AfriForum warns that pollution of water source constitutes a severe criminal offence Test shows water unsafe Families verpletter na- dat honde vergiftig word - bladsy 3 Atletiek-fiasko bring einde aan SA-drome - bladsy 4 Non-payment sparks strike on State farm - page 2 Zoutpansberger Zoutpansberger 8 Maart 2013 PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 29 Vol. 9 Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516 4996/7/8 www.zoutnet.co.za The Vhembe District Municipality (VDM) was not very helpful when the civil rights organisation AfriFo- rum came to test the water quality of the new boreholes in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on 28 February. Only then did they admit that they had already taken water tests, of which the results showed that the water of some boreholes was unfit for human consumption. “Hydrocare is busy installing chlorinators at the four new boreholes,” said VDM spokesperson Mr Moses Shibambu on Tuesday. AfriForum’s head of environmental affairs, Mr Julius Kleynhans, and their Limpopo or- ganiser, Mr Tiaan Es- terhuizen, visited the town on Wednesday and Thursday last week. They were taken on a tour by the local AfriFo- rum exco to visit a couple of sewage hotspots and the boreholes. “What I observed so far is typical of the low 23% green-drop score of Limpopo and typical of management that is not pro-active in terms of main- tenance and upgrading,” Kleynhans said afterwards. “This alone constitutes a criminal offence,” said Esterhuizen on seeing the sewage river, which is, inciden- tally, just 50m from the newly drilled borehole in President Street. “There is a chance that pollutants could enter the water table,” Kleyn- hans said. According to them, the offence of polluting a water source could in some cases lead to a sentence of five years’ imprisonment or a fine of R5 million. That could be the out- come of a lengthy process, involving the green scorpions, a possible direc- tive by the Minister and court action. Local AfriForum chairperson Mr Wally Schultz explained that the contempt-of-court legal process with regard to the lack of a consistent water sup- ply between certain hours every day would take its due course. “In the meantime, we are starting to tackle the sewage problem, which could lead to a criminal charge,” Schultz said. During the visit to the current waste-water management plant, an official confided to Kleynhans that six pumps were not in working order. The AfriForum team estimated that the plant was less than 50% operational. Kleynhans took water samples from the sewage river near President Street, the President Street borehole, the new caravan park borehole, and at a municipal tap in President Street. (Contd on P 2) By Linda van der Westhuizen The borehole in President Street is a mere 50m from a sewerage river. The VDM’s own results showed that the water in this newly drilled borehole was unfit for human consumption. Pictured from left to right are Dr Ben van der Waal (local AfriForum branch), Mr Lampie Schoeman (local AfriForum branch), Mr Tiaan Esterhuizen (AfriForum’s Limpopo organiser) and Mr Julius Kleynhans (AfriForum’s head of environmental affairs). “This alone constitutes a criminal offence” Tel: (015) 516 5175 www.ayobmotors.co.za *excl. on the road fee 2010 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D Balance of 5 year / 90 000km service plan D/Cab Raider 47 982km R259 995 Buy any of these six products and get your FREE LIMITED EDITION P&L HARDWARE CLOCK* *Terms & Conditions: one clock per customer, while stocks last C

Zoutpansberger 08 Maart 2013

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Local newspaper bringing you the news, sport and more from Louis Trichardt and surrounding areas in Limpopo province, South Africa.

Citation preview

AfriForum warns that pollution of water source constitutes a severe criminal offence

Test shows water unsafe

Families verpletter na-dat honde vergiftig word

- bladsy 3

Atletiek-fiasko bring einde aan SA-drome

- bladsy 4

Non-payment sparks strike on State farm

- page 2

ZoutpansbergerZoutpansberger8 Maart 2013

PRYS: R4,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 29 Vol. 9Joubertstraat 16B Makhado (Louis Trichardt) TEL: 516 4996/7/8


The Vhembe District Municipality (VDM) was not very helpful when the civil rights organisation AfriFo-rum came to test the water quality of the new boreholes in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on 28 February.

Only then did they admit that they had already taken water tests, of which the results showed that the water of some boreholes was unfit for human consumption. “Hydrocare is busy installing chlorinators at the four new boreholes,” said VDM spokesperson Mr Moses Shibambu on Tuesday.

AfriForum’s head of environmental affairs, Mr Julius Kleynhans, and their Limpopo or­ga niser, Mr Tiaan Es­terhuizen, visited the town on Wednesday and Thursday last week. They were taken on a tour by the local AfriFo­rum exco to visit a couple of sewage hotspots and the boreholes.

“What I observed so far is typical of the low 23% green­drop score of Limpopo and typical of management that is not pro­active in terms of main­tenance and upgrading,” Kleynhans said afterwards.

“This alone constitutes a criminal offence,” said Esterhuizen on seeing the sewage river, which is, inciden­tally, just 50m from the newly drilled

borehole in President Street. “There is a chance that pollutants

could enter the water table,” Kleyn­hans said. According to them, the offence of polluting a water source could in some cases lead to a sentence of five years’ imprisonment or a fine of R5 million. That could be the out­come of a lengthy process, involving the green scorpions, a possible direc­tive by the Minister and court action.

Local AfriForum chairperson Mr Wally Schultz explained that the contempt­of­court legal process with

regard to the lack of a consistent water sup­ply between certain hours every day would take its due course. “In the meantime, we are starting to tackle the sewage problem, which could lead to a criminal charge,” Schultz said.

During the visit to the current waste­water management plant, an official confided to Kleynhans that six pumps were not in working order.

The AfriForum team estimated that the plant was less than 50% operational.

Kleynhans took water samples from the sewage river near President Street, the President Street borehole, the new caravan park borehole, and at a municipal tap in President Street.

(Contd on P 2)

By Linda van der Westhuizen

The borehole in President Street is a mere 50m from a sewerage river. The VDM’s own results showed that the water in this newly drilled borehole was unfit for human consumption. Pictured from left to right are Dr Ben van der Waal (local AfriForum branch), Mr Lampie Schoeman (local AfriForum branch), Mr Tiaan Esterhuizen (AfriForum’s Limpopo organiser) and Mr Julius Kleynhans (AfriForum’s head of environmental affairs).

“This alone constitutes a criminal offence”

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By Isabel Venter

BUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkMoeitelose grimering by Salon Anita

Deur Isabel Venter

New service or business in town?BUSINESS talk is a column focus sing on new developments in the local business arena.

Any new development will be highlighted through a once­off short write­up in the col­

umn free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpans-

berger can be done at normal advertising rates. For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Stel jou voor ... moeitelose grimering, wat nie sal smeer nie en verseker dat jy altyd op jou beste sal lyk, maak nie saak wat die omstandighede nie.

Nou kan kliënte hulle voor­koms verbeter deur middel van die nuwe mikroskopiese, organiese pigment­inplantings­prosedure wat tans eksklusief beskikbaar is by Salon Anita

in Makhado (Louis Trichardt).Dié salon vier vanjaar sy

der tiende bestaansjaar. Anita Benade, eienaar en meester­haarkapster, het reeds 36 jaar ondervinding in die bedryf. Haar dogter, Sunita, werk saam met haar en het 15 jaar ondervinding.

Anita het verlede jaar as ‘n nasionale én internasionale tegnikus gekwalifiseer aan

die Beautiful Faces Learning Institute. Sy is ook by die Suid­Afrikaanse Mediese Raad geregistreer, wat haar in staat stel om ‘n lokale verdowing toe te dien om die grimering­sinplantingsproses pynloos uit te voer. Hierdie nuwe tegniek om permanente grimering aan te wend is vinnig besig om die tradisionele tatoeëring van permanente grimering te vervang. Nie net is dit veiliger nie, maar met die regte nasorg kan pigmentinplanting jou jare en jare hou.

Dié proses is ‘n veilige alte r­ natief, wat nie gebruik maak van ysteroksied nie. Gekleur­de pigment word tussen die epidermis en die vleis in ge plant deur middel van ‘n mikro­naald. Die resultaat is waterdig­te, natuurlike grimering. Veral mense wat brille of kontaklense dra, baie sportief is of allergies is vir grimering of onperfekte lippe, oë of wenkbroue het sal by hierdie tegniek baat.

Vir meer inligting of om ‘n afspraak te maak vir jou eerste konsultasie kan die sa­lon geskakel word by tel. 015 516 0001.

Anita Benade (links) en Sunita Pretorius van Salon Ani ta. Nou kan kliënte hulle voor koms verbeter deur middel van die nuwe mikroskopiese, organiese pigment-inplantingsprosedure wat tans eksklusief beskikbaar is by dié salon.

Louis van Rooyen (links) en Nico van der Westhuizen (regs) van Mount Fuji Motors in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het dié plaaslike Nissan-tak trots gemaak. Die twee het einde verlede jaar onder Nissan Suid-Afrika se Top 10 personeellede geëindig in ‘n interne kompetisie wat onder andere diens en onderdele betref. Die naweek van 22 Februarie het hulle tydens Nissan Suid-Afrika se prysuitdeling by Sun City as naaswenners (Top 3) in dieselfde kategorie geëindig. Saam met hulle staan John Le Cornu (middel), eienaar van Mount Fuji Motors, wat ook die prysuitdeling bygewoon het. Foto verskaf.

(Contd from P1)“We will take the samples

within the prescribed eight hours to an independent SANS­accredited company to be tested according to the SANS 241 drinking­water quality stan­dards,” Kleynhans said.

In the meantime, Schultz received the water analysis re­sults of the VDM. The E. Coli counts per 100ml are 0, 29.9,

17.1 and 0 for boreholes 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The E. coli count for drinking water should be nil. The VDM had to be asked to send another report to indicate the whereabouts of the boreholes. They indicated borehole 1 as being in the cara­van park, 2 as being in President Street, 3 as being in President Steyn Street and 4 as “near the municipal testing grounds”.

Thus the water of the boreholes at President Street and President Steyn Street (De la Rey Street) was unfit for human use.

The chlorinators could coun­ter the E. Coli counts. Vhembe is also installing a chlorinator at the railway reservoir. Shibambu said that asbestos pipelines from five old boreholes had been re­placed and that pipes and pumps would be tested this week.

More than 100 farm workers from a commu-nity-managed farm in Levubu went on strike after a third month of non-payment.

The workers, who are all employed by the Masakona Community Property Association (CPA), claimed that they had not been paid since December. As a result, they say, they had to start borrowing from a matshonise to make ends meet. At an interest rate of 50%, all their funds were quickly tapped dry.

The farm on which they work forms part of several Levubu farms that were sold to the govern­ment’s Lands Claims Commission from 2000 to 2003 in a willing­seller­willing­buyer settlement.

The workers decided to march to their head office in Levubu last Thursday when they did not receive their salaries. “We are tired! These people promised long ago that they would fix this [pay our salaries] … now we will go talk to the big boss,” said one of the workers, Mr Freddy Nkuna, on Thursday. He, together with the other farm workers, marched to the farm’s administrative office and demanded to speak to the directors of the company managing the farm, as well as the CPA­members.

Masakona Farms, as far as the newspaper was able to determine, is managed by Sharp Move Trad­ing CC, in conjunction with the CPA. The CPA are members of the community who were selected to represent the interests of the community.

According to the workers, they haven’t received payment for December, January or February. In ad­dition, workers did not receive any other gratuities in December. In the middle of February they were promised by the CPA directors that they would get double pay by 28 February. To seal this promise, the workers were each given a 25kg bag of mealie meal. On the promised date, however, the workers only received an amount that is the equivalent of one month’s salary. This spurred them on to cease working and holding an impromptu meeting with the CPA. When the livid mob of workers arrived

on the farm, there was already a police presence to keep a watchful eye on developments. At first, the CPA­members refused to speak to the workers. After about an hour and a half, they sent the work­ers’ negotiator, Mr Gideon Mukwevho, with a list demanding that workers write down their names if they intended to return to work the following day. Those workers who refused to come back to work were threatened that they would be fired. At this point, the police intervened to help calm tempers, and the CPA­members and directors eventually made an appearance and addressed the crowd.

According to the chairperson of the CPA, Mr Peter Mhawela, the farm is still awaiting an R4.7million grant from the government, as well as money that is outstanding from the South African Revenue Services (SARS). Afterwards, he and other CPA­members were approached and asked to elaborate on statements made during the meeting. They refused to comment. “We are not at liberty to talk to you,” they told the reporter.

The transplantation of about 80ha of banana trees and a delayed avocado harvest were also offered as excuses for the farm’s cash­flow problems. Work­ers, after listening to these explanations, proceeded to have a meeting with Chief Cecil Malovhana. On Monday, they reached a decision and reported back to work. According to Mukwevho, the work­ers have declared, however, that they will strike again if they don’t receive their salaries by the end of March.

The strike comes amidst the announcement of the new minimum wage for farm workers, which is in effect from this month. Several commercial farmers in the area have already indicated that they are in the process of retrenching a large number of their work force, simply because they cannot afford the new wages which have, in effect, almost doubled since the pervious year. (For a full video clip on the strike and meeting, readers can log onto www.zoutnet.co.za)

Non-payment sparks strike on State farm

Almost 150 farm workers, employed by a community farm, went on strike last week in order to get an explanation from CPA directors as to why they had not received payment for three months.

By Linda van der Westhuizen

Two new boreholes already polluted


´n Speurder van die Makhado SAPD het Dinsdagaand vir groot konsternasie gesorg toe hy na bewering ́ n rooi verkeerslig verontagsaam het en ‘n ongeluk veroorsaak het. Die ongeluk het op die hoek van Munnik- en Songozwistraat plaasgevind. In die proses het die speurder met mnr. Riaan Erasmus gebots. Die ongeluk het weereens die fokus geplaas op die grootskaalse probleem van mense wat verkeersligte en stopstrate in die dorp ignoreer. Niemand is ernstig in die ongeluk beseer nie. Afgeneem is Erasmus (links) en omstanders in ‘n woordewisseling betrokke met polisielede oor die ongeluk.

Twee gesinne van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) is verlede week geruk deur die skynbare sinnelose vergiftiging van hul troeteldiere.

Beide families woon in Kiaatstraat en beide se honde is ‘n paar dae uitmekaar doodgemaak, ver­moedelik met ‘n snelwerkende gif. Teen druktyd is daar nog gewag op die uitslag van toetse van die staatsveearts om te bepaal watter soort gif die honde ingekry het.

Die eerste honde wat vergiftig is, was die lief­linghonde Rassie en Vlekkie van die Loots­egpaar. Dit was verlede Vrydag. Oudergewoonte is Vlekkie, wat by die egpaar in die huis bly, uitgelaat om haar bene te rek.

Kort hierna het die drie­jaar­oue Vlekkie skeef­

skeef by die huis aangekom. Die bediende het dadelik vir Oom Jan geroep. Hy het probeer om vir Vlekkie melk in te jaag, maar sy is in ‘n kwessie van minute dood.

“Ek het nog omgedraai en vir Rassie gesê, ‘Ai, nou is jou maatjie dood,’ toe sak hy ook inmekaar,” het Oom Jan vertel. “Mens is lief vir die diere; ek beskou dit as moord.” Oom Jan het die saak Vrydag by die polisie, asook die plaaslike Dierebeskerm­ingsvereniging (DBV), aangemeld.

Die volgende dag is mev. Ria Bronkhorst se Yorkie, Giesela, vergiftig. Haar dogter Marisa het Giesela probeer help, nadat sy gedink het daar sit iets in die hondjie se keel vas. Marisa is in die proses aan haar duim raakgebyt. Die gif wat Giesela ingekry het, was so sterk dat Marisa ook siek geword het. Haar polsslag het afgeneem en sy moes mediese behandeling by die privaathospitaal ontvang.

Ria het by haar seun Henk, wat ook oorkant Oom Jan bly, gekuier. Henk se Pekinese hondjie is drie weke gelede vergiftig. Daar word vermoed dat die gif wat Giesela ingekry het, eintlik vir Henk se Jack Russel bedoel was.

Giesela is op pad veearts toe dood. “Ons is baie hartseer oor Giesela. Hoe kan mense so iets doen aan ander mense se troeteldiere?” wou Ria weet.

Intussen het Oom Jan gesê dat hy die saak nie net so sal los nie. “Ek het ‘n vermoede wie dit is, en sodra die toetse van die veearts terugkom, gaan ek toesien dat daar verder ondersoek ingestel word,” het hy gesê. Hy is van mening dat dit nie misdadigers is wat die hondjies vergiftig het met die oog daarop om in te breek nie. “Dit is mense wat nie lief is vir diere nie,” het hy gesê.

Mnr. Lawrence Khodobo, plaaslike DBV­inspekteur, het gesê daar kan eers verder ondersoek ingestel word as die toetse van die staatsveearts terugkom. Sulke toetse neem tot ‘n week om af­gehandel te word.

By Isabel Venter

Families verpletter ná honde-vergiftiging

Oom Jan Loots by die karkas van Rassie, die gesin se 13-jarige hond, nadat iemand hom vergiftig het. Hy is kort ná die gesin se ander hondjie Vlekkie, wat ook vergiftig is, dood.


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By Isabel Venter

The SAPS in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) are still investigating the spate of break-ins which occurred at the Maranatha Centre in Burger Street last Friday.

During the early hours of 1 March, five busi­nesses fell prey to burglars. These businesses

included, among others, a local attorney’s office, a cash loan business and Rirothe Trading & Invest­ment, which is the company in charge of the new parking systems in the town’s CBD.

All the offices that were targeted were on the ground level of the two­storey complex. Allegedly, the security gate that separates the downstairs of­fices from the upstairs offices was left unlocked.

The thief/thieves gained access into the offices by punching a hole through the first office’s wall. This proved to be an easy task, as all the offices are separated by drywalling. From there, they smashed out glass panels from neighbouring offices and left a trail of destruction in their wake.

Mr Dominic Mahlangu from Rirothe Trading said that the burglary had affected them all. “Not all of us have insurance and we will have to carry the losses ourselves,” he said. It would seem that the criminals were only looking for cash. Comput­ers and other electrical equipment were not stolen.

A total of five shops in the Maranatha Centre fell prey to burglars last Friday. Pictured are some of the shop windows that were smashed in the process.

The burglars left a path of destruction as they rampaged through offices in their attempt to find cash.

Burglars hit five shops in one evening

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Atletiek-fiasko bring einde aan SA-dromeDie fiasko by beide vanjaar se Limpopo laer- en hoërskole atletiekbyeenkomste het baie atlete se harte gebreek.

Die name van sommige van die provinsie se topatlete het doodeenvoudig nie op die provinsiale spanlyste verskyn nie en derhalwe is dié atlete hul kans ontneem om aan die Suid­Afrikaanse kampioenskappe deel te neem. Die probleme skyn grotendeels toegeskryf te word aan onbevoegdheid op distriksvlak.

