347 4 Maart / March 2016 6 STANDERTON - Die slagoffer van ‘n onlangse huisbraak in Kosmospark het Vrydag, 26 Februarie, haar aanval met Kosmosnuus kom deel. Die vrou, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, was alleen in haar woning toe sy ongeveer 11:30 iets wat soos reëndrup- pels klink gehoor het. Sy het in die gang afbeweeg en die volgende oomblik was twee aanvallers, albei ge- wapen met messe, op haar. Een het sy mes teen haar keel gedruk en gesê dat sy moet stilbly. Daarna is sy in die bad gegooi waar hulle haar meegedeel het dat hulle haar eers gaan verkrag en dan gaan doodmaak. Die inbrekers het geen poging aangewend om hulle gesigte te verbloem nie en die vrou het besef dat hulle doodsdreigement ernstig is. Die vrou het vanuit die bad aan die aanvallers gesê dat sy R1 000 in kontant by haar het waarna hulle haar hardhandig uit die bad geruk het sodat sy die geld aan hulle kan gaan uitwys. Hulle het haar ook deur elke kamer geneem waar hulle verwoesting gesaai het op- soek na waardevolle items. Die booswigte het hulself ook gehelp met eet- en drinkgoed en volgens die slagoffer het hulle glad nie gejaagd voorgekom nie. Na hulle deur die huis beweeg het, het hulle die slagoffer op die bed gegooi en haar hande agter haar rug vasgebind. Een van die aanvallers het toe wéér begin om sy broek los te maak, maar die ander aan- valler het ‘n kluissleutel aan die slagoffer se bos sleu- tels opgemerk wat sy aandag afgetrek het. Sy is toe weer hardhandig rondgepluk en die aan- vallers het aangedring dat sy die kluis aan hulle moet wys. Hoe meer die slagoffer probeer verduidelik het dat dit haar werkplek se kluissleutel is, hoe meer hard- handig is sy hanteer. Sy is weer op die bed neerge- gooi en hulle het haar voete met ‘n belt vasgemaak. (vervolg op bladsy 2) Slagoffer oorleef nagmerrie Die slagoffer wat tydens ‘n huisbraak aangeval is, het haar beproewing met Kosmosnuus gedeel. Sy is om ongeveer 11:30 in haar huis deur twee mans wat met messe gewapen was aangeval en kon daarin slaag om teen 16:20 hulp te ontbied. Die aanvallers, wat haar deurentyd gedreig het dat hulle haar gaan verkrag en doodmaak, het haar hardhandig hanteer en haar hele lyf is vol kneusplekke en snymerke. Skandeer die QR-kode vir meer foto’s van die vrou se beserings.

4 March 2016

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All the local news for the week of 4 March 2016

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Page 1: 4 March 2016


4 Maart / March 2016


STANDERTON - Die slagoffer van ‘n onlangse huisbraak in Kosmospark het Vrydag, 26 Februarie, haar aanval met Kosmosnuus kom deel. Die vrou, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, was alleen in haar woning toe sy ongeveer 11:30 iets wat soos reëndrup-pels klink gehoor het. Sy het in die gang afbeweeg en die volgende oomblik was twee aanvallers, albei ge-wapen met messe, op haar. Een het sy mes teen haar keel gedruk en gesê dat sy moet stilbly. Daarna is sy in die bad gegooi waar hulle haar meegedeel het dat hulle haar eers gaan verkrag en dan gaan doodmaak. Die inbrekers het geen poging aangewend om hulle

gesigte te verbloem nie en die vrou het besef dat hulle doodsdreigement ernstig is.

Die vrou het vanuit die bad aan die aanvallers gesê dat sy R1 000 in kontant by haar het waarna hulle haar hardhandig uit die bad geruk het sodat sy die geld aan hulle kan gaan uitwys. Hulle het haar ook deur elke kamer geneem waar hulle verwoesting gesaai het op-soek na waardevolle items.

Die booswigte het hulself ook gehelp met eet- en drinkgoed en volgens die slagoffer het hulle glad nie gejaagd voorgekom nie.

Na hulle deur die huis beweeg het, het hulle die

slagoffer op die bed gegooi en haar hande agter haar rug vasgebind. Een van die aanvallers het toe wéér begin om sy broek los te maak, maar die ander aan-valler het ‘n kluissleutel aan die slagoffer se bos sleu-tels opgemerk wat sy aandag afgetrek het.

Sy is toe weer hardhandig rondgepluk en die aan-vallers het aangedring dat sy die kluis aan hulle moet wys. Hoe meer die slagoffer probeer verduidelik het dat dit haar werkplek se kluissleutel is, hoe meer hard-handig is sy hanteer. Sy is weer op die bed neerge-gooi en hulle het haar voete met ‘n belt vasgemaak.

(vervolg op bladsy 2)

Slagoffer oorleef nagmerrie

Die slagoffer wat tydens ‘n huisbraak aangeval is, het haar beproewing met Kosmosnuus gedeel. Sy is om ongeveer 11:30 in haar huis deur twee mans wat met messe gewapen was aangeval en kon daarin slaag om teen 16:20 hulp te ontbied. Die aanvallers, wat haar deurentyd gedreig het dat hulle haar gaan verkrag en doodmaak, het haar hardhandig hanteer en haar hele lyf is vol kneusplekke en snymerke. Skandeer die QR-kode vir meer foto’s van die vrou se beserings.

Page 2: 4 March 2016

4 Maart / March 2016 2 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

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(vanaf bladsy 1)Een van haar T-hemde is opgeskeur en in

‘n bondel gerol, wat die aanvallers toe op ‘n baie gewelddadige manier in haar mond ge-druk het.

Hulle het ook ‘n reep van die T-hemp ge-bruik om haar mond toe te bind. Die rowers merk toe die slagoffer se wapenlisensie en verwyder toe die materiaal uit haar mond.

Die wapen is egter ingehandig vir veilige bewaring en die slagoffer se mond is weer toegebind, met die bol materiaal binne-in haar mond.

Die boewe het toe wéér deur die huis be-weeg, en heel tuis, weer hulself gehelp met kos en drinkgoed, waarna hulle die slagoffer

beveel het om doodstil op die bed te bly lê. Hulle is toe by die voordeur uit en het deur die kamervenster gaan kyk of sy nog stil lê. Daarna het hulle die perseel verlaat.

Die slagoffer het later, met gróót moeite, daarin geslaag om op te staan.

Aangesien haar hande nog agter haar rug vasgemaak was, moes sy die deur met haar ken oopmaak.

Sy het haar voertuig se sleutels in die hande gekry en het daarin geslaag om met haar hande - steeds vas agter haar rug - die voer-tuig wat in die motorhuis was oop te sluit. Sy het in die voertuig geklim en met haar kop op die toeter gaan lê in ‘n poging om hulp te ont-bied. Later het sy na buite gegaan om te kyk

of iemand haar tot hulp snel. Haar buurman het uitgekom en die T-hempmateriaal uit haar mond gehaal en haar arms losgesny.

Die buurman se vrou het Kasselman Veiligheidsdienste en die SAPD ontbied. KVD was binne enkele minute op die toneel en het bepaal dat die inbrekers toegang tot die woning gekry het deur die diefwering van ‘n oop venster, oop te buig.

Die slagoffer vertel dat sy reeds vier jaar in dié huis bly en dat daar nog nooit enige probleme was nie. Sy is na ‘n plaaslike dok-ter geneem vir behandeling en sal later psi-giatriese behandeling moet ontvang. Hierdie beproewing en nagmerrie-ondervinding het vanaf ongeveer 11:30 tot 16:20 geduur. JD

Vrou skuldig ná seun sterf

Die 49-jarige Medrin Ndlovu is skuldig be-vind aan strafbare manslag nadat sy op 12 Julie 2015 met haar voertuig voor twee bo-esemvriende op ‘n motorfiets, Stiaan Schoe-man (16, regs) en Armand Hellmuth (17, links) ingery het. Stiaan is op slag dood en Armand het ernstige breinbeserings opge-doen.

ERMELO - Medrin Ndlovu (49) is Maan-dag in die Ermelo-hof skuldig bevind aan strafbare manslag. Dit volg nadat sy op 12 Julie verlede jaar met haar Toyota in Kerk-straat voor ‘n motorfiets waarop Stiaan Schoeman en Armand Hellmuth gery het, in-gery het. Schoeman is op die toneel oorlede en Hellmuth het breinbeserings opgedoen en sy linkerhand is erg verswak. Hellmuth het vir Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie se eersterugbyspan en vir die Pumas se o-18

span gespeel en mag nou glad nie meer aan sport deelneem nie.

