at 10:10 A. M., and 9:00 P. W.

N. Y. Central Tune is 20 minutes faster than Buf-falotTlme. I

Jei2 . J; OOLLAMEB, Assistant Bnpt,

Buffalo, New York & Erie. IMHI S3H31 luSm [n nnK in S,twsr!^^iw^'irTrw^^^wT:*l>ww^^wsTT




•.:-rT MADISON, ^ CUMMF/OT. LOOTAJv ;> A'nd i n Points to the West and South-West.

On and after MOI0AY, the W Inst., IrsSat w i a i e a r e Buffalo ft-om Exchange Street Depot, as follows, (Sundays «e*pt*«Mp-; r 7 T-'AF At

4 ~KJKJ # it. * M -MAJlXs.* Arrlyesat DUNKIRK 8-45 A M., ERIE WK50 AM..OLEVE-

IAND2-25 P. M., r D t o e . l T O L E D O T ^ ? . ^ ! <8«PJ*§> and CHICAGO 5-65 A. M. This train connccU at Cleve­land with mall train for1 the South—reaching. Columbus 9 - s o P . M . . ; . . ; ; . . ; . / ; | ( . , . , . . .•„-. ld-oo A ^i&ass?"1***

Arrives at DUNKIRK 11-50 A. M., (Dine.) ERIE 1-48P. M , OLKYBLAND6-aO P,,M, (SappeO TOLJII^LO^S PJfcfj, OB10AGO 8-00 Jkl M-,. (iir«ikfast,) and MILWAUKEB 1:13 P. M. This train connects at Cleveland with Night Express for the South, reaching Columbus 11-05 P. M., Cincinnati 8-10 A. M., and Indianapolis 6-00, A M.

^h'KjKJ A C C O I H M O D A T I O N . Reaches >VESTFIELD 7-10 P. M. Be turning leaves


Inftrtlible •nipjj


field 6*60 A M.» arrives at Buffalo 9-80 A; M.

3KJ PRESS* Arrive* at DUNKIRK 1945 A M., ERIE 2-08 i. M.,

CLEVELAND 5-80 A. M.. (Breakfast,) TOLEDOi0-20 A M., ICHICAGO P i n e at White Pigeon) 8-15 P MM and MttWAtTKBE 12^50AM. TW*watoc<)nne>at01et«-land with Day Express for the South, reachbg Columbus 11^0 A M., Cincinnati 4*20 P. M., and Inoataapolls MD P.M.. t*. .



Tbe great natural Bone Setter.

Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticu Is known AU orer .the TJbBsAilate*,

Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Cowiecticu tn the antharof ^Dr. Sw^^»slfcfattrals"

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never falls.

Dr. Sweet's InfaUible Liniment Isacertalhreine^rai'lrfsarahjrta. | f

Dr. Sweet's l^l l iMe^M Cures Burns a n d Scalds Immediate ly . , .. .;.••,

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Iliniment la the.bleat kaowa reme4y for Sprains Sn4 Bruises.

a . «... « - .T1TW « °rt,f a* the Otd Court-Uooat \ ay . the 15th day e o S l S ^ %


H a l . Aloe ,wt ia ihs city of Buffalo, on th« known rear, J. S. Smith.

No. 2. A house and lot

Term, ol

5*at: at n


Now * * »» n o . x . A nousc a n a io» altuated In tA. i

. ^ ^ ^ & ? f ^ ! ^JLw^slilwfr •treeu, oeing so ieet rront on South * •- • Wl« Blfcw-TWOjat seep on JQUoott ^reet. N?w o c c ^ * ^ ?

No,S.* A claim against Van a»ke \ « * ^ balatteoc^i*a«dpidaadirrteTeatWflo^t 0 8 » fcf


K a l i 8 * s > d r y r ^ * ^ d r . ^ a n d J l 3 l S ^ Ocott A Hale, amonaUng to fc3 ??Zrf»*» a a s j l .

menta against the same parties 48,^^5 ****? h#. 18-100, exclusive of Interest • saVi^IfT* 'fo W.*a ceptaaces and Judgments are bett otiWfoT?,l» sad Ai. the notes, drafts and acceptances, w h i S c »aoaw of on from date to maturity. ««*—

H a 5. Nine drafts Bryde.and acre Interest.

Buffalo, Nor.

Receiver of falo.

afts made by n. § R . . ^ ?pted, amounting to. H ^ . * }••*<'.'


the property

. 'Vkc„

of the HolMrter *2?a

SU ! > I C l H L 1 0 i « . C O U " U T * o T i S ^ Krie Oounty,Mas : Orlando Allen, pUiaufLlS

Burt etche i Jan r,[Ar

Taff his wife, Henry Taff,

Henry B. Burt, Julia A . Burt Rosetta Burt his wife, Zenas H. hurt, i.

bin wife; N V S ' J S * n o j c i i a »urv o u wur, / . r u « u. Durt, LUCY HI>H w i . ^ Rltsa Fleteher, CharteV Fletcher, Heirv C £ ? fr5"-H. Bast, James BuTt;!. Taylbr Burt, Martha j a*JT?^ ard Taff, j Ann EUsaTaff hUwlf». M.nt!!.V""!i ate

Sweet's Infallible Iainiment

Direct connections are made in (nlcago with ,xhf morning and evening trains of aU the ,WMtcro Roads,



LSAya Via Columbus, at 6-05 A M7

: 0-00 P. " Via Clyde and Dayton, at5-55 A

* 8-16 P. M. (Mail,) and

(Exp.) 5-00 P.M. (Exp.)

J. Connections aro also mad> at Toledo with the • ••' TOLEDO, WABABH ANDlrTaTEBN BAlLBOAl)' "

For Port Wayne, Wabash, Pen, Logansport, La Fayette, Danville', SprtogfWd ana St. Louis,

L e a v i n g T ? o l 6 d d ^ M l < f - S O A . M . a n d

Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail.

Dr. Affords

Sweet's Infallible fcniment lmmedlatf reUef for Piles, and seldom falls to cure.

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures T oothach* to o n e minute .

Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures-Cuts and Wounds Immediately, and leaves no scar.


10-j »M. j —

S J B C O N H C E . A S S *TH4S—go through to CHIOA? GO on all Express tratosjbus offering to the publlo the advantage of HIGH 8PEJD wltbLOW FARE.