“Daar was baie kinders in trane, eintlik van meer as een distrik, omdat hulle nie aan die Limpopo atletiek kon deelneem nie,” het Laerskool Louis Trichardt se atletiekorganiseerder na afloop van die byeenkoms op 1 Maart op die Peter Mokhaba stadion gesê.

Atlete van beide Hoërskool Louis Trichardt en Eric Louw is tydens die byeenkoms van 2 Maart op Peter Mokhaba gepenaliseer, omdat hulle name uitgelaat is. Na afloop van die distriksbyeenkoms op 16 Februarie op Musina moes ‘n Vhembe­di­strikspanlys saamgestel word waarop die beste atlete se name verskyn. Daar was egter geen Vhem­be inskrywings by die DO/17 400m, die SO/15 verspring, die DO/19 diskus en die SO/15 diskus nie, het ‘n skoolspanbestuurder vertel. Ander foute, soos verkeerde name op die lyste en verkeerde maniere van kinders uitdun, het ook klaarblyklik op distriksvlak voorgekom. Ouers vertel ook van verkeerde praktyke by die Limpopo­byeenkoms, veral by die velditems, soos byvoorbeeld om die kind se laaste sprong of gooi te vat in plaas van die beste een. “Die Vhembe span bestuurder het ‘n totaal onvolledige lys ingedien. Dit was ‘n fiasko, ‘n skandaal,” het atletiekafrigter Gideon Joubert gesê, maar niks wat die onderwysers, ouers of afrigters gesê het, kon die provinsie beweeg om enige ver­anderings te maak nie.

By die laerskole was daar ‘n klein bie tjie sukses om foute reg te stel. “Ons het die reg­istrasielys die vorige dag onder oë gekry en het al die foute met die bewyse daarvan aange­meld. Daar was egter nog steeds foute op die lys, maar ons kon vroeg die oggend so hier en daar iets regkry om ‘n kind betyds op die reg­istrasielys kry,” sê me. Elzabé Stewart.

“Dit het my hart ge­breek om Jonandi [Au­camp] so hartseer te sien, nadat sy nie toege­laat is om die 400m te hardloop nie omdat haar

naam nie op die lys was nie. Sy was ons enigste hoop by die SA’s,” het me. Sanri du Plessis, toe­skouer en ouer van nog ‘n hoërskoolatleet, gesê.

Joubert vertel hoe hard Jonandi voorberei het. “Sy het van Augustus af vyf dae per week geoefen. Ons het ook die week tevore op die Peter Mokhaba tartanbaan gaan oefen. Jonandi het al twee jaar ag­tereenvolgend SA’s toe gegaan. Hierdie was sover haar beste jaar en die 400m was haar beste item,” het Joubert gesê en bygevoeg dat hy ‘n brief aan Limpopo Atletiek gaan skryf.

Joubert vertel ook dat Rendani Ndouvhada maar net moes toesien hoedat die finaal van die “lang hekkies” sonder hom gehardloop word, nadat atlete wat stadiger as hy in die uitdunne was, se name vir die finaal ingegee is. Rendani het darem aan die 110mH finaal deelgeneem en derde gekom. Atlete soos Wynand Mouton en Richelle Lambert se name het verkeerdelik nie op die lys verskyn nie.

Mnr. Johan Aucamp, Jonandi se pa, sê dat hulle baie teleurgesteld is dat Jonandi die geleentheid ontneem is om aan die SA’s deel te neem na al haar harde werk, tyd en onkoste. “Om eerlik te wees, ek was Saterdag baie woedend oor die onbevoegdheid. Ek voel ons moet iets doen namens al die kinders, sodat so iets nie weer met kinders gebeur nie. Ek weet nog net nie waar om te begin nie. Eric Louw se onderwyser het gesê dat hy gaan opvolg,” het Aucamp hierdie week gesê.

‘n Medianavraag oor die fiasko is aan ‘n atle­tiekamptenaar van die distrik gerig, maar teen druktyd is daar steeds gewag op antwoorde.

Hardus Lee, ´n oud-Triegie, het verlede week die graad B. Th (Teologie) aan die Noordwes Universiteit ontvang. Hy is tans besig met die graad B. Th (honneurs) aan die teologiese skool van die Gereformeerde Kerk op Potchefstroom.

24 Rissik Street Tel: (015) 516-5171Matman





PLACEDzanani Regional OfficeVuwani Regional OfficeWaterval Regional OfficeMusekwa Thusong Centre

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Notice is hereby given in terms of section 21 of the Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 to submit written comments on the Draft Policy on alienation of immovable properties (council land).Hard copies can be accessed from the areas as reflected below:

Any person who wishes to comment to the exercise is called upon to lodge his/her comments in writing to the Municipal Manager at Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920 or fax to Number 015 516 1194 to reach his office by no later than 28 March 2013. The draft policy document is accessible from the Municipal website: www.makhado.gov.za.Any person who cannot read and/or write may come to the Director Development Planning at office Num-ber C001, first floor, Civic Center, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado during office hours from 7H00 to 13H00 and 14H00 to 16H00 on or before the 28 March 2013 where comments or representations will be transcribed.

Civic Centre83 Krogh StreetMakhadoNotice No: 21/2013 MR IP MUTSHINYALIFile No: 1/1/97 MUNICIPAL MANAGER


SAtERDAG 16 MAARt 2013 StIPtELIK OM 10:00


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Met die jagseisoen in aantog het inwoners van die Soutpansberg nou reeds kans om vir hulself ‘n indrukwekkende jagpakket te wen in die CVO Skool Zoutpans-berg se jagpakketkompetisie.

Die eersteprys behels die jag van ‘n buffelkoei. Ingesluit hierby is ‘n skouermontering van die dier by Field & Stream Taksidermie, asook akkommodasie vir drie nagte (vier dae) vir een persoon.

Die wenner van die tweedeprys kan twee blouwildebeesbulle en

twee rooibokramme skiet. Dit is vir twee persone, met twee nagte (drie dae) se akkommodasie.

Die derdeprys is ook nie te ver­smaai nie en sluit in die skiet van ‘n koedoekoei, een rooibokram en een rooibokooi, en akkommodasie vir twee volwassenes en twee kinders vir twee nagte (drie dae).

Kaartjies kos R100 elk en is ver­krygbaar by Turners en OK Grocer. Die trekking vind plaas op 26 April. Vir meer inligting, skakel Herman by tel. 082 907 7908.

R100 kan jou jagpakket wenEen van die talle gesinne in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wat sukkel om sin te maak van die dorp se haglike watersituasie, is die Oosthuizen-gesin van Joubertstraat.

Dié gesin sit reeds sedert 27 Februarie sonder water. Mnr. Gerhard Oosthuizen, beter bekend as Wors, is nou behoorlik keelvol en sy ma, mev. Ria Oosthuizen, voel asof daar geen lig aan die einde van die tonnel is nie.

“Hier is nie ‘n druppel water vanaf Woensdag laasweek nie. Ons wasgoed stapel op, ons kan nie bad of toilette spoel nie en ons moet by die bure water vra ­ dit is totaal onaanvaarbaar! Daar kom net niks, niks water uit die kraan nie. Ek kan nie vir iemand verduidelik hoe frustrerend dit is nie. Dit voel soos grootskaalse terrorisering,” het Ria Dinsdag gesê.

“Hulle moes die ouens [van die wateroutoriteit] al lankal toegesluit het, want hulle loop bo­oor ons en organisasies soos AfriForum wat probeer help. Almal soek nou optrede!” sê Wors.

Die Oosthuizens se huurder het uitgetrek en is terug Rand toe.

“Sy het gesê die water [of gebrek daaraan] maak haar mal en sy is nie gewoond om so te lewe nie,” sê Ria. Sy sê verder dat hulle drie grootmense is en dat haar wasgoed al hoe meer ophoop. “Ek weet nie wat maak mense met klein kindertjies nie,” sê Ria.

Intussen het meer as een inwoner, wie se kinders aan die Noordwes Universiteit se Potchefstroom kampus studeer, berig dat hulle kinders huistoe gestuur is omdat daar nie water in Potchefstroom is nie. Die ironie is nou dat die studente na hul tuis­dorp teruggekeer het, waar daar ook nie water is nie.

“Dit lyk of die mense nie die erns van die saak besef nie. Dis regtig nie dat ‘n mens elke dag kla nie, maar genoeg is genoeg!” sê Ria.

Die plaaslike AfriForum­tak is dit ook eens dat die wateroutoriteit nie die erns van die saak besef nie. Die voorsitter, mnr. Wally Schultz, wat ook al by geleentheid vir die Oosthuizens water gebring het, het hierdie week weer beklemtoon dat die Vhembe Distriksmunisipaliteit (VDM) se ampte nare nie die watersituasie ernstig genoeg opneem nie. Die regsproses van minagting van

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

“Dit voel soos terrorisering”die hof het reeds ‘n aanvang geneem, nadat die hofbevel ten opsigte van watervoorsiening nie stiptelik en voldoende uitgevoer is nie. Die proses is aan die gang om amptenare in hulle persoonlike hoeda nigheid aanspreek­lik te hou.

Die VDM het op 2 Maart laat weet dat die Albasinidam se pypleiding na

Makhado (Louis Trichardt) ernstige waterlekke het en dat hulle tegniese dienste die lyn gesluit het, totdat herstelwerk voltooi is.

“Die watervoorsiening sal hervat word sodra die lekke toegemaak is, “ het die VDM gesê.

“Ons wasgoed stapel op, ons kan nie bad of toilette spoel nie ... Ek kan nie vir iemand verduidelik hoe frustrerend dit is nie. Dit voel soos grootskaalse terrorisering,” het mev. Ria Oosthuizen Dinsdag gesê, nadat hulle vanaf 27 Februarie geen water in hul krane gehad het nie.

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Nature conservation

Rhino poaching is now a priority crime.This was confirmed by Environmental Affairs

Minister Mrs Edna Molewa, ahead of the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in Thailand. This top­level meeting of the world’s major environmental bodies started on Monday and will conclude on 14 March. Molewa spoke at a Cabinet meeting last Thursday.

The decision to make rhino poaching a priority crime was made by the National Joint Operations Centre, due to the fact that a total of 128 rhinos have been killed since the beginning of the year. This is far more than the 80 that were killed in the corresponding period last year. The operations centre is co­ordinated by the Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations.

By this week, according to the Kruger National Park’s statistics, the park has lost 92 rhinos. Other provinces that were hard hit included North West, which lost 12, another 12 in KwaZulu­Natal and eight in Limpopo.

Molewa also said Cabinet had emphasised the need for more technology, especially unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), by the anti­poaching forces. These forces include SANParks rangers who are supported by elements of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), as well as po­lice, customs and excise inspectors from the South African Revenue Services (SARS) and a number of non­governmental organisations.

Currently, the SANDF is deployed for border protection in the KNP. Where manpower allows, soldiers assist rangers in anti­poaching operations.

The South African Air Force (SAAF) has also made some of their assets available in the war against poaching. At the same time, SANParks chief executive Dr David Mabunda said intelligence and its gathering, which has proven successful, as well as community involvement, would also be heightened. This would be done by bringing home to neighbouring communities the importance of protecting the rhino in an effort to deny poachers, couriers and others involved safe passage in and around the KNP.

Last year, poachers killed 668 rhino in South Africa, with the KNP losing 425. Between them, KwaZulu­Natal, Limpopo and North West col­lectively lost 202 rhino last year, with both private and provincial game and nature reserves targeted by poachers.

Rhino poaching now a priority crime

‘n Oud-inwoner van Makhado (Louis Tri-chardt), mnr. Eddie James, is Vrydag 1 Maart na ‘n kort siekbed aan nierversaking oorlede, kort nadat hy in die Letaba Hospitaal opgeneem is. Die familie wil graag almal bedank vir die talle SMS’e, oproepe en boodskappe wat ontvang is. Foto verskaf.


A silent terror stalks societyCashing in on power

Soweto, Kliptown - “Careful here . Watch out there . The ear th i s l i v e , ” w a r n e d K a b e l o a s h e

moved through the narrow al leyways. Kabelo and his partner, John, are just

two of the many “s t reet e lect r ic ians” u s i n g t h e i r q u a l i f i c a t i o n s a n d exper ience to cash in on households , smal l businesses and res idents across J o h a n n e s b u r g , o f f e r i n g t h e m c h e a p e l e c t r i c i t y . C h e a p e r e l e c t r i c i t y i n t h i s i n s t ance o f cou r se means s to l en . K a b e l o a n d J o h n a r e a l w a y s o n

c a l l w h e n r e s i d e n t s a n d b u s i n e s s e s need to connec t e l ec t r i c i t y o r f i x a ma l func t ion ing i l l ega l l i ne .

T h e y c h a r g e a f l a t r a t e o f R 2 0 0 a s a connec t ion f ee . The re a r e even “ m a i n t e n a n c e f e e s ” r a n g i n g f r o m be tween R50 to R100 a mon th , and the re i s a cos t fo r r ep l ac ing wi re s i f t he se a r e bu rn t .

Desp i t e t he dange r s t ha t t hey pose , i l l ega l connec t ions and the t amper ing w i t h o r b y p a s s i n g o f p o w e r m e t e r s r ema in the cho ice o f many r e s iden t s and bus ines se s t o acces s e l ec t r i c i t y . Some a re mo t iva t ed by the need to h a v e a c c e s s t o e l e c t r i c i t y , o t h e r s

c l a im pove r ty , and some a re pu re ly m o t i v a t e d b y g r e e d t o r e a p m o r e p ro f i t s fo r t he i r bus ines se s .

W h a t e v e r t h e r e a s o n g i v e n t o j u s t i f y t h i s c r im ina l behav iou r , t he f a c t r e m a i n s t h a t i t ’ s a b r e e d i n g g r o u n d f o r c r i m i n a l s t o “ b u i l d t h e i r b u s i n e s s e s ” a n d c a s h i n o n t h i s p r a c t i c e . I t i s a c r i m e t h a t h a s b e c o m e a s o c i e t a l n o r m , b u t h a s a d i r e i m p a c t o n f a i r c o m p e t i t i o n i n b u s i n e s s a n d a g r i c u l t u r e , p u t s i n n o c e n t l i v e s a t r i s k , a n d i n t e r r u p t s t h e p o w e r s u p p l y t h a t m u s t k e e p t h e w h e e l s o f t h e e c o n o m y t u r n i n g .

T h e c r i m e i s n o t u n i q u e t o i n f o r m a l s e t t l e m e n t s a n d t o w n s h i p s . I t a f f e c t s s u b u r b s , b u s i n e s s e s a n d f a r m s , w h e r e t h e t h e f t i s m o r e d i f f i c u l t t o d e t e c t a n d r e q u i r e s a t r a i n e d e y e t o s p o t t h e c a r e f u l l y

t a m p e r e d m e t e r s a n d t r a n s f o r m e r s .A campa ign i s unde r way to comba t

e l ec t r i c i t y t he f t and i s i n ho t pu r su i t

o f p e r p e t r a t o r s l i k e K a b e l o , J o h n and the i r cus tomers . The mi s s ion o f Opera t ion Khany i sa i s t o mob i l i s e a l l Sou th Af r i cans t o become l ega l , s a f e and e f f i c i en t power u se r s .

T h e c a m p a i g n ’ s a p p r o a c h i s n o t on ly t o add re s s cu lp r i t s , bu t a l so ge t l aw-ab id ing c i t i z ens t o acknowledge the i r r e spons ib i l i t y and in sp i r e t hem to take ac t ion agains t e lec t r ic i ty thef t .

O p e r a t i o n K h a n y i s a h a s t e a m e d u p w i t h C r i m e L i n e t o p r o v i d e a p l a t f o r m f o r S o u t h A f r i c a n s t o r e p o r t e l e c t r i c i t y t h e f t a n o n y m o u s l y . B y s e n d i n g a d e t a i l e d S M S t o 3 2 2 1 1 ( R 1 / S M S ) S o u t h A f r i c a n s c a n h e l p comba t e l ec t r i c i t y t he f t .

T o j o i n t h e c a m p a i g n v i s i t o p e r a t i o n k h a n y i s a . c o . z a , l i k e f acebook .com/Opera t ion .Khany i sa o r f o l l o w t w i t t e r . c o m / @ O p _ K h a n y i s a . F o r m o r e i n f o e - m a i l : i n f o @opera t ionkhany i sa . co . za








Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Dominee Louis sterk tans by die huis aan

Ds. Louis Schnetler is weer tuis. Ná ‘n beroerte-aanval op 20 Januarie is hy etlike weke in Ons Tuiste versorg. By hom is sy twee seuns, Gideon (links) en Erhard, wat altwee bly is dat hul pa by die huis is.

Ds. Louis Schnetler is weer tuis.Dié geliefde sendeling van Makhado (Louis

Trichardt) het op 20 Januarie ‘n beroerte­aanval gehad en is vir etlike weke in Ons Tuiste versorg.

Ds. Louis het die begeerte uitgespreek om weer te kan loop. Die beroerte, met verlamming aan die linkerkant, het gevolg slegs ‘n week na ‘n trombose operasie aan sy regterbeen. Hy het verlede jaar, op 69­jarige ouderdom, vir ‘n jaar in Malawi die Sola Scriptura Bybelskool behartig en al die klasse aangebied. Mnr. Tienie Venter, ook van die dorp, het hom vergesel en die instandhoudingswerk en opgradering van die infrastruktuur behartig.

Ds. Louis se twee seuns, Gideon en Erhard, was verheug toe hulle pa op 22 Februarie huis toe gekom het om daar aan te sterk. “Dit gaan goed ­ my pa praat al,” het Gideon gesê. Die Schnetler–egpaar se twee getroude dogters woon in Gauteng en kom gereeld besoek.

“Die VGK [Vereni­gende Gereformeerde Kerk] se predikante en lidmate kom nog am­per elke dag om hier te kom bid,” sê mev. Sarie Schnetler. Tipies van ‘n sendinghuis, maak sy elke dag vir ten minste nege mense kos en is daar altyd plek vir nog iemand.

Dit was ‘n verrassing toe ds. Peet Erasmus op 28 Februarie by die Schnetler­woning stop. Hy is die stigter van die Sola Scriptura Bybels­kool en het hierdie jaar in ds. Schnetler se plek gaan waarneem. Ds.