Ndlovu, wat vir die departement van land-bou in Mpumalanga werk, het skuld erken op strafbare manslag én dat sy voor die seuns ingery het, maar hou vol dat sy nie die mo-torfiets gesien het nie. Sy verdien R24 000 per maand en beweer sy het reeds R10 000 gespaar vir ‘n moontlike boete wat sy opgelê mag word. Die saak is tot 8 Maart uitgestel vir vonnisoplegging. JD

These men were seen illegally dumping their trash in an open field in Nelson Mandela Drive in Meyerville. If you do not want your rubbish, chances are that other people also do not want it and definitely do not want to clean up your garbage. It is against the law to dump your rubbish in any area except specifically demarcated areas, like the rubbish dump. Community members are urged to report incidents like these to the authorities.

ERMELO – Five men from Standerton will face the might of the law when they appear in the High Court in Ermelo. High profile cases of murder, rape and robbery have been scheduled for the duration of two weeks, starting on Monday, 7 March.

A 28-year-old suspect will face a charge of murder, following the murder of a woman in Azalea in 2013. The suspect was allegedly the boyfriend of the deceased. She was found strangled to death in her house and the suspect was the last person to be seen with her the previous night.

Four suspects were arrested, following

the rape and robbery of three women in 2013. The victims were reportedly walking from the railway station to Sakhile when they were confronted by the suspects. It is reported that the women were allegedly threatened and raped. The suspects also robbed them of their personal belongings.

Police worked around the clock to track down the suspects who they eventually located and arrested. Detective Constable Khumalo confirmed that the suspects will face the might of the law in the High Court in Ermelo. He was optimistic that justice will prevail. DM

Suspects to face the law

Illegal dumping continues unhindered

Page 3: 4 March 2016

STANDERTON - Astral Foods Limited (Astral), a leading South African integrated poultry producer, reported a fatality at the company’s Goldi processing plant in Stan-derton. Mr Samuel Ndhlovu passed away on Sat-urday, 27 February, because of injuries that he sustained on 24 February, when five em-ployees were injured at the Goldi rendering plant when a valve on one of the cookers failed whilst hydrolysing was in progress.

Mr Ndhlovu, Mr Hlongwane, Mr Selepe and Mr Shawe sustained burns during the incident and were treated on site by para-medics and transferred to the Milpark Hos-pital’s specialised burn unit for treatment. Mr Shawe has been discharged from hos-pital but Mr Hlongwane is still receiving

treatment and is expected to be moved to the general ward. Mr Selepe and Mr Moloi are in the general ward in a stable condition.

The leadership and management of As-tral are deeply saddened by the loss of Mr Ndhlovu. We have notified his next of kin and we extend our sympathies to them. An independent investigation is on-going and a report will be completed as soon as pos-sible in order to prevent any recurrence of such an unfortunate incidence. (Statement by Astral Foods Limited) JD

3 4 Maart / March 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON – Members of the South Af-rican Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) from Lekwa Municipality took their protest-ing to a higher level on Tuesday, 23 February, when they marched from their usual starting point at the taxi rank, to the municipal build-ing along Mbonani Mayisela Street. Chant-ing slogans, waving signs and singing a song demanding to know who killed the late Advo-cate Marongo.

Workers burned tyres when they advanced on the main entrance of the municipal build-ing.

Protesters banged on the doors and de-manded that the Municipal Manager should come out of the building and go back to school. Although police kept their distance, they had to go in and warn marchers that tyre burning was not acceptable.

The mood became tenser, because work-ers were angry that the ANC regional office had not arrived to respond to their demands as agreed in the last eleven days after their meeting. Protestors vowed not to go back to work until the ANC regional office arrives to address them and their concerns.

Workers remained resolute that service de-livery would remain non-existent. True to their word, there were no services rendered to the public as scores of citizens arrived at closed doors with only security guards at hand to turn them back.

At around 14:00 three members of the SAMWU regional office arrived.

They were followed by three members of the ANC Regional Executive Committee led by REC chairman, Mr D Mtshali, Govan Mbeki Municipality Executive Mayor Coun-cillor, L Masina and Ms E Nkosi. For almost one and half hours the REC and SAMWU regional representatives deliberated behind closed doors. At 15:30 the delegation came out of the building to address workers in the Town Hall. The Executive Mayor of Lekwa Municipality was part of the delegation.

When workers exited the hall, they burst

into song, calling the REC sell-outs. They blocked the main entrance to the hall

while hauling insults at the ANC delegation. The delegation had to exit through the

back door. According to a spokesperson of SAMWU, Sibusiso Mdluli, the delegation proposed the formation of a task team that will look into the concerns and demands of the protestors. The delegation said that the Municipal Manager will be placed on special leave with immediate effect while the task team probes all the allegations and concerns surrounding him.

On Wednesday morning, workers returned to work after a short meeting.

Things turned sour the next morning when workers realised that the Municipal Manager was still in office.

They left work and went to the main build-ing yet again where they forcefully removed some workers from the building, and ordered security guards to leave the building. All the doors to the building were locked with chains and no services were rendered to the public for the remainder of the day.

On Monday, 29 February, workers were handed a court order issued by the Labour Court where Lekwa Local Municipality is the applicant and SAMWU is the respondent. The order declares the strike by SAMWU members unlawful and restrains and prohibits SAMWU from embarking and participating in the illegal strike. SAMWU however de-nied having received the court order, which was seemingly only delivered to the appli-cant.

It is because of this that SAMWU refuses to back down and continues picketing out-side the municipal building. Municipal Man-ager, Mr Linda Tshabalala, was back in his office despite the ruling made by ANC-REC last week that he is placed on special leave with immediate effect. SAMWU has vowed to challenge the court order, and they are not prepared to back down until the manager is fired. DM

SAMWU-smoke fills the air

Workers invade the Municipality building entrance calling for the Manager to come out.(inset) Flames of anger and smoke fill the street as workers burn tyres during their picketing.

Fatality at Goldi processing plant

Ouers gemaan oor skoolaansoeke vir 2017AfriForum doen ʼn dringende beroep op ouers om hul kinders betyds by die skool van hul keuse in te skryf vir 2017. “Hierdie jaar was daar reeds duisende kinders wat nie plekke in skole gekry het nie weens laataan-soeke en dit dwing skole om méér kinders in te neem as wat hulle kan akkommodeer. Dit veroorsaak gevolglik ook dat daar tot 58 leerlinge per klas is,” het Carien Bloem, projekkoördineerder vir onderwys by Afri-Forum, gesê.

AfriForum het verneem dat daar talle skole is wat hul opedae reeds in Maart hou. Ouers moet dus seker maak dat hulle die datums van hul kinders se gekose skole se opedae betyds in die hande kry. Ouers

moet ook voorbereid na die opedag gaan en die nodige dokumentasie van hul kinders beskikbaar hê om hul kinders tydens die opedag in te skryf. Ouers moet dit ook oor-weeg om hul kinders by meer as een skool te registreer om teleurstelling vir 2017 te voorkom.

“Ouers moet die belangrikheid hiervan verstaan en besef dat laatinskrywings nie geakkommodeer gaan word nie en dat hul kinders dan, volgens die departement van onderwys se keuse, in ʼn skool geplaas gaan word. Dit beteken verder dat leer-linge moontlik nie in hul moedertaal sal kan skoolgaan nie.” (Carien Bloem, Projek-koördineerder: Onderwys). JD

Page 4: 4 March 2016

4 Maart / March 2016 4 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Ek het gaan lê en slaap en weer wakker geword, want die Here het oor my waggehou - Psalm 3: 6.

Om te slaap is ‘n ongelooflike bewys van vertroue in God. Om te gaan slaap beteken om alle kwessies en bekommernisse ra-kende ons lewens in God te hande te plaas en Hom te vertrou daar-mee, terwyl ons onbewus van Sy werke ‘n goeie nagrus geniet.

Ons vertrou uiteindelik vir God om ons te onderhou terwyl ons slaap. Ons vleeslike liggame het slaap nodig sodat ons gefokus kan optree en reageer wanneer ons wakker is. Mense wat min-der as ses tot sewe ure slaap per nag inkry, ervaar ‘n laer toevoer van bloedvloei na die brein, wat tot gevolg het dat so ‘n persoon nie die volgende dag helder kan dink of goeie besluite kan neem nie.

Dr Daniel Amen meen dat

onvoldoende slaap 700 gesond-heidsaanvullende gene deak-tiveer. Somtyds is die gesondste en mees geestelik vervullende ding wat jy kan doen om in jou bed te gaan klim en te slaap. Die vermoë om te kan slaap is ‘n gawe van God. Die Bybel sê dat God rus gee vir die wat Hy liefhet, dat Hy vir ons sorg, selfs wanneer ons slaap (Psalms 127: 2 DB).