LUXURIOUS BLEEPyG'OARS accompany all Night Express Trains througtfo the Mississippi river, securing to the traveler by thlslA« the comfort of a Hotel, where-ever nightovertakes hU,. j . ,. {;- , . \:,u.-;«•/•-A,iiU*

B A G O A G E C A E C K I E B T H J R O U G j l H To Cincinnati,' Toledo, jblcago, St., Louis, MUwaukes, and

, all principal pinta West and South-West.

l ^ f T I U O U G H T/JKETS BY THIS ROUTE can be obtained at all the /dncipal Ticket offices to the United States, and 1 i BuffaL at the Company's Ticket office, Ex!-change Street Depo'ataoa' t the GsrsrESAt UNIOH •tfrar Omos , No. 17 Exoiuiiaa StaaaT.

..; i .."'. WM. R. BARB, General Agent, Burrau).

Buffalo, April ft I860. ^ ap!8

Dr. Has


Dr. Is truly

bo. n h

Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tbe b ;st remedy for Sore* in the known world.

Sweet's Infallible Liniment used by more than a million people, and all

Sweet's Infallible Liniment \ " friend in need," and every family should have

it at'htnd. , ;

Dr. {Sweet's Infallible Ianiment Is for aa e by ail Druggists. Price 25 cents. . •. > •

RICHARDSON ft 0 0 . , Sole Proprietors, Norwich, Ct.

For sale tn Buffalo by G. A. REYNOLDS A CO., And all dealers. jeSSdacly

Francis J. At water, William Qughea, Jarnc

!s wife, Manuti TtfRirS. rah Ann Taff h b w & n ^

A l a n a o n C r o . b j r . j ^ J ^


h Ann Taff hbwtf. nUz Flaid, John Hammond.vWimam a . -u .p—

, BaarjrGarrett, deceased, Alanso..^™ao mcr, William Sutton JWllnam Farthing, ^lu 4 t tL,ri!r

eater, William H. Blodgett, H i W o 5 2 !

1 8 6 0 . 1 8 6 0

v&prete must be dellveret by ths time given for: closing. 1 e*

mentioned as "opened." Packages will be ready fori dellve|ry at the offlce at the tlm

M A R G 0 4

apl l

1 8 C O .

WELLS, BUTrSRFIELb A CO. f Pr0Prietors. WM. a |PE0K, Agent,

Nos. 9,11A118 West Seneca street.

ston, Baltimore and Was WIDE AND COMFORTABLE C

Ttfalns liavo the Depot of "Buffalo. New Yo, •oad,. corner of Exchange and Michigan at: Ral


and Erie •ets, as fol-

cr Arraugemont.


l V l i q i I » A N C E N T R A L •> AMD ; . : ; • .

Detroit and Milwaukee VIA'DFFALO A N D SUSPENSION B R I D G E ,

s a Bt3K--slsV-ywsT a « " J'wsr^^wFrT'r'wsrTrwwTr: TO TORONTO,

D s ^ O I T , C H I O A C i O , I?H1LWAIJK1E1S, ^^'''r'-jCraleBa.PraIrtoAttOn1ea,'X*,l'Ori*ss*«F; - "•*-*•' -

go^PAUI* DUBUQUE, MADISONJ FOND DU LAO^ f a o / r Rock l s i M d i ^ u h g f o n , a u t o c e y , •: - f * n/p /OUIB^ ST. JOSEPH, a n d -all Po ints i n t h e W e s t ,

North and South-west , and after MONDAY, Apri l 9 th , trains'- l e a v e t h e

I ' U B I F T T H K B L O O D .

VetetabWIiife Pillff A N D

- ! •



- a

1 8 0 0 .

r: • •

C O C O A - N U T O I L Saiir Dressing.

TV " ' ' T Mrs. W i l s o n ' s 1-talr D r e s s i n g i s p u t u p in large

bottles, and retails for 3T eta. per bottle, and for ilisssnnn the hair of any person, young or old, there la not lie equal to the world. It wDl make tbe halr-^everythtog you wish it to be, and moreover. It has a perfume that Is Infinitely superior to any of the fashionable extract*, either foreign or American, which ilone should entitle It to a place on every lady's toilet ta ble.

Silver Medal and Diploma by N. Y. Agricultural Society to 1858. ' • j

SUver Medar and Diploma by New York Agricultural Society to 1860. |

*jy_ Reliable orders filled for any part of the World. XJkJ* for tale only by the manufacturer,

• "F.;alwnsASE, Janlt-tt . j ^ : •- . 4 1 Main Street.

;S^S*K'8lMPK6^&Dr5lL /

AMERICAN EXPIRES COMPANY. C a p i t a l [ . . . $ 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 .

T h e unequa lcd F a c Jltieaj and, great e x t e n t o f the Route of this company, enable them to transport with, the greatest safety and sp :ed, C o i n * B a n k : N o t e s , J e w e l r y , a n d o t h e r

V a l u a b l o a , G o o d s a n d I P a c k a g e * , , • • i an TO j

Collect Notes, drafts & Accounts, Bills sent with goods, ant; to execute all other commis­sions connected with the I zpresa business, at ail the prin­cipal places between the < lty of New York and the West­ern, North and Southwestern States and Canada. . Its con* nectlons with other axaro: ramus Ebqpresa Companies, also extend their facilities to all parts of the

v j n i t c d S t a t e s , 3 C a l i f o r n i a a n d His t r o p e .

A t t h e . W e s V t b e x l n e a o f rttxe Conapaay are constantly being extended to the opening of how Routes.

jay™ Each Express is lent on a. first class passenger train, and. accompanied J ij a trusty Messenger, provided with an iron safe for. seem lty of valuables.

"Tor notice of the time 0 ' the departure of each Express frbm'Buffalo, see "Time ! o t l c e X > v--v "

WELL*, BDTTEEFDSLD 4 00.', Ne. 62 Broadway, New1 York.

LIVINGSTON, FARGO St CO., jaltf • Nos^'9' at d 11 West Seneca st., Buffalo.

