2018/4/13 1 Sherman Chui 2017-2018-2 GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Human Resource Management HR Management Syllabus Week 1 Course Introduction Week 2 HRM Overview Week 3 Job Analysis + Job Requirements Week 4 Job Analysis + Job Requirements II Week 5 Performance Appraisals Week 6 What Counts Factor Week 7 No class (广交会) Week 8 No class (广交会) 2-230 Tue. 12:30-13:50

Human Resource Management2018/4/13 1 Sherman Chui 2017-2018-2 GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Human Resource Management HR Management Syllabus Week 1 Course Introduction Week

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Page 1: Human Resource Management2018/4/13 1 Sherman Chui 2017-2018-2 GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Human Resource Management HR Management Syllabus Week 1 Course Introduction Week



Sherman Chui






HR Management Syllabus

Week 1 Course Introduction

Week 2 HRM Overview

Week 3 Job Analysis + Job Requirements

Week 4 Job Analysis + Job Requirements II

Week 5 Performance Appraisals

Week 6 What Counts Factor

Week 7 No class (广交会)

Week 8 No class (广交会)

2-230 Tue. 12:30-13:50

Page 2: Human Resource Management2018/4/13 1 Sherman Chui 2017-2018-2 GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Human Resource Management HR Management Syllabus Week 1 Course Introduction Week



HR Management Syllabus

Week 09 No class (广交会,劳动节)

Week 10 Interview Skills I

Week 11 Interview Skills II

Week 12 Dress for Success

Week 13 Dress for Success Workshop

Week 14 Winning Start in Company

Week 15 Final Presentations Week 1

Week 16 Final Presentations Week 2

2-230 Tue. 12:30-13:50

“Looking for career

opportunity in marketing to

Chinese consumer”

Sharron Wechat: Sharron

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 15912345678

Design Your Business Card for Canton Fair

1. Not passport photo

2. Confidence + Friendliness=Attractiveness

Page 3: Human Resource Management2018/4/13 1 Sherman Chui 2017-2018-2 GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Human Resource Management HR Management Syllabus Week 1 Course Introduction Week



Performance Appraisal

• Performance Appraisal ProgramPurpose & Why it sometimes fails

• Developing an effective appraisal programStandardsWho should appraise performance360-degree appraisal

• Performance appraisal methodsTrait methodsBehavior methodsResult methods

• Appraisal interviews Three types of appraisal interviewsConducting the appraisal interviewsImproving performance

Page 4: Human Resource Management2018/4/13 1 Sherman Chui 2017-2018-2 GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES Human Resource Management HR Management Syllabus Week 1 Course Introduction Week




奖励丰厚:满90单/周,奖励3000元(广州)基础车费(乘客付的费用)1.2倍晚高峰 1.3倍



What is Performance Appraisal?A performance appraisal (PA), is a method by whichthe job performance of an employee is evaluated.

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The Purpose of Performance Appraisal

• Developmental purposes

-feedback-indentify weaknesses and strengths-evaluate goal achievement-reinforce authority structure-...

• Administrative purposes

-determine promotions-decide on retentions/ terminations-evaluate training progress-make reward/compensation


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Why it sometimes fails?

1. Unclear standards.

2. Rating personaility rather than performance.

3. inadequte preparation

4.Vague language in written appraisal


Developing an effective appraisal program

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The Performance Appraisal process should be able to inform employees about the “organization's mission, goals, priorities, and expectations and how well they are contributing to them”.

What are the performance standards?

Performance standards must be based on job-related requirements derived from job analysis and reflected in an employee's job description and job specifications.

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• 1. Rating must be job-related.

• 2. Written standards must be givenin advance.

• 3. Supervisor must be able to observe performance objectively after training.

• 4.Appraisal must be discussed openly or under corrective guidance.

• 5. Appeal procedure should be established to enable employees to express disagreement.

Who should appraise performance?

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360-degree appraisal

360-degree feedback is intended to provide employees with as accurate a view of their performance as possible by getting input from all angles: peers,supervisors,subordinates, customers, and the like.

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Performance appraisal methods

1. Trait Methods.

2. Behavioral Methods.

3. Result Methods.

1. Trait methods

Graphic Rating Scales



Forced-Choice Method

Essay Method

A trait approach to performance appraisal

Employee is rated based on characteristics.

Use comparison as a standard.

( Better than, equals to , worse


Use statements to distinguish

successful/ unsuccessful performance

Compose a statement to

describe employee behavior.

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2. Behavioral methods

Critical Incident Method

Behavioral Checklist Method

Behaviorally Achored

Rating Scale (BARS)

Behavior Observation Scale(BOS)

An usual event A behavioral approach to performance appraisal

Denotes superiors or

inferior performance in some part of


Check the characteristics of the employee's performance that the rater

believes on the list.

Consists of a series of vertical scales, one for each important dimesion of job performance.

Measures the frequency of

observed behavior.

3. Result methods

Productivity Measures

Each of these measures directly links what employees accomplish and results that benefits the organization.

Management by Objectives ( MBO )

A philosophy of management that rates performane on the basis of employee achievement of goals set be mutual agreement of employee and manager.

The Balanced Scorecard

An appraisal takes four categories such as financial, customer, processes and learning to creat customer satisfaction and loyaty and in turn benefit the organization.

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Which performance appraisal method to use?

• Based on the purpose of the appraisal.

The advantages and disadvantages of each appraisal method


Trait Methods 1. Inexpensive to develop.

2.Use meaningful dimensions.

3. Easy to use.

1. High potential for rating errors.

2.Not useful for employee counseling / alllocating rewards / promotion decisions.

Behavioral Methods

1. Use specific performance dimensions.

2.Useful for providing feedbacks.

3.Fair for reward and promotion.

1.Time-consuming to use.

2.Time-consuming and costly to develop.

3.Have potential for rating errors.

Results Methods

1. Less subjectivity bias.

2. link employee performance to organization performance.

3.Encourage mutual goal setting.

4.Good for reward and promotion.

1. Time-consuming to develop.

2. May encourahe a short-term perspective.

3.May use deficient criteria.

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Appraisal Interviews

3 Types of Appraisal Interviews

• 1.Tell-and-sell Interviews

• 2. Tell-and-listen Interviews

• 3.Problem-solving Interviews

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Conducting the Appraisal Interviews

• Ask for a self-assessment

• Invite participation

• Express appreciation

• Minimize criticism

• Change the behavior, not the person

• Focus on solving problems

• Be supportive

• Establish goals

• Follow up day by day

Improving Performance

1. Indentifing sources of ineffective performance

2. Performance Diagnosis

3. Managing Ineffective Performance

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• Performance Appraisal ProgramPurpose & Why it sometimes fails

• Developing an effective appraisal programStandardsWho should appraise performance360-degree appraisal

• Performance appraisal methodsTrait methodsBehavior methodsResult methods

• Appraisal interviews Three types of appraisal interviewsConducting the appraisal interviewsImproving performance