Erasmus sê dat dit nog nie duidelik is of hyself hierdie jaar die klasse verder gaan waarneem nie. “Ons is besig om ‘n Malawiër op te lei,” het hy gesê. Hy het ‘n vrag saamgebring met Tienie se meubels daarop. Tienie het sy besittings in Malawi gelos, aangesien hy van plan was om hierdie jaar terug te gaan.

“Die jaar in Malawi was ‘n groot leerkurwe. Ek het ook geleentheid gehad om met die evangelie uit te reik. Nou spits ek my toe op ‘n tronkbediening in ons dorp,” het Tienie gesê.

Sarie bedank me. Kittie die Bruin en die perso­neel van Ons Tuiste wat haar man met soveel deer­nis en toewyding versorg het. “Hulle het uitkoms gebied toe die nood op sy hoogste was,” sê Sarie. Sy bedank ook die gemeenskap vir hul ondersteuning en in die besonder die anonieme persoon wat Louis se verblyf by Ons Tuiste geborg het.

Dit was ‘n verrassing toe ds. Peet Erasmus (links) op 28 Februarie by die Schnetler-woning stop. Hy is die stigter van die Sola Scriptura Bybelskool in Malawi en het in ds. Schnetler se plek gaan waarneem. Hy het ‘n vrag saamgebring met mnr. Tienie Venter (regs) se meubels daarop. Tienie het verlede jaar saam met ds. Louis na Malawi gegaan.

89 Munnik Street, Louis Trichardt Tel: (015) 516 0239

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10 8 Maart 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.


WHAT’S HAPPENING?We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2013. Please send the details to [email protected], fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.zoutpansberger.co.za

WAT GEBEUR?Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en nie-winsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2013. Stuur besonderhede na [email protected], faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za

LOUIS TRICHARDT• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594• Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395• Electricity/Elektrisiteit - 015 516 2990• Water - 015 516 2990• Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554• Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000• Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9• Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980• SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827

MUSINA• SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601• Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061• Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061• Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7• Municipality - 015 534 6000• Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183

LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121• Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)


Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan [email protected] Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to [email protected] New churches welcome.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina)Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126

• Agapé Gemeente (LTT)Munnikstraat 90, 1ste Sondag van die maand gesamentlike diens om 08:00, Afrikaans met peuter/kinderkerk om 08:30, English with toddler/children church at 10:30, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538

• AGS Charisma (LTT)Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)

Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959

• AGS Charisma (Levubu)Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486)

• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT)

93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275

• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT)128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165

• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728

• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714.

• Baird Ministries (LTT)Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631.

• Catholic Church (Musina)National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085

• Catholic Church (LTT)Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393

• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448.

• Church of England / St Peters (LTT)33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580

• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT)Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658

• Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566.

• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007

• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina)Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723

• Hervormde Kerk Louis TrichardtH/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061

• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT)H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956

• Hervormde Kerk (Musina)H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT)

Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield)Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937

• Methodist Church (LTT)79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446

• NG Kerk (Levubu)Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081

• NG Kerk (LTT)Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT)H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Phillip Venter Tel: 015 516 4366, jeugleraar ds. Rudolph Botha Tel 084 645 0391

• NG Kerk (Musina)Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324

• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT)115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313

• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT)Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667

• Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT)Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50

• Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT)Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, leraar Johan Steyn, Tel 082 372 7362

• Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina)H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526

• Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp)Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751)

• Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT)H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 17:00, Past. Philip de Jager, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 071 674 7205

• Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina)H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493


SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBVInsp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

ZoutieWeatherLouis Trichardt(Seven-day forecast)

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)

A couple of thunderstorms.

Thursday, 7 March

High: 30oC Low: 17oC

A couple of thunderstorms.

Friday, 8 March

High: 29oC Low: 17oC Saturday, 9 March

High: 30oC Low: 16oC

Occasional rain and drizzle.

Sunday, 10 March

High: 25oC Low: 15oC

A shower or thunderstorm possible.

Monday, 11 March

High: 24oC Low: 14oC Tuesday, 12 March

High: 25oC Low: 15oC

Clouds and sun.

Partly sunny.

Chance for rain and a thunderstorm.

Wednesday, 13 March

High: 26oC Low: 15oC

Albasini Dam 88.8% 89.1%Ebenezer Dam 100.5% 100%Flag Boshielo Dam 99.3% 99.7%Glen Alpine Dam 101.2% 100%Luphephe Dam 101% 100%Middel Letaba Dam 51% 51.1%Nandoni Dam 101.7% 101%Nsami Dam 94.6% 98.6%Nwanedzi Dam 100.4% 100%Nzhelele Dam 101% 101%Tzaneen Dam 101.1% 101%Vondo Dam 100.8% 100%




According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as

on Monday, 4 March.

Dams/damme: 25/02/2013

* Means latest available data


• MIGHTY MEN CONFERENCE The third Mighty Men Conference in the Bush­veld will take place from 15 to 17 March on the Farm Snymansdrift outside Polokwane.

The gates to the farm will open on Thursday, 14 March, when the men can already pick their camping spots for the weekend. There will be enough food stalls to cater for any hungry and thirsty man. No women will be allowed on the farm until Sunday, when families can attend the event. The first speaker on 15 March will be Piet (Myner) Jacobs. The praise and worship will be led by Franna Benadé and the majority of his band members are from Polokwane.

On 16 March, at 09:00, Riekert Botha will share his message with the men. Angus Buchan will be the guest speaker for the rest of the week­end. Tickets are available at R210 per person for the weekend from Computicket.

Phone Dia van Staden at 0837261180 with your enquiries or send an email to info@mmc­bosveld.co.za. You can also visit www.mmcbos­veld.co.za for full details.

• KINGDOM KIDZ WAS KARRE Shammah Kingdom Kidz se jaarlikse karwasdag in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) vind op 9 Maart by Shammah Bedieninge te Rissikstraat 50 plaas.

Voertuie kan vanaf 08:00 tot 16:00 gebring word. “Bring u voertuig sodat ons dit weer kan laat sprankel teen die billike tarief van R20 vir ‘n binnewas en R20 vir ‘n buitewas,” sê die or­ganiseerders. Om die honger magies te vul, gaan boereworsrolle die heeldag deur Yahwe Youth Ministries te koop aangebied word teen R15 per boereworsrol.

Vir verdere navrae kan Tony Barnard by 082 731 9796 geskakel word.

• PLAASLIKE MANNE GAAN SAAM Die Louis Trichardt Manne van die Woord beplan om as ‘n groep te gaan na die Mighty Men Conference. (Vervolg op p. 11)

• BLOEDSKENK BY TRIEGIES Daar gaan op 8 Maart weer gepoog word om ‘n rekord hoeveelheid eenhede bloed te skenk by Laerskool Louis Trichardt.

Vanjaar sal Jacaranda FM weer daar wees om die nodige luister aan die geleentheid te gee.

“Kom skenk asseblief,” nooi die skool.Die bloedskenkkliniek duur vanaf 07:00 tot


• KUIERKAFEE Die gewilde Dopperkui­erkafee in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) verkoop op Vrydag (8 Maart) vanaf 17:00 tot 18:00 heerlike warmbrakke met boerewors, kaaswors en weense worsies.

Tuisgemaakte skyfies is ook beskikbaar. Plaas nou bestellings by Johan (083 629 3859) of Adri­aan by 083 387 0053.

• DEPRESSIEGROEP MOET KOM LUISTER Die depressie ondersteu­ningsgroep in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) word uitgenooi om op Donderdag en Vrydag, 14 en 15 Maart, te kom luister na dr. Michelle Strydom by die Agapé Christensentrum in Munnikstraat (sien voorafgaande).

Die praatjie sal die groep se maandvergadering vir Maart vervang. Vir meer inligting kan Ben Smith geskakel word by 082 358 1738.

• NEUROLOGIST SPEAKS AT AGAPÉ Dr Michelle Strydom (neurologist) of Eagle Ministries will speak at Agapé Christian Centre in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) on 14 and 15 March.

Both evenings will start at 18:30. All, young and old, male and female, are welcome to attend. Dr Strydom is the author of “Healing begins with sanctification of the heart” and has produced

a DVD series “No disease is incurable”.For more information, the church office can be

contacted on 015 516 3725 or Pastor Dalene van Niekerk on 082 810 9334.





OZ: THE GrEAT AnD POWErfUl - 3D ¸ ̨ Ç

Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00Tue: 9:05, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00


THE lAST STAnD ˛Ç ∞Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15, 22:45Sun,Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15


fAnIE fOUrIE’S lObOlA ˛Ç Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30, 22:50Sun,Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:30



Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00Sun,Tue: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30


KlEIn KArOO ˛Ç English Subtitles...Fri, Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15, 22:15Sun,Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:15


WrEcK-IT rAlPH ˛Ç ∂Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 19:45, 22:30Sun,Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 19:45Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 19:45

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sterkinekor.com /sterkinekortheatres app @sktheatres

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• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister­se­Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Neder­duitsch Hervormde Kerk. Alle senior burgers is welkom.

Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 5739 geskakel word.

• MANNE VAN DIE WOORD Die Manne van die Woord in Makhado (Louis Trich­ardt) kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen.

By hierdie interkerklike byeenkomste bemoe­dig mans mekaar om die Here te dien. Alle mans is welkom.

Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.

• VROUE VAN DIE WOORD Die Vroue van die Woord kom elke Dinsdagaand van 18:00 tot 19:00 by Casa Caffé (in die SAVF­gebou) in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) bymekaar.

“Die vroue kom interkerklik saam om te bid, geestelik te groei en mekaar aan te moedig om vroue na God se hart te wees. Alle vroue, jonk en oud, is welkom,” sê die organiseerders.

Vir meer inligting kan Madelyn Stoltz by 083 422 5248 geskakel word.

• MAANDELIKSE VLOOIMARK Daar sal voortaan elke eerste Saterdag van die maand vanaf 09:00 tot 14:00 ‘n vlooimark by Makhado Crossing in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) gehou word.

Enige iemand is welkom om te kom uitstal. Stalletjies kos slegs R50 per Saterdag en moet vooraf bespreek en betaal word by Davonnies in die sentrum.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Peet Venter (ge­boubestuurder) by 015 516 1826 of Davonnies by 015 516 5749.

The Zoutpansberger’s website (www.zout-pansberger.co.za) offers rea ders a calendar entry service on their Events Page.

Visitors to the website can now list their calendar entries for upcoming events on the Events Page themselves. It is as easy as merely logging in on the Events Page through your exist­ing Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts and uploading your entry. The entry will, however, not appear immediately as it has to go through a moderation process first.

In addition, sport club administrators (and for that matter church and school administrators) can contact us to directly submit events on the Events Page without a moderations process. If an administrator is listed as a user on the site, their calendar entries will show immediately.

For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.



SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBVInsp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

• WEEKLY RUN/WALK The Sout­pansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their weekly walk and run.

Their time trials take place every Tuesday from 17:30 at their club house, followed by a ca­sual run on Thursdays from 17:30. On Saturdays, club runs will be hosted.

For more information, phone Jolani Klopper at 083 995 4362.


• WEEKLIKSE KLUBRITTE Die P&L Hardeware Fietsryklub in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi alle fietsryers uit na hul week­likse klubritte.

Die klubritte vind elke Saterdag vanaf 14:00 plaas. Vir meer inligting, skakel Renda (klubse­kretaresse) by tel. 082 932 3590.

• TURBI HILLS MTB RACE The MOTHs of the Turbi Hills Shellhole in Makhado (Louis Trichardt), in conjunction with the Soutpansberg Town Watch, will once again be hosting their Turbi Hills Mountain Bike Race in the Roodewal Plantation (Ridgeway Independent School) on 9 March.

The race comprises a 50km, 30km and 8km race. The entry fees for the three races are R100, R60 and R30 respectively, with first, second and third place prizes. Registration will take place from 17:00 until 19:00 on 8 March and from 06:30 to 08:00 on the day of the race.

For more information, phone Alan (083 660 2472, Heine (082 848 1973) or Leonie (079 888 6606).


• ANNUAL EBENEZER MILE The countdown has started for the exciting annu­al Ebenezer Mile swim event to be hosted at the Mountain Yacht Club on Saturday, 16 March.

All may enter this open water mile (1609m) swim. The age categories are u/14 and over 30 years. There is also a 3000m swim which is a SSA Qualifier. Race timing will be handled with electronic timing chips worn by the competitors.

Pre­entries are R100 (mile) and R75 for a short course development and introduction swim of 500m for all ages and gender. Entries on the day will be charged at R125.

The first event will start at 12:00 and prize giving is at 16:30. Register on line at www.ebenezermile.co.za

• RUGBYKLUB SE OEFENTYE VERANDER Die Louis Trichardt Rug­byklub herinner lede daaraan dat die oefentye verander het.

Die klub sal op Maandae en Woensdae oefen vanaf 18:00. Die Limpopo­span oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae. Persone wat belangstel om by die klub se aktiwiteite in te skakel, kan die voorsit­ter, Kevin Gilbert, skakel by tel. 082 892 8769.

• GIMNASTE BEGIN WEER OEFEN Die Louis Trichardt Gimnastiekklub oefen elke Maandag en Woensdag. Die beginners van ses jaar en ouer oefen van 14:00 tot 15:00, Vlakke 2 en 3 van 15:00 tot 16:30 en Vlakke 4 en hoër van 16:30 tot 18:00. Elzabé Stewart en Riekie Steyn is verantwoordelik vir die meisies en Su­Ankia Joubert vir die seuns. Navrae kan per e­pos gerig word aan [email protected] of [email protected] of alternatiewelik skakel Elzabé by 082 566 3493, Riekie by 082 484 1392, Su­Ankia by 082 573 9000, Renette Nel by 015 516 3756 of Giel Nel by 083 297 7272. Vir navrae oor kleutergimna stiek (vir kleuters van drie tot vyf jaar), kan Gail Greaves gekontak word by 083 469 2526.

• KARATEKAS BEGIN OEFEN Die Soutpansberg Kofukan Karateklub in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het weer begin met hul weeklikse oefeninge.

Die klub oefen elke Woensdag vanaf 18:00 tot 20:00 by die AGS se kerksaal in Munnikstraat.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Tommy by tel. 083 346 6600.

APRIL• AP KERK HOU PIK-EN-PROE Die Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal op Vrydag, 12 April, ‘n Pik­en­Proe aand aanbied met die tema Op Safari.

Kaartjies sal vanaf 3 Maart beskikbaar wees by Leana Harmse teen R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir laerskoolkinders.

Vir meer inligting kan Leana geskakel word by 083 269 5529.


• LOUWTJIES HOU GHOLF-DAG Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina nooi die gemeenskap uit om op 16 Maart hul gholfdag te ondersteun.

Die kompetisie is in die formaat van ‘n beterbal Stableford, met die afslaan om 09:00. Inskrywing beloop R200 per persoon en groot pryse kan gewen word.

Kos sal deurlopend verkoop word, met die prysuitdeling wat om 18:30 begin.

• MUNNIK MEERKAT MTB RACE The region’s mountain bikers can start preparing themselves for the very popular annual Munnik Meerkat MTB Race on 16 March at Munnik.

This year’s race, af­filiated to the P&L Cy­cling Club, is a Limpopo

Qualifier Race with electronic timing by Freeride Timing. As always, there will be a 70km­, 35km­ and 10km race, starting at 07:00, 07:30 and 08:00 respectively. The entry fee per race is R150 for the 70km, R80 for the 35km and R40 for the 10km.

Registration opens at 05:30 on the day of the race and closes half an hour before the race starts. A day­licence fee of R35 is only payable if the cyclist does not hold a valid CSA licence.

Registration can also be done at Cycle Lab in Polokwane on Thursday, 14 March, from 16:00 to 19:00, or enter online at www.munnikmeerkat.co.za

“Don’t forget to register online as then you will be assured of one of our excellent goodie bags. Also don’t forget to bring any old clothing, bicycles, bicycle parts, tinned food, toys, books, etc. for our community project ­ let’s show that we care!” say the organisers.

APRIL• AUTUMN GYMKHANA Don’t miss the Rondebosch Riding School’s autumn gymkhana outside Makhado (Louis Trichardt), to be held on Saturday, 20 April.

Due to popular demand from their previous

• WINDPOMPFEES Inwoners van Limpopo kan begin gereed maak vir die jaarlikse Windpompfees vanaf 21 tot 23 Maart by die Euphoria gholflandgoed buite Mookgopong.

Feesgangers kan uitsien na optredes van top Suid­Afrikaanse kunstenaars soos Armand Hofmeyr, Sorina (Flooze), Watershed, Dr Victor and the Rasta Rebels, Bok van Blerk en vele meer. Ander aktiwiteite sluit in ‘n vuurwerk­vertoning, 4x4­safari vir die hele gesin, vee­ en wildveilings, kleinveeskou, die gewilde Mej. Windpompfees­kompetisie en selfs ‘n veteraan motorskou.

Vir meer inligting of die volledige program, besoek www.windpompfees.co.za of skakel Gwen van Emmenis by 076 533 4513.

• CONWAY RUGBYDAG Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub bied op 16 Maart weer hulle gewilde Conway Rugbydag aan.

Heelwat spanne van regoor die provinsie het reeds aangedui dat hul gaan kom deelneem aan dié gewilde rugbydag, wat vanjaar geborg word deur GT Verspreiders.

‘n Volledige program sal nader aan die datum beskikbaar gestel word.

Persone wat belangstel om ‘n stalletjie vir die dag te bespreek kan vir Kevin Gilbert skakel by tel. 082 892 8769.

• BAOBAB 4X4 2013 Die NG Kerk Soutpansberg­gemeente in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) nooi die provinsie se 4x4­entoesiaste om vanaf 21 tot 24 Maart deel te neem aan hul Baobab 4x4­ekskursie.

Na die on­langse goeie reën

skitter die Soutpansberg tans in sy natuurprag en sal deelnemers die unieke geleent heid kry om plekke te besoek wat nie sommer met ‘n gewone voertuig bereikbaar is nie.

Van die besoekpunte sluit in Mutsedzidam, Dzata Ruïnes, Bobbejaanspas, Mambaspas, die Fundudzimeer, Heilige Woud en Bothaspas.

Die roete het ‘n gradering van 2/3, maar kan dramaties moeiliker raak indien weersomstan­dighede versleg. Derhalwe sal slegs 4x4­ en sagte 4x4­voertuie kan inskryf.

Basiese geriewe, asook brandstof, is op die roete beskikbaar.

Die koste beloop R1 000 per volwassene, R500 per hoërskoolkind, R250 per laerskoolkind en gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Die koste sluit alle etes en verblyf in. Laasgenoemde behels ba­siese kampering en eie toerusting moet voorsien word.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Jaco Kok by tel. 082 457 3765 of skryf aan hom by [email protected]

Slegs 30 voertuie sal op die roete toegelaat word.