A . M . - S 5 0 R N E I . 1 L S V * X L E W A Y ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.—Arrives at Avon^ G 100

at Vt 80 P. M., and HomeDsvillo at 2 80 P. M. A A A . F I . - - P H I I . A l s S I . r a i A A N I W BALTIMORE MAIL EXPRESS.—Dinner 7

Avcfb; supper at WlUiamsport; breakfast at Plilladelpb or Baltimore at S o'clock nextmorrdng. Connects at Av* for Rochester, and at Oorntog for Blnghamton. > • A toft P . F f . — N E W Y O R K N I G H T E > * . ^ v pRESS.~f or Le Roy, Avon, Rochester, OorOg and ! New York. BChrough to Hew York without c a s ­

ing. ; patent Night Oars with rrcllnlng seats and ead rest 9. (Magnificent Sleeping Osra run from OarnK t 0

NevrYork.) Supper, at Avon: Breakfast at Port ^ris> Arr ves in New Yerk-atKhOO A. StJ "•" ' A Oft P . ' I t t . - B A M I 1 I O R E d: P E ^ A -4 # v DELPHIA EXPRESS.-Arrives atElmlra/H:80 P. M.; leaves Elmir* at 4;38 A V., arrives at Philselphla at 5 P. M., Baltimore 5 P. M , Washington 7 P. M. .

P . m E . - H O R N E L L S V I I i l . s 9 E X ­PRESS.—Arrives in Horneilsville at 1WJP. M.

No Trains East or W<st on Sunday. JEt. By New York time, 20 mnutes faster tbu. Buffalo

E P I N O C A R S ON N I G H T TWAINS. Buffalo to Avon and Return? ,. 1 75

Leave Buffalo. At-.Batavi*. *rr. Hoch.'r. 'S:0OM; ' S:80 P.M.

00 P. M. 11:00" P. M.


4 20

time. S

Maill Express 7.10:18 AVTMI Nigjit Express.. 4:20 P. M.

Leave Rochester. Night Express.. 6:40 A. M.


Use tbe Regenerat >r before retiring at night, and in the morning apply a llttl|s of tbe Dressing, and your hair will be even more life-uki 1 to color and beauty.

Use nothing en yoor hair but these preparations, and use these according to directions, and we warrant you a good healthy head ol hair.

Manufactured and sold at wholesale by IIENRY'P; WILSON A CO„ Manchester, N. H , to whom all letters should be addressed. -r . w *

t. I. MATHEWS, oc9-2aw*ely Waoleaalc Agent, Buffalo, N. Y.


The high speed at which Sewing Machines are run. re o^fc^the^tiustoUthat'canbe made to keep them,to or

feaeeU (HI U need and recommended by all the prln-1 dpal Sexolng Machine Makers throughout the country as the '- j j

" B E S W t t T T H A T C A W B E ! U S E D . Bkt~Made«ny^b>'' , ' p I

. Vm S . . P E A : S F I A N U F A C T U R E R O P O I L ,

T«.-. '} .CI Matoaweet, Buffalo, N . T . > l '>• j S-» < Also, for sale by A / I . MATHEWS, Druggist, 220

J V 1 T 3B3 8

eF"EnQUire for Psoas's Seeing Machine OU. and NOTICE that P. & Psfsa, Sawrso MACmw OrL Buvvsxo,

T- mrlfrtf N. Y., Is blown op each bottle. • r » & *

VJt LCOH03L> t P X « T X X i L l - C R y X . CJ1JL1.ET,

2*oa~ X8» SO knd » S U o y t i Street , Marmfactnr sr and Whole**)*Sealer to ,

55 and 96 PEA CENT. ALOOl INQ FLUID,".

C O s ^ O C N R

Oontatos a complete and eias*rined fist of ail the RAILROADS, CANALS AND NAVIGABLE RIVERS

l a the United States and.Canadas. * Together with the names of the towns and villages Utua-ted thereon or tributary thereto.'' i .'•' I '*:- "<!/• "!: " "

Also, a list of the Omeers, Agents, A c . ' connected with the Rafh-oaday Canals, and COLLECTION OF CUSTOMS, with Distance Tables, Rates ot TnA Freight Tariff*/ * c 4 c *- - - • W fiuXiTf I 'j •*" € i i 5

TEp' ST E X P R E S S .

1 8 6 0 . C a p i t a l . 6 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 . " 1 8 6 0 . BUFFALO OFFICE, NO IB WEffl!. SENECA STREET.

The recent extension of the routes of this Company into MISSOURI, IOWA, B ANSAS AND NEBRASKA,

and the establishment of A .gencles at all points of import­ance to those State* and T rrritories i completes a continu­ous chain of offices from :«EW YORK CITY to.the FAR WEST, embracing all the t rindpal cities and towns in

! omO.INDIANA^-ItaNOIfl AND MICHIGAN, enabling them to transmit Goods, Ootoy Bank Notes, Jew-elry, and Valuables, with f PEED and SAFETY, and WITH­OUT TRANSFER, -. • • . . . . ; - I.

Their ravorable connect ens wtth other reliable Express Companies, enable them to guarantee the prompt and faithful execution of all »e cpxeas business to every part of the UNITED. STATES, OA WFORNIA and EUROPE.

Notes, Drafts, Bills and A ccounts collected, and proceeds returned wtth the greatest despatch.

, For additional security, nark goods: " By United States Express Co." ., , . . I \

i " - • QKirraLt ovrioKS. •'!'• . No. 62 Broadwi y; New.Yprk. - • ' V

No. 16 Weat Seneca street, Buffalo. > I-. D. N . BA RNEY. President, New York.

HENRY KTP, Gen'l Sop t , Buffald. . deSlCB^tf

• N X T ' K X J - ' S ' T ' - A T T B l ' ^ B J l X l -PRESS COMPANY, v ia - i V

_ l T a l o , N«vtr 1T< »rk A E r i e R a i l r o a d . Freight, Packages, and Pei Ishable Goods delivered at our Offlce, No. 82 Broadway, F ew York, at four o'clock P. M., win be forwarded by the N ght Express .Train, and deliv­ered to Buffalo next morning,,r" ,"]/ ' ]'

te lO' ••< ..••'••>- .. H E N R Y BTBP, Geni Supt .

Le^e Batavla; Arr. Buffalo. :00 A M . , 10:80 A, Mj ;28P. M, 5:40 P.M.

1:00 P. M/


Mall. .' .' . . . 1 1 : 4 5 A . M. B n r e s * . . . . : . . . ' ftOO P , BL 'i 1:00 P . M7 .12:45 A M ,

' T -alns arrive from the East ajfollows . NIGHT EXPRESS—Leaves "Tew Ybrf a t '6 :00 P . M . i arrives to Buffalo a t 10:85 A Bi /


HORNELLSVILLE. TRAINS-Lcave Hornollsvilie 6:00 A M. and 11:00 A M- . Arriveit Buffilo 10:85 A M . and 6:40 P ; M . ' ' v ! ' "

B JPFALO DAY EXPRESS-leaves. N e w York a t t :00 A. 11. Arrives at Buffalo 1 2 : 8 1 . N.