As jy op hierdie stadium van jou lewe nie genoeg slaap inkry nie, bid en vra vir God watter ty-dvermorsende aktiwiteite jy uit jou lewe moet begin skakel om meer balans en goeie gesonde rus te kry. God wil ons seën met die geskenk van goeie gesonde, ge-reelde rus sodat ons nuwe ener-gie kan hê en gefokus kan wees wanneer ons nuwe uitdagings die volgende dag moet aanpak. Het jý al hierdie geskenk van God aanvaar?

Everywhere AfriRent is discussed, it only leaves more questions than answers. There’s nothing that left me more distressed last week than the contradictory comments from the PAC and DA councillors. According to Sipho Gumede, PAC councillor, this was never discussed at council meetings. He said: “We do not know who decided to appoint AfriRent and then leased vehicles from them”. Mr Schnetler, DA councillor, contradicted Mr Gumede’s statement by saying that the vehicles were budgeted and approved by council and argued that there is nothing illegitimate about AfriRent.

The question in my mind is, if these vehicles were budgeted why did the MM evade questions from the media when asked how much these vehicles are costing the Municipality. You will not get an answer until this day. I also find Mr Schnetler’s comments not in sync with the MM’s statement that the municipality did not have money that’s why they resorted to lease.

Maybe “there’s no money” simply

means it was not budgeted. If it was indeed budgeted for, Mr Schnetler, please tell us how much was budgeted for these vehicles and the actual monthly expense of all these vehicles combined and whether it was a prudent decision to take.

If the deal was legitimate, why did the AG have an adverse finding and why did he term it irregular and that it has no value to the municipality. Can you also explain to the public why the deal first started as a rental then later, in January 2016, converted to a lease?

What were the original terms and conditions of the contract from the onset? What was the total amount paid by the municipality during the rental period versus the current figure the tax payers are forking under a new lease contract? Was this new arrangement ever disclosed to council and if not, what are the reasons?

If you budgeted to lease, would it be prudent to buy your own vehicles gradually and auction the old stock including the two BMW X5s driven by the former Executive Mayor, Ms

Morajane which the current Mayor Linda Dlamini refused to make use of and resolved to buy another new BMW X5?

MM if you did not have money to buy your own vehicles then where did you get the money to buy the Mayor the new BMW X5? Why was this not procured via AfriRent? Can you tell us the cost of this BMW X5 and was it budgeted?

Your argument that it is impossible to terminate the contract with AfriRent is without a base, considering you have terminated some contracts before, then why not this one? Is this deal in the public interest or is it your own personal and selfish interest?

While waiting for answers from Mr Schnetler and the MM, Mr Shabalala, I call upon the community and progressive structures to demand a forensic investigation as a matter of urgency on all the decisions including all litigations ever undertaken by the Municipal Manager, Mr Linda Shabalala and save our Municipality from total collapse. Zeph Mthunzi (sic)

Die geskenk van ‘n goeie nagrus AfriRent saga leaves more questions

Philanthropist rides in unsupported cycle challenge

STANDERTON - Callen Watson (22) hailing from Dullstroom in Mpumalanga is doing an unsupported cycle challenge to raise funds for the Bird of Prey Rehabilitation Centre in Dullstroom. He is taking part in the Cape Argus Tour in March and has built up his challenge by starting on 23 February from Dullstroom to Cape Town to arrive two days prior to the tour.

Watson told Cosmos News that he wanted to take part in the Cape Argus tour and one of his friends told him that if he rode his bicycle to Cape Town, he will enter him in the race. He started to plan this challenge there and then. The Bird of Prey Rehabilitation Centre in Dullstroom is one of Watson’s favourite spots and he decided to combine his trip to Cape Town with a fundraiser for the Centre. Watson left Dullstroom on Tuesday, 23 February, and stayed over with Theo Viljoen, a friend in Standerton. The selector gear on Watson’s cycle broke in Carolina and he had to cycle to Standerton with only one gear working. Theo was able to get a spare selector and after a well-deserved rest and a shower, he and Watson fixed the bicycle.

Watson took off from Standerton to Bethlehem the following morning, from where he will cycle to

Bloemfontein, Gariep Dam, Richmond, Beaufort West, Laingsburg, Touws River, Hermon and finally, after travelling almost 2 000 kilometres, stopping on 4 March at Table Mountain in Cape Town. Callen completed on average almost 200 kilometers per day in temperatures that soared up to 53 degrees Celsius.

The gruelling 107 km Cape Argus Tour will start on 6 March leaving Watson with only one day of rest. He will be joined by several cyclists from Standerton. Mrs Simpson’s Restaurant in Dullstroom sponsored an airline ticket for Watson to fly back home.

The community is welcome to support Watson to reach his goal of collecting R30 000, and in so doing, help the Centre generate a much needed and appreciated cash injection. People are welcome to sponsor him per kilometre, per leg or by a once off donation. All proceeds, after deducting minimal expenses, will be donated to the Centre. You are also welcome to make contact with Watson to support him by sending an email to [email protected]. Should you want to personally talk and encourage Watson, you may phone him, after 17:00 every day, on 082 785 7623. JD

STANDERTON - Solidariteit Helpende Hand in Standerton het Saterdagaand ‘n baie suk-sesvolle ‘Boere-opskop met hart’ dans aangebied.

Die wins wat met hierdie projek ingesamel is sal na die Standerton-takfondsrekening gaan. Quinton Draper het die musiek verskaf en dit bykans onmoontlik vir gaste gemaak om van die dansbaan weg te bly.

Heelwat ondersteuners en nuwe lede is deur dié Hel-

pende Hand-tak gewerf en goeie ondersteu-ning is ook deur Standerton AfriForum ver-skaf. Annemie Draper van die Helpende Hand-tak in Stander-ton sê dat hulle baie tevrede is met die gemeenskap se onder-steuning. Sy bedank ieder en elk wat die aand so ‘n sukses gemaak het. Belangstellendes kan gerus vir Annemie skakel by 083 462 3673 vir meer in-ligting rakende Standerton se Helpende Hand-tak. JD

Opskop met hart ‘n gróót sukses

Page 5: 4 March 2016

5 4 Maart / March 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - ‘n Brand het ongeveer 22:03 op Vrydag, 26 Februarie, die braailapa by Jonkersdam vakansie-oord in puin gelê. Gaste van die oord het ‘n vuur aangesteek om later te kan braai, maar terwyl hulle in die hoof lapa was het me Beyanca van Dyk, oordbestuurder, ‘n rooi gloed buite opgemerk. Na ondersoek het hulle gesien dat die kleiner lapa in ligte laaie is. Standerton brandweer, AfriForum en omliggende boere het hulle te hulp gesnel om die vlamme onder beheer te kry.

Een van die gaste, ‘n oud-brandweerman, moes egter die brandweer help om hulle pomp aan die gang te kry. Die brandweer het ook die toneel verlaat terwyl die brand nog nie ten volle geblus was nie. Twee gassilinders wat binne die lapa was het ‘n groot gevaar ingehou en gas het reeds daaruit begin lek, maar dit het gelukkig nie ontplof

nie.Die laaste vlamme en kooltjies is eers om 03:15 geblus

waarna al die helpers vertrek het. Die oordbestuur bedank graag almal wat hulle kom bystaan het, veral die nabygeleë boere met hule brandbestrydingsvoertuie. Sonder hulle hulp kon die skade baie groter gewees het.

Mnr Hannes van Dyk, die oordbestuurder, sê ook dat die wind normaalweg tussen die geboue dwarrel, maar tydens die brand het dit weg van die hooflapa gewaai en groot skade verhoed. Die braai-area is totaal verwoes en opruimingswerk en herstelwerk het reeds begin.

Die oorsaak van die brand is onbekend en niemand is in die voorval beseer nie. Die bestuur wil egter almal gerusstel en het bevestig dat Jonkersdam steeds oop is en alle gaste welkom is. JD

VOLKSRUST - ‘n Motorfietsongeluk op die Amajuba-pas net buite Volksrust het die lewe van ‘n motorfietsryer, wat moontlik in sy 30’s kon wees, geëis.

‘n Woordvoerder van ER24, Werner Vermaak, het bevestig dat paramedici net na 13:00 Sondag op die toneel aangekom het. Die bestuurder van die motorfiets se liggaam is in die middel van die pad aangetref. “Hy het noodlottige beserings opgedoen en daar was niks wat paramedici vir hom kon doen nie. Hy is op die toneel dood verklaar.”