• CVO BOEREDAG Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) beplan ‘n Boeredag met tradisionele boeresport.

Dié dag sal op Saterdag, 13 April, op die skoolterrein aangebied word vanaf 09:00 tot 16:00. Alle ondernemings en belangstellendes word hartlik uitgenooi om vierman­spanne in te skryf vir die dag se spanboukompetisie. Daar sal deelgeneem word aan items soos sakresies, toutrek, eiergooi en driebeen­resies. Vir dié wat hul produkte of dienste wil uitstal, is daar uitstalruimte te koop. Organiseerders van die dag sal graag soveel as moontlik landbou­verwante produkte en dienste wil kry om by die dag te kom uitstal.

Die dag sal afgesluit word met ‘n braai en boeredans, met lekker vastrap­musiek wat deur Fanie du Plessis en sy Waterbergorkes verskaf sal word. “Ons nooi oud en jonk op die dag saam met ons te kom geniet. Bring die kleingoed om die veeuitstalling te kom kyk; daar sal skape, beeste, voëls en perde wees,” het die organi­seerders gesê.

Vir meer inligting en die kostes van stalletjies en kaartjies kan Herman of Annette Schem pers geskakel word by 082 9077 908 of 082 604 5132.

• NOOT-VIR-NOOT-AAND Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg buite Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sal op Vrydagaand, 26 April, ‘n Noot­vir­Noot aand aanbied.

Kaartjies, wat ‘n ete insluit, beloop R130 per person.

Vir meer inligting of om kaartjies te koop, kan Zinta Wepener geskakel word by 082 222 6742

• LINDIE STRYDOM BY AP KERK Bekende aan­bieder van die DKNT Gospel program op M­Net, Lindie Strydom sal ‘n motiverings­praatjie aanbied by die Afrikaanse Protestan­tse Kerk in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) op 10 Mei.

• STARGAZING EVENING Join the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) for an evening of stargazing on Saturday, 16 March, from sunset onwards.

Everyone is welcome and for more informa­tion, contact Kos Coronaios at 079 148 4934 or at [email protected]

(Vervolg van p. 10)Hulle sal bymekaar kampeer in ‘n “Louis

Trichardt Manne van die Woord”­laer en saam­kuier wanneer daar gebraai word.

Almal is welkom. Reëlings sal tydens die Vry­dagoggend bidgeleenthede deurgegee word.

Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 of Piet du Toit by 083 770 6656 geska­kel word.

Die tema van die praatjie is “Sarie Marais kan die wêreld verander.” Tydens die praatjie sal daar ‘n spreekkoor­optrede wees van die kerk se verbondsonderrig, asook verskeie optredes deur plaaslike kunstenaars. Kaartjies kos R100 vir volwassenes, R70 vir mense ouer as 65 en R25 vir laerskoolkinders.

Vir meer inligting en kaartjies kan Leana (083 26 95529), Patricia (082 878 7148) of Erika (083 457 9071) geskakel word.

• RUITERKLUB-UITSTAPPIE Die Soutpansberg Ruiterklub nooi alle lede en belangstellendes na hul volgende maandelikse uitstappie op 16 Maart.

Ruiters kom om 07:30 op die plaas van Jacques Bouwer op die Makhado (Louis Trich­ardt)/Levubu­pad bymekaar. Ná die rit sal daar ‘n gesellige bring­en­braai wees.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Elize Pretorius by tel. 083 389 0688.

gymkhana in October last year, they will have another fun­filled equine event open to all.

Traditional gymkhana activities will be the order of the day and participants may bring their own horses by prior arrangement.

Spectators are welcome and there will be food and refreshments available at the clubhouse.

For further information, contact Sarah on 083 427 5674.

“Dit kos my nou R250 vir ´n gratis koerant,” was die verontwaardigde kommentaar van prof. Dries Bester. Dit nadat ´n elektriese hek by sy woning in Tambotiestraat in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) vasgehaak en uitgebrand het, toe ´n weekblad wat gratis versprei word, by aflewering bo in die hek ingesteek is. Die opgerolde koerant het die hek laat vassteek toe die inwoners wou uitry, en in die proses het die elektriese motor uitgebrand. In die foto demonstreer hy hoe die koerant in die hek gesteek is. Bester het gesê inwoners moet maar versigtig wees oor waar hulle mense toelaat om “gemorspos” in hul heinings te druk.

12 8 March 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Environmental Affairs

Forever Resorts, partnering with the Free Wheelchair Mission, are distributing wheelchairs to the communities surrounding their resorts. Their mission is to transform lives by sharing the gift of mobility with the physically disabled indigent in developing countries as motivated by Jesus Christ. In this regard, 20 wheelchairs were distributed to the Fountain of Hope Wellness Clinic at the Musina Hospital. Pictured from left to right are Messrs Samuel Munyai, Rendani Makungo (occupational therapist), Johan Blignaut (manager of Forever Resorts Tshipise) and Justice Ranoto (assistant). Photo supplied.

The Limpopo Province has shown a marked de crease in the number of malaria cases the past year.

This is according to a press release by the pro­vincial Department of Health and Social Develop­ment. During the period April 2012 to February 2013, a total of 848 malaria cases were recorded in Limpopo, compared to the 2 991 reported cases during the 2011/12 period.

January to March is normally the period when malaria cases increase sharply in Limpopo, mainly due to travel during the festive period and the rainy season.

“This year, however, malaria cases remained at lower levels, even though Limpopo experienced severe flooding during January. For January and February 2013, 307 malaria cases were notified, compared to 1 189 in 2012,” the department said.

Although the malaria cases are at lower levels,

the department warns that the potential always exists for increases to occur during the summer.

“In order to detect these and manage possible outbreaks, the Department of Health has sensitive surveillance systems in place. Malaria­control spray teams are also active throughout the prov­ince and can respond to increases quickly,” the department states.

Due to the fact that Limpopo is a known malaria­prone province, the provincial department says they are fully prepared to deal with all malaria cases.

“All primary health care clinics are fully equip­ped to deal with malaria patients at community level, with malaria tests and treatment available at all clinics. All hospitals are also prepared to deal with more severe malaria cases,” the department says.

The department’s main malaria control inter­vention, namely indoor residual spraying, is also actively busy conducting spraying in all the af­fected areas.

“Over the past five months, more than 700 000 structures have been sprayed in the malaria risk areas. Teams are still busy conducting spraying in affected communities and to raise the aware­ness about malaria in the communities,” states the department.

Marked decrease of malaria in Limpopo

Eulanie du Plessis, dogter van Leon en Eulien du Plessis van Makhado (Louis Trichardt), het op 8 Desember in die huwelik getree met Coen Fourie, seun van Coen en Francoiette Fourie van Brits. Die huweliksbevestiging is in die AP Kerk Louis Trichardt deur ds. Gert Kruger waargeneem. Die egpaar woon in Potchefstroom. Foto verskaf.





: ‘N B











: ‘N B








Hendrik Bester (Luk 7:1-10)

Hendrik het dadelik gesê hy kan voel as ons vir hom bid.

Ten spyte van liggaamlike swakheid staan hy nog sy plek vol as vader in sy huis en ook in die gemeenskap.

Hy was een van die laaste om te ry by die interhoër.

Ons salueer jou Hendrik Bester!


14 8 March 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Green Farms Nut Company herdenk hul mondigwording! Promosieartikel

Die Makadamianeutbedryf in die Vhembe streek dra by tot werkskepping, sosiale verbetering, die oordrag van vaardighede

en die verdeling van welvaart!Die aanplant van Makadamiabome in die Soutpansberg-streek het gelei tot sukses-

volle oeste, met ‘n jaarlikse inkomste in die omgewing van R350 Miljoen. Dit het gelei tot verbeterde lewensomstandighede vir die inwoners van die streek deur werkskep-ping. GFNC het die geleentheid gesien om opkomende boere te help in die verband, deur die aanplanting van Makadamiabome. In 2009 het GFNC hulp verleen aan 15 opkomende Vhembe-boere ter bedrae van R1,1 Miljoen. “Die bome is nou drie jaar

oud en begin dra. Wanneer hulle in volle drag kom teen 2016, kan ‘n 10Ha goed versorgde boord, konserwatief gereken, 30 ton Makadamianeute lewer, teen R25/kg op die plaas sal dit ‘n inkomste, na aftrekkings, verseker van R500 000/jaar, ‘n goeie

inkomste vir ‘n klein familie”.

Die toekoms?Dit is die langtermyn doelwit van GFNC, om die markleier in die Suid-Afrikaanse be-dryf te bly,om toe te sien dat die boere uitstekende pryse kry vir hulle produk, en om

‘n diens te lewer wat boere selfversekerd sal laat aanhou om met Makadamianeute te boer. Bowenal behou GFNC die goeie waardes van etiek, integriteit, deursigtigheid en onderhou ons met passie, die gees van vrye onderneming. Ons is self boere, ons be-gryp die behoefte aan ‘n suksesvolle landbougemeenskap, nie net tot die uitbreiding van landbou en die bevordering van die plaaslike sakegemeenskap nie, maar ook vir die toekomstige ontwikkeling en vooruitgang van plaaslike gemeenskappe. GFNC is

toegewyd om hierdie langtermyn doelwitte te bereik.

Teen die einde van 2012 het die merkwaardige 21ste jaar van toegewyde diens aan die plaaslike Makadamia neutprodusente in die Soutpans-bergstreek vir Green Farms Nut Company aangebreek.

Die geleentheid is luisterryk gevier by die fabriek waar die produsente heerlik meegemaak het in die gees van samewerking en voordeel vir almal.

GeskiedenisGreen Farms Nut Company (PTY) Ltd (GFNC),

is gevestig in 1991, toe die eerste klein Makadamia neutverwerkingsaanleg in privaatbesit, geopen is in Hazyview, deur Alan en Jill Whyte, Levubu boere, saam met ‘n vennoot, Rodney Green, ‘n Makadamianeutboer van Witrivier.

Die tweede verwerkingsaanleg vir Makadamias is in 1992 gevestig in Levubu, in vennootskap met

mnr Mark Kirk­Cohen en mnr Frans Prinsloo. In 2007 is die finale verwerkingsaanleg vir Maka­damias in Ramsgate Kwa­Zulu Natal, geopen, in vennootskap met plaaslike boere.

Al die fabrieke word bedryf volgens die hoogste Voedsel Veiligheids Akkreditasie en bestuurstel­sels, naamlik HACCP (Hazard Analyses & Criti­cal Control Points), tesame met ISO 22 000, wat verseker dat die beste gehalte gelewer word onder veilige voedselverwerkingstandaarde.

In 2008 het die Whytes en Green families die ander vennote uitgekoop en hulle toegewy om die maatskappy te bestuur om ‘n Makadamia besigheid van wêreld klas gehalte te vestig.

Groot beleggings het gevolg om die Levubu­ en Witrivier fabrieke uit te brei en toe te rus ten einde die 211 Makadamiaprodusente, te bedien en om te

Van links na regs is Werner van Niekerk, Jill Whyte en Jacques Bouwer.

voldoen aan die veeleisende internasionale voed­selverwerkingstandaarde.

Op die bemarkingsfront het GFNC in 2010, saamgesmelt met ‘n Makadamia verwerkings en bemarkingsmaatskappy van Australië, Suncoast Gold, om ‘n spesialiteits bemarkingsmaatskappy, Green & Gold Marketing(G&G), te vestig.

“Die gevolg was die vestiging van die grootste enkele verskaffer en bemarker van Makadamia neute in die wêreld, met toegang tot al die ver­naamste Makadamia aanplantings in Suid Afrika en Australië,” volgens mnr Brian Loader, Algemene Bestuurder van Green & Gold Marketing.

Boonop het Stahman Farms Enterprizes, ‘n toon­aangewende Australiese verskaffer en verwerker van boomneute, onlangs hulle kragte saamgesnoer met G&G om sodoende ‘n aansienlike bemarkings­voordeel te bied, met die gevoglike verstewiging van ons posisie wêreldwyd.

Hierdie onderneming het daarin geslaag om wêreldwyd, toonaangewende verskaffers in spel te plaas, doelgerig om die beste mededingende pryse te bekom, met ‘n verlaging in koste, deur die toepassing van grootmaat kragte en die vekorting van die verskaffingsketting.

ToekomsNog ‘n krag in GFNC, is ons sakemodel, wat

saamgestel is om die maksimum voordeel aan ons verskaffers te verseker. “Ons doelwit is om die beste prys in Suid Afrika, op die plaas te betaal,” volgens Jill Whyte, CEO, GFNC. Ons produsente deel 100% in die finale aandeel van die winste, wanneer ons aan die einde van die seisoen ‘n ver­rekening doen. Die koste word verhaal, aanpassings word gemaak in verkope, en ‘n berekening word gedoen oor die wisselkoers se invloed oor die totale verkoopsperiode. Hierdie ‘winsdelingskema’ is ‘n groot voordeel vir ons produsente, want dit laat hulle deel in winste laer af in die aanvoerketting. Boonop, deur ons ‘batch’­stelsel, word boere wat beter resultate behaal, beloon vir beter gehalte. Die toekoms van die suksesvolle Makada m ia­neutbedryf in Suid Afrika is afhanklik van goeie samewerking tussen produsente en prosesseerders.

Daar is uitdagings wat ons moet oorkom, soos hoë elektrisiteit­ en arbeidskoste, wat tot 50% van die prosesseringskoste uitmaak, en oormatige ‘heel neut’(NIS) verkope aan Sjinese agente. Die

aankope aan Sjinese agente van Makadamianeute, verteenwoordig reeds 25% van die Suid Afri­kaanse oes. In die korttermyn, gelukkig, het die mede dingende toestande die pryse hoog gehou. Aan die anderkant egter, het die uitvoer van ‘heel neut’ Makadamias, verreikende gevolge. Dit on­dermyn die grootskaalse prosessering van neute in ons fabrieke met die gevolglike verlies aan arbeidsgeleenthede aan die Sjinese. As ons gaan toelaat dat hierdie wanpraktyke uitbrei, gaan ons binnekort ons tradisionele markte verloor, vanwee ‘n tekort aan produkte, en hulle gaan hulle tekorte aanvul uit die Sjinese fabrieke. Nog erger, dit kan daartoe lei dat die industrie in Suid­Afrika beheer verloor oor sy eie produk, tot uiteindelike nadeel van die boere in ons land. As sulke handel toegelaat word om beheer oor te neem, val die prys (ons het dit beleef in die Pekanneut industrie en andere), verlies aan arbeidsgeleenthede en uiteindelik, ‘n onstabiele gemeenskap. Om toe te laat dat plaaslike en buitelandse handelaars op hierdie ‘soustrein’ klim, is ‘n kortsigtige strategie, GFNC waarsku dat ons moet let op die nadelige uitwerking wat dit gehad het in die Mosambiekse Cashew neut bedryf.

Kenia het onlangs die ‘heel neut’ uitvoere verban, juis as gevolg van die nadelige effek op die bedryf.

Span by Levubu fabriek.








[email protected]

Tel: 021 7943992

Tel: 086 117 3781Fax: 086 714 5133E-mail: [email protected] Beukes: 076 412 8587

We offer the following services:* Pest Management (Food Safety

Standards)* Pest Control

* Fogging* Fumigation

* Soil Treatment* Termite Treatment


Do you have a PEST PROBLEM?Contact us today!

082 498 1484 / 015 519 958924 uur per dag! 7 dae ‘n week!


Congratulations to Green Farms Nut Company on celebrating your 21st

anniversary! It is a privilege to be part of such a dynamic

team! May your future be even more prosperous and

successful!Cois en Antoinette Pretorius


Green Farms Nut Company celebrates its 21st anniversary! Advertorial

The Macadamia Nut Industry in Vhembe district is contributing to job creation, Social upliftment, skills transfer and

the distribution of wealth!Macadamia trees have been a very successful crop in the Soutpansberg, where they

bring an annual income into the area, in the region of R350 million. This uplifts the community as it provides significant job creation, and has paved the way for Green Farms Nut Company to assist emerging black farmers in planting macadamias. In

2009 Green Farms provided R1,1 million worth of support to 15 farmers in Vhembe. “The trees are now three years old, and starting to bear. When they come into full

bearing in 2016, 10Ha of well cared for macadamias can conservatively yield 30 tons, and earn an income of approximately R25/kg ex farm gate or R500 000/year after

farming costs, a good income for a small family.”

The future?GFNC’s long-term strategy is, to continue to be the market leader in South Africa, to provide farmers with excellent prices, and service, so that they can continue to farm and plant macadamia nuts with confidence. Above all GFNC upholds outstanding

ethics, integrity, transparency, and adheres to the spirit of free enterprise. As farmers ourselves, we understand the need for a successful farming community, not only in expanding agriculture and local business, but for the future development and prog-ress of local communities. GFNC is committed to achieving these long term goals.

We look forward to sharing another exciting and remunerative season with all our farmer partners in 2013!

Green Farms Nut Company (PTY) Ltd Ce-lebrates its 21st anniversary!

The end of 2012 marked the 21st anniversary of Green Farms Macadamia Nut Company (GFNC) as well as 21 years of commitment to the local Macadamia nut producers in the Soutpansberg area.

The occasion was celebrated at the factory with suppliers sharing in the spirit of mutual co­operation and benefit.

HistoryGreen Farms Nut Company (PTY) Ltd, was

established in 1991, when the first small privately owned Macadamia processing plant was opened in Hazyview, by Levubu macadamia nut farmers Alan and Jill Whyte, together with partner Rodney Green, a Macadamia farmer from White River.

In 1992, our second plant was established in Levubu, together with Mr. Mark Kirk­Cohen and Mr. Frans Prinsloo, and finally in 2007 the Ramsgate factory was opened in Kwa­Zulu Natal in partnership with local farmers.

All the factories have the highest Food Safety ac­creditation management systems, namely HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), and ISO 22,000, ensuring food safety, and a superior quality product. In 2008 The Whyte and Green families bought out the other shareholders and committed to driving the company to become a world class macadamia business.

Major investment in factory upgrades was undertaken to expand the capacity of the Levubu and White River plants, to service our 211 grower suppliers, and to comply with cutting edge inter­national processing standards.

In 2010, GFNC joined forces with an Australian macadamia processing and marketing company, Suncoast Gold, to create a specialized marketing company “Green & Gold Marketing” (G&G).

“This has resulted in the biggest single marketer of Macadamia nuts in the world, with access to all the major growing regions in South Africa and Australia,” said Mr. Brian Loader General Manager of Green and Gold Marketing.

Furthermore, recently Stahmann Farms Enter­prises, a prestigious Australian tree nut growing and processing company, has joined forces with G&G, providing a considerable marketing advantage and further strengthening our position world­wide.