Je 18 -''• •• >•: ••' A . I P A T O H I N , Pres ident . FALL ARRAIQEMENT- I 8 6 0 -


w York aid Harlenv

:10 A.M.

A,HI. TrJatoion N, 9 : )0» .M.

As a Gaxettser ttbAS NO EQUAL, being C O M P R E H E N S I V E A N R . R C X I A B L . E ,

any other yet published. Asatraasportatlonguide it has NO CO

""SiJJ?* thn i Axxwa, becomes at once XwpiSFJQBABLE TO IVIBJY MAN 0 .

Who is to any way connected wtth the shl:

A : B I D W E L L ,


m*i » : tOpposiWfeotrtCMeagoStsest:) The undersigned would respectfully Inform the public

that they are prepared &• contract for the building of STEAMERS, PROPELLER} ,TUG8, and VESSELS of every description, for the Lakei, Seaboard, and Canals, on as reasonable terms as any otl ler establlahmcnt. Having du­ring the past winter fitted t p two of the best DRY DOCKS to this section of .the count 7 , we are, prepared to do all

And contains 2,000 more places to our own country than [ kinds of repairing on the s) lortest-possible notice, aodj in the meat thorough manner. Also, all kinds of Jolrier


BUSINESS, o»*'trans-

B o n r b o r x , O l d R y e dk R e ^ t l f l e A ' t r i i l a k e r ; portatlon ot^property. In vies 10 BRANDIES and GIN. EVERY TRANSPORTS Also, DO]

A superfine article of RXCTIFYINO COAL always

jar Agent the lowest ma;


IR O N B A J L I N » Corner of Ch arch and Jad

for the Vesta OH Company, and for sale at :r's prices to barrel* and t s i f bar-HENRY T. GILLET;DistuleT,

Buffalo, N. Y. Parestsssrp-may rely, on h*vtog good packages and cor­

rect Guajces.


1VEBT MANUFACTURER SHOULD 'HAVE ITT And in fact, all who have occasion to use a gazetteer, pur-chasingthia '' • »•.:../ p *\i ,

1 WlUt -*AVr;MO|4Ey^ i - • \1 Being furnhhed at LESS THAN ONE-THIRD the price W a Gawtter alone, it is thereby commended ' "•'-*;

T O r t H B H A V O K 0 » A L L . ^ %W For sale at the offlce of publication and at the

aooAatoroa.' . 1

I D O O s % H O N SHUTTERS, Aa. t' &"* " " ^ " ^ { j ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ ' " a Factories. PlsmoForta Factori^- *, *•>-• J^MJ» A PHELPS, Publisher. . n r S s T w I l j n t e ^ ^ ^ JjCtf - -,;•* • ** . -* IsstTienee* street, (bp stairs.) H t ^ r ^ D I C < D M O C - , B e W W T a / r i W H K ^ B K A V E R A N 1 J

Call abd See. j J \ C L FELT HATS-UNTRJMMJD-rpf tbe latest sty le, |

W O R K S ,

Blacksmith s n j 8paryworA

a ^ d a ^ t a B t o ^ ^ """"***". « ^ ' ^ 1

VIall arrangement com^ricinpj Monday, Oct. 15tl , 1360, leaving Albany aa fiowB:

5 A TVT - E X P R E S T R A I N . - C o n n e c t l n B J%i AuL. with " Clevebd and Chicago Express

Ti ain on the N; Y. C. R. Ri arriving in New York at •10;10A:M. . / ! •' " ! i ? ' •"'' lAi

E X P R B S FIAlI..---OonnccUng with.'1 Clevand and Chicago Express

Y. 0 , R. R„,Vrrlylng to New York at

P H i r — E X s R E S S T R A I N . — C o n -1 A l A . nectln with •• Buffalo, New York

agara Falls Express q N. Y. C. R. R.,M arriving InjNew York at 8:00>. M. '' -u*'" ; " E p T N. B.—The 5 A; M; RPRES8 TRAN wUl run on

Sundays. .• ' ! 7 • From New York, Trains leve from cor.-of 26th .street'

and&th Avenue,at/7 A M.Jad 5 P. M,, connecting .with through trains on thetN. Y.]» R. R. J , .*. ,.: „ >.„


The Harlem Railroad Atnt, will, on arrival of Trains {at Albany, r«celve-Cbeck»ndtransfer all Baggage to the Cars' Free.; n:, in; J J, .• • ^"7'. ft • t \ a Si H •"•• n' u 1 jar This Road is In ntaplete repair, • equipped with NEW- AND COMMODIOrj CARS, not to be surpassed on any; Route. ' .J. ' T ,-..'•,•":: . •,- .,•;

larffmchinv CarMt'cJiedtoEach -Train.\J& •• OFFICE li Albanj-, cot Maiden Lane and Dean street,

directly oproatte N. Y. C;R. R. \ • Buffalo,ttt. 12,I860.;. : x

../v : . • „ . / • J O H L N B U R O H I I i l i . AssU fioftf F. NEWJiHK, Qoc'-Western Agt. , • - .

1 1

je Street Depot. Buffalo, New York Central Railroad fie, as follows, Sundays excepted:

8 - 4 5 A . FI . , 2 - 3 0 a n d 6 - 3 0 P . FI . laklng close Connections at Suspension Bridge with the

j GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. Trains leave Suspension Bridge as follows, Sundays ex­

cepted : A . Ff. F f O R N I N O E X P R E S S .

Arrives at DETROIT 4-00 P. M., CHICAGO 6-00 A M . 1 A . 2 A A . ITU 1 D A Y E X P R E S S . I V . D V A r r l v e a at DETROIT t-80 P. M.f (Supper,) CHICAGO 8-00 A. M., MILWAUKEE 11-00 A. M. via D. A M. R., connecting at Chicago and Milwaukee 'with all trains for the Westf-

A . FI . J L O N B O N A C C O M M O D A ­T I O N . Arrives at HAMIITON 6-00 P. M.,

TORONTO 940 P. M., LONDON 9-60 ]». M. 111 A es P • ! * * • N I G H T E l P R E S S . l V . ' l V Arrives at DETROIT at 7-00 .L M., (Breakfast,) CHICAGO at 8-00 P. MV.and MILWAtKEE at 10-80 P. M. ,v laD.A M. Railway from Detroit,, Connecting at Milwaukee and Chicago with all trains for the West.