Die vermoede bestaan dat die motorfiets gegly het en op sy sy die aankomende bakkie getref het, maar die presiese oorsaak van die ongeluk is nog onbekend en word deur die polisie ondersoek. Die twee insittendes van die bakkie is volgens Vermaak nie beseer nie, maar hulle is wel vir skok behandel. JD

STANDERTON – Guards from Kasselman Security Services ar-rested two suspects in possession of a stolen camera.

Two security guards were on patrol in Kosmos Park on Thurs-day, 25 February, when they spotted two suspects trying to sell a camera. When they saw the guards they ran away, but they were captured a few metres away. The guards found a cam-era fitting the description of one stolen during a house robbery in Rooibok Crescent two weeks ago (article from page 1), where a 53-year-old woman was robbed

and threatened in her house.The suspects were arrested on

the spot and taken to the police station. The victim positively identified the camera as the one stolen from her property during the robbery. Lieutenant Nhla-bathi confirmed that the suspects were charged with the possession of stolen property. An investiga-tion is under way and the suspects are linked to the house robbery. They appeared in court on Friday, 26 February.

They will remain in custody while police conduct the investi-gation. DM

Brand verwoes Jonkersdam-lapa

Die kleiner braailapa by Jonkersdam is Vrydagaand deur vlamme verwoes. Opruimingswerk het reeds vroeg Maandag begin. Skandeer die QR- kode om die video van die brand, wat deur Madelein van Dyk verskaf is, te sien. Die sis-geluid wat gehoor kan word is van die gas wat as gevolg van die hitte besig is om te ontsnap. Die silinders het gelukkig nie ontplof nie.

Grubotsing eis lewe

‘n Motorfiets en ‘n bakkie was Sondag in ‘n botsing op die Ama-juba-pas net buite Volksrust betrokke. Die motorfietsbestuurder is op die toneel deur paramedici dood verklaar en die oorsaak van die ongeluk word nog ondersoek. (Foto: ER24)

Security guards arrest house robbery suspects

These two suspects were apprehended by Kasselman Security Services after they tried to sell a stolen camera. The camera was positively identified by the rightful owner and the suspects were arrested and remain in custody.

STANDERTON – The Department of Community Safety, Security, and Liaison hosted an event called ‘Games of Goodwill Against Crime’. Three primary schools in Sakhile took part in soccer, netball and other indigenous games.

Mr A Lefifi, a sport organizer from the regional of-fice in Ermelo, explained that crime is everywhere and getting out of hand. Even primary school pupils are exposed to criminal elements. The Department seeks to start at the grass roots level in order to make pupils

aware of criminal activities. Pupils are encouraged to concentrate on education and to participate in sport dur-ing their free time. Other departments and community based organisations took part in the event that was held at the Sakhile Stadium on Wednesday, 24 February. The winners in both soccer and netball were awarded tro-phies and gold medals. In the indigenous game, Mora-baraba, winners also received gold medals. The partici-pating schools were Hlobisa Primary, Retsebile Primary and Thandeka Primary. DM

Games of Goodwill Against Crime

Page 6: 4 March 2016

4 Maart / March 2016 6 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON – Parents of pupils at Hlobisa Primary School in Sakhile have petitioned the HOD of the Provincial Department of Education to take action against the school principal, Mr Sfiso Mbongwa, for alleged misconduct.

According to a memorandum that was sent to the media, parents have shown dissatisfaction about the manner in which the principal conducted himself during a parent’s meeting held at the school on Tuesday, 23 February. It is alleged that the principal insulted parents openly during the meeting. His alleged misconduct came about when parents wanted to know what actually happened that led to the termination of Mr Victor Mangisa’s employment from his position as general worker – a position

he held from 2006. According to Mangisa the Principal

allegedly said: “If somebody leaves s**t in his yard, that person must not expect somebody else to come and clean his mess”. He claims that he has been dismissed for allegedly not doing his job properly even though the school premises is very clean and tidy.

When contacted for comment on the allegation, the principal denied ever saying those words in the meeting. The petition by parents has been forwarded to the Circuit and District Managers of the Department of Education and the HOD of the Provincial Department of Education. Mangisa has vowed to take the fight of his unfair dismissal to the CCMA. DM

STANDERTON – The community of Azalea was up in arms over the weekend when their taps ran dry due to the water supply that was interrupted by Lekwa Municipality.

On Thursday, 25 February, the community of Azalea spotted a burst pipe in Marais Street. Clean water was running down the street and efforts to contact the municipal offices were fruitless as the phone rang unanswered due to the protesting municipal workers. Many residents who heeded the call of Operation Hydrate to donate water to needy fellow South Africans who have been affected by the severe drought in some parts of the country, were angry to witness thousands of liters of clean water go to waste.

On Saturday a contractor was on-site to repair the burst pipe. This led to the water supply to the entire Sakhile being cut until Sunday afternoon.

The worst affected were families that were conducting funerals over the weekend. The burst pipe was the very same pipe that left the community without water during the festive season.

The community of Extensions 6 and 7 have been battling to get a steady water supply for a week as water delivery tanks weren’t coming through when needed. Due to striking workers, no one could comment on the faulty water supply to the community of Extensions 6 and 7. DM

SECUNDA - AfriForum het op 22 Februarie begin om straatligte in Secunda te herstel. Hoewel dié organisasie sowat R30 000 hiervoor sal moet betaal, sal dié bedrag weer van die Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit teruggeëis word. Dít volg nadat die munisipaliteit versuim het om dié ligte self reg te maak.

“Alle lede van die gemeenskap wat belasting betaal, kan op basiese dienslewering aandring. Indien die munisipaliteit versuim om hulle grondwetlike plig na te kom, stuur AfriForum hul eie selfdoenaksies van stapel, waarna die onkostes van die betrokke munisipaliteit teruggeëis word,” het Chris Boshoff, AfriForum se assistentkoördineerder vir Mpumalanga, gesê.

Die herstel van die straatligte vorm deel van die eerste fase van AfriForum se diensleweringsplan vir Secunda. “Fase 2 behels die herstel van slaggate, die verf van voetoorgange en die aanbring van weerkaatsers op paaie om te verseker dat inwoners veiliger is wanneer hulle in die nag bestuur,” het Tokkie Reyneke, voorsitter van AfriForum se Secunda-tak, verduidelik. JD

The R50 between Standerton and Leandra is a disgrace. Motorists who have no choice but to travel on this road have to maneuver between huge potholes, some of which are more than 20 cm deep. Should a motorist decide to veer from the road to avoid a pothole, it is almost impossible to get back on the tar surface as it is several centimetres higher than the gravel level and will almost certainly cut your vehicle’s tyres.

Street flooded with clean water

Marais Street in Azalea was flooded with clean running water after a notorious pipe burst again on Thursday morning, 25 February.

R50 road, a disgrace

To visit our news page, scan the QR code that will lead you directly there. Now you can keep up with all the latest right from your smart phone!

Parents demand action against principal

Straatligte in Secunda herstel

Quinton Voster besig om straatligte in Secunda te herstel. AfriForum Secunda het dit op hulself geneem om die veiligheid van motoriste te verbeter en ongeveer R30 000 se herstelwerk gedoen. Die kostes wat hulle aangegaan het sal van die Govan Mbeki Munisipaliteit teruggeëis word.

Page 7: 4 March 2016

7 4 Maart / March 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - The Municipal Manager or the accounting officer of Lekwa Local Munici-pality has failed to a greater extent and successfully contravened the following sections in both the MFMA and MSA: Section 68 MFMA, Section 31 MFMA, Section 79 MFMA, Section 69 MFMA, Section 121 MFMA, Section 72 MFMA, Section 71 MFMA, Section 28 MFMA, Sec-tion 87 MFMA and Section 32(2) of MFMA to list but a few. The list is endless.

A sealed envelope was left at the offices of Cosmos News. Upon investigation it contained a detailed report by the Auditor General of their findings on issues investigated, non-compliance by Lekwa Municipality and the contraventions in terms of responsibilities.

A summary of the findings and contraventions include the following;• Government grant money were not utilised for the intended purposes (R 2 596 166.59).• No safe keeping of all documents relating to SLA’s and those of tender documents.• Positions were created in the Organogram after the council has approved it (e.g. Manager

Labour Relations instead of Labour Relations Officer).• Unauthorized, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred, not reported and no

investigations conducted.• Disclosed medical and pension fund deductions are misstated by R 4 532 379.00.• Winning service providers did not declare their interest (R 300 667.49).• B-BBEE points incorrectly allocated and the resulting irregular expenditure amounting to

R 100 035.00.• No evidence that request for quotation was advertised for seven day, resulting in a loss of

R 494 593.87.• Awards made to suppliers who did not provide their tax clearance certificates, nor declare

their interest before awards were made to them (African Sky Hotel – R 18 240; Heritage Sun House – R10 089; Ermelo BMW Auto – R20 676.59; Kleinbosveld Guest House – R 29 940; BIG 5 Guesthouse – R 33 340; Focus outsourcing R 139 569.79).