The joint­venture has succeeded in targeting

Green Farms Nut Company management and staff thank their valued suppliers! With great appreciation

to our wonderful farming community who year upon year, produce excellent quality nuts, we sincerely wish

to thank you for your support over the last 21 years!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our suppliers, employees and associates for their con-tinuous support over the years, which has allowed us

to grow into the largest macadamia processing and marketing company in South Africa. This has permitted

GFNC to consistently provide Macadamia farmers with a processing service, sustain-able prices and technical support in Southern Africa.

major retailers internationally and is structured to attain the most competitive prices and reduce costs wherever possible, by harnessing economies of scale, and reducing the supply chain costs.

FutureAnother one of GFNC’s strengths is our busi­

ness model, which is uniquely structured to benefit farmers. “Our goal is to pay the best farm gate price in South Africa” says Jill Whyte, CEO, GFNC, “Our suppliers participate 100% in the final share of profits at the end of the season, after costs have been deducted, a reconciliation is done on the sales and exchange rates achieved. This “profit share” is a very beneficial structure for farmers as it allows them to participate in profits further down the supply chain. In ad­dition through our unique “batch system” good growers are rewarded for top quality product”. The future of the South African macadamia industry relies on the mutual co­operation of farmers and processors alike.

Challenges exist in the form of high electricity and labour charges, which account for over 50% of factory running costs, and excessive nut in shell (NIS) sales to Chinese traders. The purchase of macadamia nuts by the Chinese Traders already accounts for approximately 25% of the SA crop, in the short term, the competitive environment has kept prices boyant. However, the export of nut in shell has far reaching consequences, it undermines economies of scale in processing plants, and could result in job losses in our country, due to the nuts being cracked in China.

If this trend continues, it may lead to under­mining our traditional markets who will seek product from China to fulfil the shortfall from local factories. It could also result in the South African industry losing control of their own product, to the eventual detriment of the farmer. Once traders have control, there will be a drop in price, (as has been manifested in the pecan indus­try and others) as well as losing jobs and creating an unstable society. Allowing local and foreign traders to climb on this gravy train, is a short term strategy and GFNC warns of the effect this has had in the Mozambican cashew industry.

Kenya have recently put a ban on nut In shell exports for this very reason.

Brian Loader, managing director from Green & Gold.








[email protected]

Tel: 021 7943992

Tel: 086 117 3781Fax: 086 714 5133E-mail: [email protected] Beukes: 076 412 8587

We offer the following services:* Pest Management (Food Safety

Standards)* Pest Control

* Fogging* Fumigation

* Soil Treatment* Termite Treatment


Do you have a PEST PROBLEM?Contact us today!

082 498 1484 / 015 519 958924 uur per dag! 7 dae ‘n week!


Congratulations to Green Farms Nut Company on celebrating your 21st

anniversary! It is a privilege to be part of such a dynamic

team! May your future be even more prosperous and

successful!Cois en Antoinette Pretorius

16 8 March 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER


Die beste presteerders in wiskunde, wiskunde geletterdheid en wetenskappe na afloop van die vierde skoolkwartaal by Hoërskool Eric Louw in 2012 was, van links na regs, FC Pietersen (wiskunde geletterdheid, Graad 10 en 11), Diney Fielding (wiskunde en natuurwetenskap, Graad 8 en 9), Nolo Maatsana (wiskunde en fisiese wetenskap, Graad 10 en 11) en JJ Agenbach (lewenswetenskap, Graad 10 en 11). Foto verskaf.

Hoërskool Eric Louw in Musina se beste presteerders in sosiale wetenskappe tydens die vierde skoolkwartaal van 2012 was, van links na regs, Diney Fielding (deel lewensoriëntering en kuns en kultuur met Jannemari), Jannemari Fourie (sosiale wetenskappe, kuns en kultuur en lewensoriëntering, Graad 8 en 9), Nolo Maatsana (geografie, Graad 10 en 11) en Inneke Pietersen (lewensoriëntering, Graad 10 en 11). Foto verskaf.

Ridgeway College recently announced its student council for 2013. At the back, from left to right, are Takalani Muedi, Nabeelah Ghood, Shadrack Khorombi, David Myburgh (deputy head) and Kalpesh Dave. In front are Fatima Ayob, Hannah Waller, Godani Kgabo, Jordan McCleod (Head) and Elewani Tshikovhi. Photo supplied

Pastoor Marcel van Niekerk van Agapé Christensentrum in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) het op 2 Maart matrieks by ‘n Graad 12-kamp van Midstream College, ‘n privaatskool in Midrand, toegespreek. “Die koopkrag van my lewe!” was die titel van sy praatjie en hy het verduidelik dat elke mens se lewe “koopkrag” het en dat elkeen self kies en beheer hoe dit spandeer word. Hier verskyn past. Mar cel (agter, derde van regs) saam met die Graad 12’s. Regs voor is me. Mi chelle van Nie kerk, onderwyser by Midstream College. Die skool het past. Mar cel voorlopig uit ge nooi om hulle in Augustus by te staan met hulle leierskampe. Foto verskaf.

The Soutpansberg Horse Riding Club is currently busy with preparations for a documentary that will be filmed in Makhado (Louis Trichardt) from 4 to 17 April.

The film is about Bushveldt Carbineer Commander Breaker Morant, who was executed by a British army firing squad in 1902 for murdering prisoners of war in the Soutpansberg area during the Anglo Boer War.

With regard to the documentary, the club is looking for a few horses and rid­

ers to use in the film. The types of horses should mainly consist of “Boerperde” and crossings, like those they used in the Boer War. The owners must be able to transport the horse to and from shooting locations.

The riders should be male, 18 years and older, have own transport, and must pref­erably be able to ride a horse. Interested persons should send an email to Merishen at [email protected] with their name, surname, age, area of residence and availability during the shoot, as well as one head­and­shoulders photo and one

full­length photo of yourself (if you’re interested in being in the film); pictures of your horse, if you own one (or more than one) and what kind of saddle you have; and whether you have any acting experi­ence. “You don’t have to have any acting experience, and you will be compensated for your time or use of your horse or both,” says the club. The club would, however, prefer to employ a rider and his horse together because it will make the process much easier.

“But if you don’t own a horse, you are still more than welcome to send your info and pictures. You might be asked to grow a beard, so if you do have one, don’t shave it,” says the club. Any women or children who want to star as Boer women and children are also wel­come to send pictures and details.

Lastly, the club is also looking for a horse wrangler to employ for the full shoot. His or her responsibilities will include making sure the horses are on set and ready, supplying food and water for the horses, and anything else relat­ing to the care of the animals. For more infor­mation, phone Merishen at 083 394 0104.

Residents have the chance to star in Morant documentary

3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt

Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098

[email protected]




Tel: 015 516 1570 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unikastraat. Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: [email protected]: 015 516 1570 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unikastraat.

3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt

Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098

[email protected]

PETROL PARAFFIENDIESELPosbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: [email protected]

3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt

Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098

[email protected]


Posbus 3104 Louis Trichardt E-pos: [email protected]

3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt

Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098

[email protected]


Tel: 015 516 1570 Faks: 015 516 3098 3 Unikastraat.

3 Unika Straat P O Box 3104 Louis Trichardt

Tel: 015 516 1570/1 Faks: 015 516 3098

[email protected]


Afl ewering binne 24 uur

Trotse verskaffers van Caltex Produkte

Kontak Fanu Booyens

B&GPe word uitgenooi na die Openbare Vergadering en Ope Dag wat gehou word op:

Die doel van die Openbare Vergadering en Ope Dag is om die omgewingsbevindinge van die impakte wat tydens die Omgewingsimpakstudie (OIS) ondersoek is, aan die publiek voor te lê, om B&GPe die geleentheid te bied om met die projekspan te integreer en om enige verdere kommentare en/of kwessies wat hulle mag hê rakende hierdie voorgestelde projek, te opper.

Rig asseblief u navrae of kommentaar skriftelik aan die Openbare Deelname Konsul-tante hieronder:

Die verslag is ook beskikbaar op Lidwala Raadgewende Ingenieurs (SA) se webtuiste (http://www.lidwala.com), en Eskom’s webtuiste (www.eskom.co.za/eia) en is ook beskik-baar op CD, per skriftelike versoek aan Lidwala.

Area Plek Straatadres Kontaknr.Louis Trichardt Viva Vulstasie Op die N1 (Bandelierkop

Plaas turn-off)015 516 2424

Louis Trichardt Makhado Openbare Biblioteek H/v Erasmus and Krugerstr 015 519 3085Messina Burgersentrum Biblioteek Munisipale Gebou, Irwinstr 015 534 6111

Datum Tipe Samekoms Tyd Plek3 April 2013 Plakkaat Vertoning 17:30 – 18:30 Makhado Skousaal, Louis Trichardt3 April 2013 Openbare Vergadering 18:30 – 19:30 Makhado Skousaal, Louis Trichardt4 April 2013 Ope Dag 10:00 – 13:00 Bokmakirie Motors (600 metres na

die Baobab tolhekke)


Frank van der Kooy or Bongi MhlangaLidwala SA (Pty) LtdPosbus 32497, Waverley, 0135Tel: (0861) 543 9252Faks: (086) 764 9282E-pos: [email protected]



DO Verwysingsnommer: 14/12/16/3/3/2/317NEAS Verwysingsnommer: DEA/EIA/0001132/2012

LDEDET Verwysingsnommer: 12/1/9/E-V178

KONSEP OMGEWINGSIMPAKVERSLAG BESKIKBAAR VIR PUBLIEKE INSAEIn terme van Staatskoerant kennisgewing R 543, gepubliseer op 18 Junie 2010, word alle belanghebbende en/of geaffekteerde partye (B&GPe) word hiermee in kennis gestel dat die Konsep Omgewingsimpakverslag vir die voorgestelde 1x400Kv Tabor Bokmakirie (Nzhelele) en 4x250MVA / 132Kv Nzhelele hoof oordrag substasie in die Limpopo-provinsie by die ondergenoemde publieke plekke (harde kopieë) beskikbaar gestel word vir publieke insae en kommentaar vir ‘n periode van 40 dae (publieke vakansie dae uitgesluit) vanaf Donderdag, 7 Maart 2013 tot Donderdag, 18 April 2013 (einde van besigheidsdag):


Die Weg, die Waarheid en die Lewe

Matt. 8:14-22 - Waar is jou bed?

Vers 20 - Jesus sê vir hom: “Jakkalse het gate en voëls het neste, maar die Seun van die mens het nie eens ‘n rusplek vir sy kop nie.”

Op watter bed slaap jy? Ek veronderstel dit is ‘n gemaklike bed vir ‘n goeie

nag se rus. Ek en my vrou slaap op ‘n koningin­grootte bed met ‘n ferm matras. Bokant ons bed is ‘n waaier wat ons koel hou in die somer. Maar daar is mense wat nie ‘n bed het om in te slaap nie en wat op sypaadjies, onder brûe en elders moet slaap.

Die gedeelte van vandag herinner ons dat Jesus nie ‘n permanente woning gehad het toe Hy begin preek en leer het nie. Jesus het baie gely vir Sy mense. Hy het geweet wat dit is om sonder ‘n bed te wees.

Alhoewel Jesus die Skepper is, was Hy ook sonder ‘n permanente tuiste, nêrens was daar ‘n rusplek vir Sy kop. Jesus het baie gely voor Sy kruisiging. Dit is goed om dikwels daaroor na te dink. Die kruis was die klimaks van Sy lyding vir Sy mense.

As jy ‘n Christen is, wys jou liefde vir Jesus deur Sy gebooie te gehoorsaam. Dank Hom oor en oor vir wat Hy vir jou gedoen het. As jy nie ‘n Christen is nie, vra Jesus om in jou lewe te kom as jou Verlosser en Saligmaker.

Mag jy die genade van God in jou lewe ervaar.

- 079 5168303

Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to [email protected] jy ‘n goeie grappie?

Stuur dit per e-pos na [email protected]

BRIEWE / LETTERSWrite to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te Posbus

1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of [email protected]

Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange leent -hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local mat-

ters. The editor reserves the right to shorten letters.


Could net metering be the answer?


Danksy julle is daar reeds meer as R100 000 vir kanker ingesamel


Die wynglas moet regop kan staan ...


We have very caring residents

Die berig “Salarisse vreet miljo­ene” in die Zoutpansberger van

22 Februarie verwys.Oor alle eeue heen is daar bevind

dat ‘n regeringsbestel wat gebaseer is op die korrekte wynglas beginsel, beslis ‘n kans tot oorlewing het. Kortom …

Solank die glas regop staan, weerspieël die klein voetstuk basis ‘n klein effektiewe regering wat deur die steel uitstekende ekono­miese geleenthede aan die groot inhoudsgedeelte van landsburgers bied, wie op hulle beurt so instaat gestel word om belastings te betaal wat sorg vir genoeg fondse vir alles wat gedoen moet word. Sou die glas onderstebo tuimel, het jy groot inhoudsmaat van oneffektiewe beamptes wie geen geleenthede bied nie, maar steeds deur ‘n klein belastingplig tige burgerlike instan­sies gedra moet word. Duidelik weerspieël ‘n omgekeerde, onder­stebo wynglas natuurlik totale verni­etiging vir veral Afrika state.

Miskien het dit tyd geword dat Suid­Afrika weereens ‘n deurbraak van ‘n nuwe “hartoorplanting” bewerkstellig! Dit is bekend dat veral in Griekeland drie uit elke vyf werkers in regeringsdiens is. Die swak ekonomiese toestande en werkloosheid wêreldwyd word deur niks ander dan groot staatdiens­organisasies bewerkstellig nie. Stemme word gekaap deur posisies in ‘n al groterwordende regerings­diens as teenprestasie te bied, terwyl daar nie van die vorige beamptes ontslae geraak kan word nie.

Staatsvervoer, amptelike behui­sing, toelaes, subsidies, mediese fondse, stakings ensovoorts van treurige onbevoegde beamptes verteer regerings deur tot op die been kaal gevreet.

Lê die oplossing nie miskien in die volgende nie?

Raak ontslae van alle amptelike wonings wat in alle gevalle nie instand gehou word nie. Stel geen permanente amptenare aan nie, maar slegs tydelike aanstellings vir ‘n sewe jaar termyn. Na ses en ‘n half jare, evalueer op meriete die vermoëns van ‘n amptenaar. Kan bewys gelewer word dat hy/sy wel jongeres deeglik opgelei het, word hulle beloon met ‘n verdere diensty­dperk tot en met tien jaar, andersins moet hulle plek maak vir nuwe be­amptes. So kry ieder en elk kans om vir sewe jaar te spaar, verdienstes te hê en jouself as gese lekteerde, hardwerkende beamptes te bewys.

Terselfdertyd staan jy ‘n kans om verplig te word om weens swak prestasie na sewe jaar ruimte te skep vir nuwe werksoekers.

In enkel goed deurdagte gevalle mag na behoorlike meriete aanslae, sekere beamptes as “geselekteerde beamptes”, amptelik vervoer ontvang, asook moontlik amptelike wonings.

Daarom dat buitensporige staats­dienssalarisse reeds die meeste salarisskale van die private sektor verby gesteek het, moet dit sterk oorweeg word dat amptenare soort­gelyks die privaatsektor, vir hul eie lewenskostes en vervoer moet voorsien.

Sekere dienste, polisie, ambu­lanse, brandweer ensovoorts, asook vele andere bly dienste wat op staatsvervoer geregtig sal wees, maar beslis op ‘n uitstekende, gekontroleerde basis. Wat het dan geword van die ou Z83 munisipale­ en staatsdiensaansoekvorm? Alle munisipale en staatsdiensposte was onderhewig aan dieselfde salaris­skale regdeur Suid­Afrika soos per spesifieke kategorië.

- Gert van Zyl (Makhado / Louis Trichardt)

Die bestuur van die onlangse KANSA Relay for Life in

Makhado (Louis Trichardt) wil graag die volgende persone bedank vir al hul insette, van watter aard ook al. Sonder julle hulp en bystand kon ons nie so ‘n suksesvolle Relay gehad het nie.

Ook ‘n groot dank aan my bestuur vir hul hulp en bystand en harde werk: Elmarie du Preez, Heila Oosthuizen, Naòmy Meissenheimer, Sunelia Oelofse, Teresa Vollgraaff, Elsje Jordaan, Berdine Pretorius, Zanette Wessels, Leonie de Jager, Nicky Olwage, Estie­Marie Osmers, Sinette Olwage en Rudolph Botha.

Dankie ook aan Anjolene Brink en Adri Ras van KANSA vir al jul bystand en raad en belangstelling.

Daar was ‘n totaal van 72 spanne ingeskryf en ogeveer R100 000 is tot op hede ingesamel. Dankie ook aan alle helpers wat deur die Relay gehelp het. Ek wil verskoning vra indien ek iemand uitgelaat het; laat weet my asseblief, sodat ek dit kan regstel.

Met dit gesê wil ons graag die volgende borge by name bedank: Annik Engineering, Archer Paint, AUM, AGS Charisma, Augora Louis Trichardt, Alta Schwerdt­feger, Antjie Badenhorst, Amanda Kruger, Attie Engelbrecht, Antjie Brennan en haar span, Andreas Omgeegroep, Baobab Bande, Big Al’s, Big 5 Security, Baptiste Kerk, BUS, Ngrerezah (Black Diamond), Ben Harris, Casa Caffé, Core, Caterpack, Corné en Zanné Randall, Christoff (Damage) Cronjé, Dixi’s Basket, Day Three Nursery, DMP Civils, Dries Briers, Desai Cash and Carry, Du Toit’s Apteek, DRS Security, ds. Jan Pretorius, ds.