Trains leave Detroit, .1 VIA DETROIT & MILWAUKEE RAILWAY

as follows: F O R M I L W A U K E E ,

, 7 - 3 0 A . M . a n d 7 - 3 0 P . FA Arriving at Milwaukee at 10-80 P. M. and 11-00 A. M. • , ; . - - ' • Trains leave Hamilto'n |or Toronto,

9 - 0 0 A , FA, 1 2 - 3 0 . 3 - 0 0 a n d 7 - 4 5 P . M . Trains leave Toronto for Hamilton.

9-00 and I04O A;M,; and„4-45 and 10-60 JP. M. | ^ - T H R O U G H TICKETS for all Points West and

Southwest can be obtained at the Ticket Office of the New York Central Depot, Erie street, and of MILTON RAN* DALL, Agent,

U N I O N O F F I C E . N O . 17 E X C H A N G E BT. , B U F F A L O , t •„

Gen'l Agent G. W.|and D. AM. KaUways, Bnffato.

° ' J ' ^ * m r e ^ r Q. W. Railway, HamBton^, W. • W. K. MulR,'

ap9 GenM Sur/t Detroit and Mil. Railway, Detroit.

TH E HIGH AND ENVIED CELEBRITY these pre-eminent Medicines h i r e acquired

their lnv triable efficacy to all the diseases which they 1 fess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. •'

IN ALL CASES Of Asthma, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys.

BILIOUS FEVERS AND LITER COMPLAINTS. In the Sc uth and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found Invaluable.

Biles, Costlveness, COLDS and COUGHS, Chollc DYSPEPSIA.—No person with, this distressing disease

should d day using these meulclnes immediately. ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, e .

ERYSIPELAS AND FLATULENCY. FEVEI; AND AGUE.—For.this scourge of the Western

country 1 hese medicines will be found a safe, speedy s a d certain r ;medy. Other medicines leave the system sub­ject to a return of tbe disease—score by these medicines is permanent. Try them, be satisfied, and be cured.


Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Impure Blo< id, JaundlceL Loss of Appetite.

MERCURIAL DISEASES. Never folia to eradicate entirely all the effect* of Men ai­

ry Infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of SarsaparlUa.

Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Or­ganic Affections,

PILES. , j . The original proprietor or these medicines was cured ct

Plies of 85 years standing by the use of these Life Mjedl-cines alone.

RHEUMATISM. Those afflicted with this terrible disease will be so

relief by the m e soeoicinea. •*-..._ .. SCROKJULA, or KING'S EVIL, to 1U worst forma,

cers of every description. WORM 3 of all kinds are effectually expelled by these

medicinei. Parents will do well to administer them when­ever their existence Is suspected. Relief will be certain.


PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. 1

Prepari >d by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT,

No. 885 Broadway, (Moffat BuBdtogAN- Y.

For Bali by ail Druggists. Je2:dawly

The Bankiof Upper Canada, Orrtn B. Tltm, l l l^TiZ: son, Tbe Farmers' and Mechanic*' Bank of Ume.T-5 Nathaniel Wligus, defendants. ^™'w

To the above named defendantj: You arejbereby snmmoned to answer tiie eonioUkit,

this action, and serve a copy of your answer on aSua,1 oflloeinthfl.cltyof Buffalo, N. Y., within twenty^, JT the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such ierri« • au If you fall |U> answer the complaint aa aforesaid, ttw, *£: tiff will apply to the court for the relief demaaitd la t* said cemptatot; which complaint was uled lu th. 0m..r, the Clerk of the said Superior Court of Buffalo. 00 tk* u dayof AusWlftoO. . J , w

Dated August 8d, I860. - TH. O. WELCH, Plaintiff, Attora<v

aol-Th7t . _ . f Buffalo, « x TJP*\WBL\pTEt COtJIlT'oPlcmLb — J a n e s Morris, plaintiff, against EllzabttMiM^

defendant. w * To the def sndant:

You are hereby summoned to answer the coajltuu a this actton} and Mrre a capy of youranawer toer«o*at • i ^ ' ^ P A 1 1 1 ^ d t-v o f b u f f * J ° . *Wn twenty <iaji»^ the aeiricj hereof, exclusive of the da/of such a t r % £ H i ^ , ? " i ^ ^ T ^ e c o ^ P W n t s s sforessid,ttmiSL

C ? ? J ) l ^ f t i W ^ . C ^ r n p , * I , , t * " t M s da.v U*A In S ' f i of the Clerk of thla Court. - »«ww* Dated October 2,1860.

_ o e « h l 8 ^ DAVID F. DAY, FlaiutlTa Attorney.

SU » A * a i i M J i l O o U ^ X - ^ K u T c o r j a . ' TX»Z]?«F3LMarU,l> P l* lnll{l. against FaycUe RDl

aey and Elizabeth his wife, George Bowen, The CUnta Bank of Buffalo, James M. Meade, Samuel A. Btot* Henry Yclverton and Robert Yelverton, Stephen C. Wii er. Joseph A Drelfores. PhUllp Beyer, Galua B. Rich,»

. bridge G. Sbauldtog, William M. Arbuckle, Uaalltosa John H. BUsa, The Manufacturers' and Traders'lT Abncr Cutler. Cyrus H, Deforest. To the defendants above named:

You are hereby summoned to answer the compUta. this action, of which a copy is herewith served u^rn, and serve a: copy ef your answer on me, at aw olu-ii, the city of Buffalo, within twenty days after tit «rr!ci hereof, exclusive of tbe day of such service; acj u \ * fail to answer the complaint as aforesaid, the pliintlffiiii apply to the Court for the relief demanded In tht ull complaint; which complaint was filed in the office ct u,* Clerk of the county of Erie, ton the 81st day of Julj.lW. Dated, July Bl. 1660. • \ .1

I WM. W. MANN, Plaintiff's Attorney,. an9Th7t .*H6 Main street, Buffilo.


French and Julia Ann French his wife, plaintiffs, ajihr. Elka Ann Reaves, Myron Reaves, Charles F. Rmn tai Clara Jane Itcavca, defendants. To the above named defendants: .

You are hereby summoned to answer the complain to this action, which will be filed to the offlce of ths Clerk ot the county of Erie, and to serve a copy of your aonvr 00 me, at my office to the city of Buffalo, N. Y., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of met service; and If you fall to answer the complaint wafore said, tbe plaintiffs will apply to the Court for tbe relief de­manded In the said complaint.

Dated Julf 27,1 SCO. I FRANK M. THORN, Plalntiffi* Attornty.

The said complaint wan filed In said Clert'i office 00 the 80th daylof July, 1800. augTWt

O I T I O B i T O

S' N E W V O R k -vnrv COCNTY-Tliomu^D.