• Procurement of above R200 000 did not go through competitive bidding, resulting in ir-regular expenditure amounting to R 2 388 379.77.

• Information not submitted for audit totalling to R 10 051 497.93 (Zamangwane R 8 260 706.73; ASDU R 1 790 791.20 (Friends of the MM)).

• No demonstrating of benefits and discounts for procuring through supply chain manage-ment regulation 32(c), resulting in irregular expenditure of more than R 3 331 738.34 (Mot-agane Chem R 2 223 684; 2 Afrirent R1 108 054.34. Motagane the formal bidding process failed twice to procure a service provider that met the standards of chemicals needed for the purification plant. In terms of Afrirent, Lekwa Local Municipality failed to secure its own finance for the procurement of vehicles (Friends of the MM)).

• Understatement of irregular expenditure by R 2 223 684. There was no service level agree-ment in place between the municipality and Motagane Chem, contracted to supply water treatment chemical to the municipality (Friends of the MM).

• Irregular expenditure amounting to R 4 865 732 i.e. total payments to Motogane chems (friends of the MM). Was not advertised for 30 days as required.

• Non-compliance with supply chain management 32(b), resulting in irregular expenditure amounting to R 1 108 054.34 (AfriRent – friends of the MM).

• Reasonable steps were not taken to prevent unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure as required by section 62(1)(d).

• Non-compliance with the Municipal Finance Act section 65(1)(e). 25 payments not made within 30 days.

• Award made to company in which an employee has interest – R 171 863.40.• No information to support financial and performance information – R 35 181 271.11 (in-

cluding Elcondor Security Trading 137 – R 7 644 336.12 and Zamangwane R 10 000 000.00).

• Non-compliance with laws and regulations – material misstatements corrected in the sub-mitted AFS Audit finding.

• Government grants: Quarterly non-financial report and performance evaluations not done.• Non adherence to debt collection policy leading to writing off of debtors without following

the correct procedures.• Government grant: Expenditure incurred exceeds the allocated amount. Overspending on

the allocation by R852 159.78, resulting in unauthorised expenditure including retentions to Thami Sisters Construction claiming four retentions in three months – R 586 522.63, R 480 044.40, R 719 183.17 and R 982 143.01.

• Property, plant en equipment is overstated by R 32 032 639.98. These assets could not be physically verified.

• Valuation of property is not reasonable. During the verification process it was noted that the asset reflected on the fixed asset register as a community facility with an Erf no 679 and a carrying value of R 11 800 905.49 is in fact an RDP house located in Sakhile.

• Transfers from work-in-progress do not agree to the PPE note. Annual Financial State-ments is understated by R 4 901 104.30.

• Overstatement of work in progress. Property, plant and equipment in the financial state-ments are overstated by R 2 907 580.22.

• Expenditure is capitalized as work in progress. The following contracts do not fulfil the property, plant and equipment recognition criteria and therefore must not be included in work in progress (El Gondor Trading 137 security contract – R 1 117 226.71; Afrirent Fleet Management Service operating lease contract – R 997 321.94) Property, plant and equip-ment is overstated by R 2 114 548.65.

• Management failed to ensure that proper records of the financial affairs of the municipality are kept safe and submitted when requested. Accrual balances from Eskom, Dwarf and Agency fees have been disclosed with incorrect amounts and also hall deposits with debit amount has been disclosed under current liabilities. Understatement of payables from ex-change transactions by R 42 565 168.00.

• Eskom deposit was incorrectly disclosed as receivable from non-exchange transactions. Overstatement of receivable non-exchange transaction by R 20 708 076.80.

• Non-compliance with laws and regulations. The municipality opened a new account on 8 December 2014 and did not inform the provincial treasury and the Auditor General within the prescribed 90 days after the account has been opened.

MM and accounting officer has failed

Protestors removed all personnel from the municipal offices and locked the main entrance with their own chain and lock. No municipal services were rendered during this strike. One of the demands of the protestors was that they need insight into the report by the Auditor General

• Non-compliance with the Supply Chain Management regulations 23(a). Bids received on time were not published on the municipality’s website. Total R 190 697 636.05.

• Rental agreements between the municipality and people renting properties were not avail-able and could not be supplied.

• Measures to monitor contract performance and delivery have not been defined. Projects may not be completed within the planned timeframe, leading to extensions which could have been avoided, therefore resulting in fruitless and wasteful expenditure.

• Municipality does not have an approved delegation of authority and a specimen signature list in place. Unauthorised, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditure and fraud may not be detected and prevented. The Accounting Officer only delegated himself in every-thing.

It remains to be seen what steps will be taken to rectify these problem areas. Edi

Page 8: 4 March 2016

4 Maart / March 2016 8 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News


Neem asb kennis: Alle geklassifiseerde advertensies moet asb per faks, per e-pos of per hand gelewer word. Geen telefo-niese advertensies word geplaas nie. Die spertyd vir geklassifi-seerde advertensies is Maandae 14:00.GEEN ADVERTEN-SIE SAL GEPLAAS WORD SONDER BETALING NIE! _______________Please take note: All classified adverts must be submitted by fax, e-mail or by hand. No telephonic adverts will be published. The deadline for classified adverts are Mondays 14:00.NO ADVERTISE-MENT WILL BE PLACED WITH-OUT PAYMENT!


Rubber Coat ing Solutions: Lek of roes jou dak? “RUB-BERISE” dit! Water-en-roesdigtheid op verskeidenheid van oppervlaktes gewaar-borg. NUUT: Wa-terdig jou huis mure met “RUBBER” verf. Beskikbaar in groot verskeidenheid kleure. Skakel George Foley 082 646 3630.

Sharky’s Seafood. Big variety of seafood available. Special on smoked snoek (only while stocks last). c a l a m a r i r i n g s , c a l a m a r i s t e a k , haddock, wide selec-tion of hake, mus-sel meat, salmon, soles, smoked tuna, braai snoek and more. Visit us at 45 A Beyers Naudé, Standerton. (Cosmos News pre-mises).


Klavierstem en re-parasies. Koop en verkoop van tweede-handse klaviere. Ska-kel Kobus by 082 893 4099/ 013 243 0702.

________________Hidro Kleen. Skoon-maak van matte, los matte, blinders, sit-stelle en hardevloere. Diepreiniging van huise. Valet van voer-tuie. Skakel ons vir spesiale aanbiedinge. Tel: 017 712 2499. Sel: 082 406 3190 / 084 299 3654.

________________A B C D r i v i n g School . Specia l i -sing in code 8, 10, 14. Pre-employment assesment for em-ployment purposes. All areas. Phone 082 939 8136 / 082 260 3093.

________________Is u veilig? Ska-kel Mac 083 363 9044 vir diefwering, ve i l igheidshekke , Spaanse rootyster, 10 mm en 12 mm gedraaide vierkan-tyster en algemene k l e i n w e r k i e s .



Bella Blinds. Ve-netian, aluminium & w o o d b l i n d s , 25 mm and 50 mm, all your inside win-dow requirements. Re pairs to all blinds. Phone Bel la , 072 390 7490 or 017 714 1262. Fax 086 615 9985.

_______________ Phi l r i B l inds & Aw n i n g s . We d o all kinds of blinds, inside and outside. We do Vene t i an , a luminium, wood blinds, vertical, bam-boo & awnings at affordable prices. We also repair blinds. P h o n e R i k a 0 7 2 372 4191. Fax 086 639 4844.


Klopper Meubelver-voer. Groot en klein meubelvragmotors beskikbaar vir enige meubelvervoer. Eie-naartoesig en drywer met vriendelike diens. Skakel Conrad Klop-per - 082 774 6952. [email protected].


Standerton Brake & Clutch. New and reconditioned clutch kits. Reconditioning of truck & tractor pres-sure plates. New brake drums and discs or yours machined while you wait. Cnr Prin-cess & Coligny Street, Standerton, Phone 017 712 6491.


AB Wendys. Pallet-wood wendys, knotty pine & log cabin hou-ses for sale. Each room comes with door, win-dow, zinc roof and wooden floor. Waz oil treated. Prices for pallet wood wendys 2 m x 2 m - R3 500. 3 m x 3 m - R4 000. 3 m x 4 m - R4 700. 3 m x 6 m - R7 500. For more information phone Erick 073 650 0108.