Hans Grobler, Elaine Hoffman, Estelle Brits, Elmien van der Goot, Flippen Lekka Spice, Feminique Boutique, Frozitos, Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, Hervormde Kerk LTT, Harcourts, Health & Beauty Club, Helen van Heerden, Hagar du Preez, Helen van den Venter en haar Dance 4 Joy­groep, Hannes Spies, Heidi­Lene Jonck, Imperial GM, JBC Metal Work, Johnty Janse van Rensburg en sy span, Joppie van den Berg, Jerry Cloete, KANSA Polokwane, Kuifkopfees­komittee, Klein Duimpies Dagsorg, Kaap Agri (Packmark), Leach Printers, Laeveld Stene, Limpopo Melkery, Ladies Circle No. 4, Lionel Smith, Mike’s Kitchen, MadiGra Water, Martin’s Funerals, MP Pumps, Makhado Correctional Services, Maud Myburgh, Marie du Toit, Marie Coertzen, Mia Louw, Marc van Zyl, Nyala Lodge, NG Kerk Soutpans­berg­gemeente, Nico en Ilse, Ocean Basket, Purple Olive, Party Planet, PD Otto Electrical, Premjee & Son, D. Potgieter, Roman’s Pizza, Ridge­way Art Students, Round Table No. 66, Road Hogs, Rudolph en Edith Botha, Soutpansberg Laerskool, Specsavers, Speed Services, Steers, Sticky Toffee, Sophie’s Choice, Salon Finesse, Surat, Stone Craft, Spar, Struwig Bouers, Makhado SAPD, Soutpansberg Koelkamers, Schalk Corbett, Steve Krügel, Talis­man, Trio Pompe, Terra Marique, U­Print, Vhembe Herald, Wacky Day Care, Zoutpansberg Privaa­thospitaal, die Zoutpansberger en Zanette Wessels.

- Dirk Meissenheimer (voor-sitter: KANSA Relay for Life Makhado / Louis Trichardt).

Chris Gozzard from Makhado (Louis Trichardt) sent in the

following letter with regard to the national energy crisis:

Electricity production for the last 100 years has been modelled upon the idea that energy is created at source, a power station, be that nuclear, coal or hydroelectric, and distributed to where it is needed, be it industrial or residential. However, times are changing.

We are at a tipping point where it will soon be completely viable to place solar panels on the roof of your house, connect a grid tie inverter to your supply and sell your energy back to ESKOM – you don’t even need batteries! With the price of the kWh (Kilowatt­hour) increasing and the reduced cost of solar panels, we are close to what is known as grid parity, the point at which it is cheaper to buy solar pan­els than it is to buy from ESKOM.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to open a bill and discover that ESKOM owes you for a change? This is an idea where there are no losers: the envi­ronment wins because solar energy is renewable; ESKOM wins because they are getting more energy sup­plied to the grid; your monthly costs are reduced; and people without so­lar panels get a more stable supply.

So what is standing in our way? Well, currently, net metering is not available in South Africa. Net metering is a simple electricity meter that monitors which way electricity flows, be that to or from your house. But with enough people putting pressure on ESKOM and the government, we could change this!

For more information, join the Facebook group NetMeteringSA or feel free to contact me at cgoz­[email protected].

- Chris Gozzard (Makhado / Louis Trichardt)

“Could net metering solve the national energy crisis?” is the question asked by Mr Chris Gozzard. Photo supplied.

We wish to thank Dirk Meis­senheimer and his team for the

excellent organisation of the CANSA Relay for life.

It was very emotional and special to light candles in memory of our loved ones who have passed away

due to the dreaded disease.God Bless each one of you in the

fight against cancer. We have very special, caring people in our town. Thank you.

- The Adendorff Family (Makhado / Louis Trichardt)

Waar’s die dae toe pasteie nog pasteie was?

Ienkie pienkie ponkieSuid Afrika eet nou donkieHiekerie diekerie dokons maalvleis is nou bokTaragie taragoeons eet biltong kangeroeKul jou hie kul jou daaons steaks is nou Sebra

Viskoekies in die Baaibestaan meestal nou uit haai.daai hoender wat so drilis dikwels krokodilDie salami aan die hakis dalk ‘n Taiwannese braken die sagte pienk poloniedalk net ‘n Shetland poniemaar dis als die moeite werddie arme Britte kry net perd

Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt.

POSTAL ADDRESS / POSADRESPO Box / Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920

TELEPHONE / TELEFOON:Louis Trichardt: (015) 516 4996/7 Louis Trichardt fax (015) 516 2303

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The Zoutnet Group is a member of Print Media SA and subscribes to the various Codes of Conduct within the newspaper industry. Any complaints about any article published in this newspaper, can be directed to either the editor or The Press Ombudsman of South Africa, PO Box 47221, Parklands 2121. Tel: (011) 788 4829, Fax: (011) 788 4990, E-mail: [email protected] Press Ombudsman does not accept complaints about advertis-ing, and deals only with written complaints made ten working days after publication.Complaints about advertisements are handled by the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa (ASA). Complaints must be directed to the ASA at Willowview, Burnside Island Office Park, 410 Jan Smuts Avenue, Craighall Park, Johannesburg or PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024. Fax: (011) 781 1616 E-mail: [email protected]

18 8 March 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Hofsake teen munisipaliteite is iets waarvan al hoe meer gehoor word. In die mees onlangse geval het AfriForum hul Verbruikerswet-saak oor munisipaliteite wat diensverskaffers is, gewen.

Uitspraak is in AfriForum se guns gelewer om die vrystelling van sekere munisipaliteite van bepalings van die Verbruikerbeskermingswet op te hef. Lae­ en medium­kapasiteit munisipaliteite is vanaf 28 Maart nie meer vrygestel van dié wet se bepalings nie. Belastingbetalers van nie­prester­ende munisipaliteite het nou meer skietgoed in hul stryd om dienslewering. “Dit is nie net ‘n oorwin­ning vir AfriForum nie, maar vir almal in die land wat keelvol is vir swak munisipale dienslewering,” het mnr. Kallie Kriel, uitvoerende hoof van AfriFo­rum, in ‘n persverklaring gesê. Kriel het bygevoeg dat inwoners kliënte van munisipaliteite is en nie hulle onderdane nie. Munisipaliteite moet inwoners se verbruikersregte respekteer.

Die voorsitter van die Nasionale Belastingbetal­ersunie, mnr. Jaap Kelder, het gesê dat dit goeie nuus is dat alle munisipaliteite nou onderhewig is aan die Verbruikerswet. Kelder waarsku egter dat die “hoë­kapasiteit” munisipaliteite of metrorade al vir twee jaar aan dié wet onderhewig was, maar dat dit nie ‘n verskil aan hulle diensle wering gemaak het nie. “Die uitspraak kan egter meer wetlike gronde daarstel om weerhouding te regverdig of om krediete vir nie­gelewerde dienste te eis,” het Kelder op 2 Maart gesê.

Intussen is die Hooggeregshof saak tussen die Soutpansberg Belastingbetalersvereniging (SBBV) en die Makhado Munisipaliteit oor kragafsnyding, wat op 18 Februarie aangehoor sou word, uitgestel. Die SBBV het op 3 Februarie laasjaar ‘n dringende tussentydse hofaansoek gebring dat die munisipali­teit van hulle lede se krag, wat afgesny is, moes aanskakel. Die munisipaliteit het gekom met ‘n voorlopige skikkingsvoorstel wat aanvaar is en het

lede se krag aangeskakel. Intussen het die munisi­paliteit hul teenkanting geliasseer. Die regter sou op 18 Februarie moes besluit of die voorwaardes van die skikkingsvoorstel permanent gemaak moes word. Dit sou daarop neerkom dat die munisipaliteit nie die SBBV­lede se krag mag afsny terwyl hulle in dispuut met die munisipaliteit verkeer oor dienste wat nie behoorlik gelewer word nie.

Die voorsitter van die SBBV, me. Inga Gilfillan, het verlede week gesê dat hul advokaat besluit het om die saak te laat uitstel, in afwagting van die Konstitusionele Hof se uitspraak in die me. Olga Rademan­saak.

Die saak van Rademan van Kroonstad teen die Moqhaka Munisipaliteit is op 5 Februarie in die Konstitusionele Hof aangehoor. Net soos die SBBV, hou die Moqhaka Belastingbetalers ook hul heffings en eiendomsbelasting terug weens swak munisipale dienslewering. Hul munisipaliteit het egter Rademan se geld wat sy vir elektrisiteitsver­bruik betaal het, teen haar uitstaande heffings en belasting afgeskryf en haar krag afgesny. Uitspraak is voorbehou.

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Kliënte, nie onderdane nie, waarsku AfriForum

On 28 February, the Louis Trichardt Magis-trate’s Court postponed the case against four men, who were arrested in connection with an alleged planned rhino hunt at a farm in the Waterpoort area.

Mushimi Musiamo (29), Albert Mawela (34), Richard Misili (40) and Edmond Ramukgopa (37) appeared in court and their case was postponed to 5 April, pending further investigations.

The four men were arrested on 13 January during a joint operation. All four men are out on R5 000 bail.

Court News

Case postponed

Anhetico PropertiesEiendommeE-mail: [email protected]

54 Hlanganani StreetCaltex Centre

Louis Trichardt(T) 015 516 2044/5

(F) 015 516 2050

Anhetico Properties herewith invite you, your family and friends to attend

our showday at our offi ce this Saturday.09.03.2013 from 09:00 - 15:00.

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Don’t miss this opportunity! R860,000.00This home is ideally situated for work or for play, and has lots of potential for either residential of commercial Development. This property is ideal for both family living and for possible business ventures.Don’t delay, call us today!

Jana082 895 9034

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R 1, 040, 000.00 neg.Well Built Sturdy Home.

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CAREL HAMMANN 082 923 1620

243Ha. Wildwerend omhein. 150 000L reservoir gevoed uit fontein teen 3600Lpu. Graviteer teen 13bar druk na 40Ha land. Werkersbehuising, stoorkamer, kraal, drukgang, laaibank

en 4 weikampe. R1.75 Miljoen

N1 Suid van Louis Trichardt

211Ha. 2 Woonhuise, 2 woonstelle, 2 store.

Krale suipings,drukgang en laaibank. 10 Weikampe.

Sterk boorgat. R2.7 Miljoen


Saturday 9 March 2013

Mountain Bike Challenge

Start: 08h30Venue: Ridgeway Independent School, Louis Trichardt

Registration: 06h30 - 08h00

*All cycling rules apply. No Helmet, no ride

*Prizes only for under 12’s. Category prizes for 50km race only.

Registration pre-race day at Mike’s Kitchen: 17:00 - 19:00

* Medals to all fi nishers, Ambulance services, Food & Beverages.

* Lucky Draws, Prize-giving at 13:00

Contact: Heine 082 848 1973 / Leonie 079 888 6606 /

Alan 083 660 2472

Come and test your riding skills on a picturesque route through the

Soutpansberg Mountain

Louis Trichardt

Entries Prize Money (for male & female)Distance Entry Fee 1st 2nd 3rd

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to fi rst 100





TE HUUR3 slaapkamer,

1 studeerkamer, binne braai, 2 badkamer

meenthuis te Cilliers straat 68 in Louis

Trichardt. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 April 2013.

Kontak Adri:015 516 0833 (oggend)

of 072 381 5923


5 Slaapkamer, 4 badkamer, eie water-tenk. Sentraal geleë, naby skole en dorp. Elektries omhein.

R5500 p.m.

Skakel:082 921 4298

TO LETNew Town:

3 Bedroom house in a palisade

fenced big yard.R6 500 p.m.

Contact Dan:082 684 6784


BESKIKBAARTeen die dorp, een van

vele tuinhuise in die natuur waar wild vrylik loop. 2 Slaapkamers,

badkamer, ruim leefarea met oopplan kombuis, afdak, aparte was- en

stryk kamer. Betaal eie krag. Geen diere.

R3000 p/m

Luukse 2 slaapkamer woonstel, 2 badka-

mers, leefarea, oopplan kombuis goed toegerus,

motorhuis, stoep met braaigeriewe. Betaal eie

krag. Geen diere.R4 400 p/m

KONTAK:079 775 2920 084 616 0364

TE HUUR* Ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel, palisade

omheining, parkeerplek, (watertenk, drukpomp,

kragopwerkker - deel met huis). Naby kerke, winkels,

sportsgronde en skole. Deposito’s betaalbaar.

R2450 p.m.

* Groot 3 slaapkamer huis, kantoor, drukpomp en water

tenk, groot erf, boorgat, alarmstelsel, deposito’s betaalbaar, beskikbaar 1 Maart 2013. R5360 p.m.

* 1 Slaapkamer woonstel, palisade heining voor, parkeerplek, depsito’s

betaalbaar, beskikbaar 1 April 2013. R1900 p.m.

Herman Smith:084 910 7654



Contact Marie:

082 822 3447

Warehouse to let in Industrial


R2000 p.m. Excluding VAT,

Excluding electricity.

Contact:083 310 1636

TE HUURWildvervoer-sleepwa te

huur.Vir meer

besonderhede, kontak:

072 344 6552 084 951 4389

Boerbok ram

gesoekKontak Chris:

082 588 8596

Manavhela Ben Lavin Nature Reserve

Half Price Special!!On all accommodation until 20 March 2013.

Contact:015 516 0298 072 366 8554 manben001 @gmail.com

LEGALSMakhado Wysiging-

skema 60Ek, Jaco Daniël du Ples-

sis, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Erf 2278, Louis Trichardt gee hiermee ingevolge Ar­tikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbe­planning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Ma­khado Munisipaliteit aan­soek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Makhado Grondgebruikskema, 2009 deur die hersonering van Erf 2278, Louis Trichardt geleë te Stubbsstraat 24 van “Residensieel 1” na “Besigheid 3”. Die doel met die aansoek is om die bestaande woning op te gradeer en vir kantore te gebruik. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae ge­durende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Di­rekteur: Ontwikkeling en Beplanning, Eerste Vloer, Makhado Munisipaliteit (Burgersentrum), Ma­khado (Louis Trichardt), 83 Kroghstraat, vir ‘n tyd­perk van 28 dae vanaf 08 Maart 2013. Besware teen

Departement of Develop-ment planning

Makhado Land Use Scheme

We, Roger and Chantel De Troch, being the owners of the property mentioned be­low, hereby give notice that we are applying in terms of Clause 22 of the Makhado Land Use Scheme, 2009 for the written consent of Erf 388 situated at number 75 Anderson Street for the purpose of erecting two additional dwellings. The current zoning of the property is “Residential 1”

Nuus? Bel ons by

015 516 4996

Minopex has a vacancy available for the following position for SA or Abroad.

Condition Monitoring Analyst: Ref No. 1062/13Minimum Requirements: Applicants must have the following:Matric with N2 qualification. 2-3 years e xperience as a condition monitoring analyst in the engineering discipline. Level 1 or 2 Vibration analyses. Level 1 or 2 None distructive testing (dye penetrate, ultrasonic) laser alignment. Level 1 or 2 magnetic partial analyses. Fitting experience. Radiology would be advantageous.To apply for this vacancy please register as a candidate on our website, www.minopex.co.za and use the following link to register for the position:http://minopex.recruitbank.co.za/Candidate/JobPreview.aspx?Id=979

CLOSING DATE: 14th March 2013 AT 12 NOON.

ASSISTANT FARM MANAGERThe management of a large subtropical

fruit farm is looking for an energetic person with preferably a formal

horticultural or agricultural background to assist them in their farming

operations in the Vhembe district of Limpopo province.

We farm mainly with avocados and macadamias.

Pleasant working conditions and competitive salary is offered.

Please fax your CV to: The manager at: 086 565 0565Closing date for applications:

30 April 2013.

VAcANcyInfinite ohasa solutions has a vacancy open for the following position:

assistantMinimum requirements:Must reside in Louis Trichardt

Matric Certificate Valid drivers license

Own transport Experience in Occupational Health

Safety and Human Resources / Labour Relations will be taken in


CV’s can be faxed to: 015 516 3948 or e-mailed to: infinithrsolutions@

telkomsa.net.If you are not contacted

within 7 days for an inter-view, your application was

not successful.


Contact Stephen:073 996 0764

Delta Blue Plant Hire requires tipper truck drivers with Code 14 drivers

licence, valid PDP and relevant

experience and a Final Level Grader Operator.

We specialize in the following:

• Employment Contracts • Disciplinary Codes & Procedures • Disciplinary Hearings • Labour Disputes

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Unit 3, Light World Complex, President Str, LTT

Recruiting to a better future

of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 08 Maart 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Direkteur, On­twikkeling & Beplanning, by bovermelde adres of by Privaatsak X2596, Louis Trichardt, 0920, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van Agent: Pieterse, Du Toit & Assosiate, Posbus 11306, BENDOR PARK, 0713, Tel: 015 - 2974970/1

with the primary right of one dwelling unit per Erf right in terms of the above mentioned clause. Any person/representa­tive having any objection must do so in writing to both the Municipal Man­ager, Private Bag X2596, Makhado, 0920 and the undersigned within 28 days from 7 March 2013. Name: Roger and Chantel De Troch, Address: P O Box 1273, Makhado, 0920, Mo­bile: 082 897 8374.

* Geklassifiseerd en blok advertensies: Dinsdae 15:00 * Kleur advertensies: Maandae 16:00Zoutpansberger


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20 8 March 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER

School News

Mr PJ Davel won R3 000 in the recent lucky draw competition of Raymond´s Glass in Makhado (Louis Trichardt). After fitting a windscreen with Raymond´s Glass, he was automatically entered in the competition. His wife (centre) accepted the prize on his behalf. With her in the photograph are Messrs Johan Cronjé (left) and Raymond Pretorius from Raymond´s Glass.

Makunazwothe Mphephu of Gateway Primary, receiving her crown and flowers during the school´s Valentine´s Day celebrations.

The learners at Gateway Pri-mary School were thrilled with the Valentine’s Day event and competition held on Thursday, 14 February.

This annual event is so popular among the learners as a result of generous sponsors and hard­working staff at both of the schools. The Grade 1s, 2s and 3s

embraced the competition with such zeal that it was difficult for the judges to choose win­ners because every learner was a winner – all dressed up to the nines for the occasion. Even the Grade 0s, who barely understood the meaning of Valentine’s Day, rose to the occasion.

The winners of the competi­

tion were: Michelle Munyai and Rhulani Chauke (Grade 0), Mukonazwothe Mphephu and Eugene Makhubedu (Grade 1 to 3) and Catherine Sithole and Marshall Mutepe (Grade 4 to 7).

The school gave its thanks to “the other winners in the competition, our fantastic spon­sors who gave so freely and

willingly.” They are Mrs S Nalana, Scooter’s Pizza (Musina), Dohwi Pharmacy, Mr N Khan, Mrs M Nkanyamane, Mrs W M Hlongwane, Just 4 U, Mr E P Pitsi, Mrs R Chauke, Kate at PEP Stores, Messina Pharmacy, NB Clear­ing Agents and the staff who donated items as well. Another vote of thanks goes to the two “outside” judges, Joh­nene Genis and Maria Gwanzura as well as the principal and staff at Gateway Primary.

Youngsters enjoy Valentine’s Day

A 27-year-old man was allegedly shot at by members of the South African National De-fence Force (SANDF) and later died at Mu-sina Hospital on 25 February.