U N I V E R S AsL,

cotJGH REMEDY By its B inipllclty and mosb^perfect adaptation to all THROAT AND LUNO COMPLAINTS, from Infancy to old lege, asks for special attention.: 80 strictly are the laws of n edlclne conformed to, that I ask the same free­dom of use to disease, as Its sa ic t natural feature, th*' I 1 would of rood to hunger. I Both are analogous, *»£ hath untrue uidess they can be appUed to toe><^h™r«- j fore, fronTwaoorl-o Corjo», **» * * " ^ - ? C * ! b i f ^ ? d ' *° I


Buffalo and

I C E T O C J U k C U i T O H l e i to an order of Charles C. Severance, Esq.

Erie County. Notice Is hereby siren, to til g claims or demands against Wllllita H. is-the city of Buffalo, to said county, deceased, required to exhibit the same with tbe voach-Davld F. Day, the administrator of lbs* deceased, at the office of the aaldadniali

the'HwelfUi dsy of October, 1860. D a t e d t h e l l t h d a y o f AprU 1SC0.

DAVID F. BAT. apliThCm! « Aonualstrator, sc

\ y r O B T G A G E 8 A L E " - r ^ * f '

2ST Surrogate of persona havL drews.late< that they; era thereof, I ta teof ths i

- ' FOR-

D E T R O I T ; C H I C A G O , . Aisd :^U a?oUat» l V e s t . f. y j

On and after T U E S D A Y , MAY 1st . Trains wil l l e a v e Buf fa lo , /Sundays excepted , ) from Erie Street Depot , o n N e w York t ime, a s fo l lows: 1 A A A , A Tiff -DETROIT AND C1HI-1 0 W l A . BL* CAGO EXPRESS. , Arriving at Paris at J. 48 P. M.. and connecting with Great Western train' leaving Suspension Bridge at 10:80 A. M.. arriving at Detroit at- 7:80 P; M.> (Sotoper,) Chicago 8:00 A. M., and connecting with *n trams West, Northwest and South; arriving at Godericb at B:80 P. M.

2 2 0 P a I E J Arriving at Paris at'7:60


lone to order. tar Wo have always 01 > hand and for sale, all kinds of

Sh^Tnnber/Plans^Knees Acrac. . < • 1 1 A A M A 8 0 N . , Lai5:tf] j Q,:8. BIDWEtiE.

T T 3 B M O V A L , X J L T A ' The undersigned, having removed Ids.stock, of goods to the New Store, No. 4, directly opposite the old stand on East, Swan street, j ma liaytog concluded to confine.

-53 1 i 5' J Jr *S«Ta,,OILa\'filicaE3AaJ H :. i \ :r> Would respectfully invite ti 10 attention of those to want to his large and well selected assortment of • Painter's Stpcl;, and Artist's Materials, whit h he pledges himself to sell as low as any other housein t ie city. j oc8 .JOHN H. COLEMAN, No. 4 EaatSwnnst. ,

B O A i m i n i O & . S A L U S T A B L E . OJ5IN S. S T J E V E N S O N has taken the modlousfi tablet) adjoining the Genesee House, er.of Main a i d Qendsee streets, Buffalo,

where he wil conttabe theht litaess of baying and seUhrg' HORSES on Commission;'and will also, take' Horses to boattfiry^e^^eet^ndirwitt^jaw

Horses priked. docked .and broke to harness or saddle. Gentlemen wWilng to purchase horses win find It to their advantage tq give tlm ocaU. Also, those having horses to dispose of Ian hatro them fltted'for sale or* exchange by experienced grooms. Particular attention given to the purchase andaale of horsea..-. , • i,", f. apl8


MXCN ,»» of alt k inds c a n b e bought cheap a t

J* . H I l i - 'S^ IT ; 0 yGMBL | -A; j&i jwt 3,i AND AMBR< (TYPE Eg AMES, .

Of all the regular sixes, cc nstantly aolhand and for isa's cheap, at COLEMAN'B Pictpre Gallery,

' *• 'y<''''"; ;-:::'' -:- Wo. ° Swain street, up ataha. • . JfM-Tl feNlfdHlNO GOODS

p J U E M A.NIH P I C T U R . K

NO. 5 S W A N S T R E E T , j (Ur-STAtns.)

Having resumed lustoess again at the Old Stand, I would respectfully invite the attention, of'the public to my in creased facilities foj the sale and manufacture of Looking Glasses and Hcture Frames. The assortment of. Pictures is vufy large, and will be sold at a slight advance on cost.

Dealers wlfl find alarge and well-selected stock of Frames in Compo ani Mouldings of all kinds to the length, which will be sold cicap for cash. 1 .!: ; >• U 1'IJfA

There are also about 400 Moulds, suitable for nil descrip. tlonrbf rnoura^u^orl^ w h l c h w m B e ® '

Alao. One lion Press, for cbrflpowoTk.'-- ' -••"- '. *«5 - JOHN H. COLEMAN. Proprietor.rjJ

Also. ocCtf

O «~i

! MIX LINGTON'S, 259 Main a t , ,

-the Churches

1 100 lockets superior Government Ja*a. • ' Justreceivedby HOLUSTER k LAVERAOK, se2r>_ /j^enn*T«d8toi*4^WsvahtostopBtraet.

• X X T ^ H s l ' l ? ^ B I O a . N r O " ^ ^ r W * v h a v e : " p a r V V - ' ' band a superior article for Preserving. ,

HOLUSTER A L A V E R A C K , Chejuered Store, 303 Washtogton street.

at 9: All trains connect

way to and from St. B A G G A G E €

•jar Trains arrive lows: 1 1 : 4 5 A .

P. M., Western Train, arriving at London

it^iOOAM: ' " ' "' Port Oolborne with Welland Rail-

tertoes, Ac. J O K E D T H R O U G H . , Buffalo on New York time as foK a n d - 5 : 3 5 ff*. Iff., 'connecttoi lows: 1 1 : 4 5 A . BI . , -and- .5:35 a*. Iff., connecting

with Buffalo, New York and Erie,.and New York Central 'trains to New York, Boston^ Albany. Coining, Elmlra, Bal­timore and Phlladelphla^ajtidall points East.-

^ef t t l" Great % necttog P.M.

atttrSB^' M., connectsat Parts wltti: .leaving DetrpUat ,80» .A M.,.cori.;

gan Central jtrsin leaving Chicago at 8

T l i r o T i g H T i c k e t * and further information can be obtained at the Erie Street

i 3 :> i 1 9 i i l \ t a l *LI^TTaiQc^*p't,»Baffalct^ R. S. CARTER, General Manager, Brantford. i

, May 1,1800. ;;' ;: .1 a , '• ' ' , '":! ; ! ;.