________________Awesome Wendys. We do Wendy houses at a very low price. Log cabin, knotty pine and pallet wood. Pri-ces for pallet wood 2 m x 2 m - R 3 000, 3 m x 3 m - R 3 500, 3 m x 4 m - R 4 200. We move Wendy houses from point A to B . 5 yea r s guarantee. Phone Sam 073 091 6680.

________________AB City Wendys/ Huts. Quality Wen-dys. 2 x 2 , 3 x 3, 3 x 4, 3 x 6, 4 x 4. Big sizes available. Pallet wood, Knotty pine, log cabins and steel huts. We also shift Wendys. Phone Tom 079 618 6743.


2 Slaapkamer woon-stel, 1 badkamer/ toi-let, dubbel motoraf-dak en waskamer. Gemoniteerd alarm-stelsel, basiese tuin-dienste ingesluit. R 4 800 per maand vooruit betaalbaar + R4 800 deposito. Onmiddel-lik beskikbaar. Skakel 083 253 5714.

________________3 Slaapkamer huis te huur in Morgenzon R 3 000 per maand + R 3 000 deposito. Water en elektrisisteit uitgesluit. Skakel 082 432 9334.


La’vie Gastehuis is geleë in die dorp, loopafstand na Stan-derton Hospitaal en El Condor Spur. Ons bied spesiale tariewe vir langtermyn gaste. Keuse tussen selfsorg eenhede of ontbyt, aandete en kospakkies op versoek. Skakel gerus vandag nog. Mil-lanie 072 879 6309.


Ebafaneni garden-ing services. Phone Sibusiso at 073 752 3862 or 076 971 0194. First come first serve.


Afdakke, betonmure, Beta Fence en pali-sades. enige struk-tuur of groottes. Alle materiaal is A-graad SABS. Vir kwotasies skakel Roeline 082 800 1136/ Jaco 063 525 1611/ Herman 083 289 7031.

________________Davy’s plumbing and bathroom ren-ovation. Plumbing, new installation and maintenance. Garden sprinklers and water pumps. General build-ing renovation and tiling. Phone David 083 381 8458/ 017 712 2131.

________________Building construc-tion and maintenance services: From foun-dation to roof, tiling, paving and painting. A chain of profes-sional persons. Phone Mlambo 074 839 7861 or Trust 073 620 2668.


A qualified Educa-tor is required for a private school - Nurul Islam Muslim School (NIMS). Intermedi-ate Phase, Grade 4 - 7. Vacancy exists at the above school for an English teacher as from 1 March 2016. Submit your CV per-sonally to the Princi-pal. Phone 083 306 3389/ 017 712 1024.



Sewendedag Adven-tiste Kerk (Saterdae). Kinder en volwasse bybelstudie 9:30 - 10:45. Erediens 11:00 - 12:00. H/v Haw-thorne en Brits Straat, Meyerville. Skakel Elize 082 859 3124 of Leraar Pieter Victor 082 680 6055.


Wit, bont en swart eende te koop teen R120 elk, Standerton. Skakel M. Boender by 083 441 0627


“Elsie’s Furniture and collectables” is dringend opsoek na meubels te koop, bed-dens, hangkaste, sitka-merstelle, gimnasium toerusting, breekgoed, tuinpotte, speelgoed, puik klerasie en linne. “Like” ons op Face-book. Skakel 078 955 7179/ 076 471 4107.


JF Auto Interior, Standerton.Uphol-stery, automotive, fu rn i tu re , canvas covers, roof linings and carpets. For more information phone Jacques 072 117 0389 or Francois 072 543 5938.

________________Mobile Minor Car Services. R 350 for minor services exclud-ing parts. We come to you, no need to come to us. Includes: oil and oil filter replacement, inspection of hoses, inspection of belts, checking of brakes, checking of charg-ing system, check-ing of A/C operation, checking and top up of fluids. Phone 083 652 7308.


AM Cooling her-stel en installeer van: Yskaste, vrieskaste, koelkamers, vries-kamers, lugreëlings, industriële wasma-sjiene, tuimeldroërs, en skottelgoedwas-masjiene. Verkoop ys - troues en partytjies. Skakel Martin 081 529 7150 Susan 082 052 3348.

________________ M r. S o u n d f o r all your car sound, DSTV and home theatre installations, including TV and radio repairs. Shop 1, Toristo Centre, Beyers Naudé St, Standerton, 017 712 3642 or 082 799 4276

________________ Painting and wa-terproofing. House and roof painting. Gutters, Fishboards and palisade. We also repair roofs. Free quotations. Profes-sionals with excelent service. Phone Ber-nard on 084 732 3319 or visit us at Boeremeule opposite Afgri.

________________J & J W a t e r Eksplorasie. Dienste landswyd beskikbaar en teen die beste pryse. 95% Suk-sesvolle boorgate aangewys. Laat ons die eerste maal op die regte plek op u eiendom water vind. boorplek aanwy-sings word met Geo-metrics Proton Mag-netometer gedoen. E-pos: [email protected]. Skakel Jan by 076 690 1472/ 076 690 1473/ 013 253 0275.

________________M.S Tiling, paint-ing and projects (PTY) Ltd. Reg nr. 2014/027043/07. Include: building, painting, ceiling, til-ing, paving, wooden floors, stone work and ceiling tiles. For good quality work phone Mandla 076 520 8087/ 061 911 3859.


2 x 1 Slaapkamer woonstel le , Mor-g e n z o n . Ve i l i g e omgewing in die dorp. R 1 500 per maand + R1 500 de-posito. Water en elek-trisisteit uitgesluit. Altwee woonstelle is onmiddellik beskik-baar. Skakel 082 432 9334

________________Groot netj iese 4 slaapkamer huis te huur, 2 badkamers, woon/eetkamer met kaggels . Sentraal geleë naby Pick ‘n Pay, Beyers Naudé, Standerton. R 7 000 per maand, elektrisi-teit uitgesluit. Skakel 082 554 6301 of 082 798 3400.

________________Veilige, netjiese, gemeub i l ee rde 1 slaapkamer woon-stel beskikbaar vir onafhanklike per-soon . 5km Bui te Standerton. R 3000 per maand, water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Skakel 082 894 6843.

________________Safe, neat and fur-nished 1 bedroom flat for independant per-son. 5km Outside of Standerton. R 3000 per month, water and electricity included. Phone 082 894 6843.

Page 9: 4 March 2016

9 4 Maart / March 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Met die atletiekseisoen wat nou besig is om ‘n hoogtepunt te bereik, is dit glad nie verbasend dat Laerskool Kalie de Haas se atlete besig is om vir uithalerspel te sorg nie. Die skool het die afgelope week aan twee gesogte byeenkomste deelgeneem en die medaljes laat inrol.

Die jaarlikse Prestige-byeenkoms (Interlaer) is Woensdag, 24 Februarie, in Ermelo gehou en het strawwe kompetisie vir die Kalie-atlete gebied – Laerskool Ermelo, Laerskool Marietjie van Niekerk, Standerton Primary School, Laerskool Jeugkrag, Laerskool HM Swart en Ermelo Primary School het teen mekaar meegeding. Laerskool Kalie de Haas se atletiekspan het altesaam 39 medaljes (10 goud, 16 silwer en 13 brons) huis toe gebring en een atleet opgelewer wat ‘n spesiale toekenning ontvang het. Kyle van der Colff (o-13) is ná sy prestasie in die

1 500 m-wedloop as die beste middelafstand-seunsatleet aangewys.

‘n Handjievol van die skool se leerlinge het kort daarna na Secunda vir die Mpumalanga-kampioenskap vertrek. Dié byeenkoms is Saterdag, 27 Februarie, gehou waartydens Mariska van der Mescht, ‘n o-13-atleet van Laerskool Kalie de Haas, in die provinsiale span opgeneem is wat eersdaags aan die Suid-Afrikaanse-kampioenskap gaan deelneem.

Hier volg die name van die ses Kalie-atlete wat onder die top 10 in die provinsie tydens die Mpumalanga-byeenkoms geëindig het: Jaco Booysen (tweede, hoogspring o-11), Reghardt Burger (derde, hoogspring o-10), Bandile Thenjewayo (derde, 70 m-hekkies o-10), Kyle van der Colff (vierde, 1 500 m o-13), Martin Meyer (agtste, 80 m-hekkies o-13) en Mariska van der Mescht (eerste, skyfwerp o-13). DK

Laerskool Standerton se atlete het Saterdag, 27 Februarie, die bul by die horings gepak tydens die Mpumalanga-byeenkoms in Secunda, waar agt van die skool se topatlete hul plekke in die provinsiale span bevestig het. Hierdie agt uitblinkers dring deur om tussen 10 en 12 Maart aan die Suid-Afrikaanse-kampioenskap in Port Elizabeth deel te neem. Agter, van links na regs, is mnr Joe Gouws (afrigter), Jana Swart (silwer), Erin Brouwer (goud), mnr Rudi Hamman (hoof), Claire Ritchie (goud) en Louw de Wet (goud en brons). Voor is Taylor Ritchie (goud), Teninke van Niekerk (goud en silwer), Ané Prinsloo (goud en silwer) en Zandré van Wyk (silwer en brons).