According to the po­lice, the driver of a bak­kie had at least nine illegal immigrants and two South African citi­zens on the back of his vehicle. It seemed that he had failed to stop at a road block conducted by the SANDF members in the vicinity of the Ar­ton Villa Corner, along the Maladrift Road, at around 04:10.

“According to our pre li minary informa­tion, the SANDF mem­bers had fired shots,” said Mudau. “As a re­sult, a male occupant was struck in the private parts, chin and shoul­der.” Mudau added that the driver had proceeded to the hospital, where the injured man was cer­tified dead upon arrival. The deceased was later identified as Ronewa Ocean Mbedzi.


Soldiers shoot man


Take the next step to where the sky’s the limit with the Shoprite

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Branch Managers/ Trainee Managers

These management roles will see you: • plan ning and organising the medium and long-term activities of the branch • monitoring stock • ensuring that set targets are achieved • managing staff • iden ti fy ing and solving problems relating to customers, staff and equipment • taking full responsibility for branch success from a profit-loss perspective.

Essential requirements include: • a Senior Certificate or equivalent • at least three years’ managerial experience • previous work experience in a service or retail-related industry • proficiency in English (verbal and written) • sound product knowledge • exposure to management systems in the furniture/retail industry • an interest and demonstrated track record in the retail industry • good project planning and organising abilities • effective leadership skills • valid code B driver’s licence.

Admin ControllerThis opportunity exists for a highly motivated and energetic individual who is eager to join our rapidly expanding company and whose profile includes a proven success record in the specific area of furniture retail mentioned above.

SalespersonsThese positions will see you: • meeting and exceeding sales targets • generating new business by following up on referrals, parti ci pating in promotions, etc. • maximising profit and income opportunities • co-ordinating goods delivery.

HP ClerkYour responsibilities will include accurate and timeous: • banking • filing • house keeping • cashier duties.

Stock ClerkAs Stock Clerk, you will be responsible for: • verifying merchandise received from sup pliers and dispatched to customers • cap turing and verifying stock data • forming an integral part of the stock - taking process • pre paring weekly stock reports • preventing stock shrinkage.

Essential requirements for all the above positions: • a Senior Certificate or equivalent • previous experience in a service or retail-related environment • fluency in spoken and written English • the ability to do basic arithmetic (applicable to Salespersons) • an understanding of customer service principles • willingness and availability to work flexible retail trading hours.

Applicants who do not meet all the require ments will not be considered for appoint ment.

In addition to excellent career opportunities, the Shoprite Group offers market-related remu neration packages, which include attrac tive benefits.

Forward your CV, covering letter and a certified copy of your ID, in confidence to [email protected]

Closing date: 15 March 2013

If you have not received a response within four weeks of the closing date, please accept that other applicants were more suitable for the job.

The Shoprite Group promotes and applies the principles of Employment Equity and addi tionally, reserves the right not to make an appointment.

Masipala wa Makhado wu rhamba tikomiti ta mighangha, khayisele ya vukosi na vanhu lava nga ni ku tsakela xikanwe ka mintlawa ku tisa swibumabumelo mayelana na mfpampfarhuto wa swinawana swa masipala leswi boxiweke laha hansi:

Nhlamuseto/Vito ra xinawana

Xikongomelonkulu na swifikeriwa Mpimanyeto wa nkarhi

1. Malawulele ya xinawana xo navetiso ku tsala

Xikongomelonkulu xa xinawana lexi iku fikelerisa masipala ku lawula migingiriko ya navetiso phepha emagondzweni ya masi-pala handle ka swinavetiso leswi lawuriwaka hi va outdoor sign na swinwana leswi fanaka na swona.

12 Dzivamisoko 2013

2. Xinawana xa swa rih-anyu

Xikongomelonkul xa xinawana lexi iku fikelerisa khayinsele ku sirhelela na ku antswisa nkarhi lowo leha swa rihanyu ra vanhu eka masipala was makhad –Ku fikelerisa xikanwe na nawu lowu fikeleriwaka na nawau xidzi wa mafambiselo ya khayinsele.Ku fambisa mintirho leyi fambelanaka swinene ngopfu na swa rihanyu(ii) Laha ku lavekaka leswaku tindzawu titshama ti hlayisekile swinene(iii) Laha ku boxiwaka malunghelo na xipikwa xa Kahayinsele na vaaka tiko eka xikongomelo lexi.

12 Dzivamisoko 2013

3. Tilayisense naku lawula xinawana xa maxaviselo ya swakudza -

Ku kombandlela swipikitere leswi thoriweke hi Khayinsele hinkarhi na nkarhi ku kambela miako leyi ku xaviseriwaka kona swakud-za.

12 Dzivamisoko 2013

4. Xinawana xa maakelo Xinawana lexi xiengetela malawulele ya swa miako ya tiko hink-waro leyi khumbaka miako hinkwayo, mangheniselo ya nkhuliko wa thyaka, mangheniselo ya mati na ma fambiselo ya nhlayiso eka miako hinkwayo leyi nga cinciwa naleyi nga cinciwangiki yi lavekaka eka mafambiselo ya malawulelo ya miako ya tiko hinkwaro. Endzhaku kunghenisa leswi boxiweke laha henhla ku fanele ku kamberiwa, kupasisiwa, ku thesitiwa naku lawula kuya hi swilaveko swa masipala.

12 Dzivamisoko 2013

5. Xinawana xo mafam-biselo ya thyaka.

Xikongomelonkulu xa xinawana lexi iku lunghelo kuya hi xiyenge xa 24 xa nawu wa tiko ku lawula thyaka eka masipala hinkwawo wu katsiwa na nawu lowu yelanaka na wona wa mafambiselo ya masipala. Thyaka rifanele ku papalatiwa laha loko switsandza rifaneleke ku hungutiwa, kutirhisiwa nakambe, rihundzuluxeriwa nakambe ri thlhela ri cukumetiwa eka ndzawu leyi faneleke hi swirhwala leswi faneleke.

12 Dzivamisoko 2013

6. Xinawana xo swila-hapala

Khayinsele yi lava ku fikelerisa, ku sungula, kulawula, ku fambisa switirhisiwa swa rihanyu eka mintirho ya swa silahapala ku tiyi-sisa makhomelo ya swifuwo kahle na mafambiselo ya nxaviso wa nyama eka masipala hinkwawo.

12 Dzivamisoko 2013

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


Civic Centre83 Krogh StreetMakhado

07 & 08 March 2013Notice No: 27 of 2013 MR I.P. MUTSHINYALIFile No: 1/3/1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Siku na nkarhi wo yingisela swibumabumelo eka swifundza hi lowu landzelaka:

Vuwani-29 Dzivamisoko 2013Nkarhi: 10H00Ndzhawu: Vuwani Community Hall

Waterval-30 Dzivamisoko 2013Nkarhi: 10H00Ndzhawu: Bungeni Community Hall

Makhado -06 Mudyaxihi 2013Nkarhi: 10H00Ndzhawu: Makhado Show Hall

Dzanani- 07 Mudyaxihi 2013Nkarhi: 10H00Ndzhawu: Ramavhoya show ground

Swivutiso swi nga yisiwa eka Manana T. S. Ndou Director Corporate Support and Shared Services eka kherefhe leyi boxiweke laha henhla kumbe e-meyila eka [email protected] kumbe fakisila eka: 015 516 1195.

Kuengetela eka swibumabumelo leswi tisiweke kombisa kunavela ka wena ku endla xibumabumelo xa xidzhi hi siku ra 12 Dzivamusoko 2013.

Siku ro pfala ku tisa swibumabumelo Dzivamusoko 2013 hi 17h00.

Tikopi ta swinawana swi ta kumeka eka Consatance Senoamadi eka rinqhingho ra: 015 519 3020 kumbe www.makhado.gov.za kumbe eka hofisi ya nomboro CO48, Civic Centre, Cnr Erasmus and Krogh Street, Makhado, 0920.


Ridgeway College competed in the Inter Schools Athletics Competition for Independent Schools at the Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane on 31 January and the following students won medals during the meeting. Back: Katen Barnard (bronze in high jump); middle Jadie McCleod (gold 100m), Musa Mukansi (silver 1500m, silver 800m and bronze 400m) and in front is Nicola Foord (bronze, 1500m). Photo supplied.

Ridgeway College competed at a Inter Schools Athletics Competition held at Mitchell House in Polokwane on 9 February and came home with 13 medals. The winners of the medals are at the back, from left to right, Phuluso Mawela (bronze, 1500m), Justice Chirandu (gold, 400m, 800m, 1500m), Musa Mukansi (silver, 1500m). Middle: Mashudu Nemutandani (silver, 100m), Thabelo Davhana (gold 400m, silver, 800m)m, Takalani Muedi (silver, shotput) Karabo Manuga (silver, 400m). Front: Jadie McCleod (silver, 200m), Mpfariseni Maphalaphatwa (silver, long jump) and Pfunzo Legoale (bronze, 400m). Photo supplied.

Masipala wa Makhado u khou ramba vhathu vhothe na zwiimiswa zwothe nga a fhambana hazwo uri vha dise makumedzwa avho malugana na u vusuludzwa ha mveto mveto ya milawana (Draft Reviewed By-Laws).

Thalutshedzo / Dzina la mulayo

Ndivho na Tshipikwa Tshinga tsho vhewaho

1. Mulawana u langu-laho khunguwedzo dza tshifhinganyana na u an-dadziwa ha bambiri dza kunguwedzo.

Ndivho ya mulawana uyu ndi u ita uri masipala / khantsele I kone u langa maitele othe a elanaho na khunguwedzo / u andadziwa ha zwithu kha mabambiri na kha dzibodo dzi re zwitaratani zwi wanalaho kha vhupo ha masipala, hezwi a zwi kateli milayo I laulaho dzinwe khunguwedzovho

12 Lambamai 2013

2. Mulawana u langulaho mutakalo wa tshitshavha

Ndivho ya mulawana uyu ndi u ita uri masipala a kone u tsireled-za na u laula mutakalo wa vhathu vhawo lwa tshifhinga tshilapfu nga.(a) U nekedza mulawana uyu hutshi katelwa na minwe milayo I elanaho nazwo:(i) Hu laulwe maitele othe ane a nga thithisa mutakalo wa tshit-shavha na;(ii) U ita uri fhethu hune ha shumelwa hone kana u bikelwa hone hu vhe hu thogomeliwaho nahone ho dzudzanyeaho.(b) U talutshedza ndugelo / pfanelo dza masipala na dza tshit-shavha zwi tshi elana na mulawana uyu.

12 Lambamai 2013

3. Mulawana u langulaho kufarele kwa zwiliwa

U eletshedza zwipikitere zwo tholiwaho nga masipala uri vha sedze nyimele ya zwiliwa mavhengeleni na fhethu hothe hu rengiswaho na u bikiwa zwiliwa hu welaho nga fhasi ha masipala uri ho kuna na zwifhinga zwothe na hone zwiliwa zwa hone zwo lugela u nga nea tshitshavha mutakalo.

12 Lambamai 2013

4. Mulawana u langulaho zwifhato

Mulawana uyu u engedza ntha ha mulayo muhulwane wa National Building Regulation na uri zwifhatho zwothe zwi tea u vha nga fha-si ha ndango ya mulayo wonoyu, hezwi zwikatela na zwinwevho mulayo hoyu u fanela u thevhedzwa na uri a hongo engedzwa tshifhato / zwifhato hu songo tevhedzwa zwiga zwa mulayo uyu. Khathihi na wa National Building Regulation. Zwothe zwipikitere zwa zwifhato zwa masipala vha a zwi tola, zwa lingwa zwa kona u themendelwa na u phasiswa, hezwi zwi itwa tshifhinga tshinwe na tshinwe hune vha vhona zwo tea.

12 Lambamai 2013

5. Mulawana wa ndangulo ya tshika

Ndivho ya mulawana uyu ndi u sumbedza ndeme na themendelo ya tshipida tsha mulayo muhulwane wa shango tsha vhu 24 u itela uri ndango ya mashika kha vhupo ha masipala I vhe I langeaho zwavhudi na u nea mannda na ndugelo minwe milayo I elanaho na wonoyu hu u itela uri mashika a si tsha vha hone, a fhun-gudzee, a shumiswe nga huswa musi o no kunakiswa. Hezwi zwi khwinifhadza ndeme ya mashika zwa dovha zwa kunakisa mupo.

12 Lambamai 2013

6. Mulawana u langaho fhethu hune zwifuwo zwa vhulahelwa hone

Masipala u todou nekedza na u langa fhethu hu vhewaho zwifu-wo na afho hune zwa vhulahelwa hone u u itela u rengisa nama. Hezwi zwi khou itelwa uri vhathu vha fare zwavhudi zwifuwo zwi saathu vhulawa na uri vhupo hothe henefho hune zwifuwo zwa vhulahelwa hone hu vhe havhudi u itela mutakalo wa vhathu vha welaho nga fhasi ha vhupo ha masipala wa Makhado.

12 Lambamai 2013

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


Civic Centre83 Krogh StreetMakhado

07 & 08 March 2013Notice No: 27 of 2013 MR I.P. MUTSHINYALIFile No: 1/3/1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Datumu dza u thetshelesa vhudipfi ha tshitshavha kha madzingu ndi dzi tevhelaho:

Dzingu la Vuwani: 29 Lambamai 2013Fhethu: Holo ya tshitshavha ya VuwaniTshifhinga: 10h00

Dzingu la Waterval: 30 Lambamai 2013Fhethu: Holo ya tshitshavha ya Ha- BungeniTshifhinga: 10h00

Dzingu la Makhado: 06 Shundunthule 2013Fhethu: Makhado Show HallTshifhinga: 10h00

Dzingu la Dzanani: 07 Shundunthule 2013Dzanani .Fhethu: Ramavhoya Show groundTshifhinga: 10h00

Mbudziso dzothe malugana na izwi dzi livhiswe kha Vho-T S Ndou, Director Corporate Support & Shared Services kha diresi yo bulwaho afho ntha kana kha e-mail ya [email protected] kana fax ya 015 516 1195.

Nga nnda ha khumbelo yavho yo tou nwaliwaho vha humbelwa uri vha nga sumbedza hafhu dzangalelo lavho nga u tou amba mafhungo avho nga mulomo nga tshifhinga tsha musi mafhungo aya a tshi do vha a tshi thetsheleswa tshitshavhani zwo vhetshelwaho u itwa nga nwedzi wa Lambamai 2013.

Milawana iyi (By-Laws) I nga wanala kha Vho-Constance Senoamadi kha nomboro ya lutingo ya (015) 519-3020 kana www.makhado.gov.za kana ofisini ya nomboro ya C048, Civic Centre, Cnr Erasmus and Krogh Street, Masipala wa Makhado.

Die Makhado Munisipaliteit rig hiermee uitnodiging aan geintereseerde persone, Wykskomitees, Tradisionele Rade, en be-langegroepe om geskrewe kommentaar in te dien op die volgende hersiene Konsep-verordeninge. Publieke vergaderings word gehou op die datums aangetoon teenoor elke Verordening

Beskrywing/naam van konsepverordening

Doelstelling van kosepverordening in kort opsomming formaat Datum en plek van openbare vergadering

1. Verordeninge vir die Beheer van Tydelike Advertensies en Pamflette

Die doel van die Verordening is om die Raad in staat te stel om*aktiwiteite te bestuur en reguleer wat verband hou met tydelike advertensies, pamflette en baniere in strate in die munisipale gebied,(uitgesluit aktiwiteite wat ingevolge die Ver-ordeninge vir Buitelig Tekens (advertering en ander) bestuur word)*om voorsiening te maak vir enige saak verbandhoudend daarmee

12 April 2013

2. Verordeninge vir Publieke Gesondheid

Die doel van die Verordening is om die Raad in staat te stel om die langtermyn gesond-heid en welstand van mense binne die munisipale gebied te beskerm en te bevorder deur(a) die verskaffing van, in sameloop met enige ander toepaslike wet, ‘n effektiewe regs- en administratiewe raamwerk waarbinne die Raad(i) aktiwiteite wat potensieele teespoedige impak op openbare gesondheid het te bestuur en reguleer; en(ii) kan gelas dat persele behoorlik onderhou en bestuur word; en(b) definieering van regte en verpligtinge van die Raad en die publiek in verband met hierdie doelstelling

12 April 2013

3. Verordeninge vir die Li-sensiering en Beheer van Ondernemings wat voedsel aan die publiek verkoop (Verordeninge oor voedsel-hantering)

Die doel van die Verordening is om die inspekteurs te lei wat van tyd tot tyd deur die Raad aangestel is om wettig in hul kapasiteit as voedsel- inspekteurs binne die munisi-pale gebied op te tree by*voedselwinkels,*en enige gebou opgerig om goedere te verkoop of te vertoon verbandhoudend met voedsel*of wat vir menslike gebruik bedoel is of gebruik word in die samestelling of voorbe-reiding,*of artikels vir menslike gebruik

12 April 2013

4. Verordeninge vir Boube-heer

Die Verordening is aanvullend tot die bepalings van die Nasionale Bouregulasies en is van toepassing opelke gebou, riool- en water-installasie*en in verband met enige riool- of water-installasie in besonder, tot die bedryf en onder-houd van sodanige installasie in enige nuwe gebou of bestaande gebou,*met of sonder enige verandering of aanbouing tot die bestaande installasie, ongeag of sodanige verandering of aanbouing vereis word deur die Munisipaliteit in terme van die Nasionale Bouregulasies of hierdie Verordening,*en enige gebou, riool-installasie of water- installasie mag enige tyd na dit voltooi en in werking gestel is onderwerp word aan so inspeksie, goedkeuring, toets en beheer as die Munisipliteit dit nodig ag of vereis

12 April 2013

5. Verordeninge vir Vaste Afvalbestuur

Die doelstellings van die Verordening is om effek te gee aan die regte saamgevat in artikel 24 van die Konstitusie deur*afvalbestuur te reguleer binne die munisipale gebied, tesame met enige ander toepas-like wet,*n effektiewe regs- en administratiewe raamwerk te wees waarvolgens die munisipaliteit vaste afval aktiwiteite kan bestuur en reguleer*te verseker dat vaste afval voorkom word*of waar dit nie ten volle voorkom kan word nie, dit beperk, hergebruik, herwin, en beskik word in ‘n omgewings vriendelike manier*‘n effektiewe vaste afvalbestuursdiens te bevorder

12 April 2013

6. Verordeninge vir Abattoirs Die doel van die Verordening is dat die Raad poog om te voorsien, vestig, reguleer , bestuur en onderhou*higieniese fasiliteiete vir die ontvangs, hou en slag van diere,*om menslike behandeling van diere te verseker*om handel met gesonde en heilsame vleis in sy munisipale gebied te fasiliteer

12 April 2013

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


BurgersentrumKroghstraat 83Makhado

07 & 08 Maart 2013Kennisgewingnr: 27 van 2013 MR I.P. MUTSHINYALILêernr: 1/3/1 MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER

Openbare vergaderings word soos volg gehou:Vuwani-streek - 29 April 2013Plek: Vuwani Gemeenskapsaal, VuwaniTyd: 10H00Waterval-Streek- 30 April 2013Plek: Bungeni Gemmenskapsaal, BungeniTyd: 10H00Makhado-Streek- 06 Mei 2013Plek: Skousaal, Sibasa-pad, MakhadoTyd: 10H00Dzanani-Streek- 7 Mei 2013Plek: Ramavhoya Show GroundTyd: 10H00Navrae kan gerig word aan Me T S Ndou, Direkteur Korporatiewe Ondersteunings- en Deeldienste by bogemelde addres of per e-pos na [email protected] of per faksimilie na 015 516 1195.Bykomend tot geskrewe voorleggings, dui asseblief aan u moontlike belangstelling om ‘n mondelinge aanbieding tydens die openbare vergadering proses te doen wat gedurende April 2013 gehou word.Afskrifte van die Konsepverordeninge is verkrygbaar by Constance Senoamadi by telefoonnommer 015 519 3020, of op die munisipale webblad www.makhado.gov.za, of by kantoor nommer C048, Kroghstraat 83, Makhado.