O O . ,

WAGONS; SLEIfiHS, A C , .• Have removed from the 1 comer of Pearl and. Mohawk Streets, to their new building, at the

CORNER OF NIAGARA AND MOHAWK STREETS, WheretbepwiU, continue to kee* on baud all the most a p # w ^ W « e * * f l i ! i < • •*. •: i>jVtii.i:"T*1 /J'71.1*41.J LIGHT OARRIAOEAi . • , . . ._ ^ '

•* T O P B U G « E a , : ' '. * • * • ' , • * >J if OPErTBUGGIES,


' i , . L . LUMBER WAGONS, Ao., Or the very, beat workxoanshlp and materials, and at prices to suit the times. Tbey aro also prepared to manufacture to order.any style of vehicle in their line upon the shortest notice. 1 ;i, ,

I •aa7~SpeclalattenUongr*)rtJ'to^REPAIRING. Buf fa to»^^ i | . , , , j t t % ,, t i3[Xr: • ,• ./ i **Mrt!

I>T3 K E N T U C K Y

lorn, irum n u w n . u v/uuuo, j - - - r---_i m . nXMXTtT.

Lung Coniplalnta, common u> mil « se» , tt» a nfarrov.



THE WORLD. , , . The per recti freedom with which Phytlclana are asked to

Inveatigate this splendid » ^ d ' m a o ^ n ^ ^ i } P i » * J » , ^F. Formula >r Trial of the Anodyne, both of whten will be sent on di mand, and th* frsj »«ceptaacsat. sHwho HAV* used it at id also Its splendid results to case of Neuralgia, Headache of every kind, Rheumatism, Tooth and Earache, Loss of 81 tep, Delirium Tremens, Chotet*-Morbus, Dysen­tery, A c , i c , Ja enough to call attention, as I ask Investi­gation. '

Aftor six years of trials and rfsuitt, the Tolu Anodyne and Unlv« real Cough Remedy are fairly before the world, and I t m i t sal wjaotopw wUl,do me the josi icalo Investi-gate by trial, compare all suggestions of testimonials In the pamphlets to be found with all dealers, or will be sent " free " bjy- me, and -then, by the real merit they possess, lift them i bove all charges or imputation of quackery.

Prices v ithto reach o f aUi J O H N I*. H f J N N E W E L L , P r o p r i e t o r ,

PRACTICAL PHARMACEUTIST. ?al office, No. 0 Commercial Whj^.Boetan. , ,

d by all rcspectablo dealers everywhere. i to Buffalo—O. H..P. Champlto, A. ReynoldsJt

mortgaB* jrtth the power „ recorded fn Rrie County Clerk's Offlce 00 the 12th aa/ « June, 1857, In Uber l M of mortgagea, page l«,«aaoo wtdchmortgage there la claimed to be doe-on the flat publication dfthla notice of interest the aura of *14in». audio become due, the sum of $800, with Interest there on from the 6th day of October, I960, and no suiter pro ceedtojW At law having been Instituted to recorer the M. aeenred b y isald mortgage or any part thereof. «ov, therefore, notice Is hereby given that by virtue oMJ power of sale thereto contained, and the irtatute to sud case made and provided, tiie said niortR^gewm be forf dosed by a sale of Uie premises ^ « ^ described tea hall of the npw Court Houae in the dry of BuffaJOjMtbe 4th d a y l r Jirrtrary. 1881. at two o'clock to tijeirwo* ot that dajr, to tht WghesVbidder. The premlsntobe v&* are described tn said mortgage aa follows: . . .

AU that certain piece or parcel of land riturAe.tTSJt and being, in the town of Aurora aforesaid, ftnO«>**<

I part Of lot number forty, township number nto**, *JB»*£ of the Holland Land o—>p.nV uonnded a*> lows, to wit: begtrmtog on toe south line of the-tnlta***! at tbe T>oH*»'cwterly comer of lands owned by &. WtBLt, thence running westerly along ssAd line seres chaw' and nfty-threJe links; thence southerly parallel **w the east One bf said lot, twenty-six chains and nlDety-ts ltokSjJte the centre of the Wlllardsbfre road; thence etir erly along said road seven chains and fifty -three links, use thence northerly- on a fine parallel' with the westerlyJ«l' of said lot, jto the place of beginning, ™Dt^W*«*> .acres, be same more or less; and saJd B ,V l! tfS,iWi7 iglven to sedure tbe purchase money for said premises or some part thereof.

Dated October 0,1860. rw^ . ,„_._,„„ ERA8TUS WAIAIS. ^ ^ g C l

P. M. YoariuROH, Atty, Buffalo, V. Y. . ° * 2 T .

I G E " H A L % M 5

Co. , J . E. Gibbon, J Schmidt .

Francis , Holl lster A Lav H. Colenton," J i P.-Dlehl , a n d

r t

* *' r ; !* 3—,1* ' '.1.


E. Harries, A ' « Hoffer A


m N - i * » * ; > . S e t :• t ,

OABHO-T WAESHOUSs\< ON W M OtVBk aTO* _JJ mtuJK^TJUO*-Tb*:iae**a*as;*2^^

Good Fur aiture at Low Prices, has induced a still further

building on Main street'and'extendtog It through f200 feet deep anc five stories high] to Washington street—where may be f< und tbeUrtfest, cheapest and best assortment of blato and elegant new style


wood Soft apCufcia i s t u , Divans,iOw<*atan9 and covered L iBrocatelle, Plush. Damask and Hair prices varying from $6 to $150 each, j , rjti viir&axMtti** ffWAi

of all the latest improvements. Also, Patent Extension^ and Easy Chairs of ail kindsr Bocktoj Easy and common Choirs; over 100 different p MahoganV, Rosewood, Walnut. Oak, M*pl*i •**A\lmat painted, at pricea varyinsj from85 Cents toJ^sacJk, HA* a* great v Boards, Piano

having been made cured to be paid by a certain indent^' l f f i8^

in the p.ymentof motuysae-'e of mortgage, bear­

ing: date the] 18th day of June A & J ^ i J S a r f t S Jc5m Walls and Hannah W^Us W * -J . « J ™ t ™ j S s « i fsto. county of, Erie and Bt**f*™2$£JSS& GlbbS, of thf same place E ' ^ J J ^ J S W y rewrd-a newer of s i le , and, toge^r , j 2 J w J S t ? in Uber* of e d i n the offlfce of tbe a ^ L f r i S S n u V day China,

licatton of thfs noti*. the w mof one J f ^ 5 J s a a a « interest ttwrkav**?.**}** ,d*l?L:i for'^coUectlan suit or p r S o ^ g having been l u » U t u ^ w ^ r e , J S of said montrs « «ay P a r t t h e r ' ; o f : N ° * ll - -

S l n t d V ^ i a - o r t g a g e , and recorded J ^ " » £ j ; » » S . * n a t o the statute in «uch case inadrW P^vwe^ S r s a i d a w r t g a g e w i n be ^ c ] f c

nd ' h ^ S " n f ?

