hse{sun} Опыт международной сети Импакт Хаб по построению сообщества социальных предпринимателей, Екатерина

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Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

# Опыт (vs. услуга)# Хаотичность (vs. контроль)# Сотрудничество (vs.

конкуренция)# Со-действие (vs.

сотрудники делают все)# …

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Sense of Community Theory by Dave McMillan, the “granddaddy” of community theory

Four key drivers of community

1. Membership

2. Influence

3. Reinforcement

4. Shared emotional connection

This section is thanks to Jesse from IH Ottawa and based on her contribution during the Gathering in Madrid!

1. Membership

• Boundaries: they signify membership (i.e. some people are in a people are out) and symbols that denote this belonging

E.g.: making a photo wall of members

• Safe place: These boundaries create a safe place for people to speak honestly and openly

E.g.: by knowing who is in and who is not

• Sense of Belonging: This freedom creates a sense of belonging – a feeling of acceptance and being welcome

• Personal Investment: Because of this you are willing to make a personal investment – financial or in-kind

E.g.: hosting a session, preparing a presentation, paying, organizing logistics, …

2. Influence

• Conformity: Members are prepared to conform out of a desire to belong

• Norms: Members agree to some level of norms – e.g. as community members we decide to drive on a specific side of the road – when people know the rules and how to operate within the system things work!

3. Reinforcement

• Meeting needs through other members:• Exchange to meet needs: Communities make (non-monetary) trades to

meet needs:1) Consensual trades – what we have in common – makes us feel better about

ourselves, feels good to be similar. BUT doesn’t lead to the exchange of value. It’s great that we all care about social enterprise but so what if we can’t learn from each other/benefit from each other.2) Complementary trades – I have what you need and you have what I need to achieve our end goals3) Generative trading – preparing the generation below you for what’s next (Political elections, succession planning etc).

• Balanced Diversity: in summary, communities that want everyone to be the same fail to produce real results for their members

4. Shared emotional connection

• Shared experience: Members must share “quality” time, usually through events

– Events have value for members – a sense of what we’re doing and why we’re here. It is important everybody is present – Events have a beginning and end, it allows people to be present– Events honour members, it is their opportunity to contribute and learn

• Shared symbol: a name or symbol is a great tool to rally the community behind

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia

IMPACT HUB NAME | [email protected] | +123 456 789 | STREET NAME, CITY, COUNTRY

Impact Hub Moscow | [email protected] | Moscow, Russia