Glené Kirchner, ‘n leerling van Hoër- en Laerskool Vrede, is tydens die Oos-Vrystaatse-hokkieproewe wat Saterdag, 20 Februarie, gehou is tot die o-13 A Oos-Vrystaatspan verkies. Sy dring deur om op 22 April aan die o-13-Vrystaatproe-we in Bloemfontein deel te neem.

Kalie-atlete knou Prestige en Mussa’s

(Bo) Mariska van der Mescht, ‘n o-13-atleet van Laerskool Kalie de Haas is die afgelope naweek in die Mpumalangaspan opgeneem wat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse-kampioenskap gaan deelneem. By haar is ‘n ingenome mnr Pieter Bakker (hoof). (Links) Kyle van der Colff (o-13) is tydens die Prestige-byeenkoms as die beste middelafstand-seunsatleet bekroon. (Foto: Suretha van Rooyen)

SA’s wink vir Stannie-agt

Agt goues vir Hoërskool Volksrust

Vanjaar se Interhoërbyeenkoms in Ermelo het weer agt van die beste atletiekskole in die omgewing bymekaargebring om dinge uit te spook. Braam Kramer, ‘n o-16-atleet van Hoërskool Volksrust, het ‘n silwermedalje in die 400 m-wedloop én 400 m-hekkies losgehardloop.

Hokkie vier hoogty

ERMELO - Hoërskool Volksrust se atletiekspan het met oorgawe aan die Hoëveld-uitnodigingsbyeenkoms (Interhoër) wat vanjaar op 20 Februarie by Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie gehou is, deelgeneem en vir ‘n hele paar naelbytvertonings gesorg wat die atlete van die sewe ander skole van ondermeer Bethal, Ermelo, Standerton, Piet Retief en Secunda behoorlik skrik op die lyf gejaag het.

Die skool se vlytige atlete het altesaam 32 medaljes ingeoes en só hul skool se naam hooggehou. Die agt atlete wat gouemedaljes vir hul spogvertonings huis toe gebring het, is Daleen Duminy (800- en 1 500 m, o-19), Corli Taljaard (verspring en 400- en 100 m-hekkies, o-19), Nketsiseng Moloi (spiesgooi, o-15), Shpamandla Nombewu (800 m, o-19), Lindiswa Zwane (hoogspring, o-14), Alea Uys (90- en 300 m-hekkies, o-14), Lwandile Thanjekwayo (verspring, o-19) en Branden Magudulela (1 500 m, o-19).

Hoërskool Volksrust het verder 12 atlete opgeweler wat silwermedaljes ingepalm het, terwyl vyf sportseuns en -meisies met bronsmedaljes spog. DK

Page 10: 4 March 2016

4 Maart / March 2016 10 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Die bohaai oor die Inter-hoër het skaars gaan lê of Hoërskool Stander-ton se atlete is reeds besig om hul visier op die Mpumalanga-kampioenskap te rig ná ‘n suk-sesvolle lopie tydens die distrikbyeenkoms. Die Gert Sibande-kampioenskap is Vrydag, 26 Februarie, in Secunda gehou waar die Standertonners verskeie gouemedaljes in-geryg het en twaalf van die skool se atlete in die distrikspan opgeneem is.

Tussen die o-15’s het Anlumé Mentz, Ka-rissa van Wyk en Hugo Beeslaar gouemed-aljes vir skyfwerp, verspring en spiesgooi, onderskeidelik, ingepalm.

Vyf van die o-17-atlete het vir gouemed-

aljes gesorg – Petra Human in die 200 m-wedloop, Cindi Hess in gewigstoot, Donovan Uys in die 100- én 200 m-wedloop, Lerato Makhubela in driesprong) en Siyabonga Kho-za in hoogspring.

Siyabonga Tshabalala het die o-19’s se naam hooggehou en ‘n gouemedalje in die 400 m-wedloop verower. Anlumé Mentz, Karissa van Wyk, Hugo Beeslaar, Petra Hu-man, Cindi Hess, Donovan Uys, die drie Siya-bonga’s (Khoza, Siyabonga en Madlopa), Le-rato Makhubela, Wandile Simelane en Sifiso Sibeko dring gevolglik deur om eerskomende naweek aan die Mpumalanga-byeenkoms in Secunda deel te neem. DK

STANDERTON - Die jaarlikse Mpumalanga LSEN-atletiekbyeenkoms, oftewel LSEN-Interhoër, het Woensdag, 24 Februarie, by Vaalrivierskool se sport-terrein afgeskop en atlete van ses LSEN-skole (leer-linge met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes) bymekaarge-bring.

Hoërskool George Hofmeyr was die gasheerskool en dis ook hierdie skool se atlete wat met ván die dag se gesogste toekennings weggestap het.

Tanya Meere, ‘n o-19-atleet, het twee gouemedaljes verower en die rekord in die 1 500 m-wedloop ge-breek. Sy is die enigste Standerton-atleet wat vir die Suid-Afrikaanse LSEN-byeenkoms kwalifiseer wat tussen 16 en 18 Maart in Bloemfontein gehou word. Nóg ‘n o-19-atleet, Elsie Mkhatswa, het een goue- en twee silwermedaljes ingeoes.

Wat die algehele puntestand betref, het die Jim van Tonderskool van Bethal met die algehele eersteplek weggestap, maar is Hoërskool George Hofmeyr as die beste meisiespan van die dag aangewys. Vaalri-vierskool is as die beste seunspan bekroon. DK

ERMELO - Die atlete van Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie het die bul die afgelope twee weke omtrént by die horings gepak toe hulle aan die Hoëveld-uitnodigingsbyeenkoms en die Gert Sibande-streekbyeenkoms deelgeneem het – twee van die belangrikste atletiekbyeenkomste van die seisoen.

Die Hoëveldbyeenkoms (Interhoër) is Saterdag, 20 Februarie, op die Ligbron-tuisveld gehou en het die topatlete van agt skole in die omgewing vir hoendervleis-atletiek bymekaargebring. Alhoewel Hoërskool Ermelo met die louere weggestap het, het die Ligbron-atlete hul staal gewys.

Annatjie Bibbey (800 m, o-17), Juan Niebuhr (1500 m, o-17), Sizwe Maseko (verspring, o-17), Chanté Engelbrecht (driesprong, o-17), Nita Boshoff (gewigstoot, o-17), Eddie Dludlu (gewigstoot, o-19), Marnus Scheepers (skyfwerp, o-19) en Catha Jacobs (spiesgooi, o-19) het almal gouemedaljes in hul onderskeie items verower. Sinotihle Ngwenya het die trofee vir die beste junior middel- en langafstandatleet onder die meisies ingepalm, terwyl Catha Jacobs vir die afgelope vyf agtereenvolgende jaar met ‘n gouemadalje in die spiesgooi-item huis toe is.

Wat die Gert Sibande-streekbyeenkoms betref wat Saterdag, 27 Februarie in Secunda gehou is, het nege van Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie se atlete gekwalifiseer om eerskomende naweek aan die Mpumalanga-kampioenskap deel te neem. Dié nege atlete het altesaam twee gouemedaljes, ses silwermedaljes en drie bronsmedaljes by die streeksbyeenkoms verower. DK

Georgie deur na SA’s

Tanya Meere, ‘n o-19-atleet van Hoërskool George Hofmeyr, het die 1 500 m-rekord tydens die Mpumalanga LSEN-byeenkoms (Interhoër) gebreek. Sy dring deur na die Suid-Afrikaanse-byeenkoms.

SHS deur na provinsiale stryd

Twaalf van Hoërskool Standerton se atlete is die afgelope naweek in die dis-trikspan opgeneem wat op 5 Maart, aan die Mpumalan-ga-kampioenskap deelneem. Agter, van links na regs, is Lerato Makhubela, Siya-bonga Khoza, Donovan Uys en Siyabonga Tshabalala. In die middel is Petra Human, Karissa van Wyk en Anlumé Mentz. Voor is Cindi Hess, Wandile Simelane en Hugo Beeslaar. Siyabonga Mad-lopa en Sifiso Sibeko was af-wesig toe die foto geneem is.