^renilses^ affected ^ereby s o l d A a ^ _ p u b U ^ ^ r i ? premiaea auccicu w i t n w "y~i - - *•—"uefV'tf Br€u highest bidder, at the old Court Hoose ^ ; &*~?.<f* fafo,on Baturday, the 10th day of Nov* 'j

.1 as follows: All that certain plec/-com

,roencl»g K« *f°^

hour of 18 o'clock, noon, of that da.v^j ln ,ajd morigsr The premises aferesald are deaf p a r c e i 0f land, »'»•;

ate, lying in the no

to said e of

ninety-live P&*2***Za£ northerly, "parallel *^th &'. trly. V**

^ ^ k r e c t . t w o h o n d r e d ^

to8«?1 ^Jilrty Ireet, nl

<[*Hence easterly, »tuu(( w.c —-of fcnlly atreetdrtrty j ^ t h e p U < ° . o f b.•gtaninr^"

aware street: ruantog: thj running thence wes ter ly .^ . atreej n t o e t y J ^ j fttt. u,«nc« sootherly^P**

lei with EndlyBtrejket ^ ^ y f w t ^ to tlre-portheriy n» lei wlthDelawa5re n c e ; M t e r i y , along the hortheriy

at pricea va-


RYE WniSBtY, » JdS*v*l EEOEIVED WFTY OA8K90LD BJ3rTUPKY ***$&$ ikev^lbr-satrbt H . 4 D . ' L 0 Y B R I D 6 E : N b . ^ Je^>^-tonfitreet.'" ^'•"- :"^'' '-•'-• • •. ••. '•• A * . ~~Z ZT

„ t y of Book cases, itnrtvoa, Cctnnrat Hacks, ardrobes, Bedsteads, Tables, Standr la. Music Racks, Corner

, I s F F l O a * Chairs, Desks, A c ; painted Bed. Room r y t o g f r o ^ a s O t c J n B O . ^ ^ ^ ^ > O D S .

U P H O L T E B Y /Mattresses, Curled Hair, Cotton and Palm I pillows and Cushions., ..rers* prices,

Lookin 1 Glasses at manuCoijtery Materials for sale to Oabtoe i Hardware and V

the trade). >ed manufacturing facilities It bj largely incrtocreaae ln business, to sell at a

my purpose, by a Uny prices. While the quality of the reduction on fonodned as heretofore, unrivalled, every work wUl be mtbxrefor* be warranted to be properly article sold i |8a materials.• **<»»>»>x> T^^n 'if-rY^' made.-andctoae to order.' Repairing, boking and pack-

uthe best manner, and on tbe most reasonable tog donp M :i;. i: ,: . •••; Jr * >.iif ;*- »*. termsde can nnderstand that the CASH system Asa* not

A*o large profits to make up for losses by bad debt* rese whoiwlah, by paying cash, to obtain a good article,

Jd save from twenty to fifty-per cent, are respectfully to m e a c a l L

ofl^mllystrs£d thirty feet to front and reir, tog a l o t o ' Teet de^joffaio A u g U f t 171960. ' >

D a t ' AltTEMAS GIBBS, Mort«?|^ ^vro F. P A T , Attorney, 161 Main st. ^~~^?h

S U P E R I O R < 3 O T J » V X \ 0 F BCJg* O — Alexander.M. Bruen, ptatotlff, against u j " BlaaeU.Sarab P. BUaellhls wife, Mary B. Austin, m - A. Georger, Alrah Cburcm Reuben B. Heaccek, « •** ^ Curtiss, Frederick Deming, OUver H. P. Champ*10' -D

las Hemenway, defendants. To the defendant Mary A Austin: . . ^

You are hereby summoned to answer the com''l~7B1> this action, ankl serve a copy of your answer on »«• 0j office to the Idty of Buffalo, County of Erie a n J ^ New York, wHiun twenty days after the service « « £ elusive of the;day of such service; ajad 1/ you w » , swer the complaint as aforesaid, the plalnul wu» ^ to the Court for the relief demanded to =» l V r U : 1 " which complaint was filed ln the offlce of the we' this court.—Dated September ltth, 18C0. ..

! • CHA8. D. NORTO,^,W. no9F7t Plaintiff's Attorney, L

oyerldge'r^AHOp JE(I1IEB3 are a i t o e atiA; I t e beverage, and a perfect regulator of the sythei

Lo som creates an appetite ondjissiate t^djgeaUon. ' . ' jySO^' 3G

: *r*a1 quintals St. f

| g e Flsb, a su-

C i perlor article, Just wcelved by AVERAGE,

HOLLISTER /aahlngton street. oc6 Chequered Store, Y

ISAAC D. WHITE, SOS Main street.

Where wood, Spring-Re-upho


will keep on h*n< r,any, and other J « Ac. Particular attention paid Vo repairing"

2ring, and Re-varnlahing Furniture. ap61

I B Y * - H A D A B Z K S : 1 ! * *

;..".. B Y " W a r b i i n i t s " W a r t o l i n f i : » a t

• ': I

g. SfflUSSW*1-a O B3v<».

E v e , B Y B Y


Price Each L. The abeve beautiful pieces, arranged Tor tne n

Just published, iand4or sale »t •_ ._ ,„ ,« ; „i j, Main *-^ ociS 8HEPPARD A C Q T T I E R ^ ^ l l ^ - ^ - ,

O F " T H ¥ C A a V A * GLASS W**%,„Att flin, TTorki,

to tins city of the Clyde^tt»a»» Q J e D , ' r f n l s b G l a s i of the celebrated Q» d ^ r a n 1 . , l n s i l ^ r f ? u t o f t M A N t

No. 4 East airan _ Untitled Document

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