International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2001; 11: 242±248 Paediatric antibiotic prescribing by general dental practitioners in England N. O. A. PALMER, M. V. MARTIN, R. PEALING & R. S. IRELAND Department of Clinical Dental Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K. Summary. Objectives. The inappropriate use of antibiotics is known to be a major contributory factor to the problem of antimicrobial resistance. No information is available on how practitioners prescribe antibiotics for children. This study investigated the prescribing of liquid-based antibiotics for children by general dental practitioners in England. Design. Analysis of National Health Service liquid-based prescriptions issued by general dental practitioners in England. Sample and methods. All prescriptions issued by practitioners in 10 Health Authorities in England for February 1999 were collected. All the liquid-based antibiotic prescriptions for children were selected and we investigated the type of antibiotic prescribed, whether sugar free, the dose, frequency and duration. Results. A total of 18614 prescriptions were issued for antibiotics. Of the 1609 liquid- based paediatric prescriptions 88 . 3% were for generic and 11 . 7% for proprietary antibiotics, of which 75 . 5% were for amoxicillin, 15 . 2% for phenoxymethylpenicillin, 6 . 6% for erythromycin, 1 . 7% for metronidazole. Cephalexin, ampicillin, cephadrine and combinations of two antibiotics were also prescribed. There was a wide variation in dosages for all the antibiotics prescribed. A significant proportion of practitioners prescribed at frequencies inconsistent with manufacturers' recommendations and for prolonged periods, with some practitioners prescribing for periods up to 10 days. Only 29 . 1% of all the prescriptions issued were sugar free. Conclusions. The results of this study show that some practitioners prescribe liquid- based antibiotics inappropriately for children. This may contribute to the problem of antimicrobial resistance. Clear guidelines on the choice of antibiotic, dose, frequency and duration along with educational initiatives for GDPs might reverse this trend. Introduction General dental practitioners (GDPs) prescribe anti- biotics for children, both therapeutically and pro- phylactically, to manage oral and dental infections. The bene®ts of prescribing antibiotics are limited by a number of problems associated with their use, e.g. side-eects, allergic reactions, toxicity and the development of resistant strains of microbes. The emergence of resistant bacterial strains due to the inappropriate use of antibiotics is a cause for worldwide concern [1±3]. The Dental Practitioners Formulary (DPF), a section of the British National Formulary (BNF), gives advice on how and what should be prescribed for dental infections and prophylaxis [4]. However, it only provides non- speci®c recommendations on therapeutic dose and frequency of antibiotics for children, stating that age and weight should be considered when pre- scribing, with no recommendations for the treat- ment duration. The management of abscessed teeth is in¯uenced by the severity of the infection. The important principle should be to establish and maintain drainage by incision of the soft tissue abscess, by opening up the pulp chamber or Correspondence: Nikolaus O. A. Palmer, Department of Clinical Dental Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, UK 242 # 2001 BSPD and IAPD Ahed Bhed Ched Dhed Ref marker Fig marker Table marker Ref end Ref start Paper 280 Disc

padiatric antibiotic prescribing by general dental practitioners in england

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padiatric antibiotic prescribing by general dental practitioners in england

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Page 1: padiatric antibiotic prescribing by general dental practitioners in england

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Page 7: padiatric antibiotic prescribing by general dental practitioners in england

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