Ligbron-atlete laat waai

Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie se atletiekspan het Saterdag, 20 Feb-ruarie, vir agt eersteplekke tydens die Interhoërbyeenkoms gesorg. Nathan Vienings, ‘n o-16-atleet van Ligbron, het ‘n silwermedalje in die verspringitem verower.

Page 11: 4 March 2016

11 4 Maart / March 2016 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - With his 32 strokes, Gerrit Coetzee was triumphant after Cosmos News sponsored Par 3 Golf Competition on Friday, 26 February. Aldo Arnaldi obtained second place, also with a score of 32. Gerhard Brits won the B-division with 35 strokes and he was followed by Attie Mouton who played 38 strokes.

Innocent Dhaldla, a member of Morgenzon Golf Club, won the IPS competition on Sat-urday, 27 February. He obtained a score of 40 points. Ruan Botha was second with 38 points, Stephen Nortje third with 35 and Gert du Preez ended fourth with his 34 points.

Kristin Nortje, a young lady who is still in high school, won the ladies division with her 34 points. Aldo Arnaldi played the only two clubs for the day and Jannie Nichols won the lucky draw. The jackpot and mystery birdie prizes were carried over.

Standerton Golf Club will host a Four Ball-Better Ball competition this coming Saturday and the league team will also play their com-petition on their home grounds. JD

Nine karate instructors from Standerton, Er-melo and Middelburg attended a standardisa-tion seminar on Saturday, 27 February. The seminar was hosted by Ermelo Shotokan Ka-rate Club and the aim of the seminar was to focus on the standardisation of especially the Junior Belt Syllabus. The senior instructors, Renshi Michael van der Westhuizen from Middelburg, Jannie Degenaar from Stander-ton and Eugene Smith from Ermelo are very happy with the high standard that is set for Shotokan Karate in the Mpumalanga prov-ince.

SECUNDA - Op Saterdag, 27 Februarie, het die Suid-Afrikaanse Stoeifederasie se Merietetoekenningsfunksie plaasgevind in Menlopark, Pretoria. Die volgende lede van Sasol Stoeiklub het toekennings ontvang:

Me Elma Webb (Suid-Afrikaanse-kleure as span-bestuurder), Me Irene Schutte (merietetoekenning as ‘n spanbestuurder, honneurstoekenning as spanbestuurder en ‘n honneurstoekenning as administratiewe beampte), ere-honneurstoekennings as skeidsregter aan mnr Stoffel Schutte, ere-honneurstoekenning as skeidsregter aan mnr Johan van den Berg. Nico van den Berg ontvang ‘n meri-etetoekenning as stoeier wat vir vyf jaar agtereenvolgens in een ‘ouderdom en styl’ ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen was.

Mnr Manie van den Berg het ‘n spesiale toekenning ont-vang as internasionale lotingsbeampte. Hy is ook vir die afgelope 21 jaar sekretaris-generaal van die Suid-Afri-kaanse Stoeifederasie. Sasol Stoeiklub is voorwaar trots op al die bogenoemde persone.

Nico van den Berg gaan op Saterdag, 19 Maart, deel-neem aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Juniorproewe in Kaapstad. Die Spur in Secunda Mall bied op Dinsdag, 8 Maart, aan Nico van den Berg die geleentheid om fondse in te samel om te help om sy onkoste te dek deur ‘n deel van die etes se geld vanaf 18:00 tot 22:00 aan Nico te gee.

Die publiek word uitgenooi om die fondsinsamelings-veldtog te ondersteun deur by die Spur te gaan eet en te sien hoe ‘n vlytige kelner Nico is. JD

Mnr Pierre Botha en sy vrou, Nelrika, is die trotse eienaars van ‘n splinternuwe Toyota Hilux, in die nuwe Hilux-reeks. Hier ontvang hulle die sleutels van die voertuig by mnr Pierre le Grange (links), takbestuurder, en me Ina Steyn (heel links), verkoopskons ultant.

Sasol Stoeiklub ontvang toekennings

Agter, van links na regs, is mnr Johan van den Berg, Nico van den Berg, mnr Manie van den Berg en Me Elma Webb. Voor is me Irene Schutte. Mnr Stoffel Schutte was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. TWK-Standerton

oorhandig nuwe HiluxKarate instructors contented with seminar

Gerrit wins Cosmos News Par 3

Gerrit Coetzee (left) won the A-division Par 3 Competition sponsored by Cosmos News. He was followed by Aldo Arnaldi (middle). Ger-hard Brits (absent) won the B-division with Attie Mouton (right) in second place.

Page 12: 4 March 2016

4 Maart / March 2016 12 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Jaco Kriel, die kranige Leeu-kaptein van Standerton, is verlede week tydens die jaarlikse Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbytoekennings met twee pryse vereer nádat hy verlede jaar vir die Springbokspan oorgesien is.

Hierdie gesogte toekennings is Donderdagaand, 25 Februarie, aan die beste spelers van 2015 uitgedeel en het gesien dat Lood de Jager as die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbyunie (SARU) se rugbyspeler van die jaar aangewys is.

Die 26-jarige Kriel het met die louere as die ABSA Premier Curriebeker-speler van die jaar weggestap en twee gesoute spelers, Warrick Gelant van die Vodacom Blou Bulle en spanmaat Warren Whiteley van die Xerox Goue Leeus, uitgestof. Kort ná sy oorwinning is die Xerox Goue Leeus en afrig-ter, Johann Ackermann, as ABSA-span en -afrigter van die jaar aangewys. Hier moes, onder meer, die Springbok Sewes, die Stormers, die Westelike Provinsie en afrigter Robert du Preez (Luiperds) en Neil Powell (Springbok Sewes) die knie buig.

Kriel se segetog het nie hier gestop nie. Hy is aan die einde van die aand se verrigtinge as die spelers se speler van die jaar bekroon – ‘n gesogte toekenning waarvoor ál die ander professio-nele Suid-Afrikaanse spelers stem. “Ek is baie dankbaar teenoor my span, die afrigters, die bestuur en vir almal wat deel was van hierdie besonderse jaar.

Ek wil al die spelers daar buite bedank vir die erkenning wat hulle hier-deur aan my gee. Dit was ‘n spanpoging en alles te danke aan die talent wat ek by my Hemelse Vader ontvang het. Om te weet dat die res van Suid-Afrika se spelers in my geglo het, is ‘n eer, het Kriel oomblikke nadat hy die trofee by Bakkies Botha ontvang het, gesê.

Die ander wenners het die volgende gedugte spelers ingesluit: Jesse Kriel (ABSA-jongspeler van die jaar), Werner Kok (SA-sewespeler van die jaar), Warrick Gelant (SA o-20-speler van die jaar), Damian de Allende (Vodacom Super Rugbyspeler van die jaar), Marnus Schoeman (Vodacom-bekerspel-er van die jaar), Rhyno Smith (ABSA Curriebeker eerste-afdeling speler van die jaar), Johan Deysel (Supersport-drie van die jaar), Ernst van Rhyn (Coca-Cola Cravenweekspeler van die jaar), Leon du Plessis (klubspeler van die jaar) en Veroeshka Grain (vrouepresteerder van die jaar). (Bron: Sport24) DK

SA-rugby vereer Standerton-ster

Leeus-kaptein Jaco Kriel is verlede week tydens die Suid-Af-rikaanse Rugbytoekennings as die ABSA Premier Curriebek-erspeler én die ‘spelers se speler van die jaar’ aangewys.

STANDERTON - During the time trials held on Tuesday, 16 February, Themba Radebe finished the four kilometre run in 38:04. The eight kilometre run was finished by Isaiah Dlamini (16:35), Marike Janse van Vuuren (21:44), Kobus Green (24:24), Shaun de Jager (24:24), Christo le Roux (24:24), Buti Maduna (25:01), Petseka Tsotetsi (25:50), Telepo Nsibande (25:50) and Makoma (27:43).

Several runners also participated in the Sasol Three-in-One Race on 13 February. They were Mthokozisi Ntuli (10 km in 0:35:26), Themba Radebe (21.1 km in 1:40:00), Pieter Grobbelaar (21.1 km in 2:20:28), Heidi van der Merwe (21.1 km in 2:25:00) and Jannie Kasselman (21.1 km in 2:49:00). The 42.2 km race was finished by Lennox Mfenqa (3:00:00), Themba Selepe (3:16:00), Telepo Nsibande (3:54:00), Kobus Green (4:26:00). Lukas van der Merwe (4:48:00), Shaun de Jager (4:49:00) end Christo le Roux (4:52:00).

The 10 km Valentine’s Night Race held on 10 February, was finished by Pieter Grobbelaar (1:00:48) and Gerhard Lues (1:10:05). JD

Local athletes hit the road