The Makhado Municipality invites interested people, ward committees, Traditional Councils and other stakeholders to submit writ-ten comments on the following Draft Reviewed By-Laws. Public meetings will be held on the dates indicated against each bylaw.

Description / Name of the by-law

Purpose and Objectives Closing date for comments

1. Control of temporary advertisement and pam-phlets by-laws

The purpose of this By-law is to enable council to mange and regulate activities that relate to temporary advertisement, pamphlets and banners in the streets within the Municipality except those that are regulated by the outdoor signs (advertising and other) By-Laws and provide for any matter incidental thereto.

12 April 2013

2. Public Health By-Law The purpose of this By-Law is to enable the Council to protect and pro-mote the long term health and well-being of people in the municipal area by -(a) providing, in conjunction with any other applicable law, an effective legal and administrative framework within which the Council can –(i) manage and regulate activities that have the potential to impact ad-versely on public health; and(ii) require premises to be properly maintained and managed; and(b) Defining the rights and obligations of the Council and the public in relation to this purpose.

12 April 2013

3. Licensing and control of undertakings that sells food to public by-law(food handling By-law)

To guide the inspectors appointed by council to act from time to time law-fully in their capacity as food inspectors within the Municipal area at food shops are any building constructed to be used to sell and display goods in conjunction with food or which is intended for human consumption or used in the composition or preparation of articles for human consumption.

12 April 2013

4. Building Regulation By-Law

This By-Law is supplementary to the National Building Regulations and is applicable to every building, sewerage installation and water installation and, in relation to any sewerage installation or water installation in par-ticular, to the operation and maintenance of such installation in any new building or existing building, with or without any alteration of or addition to the existing installation, whether or not such alteration or addition is required by the Municipality in terms of the National Building Regulations or this By-Law and any building, sewerage installation or water installa-tion may at any time after its completion and commissioning be subject to such inspection, approval, tests and control as the Municipality may deem fit or require.

12 April 2013

5. Waste Management By Law

The objectives of this By-Laws are to give effect to the right contained in section 24 of the Constitution by regulating waste management within the area of the municipality’s jurisdiction; in conjunction with any other applicable law, an effective legal and administrative framework, within which the Municipality can manage and regulate waste management ac-tivities and ensure that waste is avoided or where it cannot be altogether avoided, minimised, reused, recycled, recovered, and disposed of in an environmental sound manner and promote and an effective delivery of waste services.

12 April 2013

6. Abattoir by-law The Council seeks to provide, establish, regulate, manage and maintain hygienic facilities for the receiving, holding and slaughtering of animals, to ensure the humane treatment of animals and to facilitate the trading of healthy and wholesome meat in its municipal area.

12 April 2013

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


Civic Centre83 Krogh StreetMakhado

07 & 08 March 2013Notice No: 27 of 2013 MR I.P. MUTSHINYALIFile No: 1/3/1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Dates for public hearing for each region are as follows:

Vuwani region: 29 April 2013Venue: vuwani community hallTime: 10H00

Waterval region: 30 April2013Venue: Bungeni Community HallTime: 10H00

Makhado Region 06 May 2013Venue: Makhado Show Hall, Sibasa Road, MakhadoTime: 10H00

Dzanani Region: 07 May 2013-02-28Venue: Ramavhoya Show GroundTime: 10H00

Enquiries can be directed to: Ms T S Ndou Director Corporate Support and Shared Services at the above-mentioned address or e-mailed to: [email protected] or faxed to 015 516 1195.

In addition to the written submissions, please indicate your interest in making a verbal presentation during the public hearing process envisaged to be conducted during April 2013.

The closing date for written submission is Thursday, 12 April 2013 at 17h00.

Copies of the By-Laws can be obtained from Constance Senoamadi on tel: 015 519 3020 or from www.makhado.gov.za or Office No. C048, Civic Centre, 83 Krogh Street, Makhado, 0920.

22 8 March 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Four swimmers of the DSA Squad of Makhado (Louis Trichardt) attended the Shamu Sprint Swimming Gala in Tzaneen on 16 February. In the front, from left to right, are Amari Kotze (bronze medal), Moné Prinsloo (qualified for national level 1), Sherize Henning (qualified for national level 1) and Jess Henning (bronze medal). At the back is Mr Ian Bannatyne, DSA Squad trainer. Photo supplied.

Hierdie groep atlete van Laerskool Louis Trichardt het verskillende plekke verwerf by die Limpopo laerskole-atletiekbyeenkoms op 1 Maart in Polokwane. Voor, van links na regs, is Alida du Preez (tweede MO/12 diskus), Modjadji Sefole (tweede MO/10 hoogspring), Dewald van Graan (derde SO/10 hoogspring), DJ du Preez (derde SO/13 gewigstoot en diskus), Minelise Reynders (vierde MO/12 diskus) en Steph-Marie de Lange (vierde MO/12 diskus). Agter is Alexander Gird (vyfde SO/11 hoogspring), Ruan Ackerman (vyfde SO/12 diskus), Roy Stewart (vyfde SO/12 gewigstoot), FC Phillipson (vyfde SO/11 gewigstoot) en Franco Knoetze (vyfde SO/11 verspring).

Masepala wa Makhado o ipiletsa go batho bao ba nago le kgahlego, dikomiti tsa mabato, makgotla a meshate le batsea-karolo ba bangwe go tlisha ditshishinyo tseo di ngwadilwego mabapi le Melawana-kakanywa ye e latelago. Dikopano di tla swarwa phatlalatsa go ya ka matsatsi ao a beakanyeditswego Molawana o mongwe le o mongwe:

Leina la Molawana Maikemishetso Lebaka leo le begilwego

1. Molawana wa Taolo ya lebakanyana ya go kwalakwatso le dipham-folete.

Maikemishetso ka Molawana wo ke go kgontsha Lekgotla go laola le go sepedisha merero malebana le phatlalatso ya lebakanyana ya ding-walwa and le di-phamfolete mo ditseleng tsa Masepala, ntle le tseo di laolwago goba di sepedishwago ka maswao-tshupetso (tsa phatla-latso le tse dingwe) ke Molawana wo le tse dingwe tseo di amanago le wona.

12 Moranang 2013

2. Molawana wa Tshepe-disho ya tsa maphelo go bohle

Maikemishetso ka Molawana wo ke go kgontsha Lekgotla go shireletsa le go tswetsa pele ga lebaka le le telele la Bophelo bjo bokaone bja batho ka gare go Masepala:Go tlisha ga mmogo le melao ye mengwe, phethagatsa-semmusho ya malebana le seemo sa Tshepedisho-taolo yeo ka yona Lekgotla le ka kgonago-Go laola le go sepedisha merero ya tsa maphelo go bohle;Go gapeletsa le go hlohleletsa tshwaro le taolo ya maleba ya mafelo; le gonaGo hlatholla ditokelo le maikarabelo a Lekgotla le kgokagano le set-shaba.

12 Moranang 2013

3. Molawana wa Tumelelo le taolo ya ditshepedisho tsa thekisho ya dijo

Maikemishetso ka Molawana wo ke go hlahla Balekodi ba Lekgotla nako le nako matleng a bona bjalo ka Balekodi mo Masepaleng, dikg-webong tsa dijo, Meagong yeo e agetswego go rekishetswa le go ba-paletswa dijo mo go yona tseo di ka lewago ke batho.

12 Moranang 2013

4. Molawana wa Tshepe-disho le taolo ya meago.

Molawana wo ke wa go tlaleletsa Molao wa Naga wa Tshepedisho le taolo ya meago gomme o shoma moagong ofe goba ofe, kgokaganyo ya kelela-tshila gagologolo meetse, moagong o mongwe le o mongwe o moswa, go na le phetogo moagong goba aowa, go ya ka Molao wa Naga, kgokaganyo yeo e ka dirwago e ka lekolwa nako efe goba efe morago ga ge e phethagaditswe, ka Tumelelo, diteko le taolo go ya ka moo Lekgotla le ka latelago goba le nyakago.

12 Moranang 2013

5. Molawana wa Taolo ya matlakala

Maikemishetso ka Molawana wo ke go kgontheshisha phethagatso ya tokelo yeo e hwetswago ka gare ga Molao-theo wa Naga (Karolo ya 24) ya tshepedisho ya taolo ya matlakala ka gare ga lefelo la Masepala, ka tirishano le Melao ye mengwe yeo e shomishwago, matlafatso le phet-hagatso ya peakanyo ya merero ye, Masepaleng, le go kgontsha Mase-pala go sepedisha le go laola Tshepedisho ya matlakala le gore ge go sa kgonege go efoga, goba go fokotsa, tshomisho-leswa, pusheletso, phatlalatso goba tshenyo ya lefelo, ka mokgwa wo o bolokegilego wa kabo ya tirelo ya go laola matlakala mo Masepaleng

12 Moranang 2013

6. Molawana wa mase-laga

Lekgotla le nyaka go tsweletsa, go sepedisha, go laola le kgoahlisha tshireletso ya tsa maphelo mafelong ao go amogelwago, go swarelel-wago le go bolayelwa diphoofolo, go kgontheshisha tshwaro e borutho ya diphoofolo le go sepedisha thekisho yeo e hlwekilego ya nama moo e feletsego mo Masepaleng.

12 Moranang 2013

MAKHADO MUNICIPALITYTel: (015) 519 3000 Fax: (015) 516 1195 Private Bag X2596 Makhado 0920


Civic Centre83 Krogh StreetMakhado

07 & 08 March 2013Notice No: 27 of 2013 MR I.P. MUTSHINYALIFile No: 1/3/1 MUNICIPAL MANAGER

Matsatsi a ditheeletso-phatlalatsa go ya ka dilete a beakantswe ka tsela yeo e latelago:

Selete sa Vuwani: 29 Moranang 2013Lefelo: Moagong wa setshaba wa VuwaniNako: Iri ya lesome mesong

Selete sa Waterval: 30 Moranang 2013Lefelo: Moagong wa setshaba wa BungeniNako: Iri ya lesome mesong

Selete sa Makhado: 06 Mophitlo 2013Lefelo: Mabaleng a pontsho a MakhadoNako: Iri ya lesome mesong

Selete sa Dzanani : 07 Mophitlo 2013Lefelo: Ramavhoya Show GroundNako: Iri ya lesome mesong

Dinyakishisho di ka lebishwa go: Mohumagatsana T.S Ndou Molaodi-mogolo kgorong ya Ditirelo tsa pusho-tshwaragano le tiris-hano mo tshupa-bodulong yeo elego ka mo godimo goba e-mail ya [email protected] goba fax ya 0155161195.

Godimo ga ditshishinyo tseo di ngwadilwego, ka kgopela, bontsha kgahlego ya go ka tla wa bolela ka bowena ditheeletsong tsa phatlalatsa tseo di lebeletswego go swarwa ka kgwedi Moranang 2013.

Letsatsi la mafelelo la go tswalelelwa ditshishinyo ke la di 12 Moranang 2013 ka iri ya bohlano mathapama.

Merithi ya Melawana e ka hwetswa kantorong ya Constance Senoamadi nomorong ya 015 5193020 goba mabulepu, www.makhado.gov.za goba, kantorong ya nomoro ya C048 Legatong la mathomo, Civic Centre, Magahlanong a ditsela tsa 83 Krogh, Makhado, 0920



Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The19th hole

BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245

TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm

Weeklikse Byeenkomste

ISWoens Woensdag­kragmeting

Vry Sundowner IS



Datum Borg Formaat

27/02/13 Eie reëlings IS

Plek Naam Punte

421 Maarten Venter

392 Pierre Grobler

uittel 373 F du Preez

Maandelikse Houespel

Datum Borg Formaat

02/03/13 SPB Gholfklub HS

Plek Naam Punte

uittel 671 JQ van der Merwe

uittel 672 W Steyn

uittel 703 Percy Anderson

uittel 704 OK Ayob

Dames Ope

Plek Naam Punte

Datum Borg Formaat

02/03/12 SPB Gholfklub ­

Megan Bissette1 ­


Corné Eveleigh1



Audrey Earl1



Geraldin Möller1 ­


Opkomende Kompetisie

FormaatDatum Kompetisie

Eie reëlings09/03/13 ­

Geslote Kampioenskappe16/03/13 ­

Rotariër Dag23/03/13 ­

Die wenners van die afgelope naweek se Dames Ope. Van links na regs is vrouekaptein Lizette Joubert, Megan Bissette (algehele wenner en wenner van die A-afdeling), Corné Eveleigh, (B-afdeling), Audrey Earl (C-afdeling) en Ceraldin Möller (D-afdeling). Joubert het Coca Cola Fortune Louis Trichardt, Realty 1 en Pharmacy@Spar bedank vir hul borgskappe ten opsigte van die toernooi. GOLF NEWS SPONSORED BY:

Six athletes of the Gateway School in Musina have qualified for the Limpopo Province Primary Schools Athletics Championships. The athletes are Sartjie Lishiba (girls U/13 high jump), Junior Chauke (boys U/13 long jump), Jonah Mudau (boys U/12 high jump), Mojalefa Phiri (boys U/12 150m hurdles), Mukondeleli Ludere (girls U/11 high jump) and Junior Mutshaeni (boys U/11 70m hurdles). Emmanuel Tshotledi (boys U/9) came second in the 60m and 80m sprint, but unfortunately the provincial meeting only caters for age groups U/10 upwards. Any person or company wishing to assist the school with sponsorship (T-shirts, tracksuits, finances, etc) is welcome to contact the school office on 015 534 2311. Pictured are the school’s team which participated in the Soutpansberg district meeting held on Friday, 15 February. They are (back row, left to right) Jonah Mudau, Junior Mutshaeni, Sartjie Lishiba, Awelani Muthivhelo and Junior Chauke. In front are Mukondeleli Ludere, Mojalefa Phiri, Emmanuel Tshotledi, Thato Muthimukhulu, Mpho Khadambi and Terence Siaga. Photo supplied.

Die Soutpansberg Ruiterklub het tydens hul eerste plesierrit van die jaar op Levubu vir Ranald Vise (regs) gelukwens met sy Ruiter van die Jaar-toekenning vir 2012. Ranald woon elke klubrit by en dra soveel van sy kennis van perde en onderrig van perde oor na ander klublede. Saam met hom staan klublid Nicolette Robberts. Die klub se volgende plesierrit is op 16 Maart op ‘n plaas tussen Makhado (Louis Trichardt) en Levubu. Vir meer inligting, skakel Elize by tel. 081 768 1319 of stuur ‘n e-pos na [email protected] Foto verskaf.

Laerskool Louis Trichardt het ‘n rugbyklub gestig waar die ouers ‘n belangrike rol speel en met nuwe dryf en inisiatiewe vorendag kom. Die rugbytruie is ook gestandaardiseer en al die spanne speel met dieselfde truie, behalwe die eerstespan, wat ‘n breë, skuins wit baan op die trui het. Die klub bedank die borge wat dit moontlik gemaak het dat hulle die nuwe truie kon bekom. In die voorste ry is rugbyspelers wat die nuwe truie vertoon, met twee eerstespanspelers in die middel. Agter, van links na regs, is mnre. Felix Malan (voorsitter van die rugbyklub), Louis Linde (skoolhoof), Greg Stewart (sporthoof) en Werner Boshoff (afrigter en verskaffer).

Hierdie atlete van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt het almal derdeplekke behaal by die Limpopo hoërskole-atletiekbyeenkoms in Polokwane op 2 Maart, waar die Limpopo-span saamgestel word. Van links na regs is Jonandi Aucamp (MO/17 200m), Rendani Ndouvhada (SO/17 110mH), Kofi Apea-Adu (SO/19 110mH) en Zwinake Mbedzi (MO/15 90mH).

Ranald was die beste

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24 8 March 2013 ZOUTPANSBERGER

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Goue medalje vir meester Gideon“Ons wil mense van die dorp aanmoedig om by ons aan te sluit en ook aan die meestersatletiek deel te neem,” sê Gideon Joubert van Makhado (Louis Trichardt) na sy eerste meestersatletiekbyeenkoms.

Gideon het een goue en twee silwer medaljes huis toe gebring na afloop van die Gauteng­Noord meestersatletiekbyeenkoms op 23 Februarie.

Joubert (41) wen goud in die 110mH in ‘n tyd van 16.24 sekondes, slegs 0.7 van ‘n sekonde vinniger as die kwali­fiserende tyd (16.96s) vir Suid­Afrikaanse kleure vir die meesterskategorie 40 tot 44 jaar. Hy het ook twee silwer medaljes op die Pilditch stadion losgehard­loop, die een vir 100m (12.1s) en die ander vir 400m (58.4s).

Nog ‘n meestersatleet van die dorp is Jolandé Viljoen, wat ook op 41­jarige ouderdom besluit het om vir die eerste keer aan die Noord­Gauteng meesters deel te neem. Sy stap weg met drie

medaljes: silw­er vir verspring (3.66m), brons vir 100m (14.22s) en brons vir die 200m (30.3s). “Dit was vet pret en ek weet daar is meer mense in die dorp wat kan gaan deelneem, veral in die velditems,” sê Viljoen en voeg by dat die atmosfeer meer sosiaal en nie­kompeterend is.

“Daar was ‘n 86­jarige tannie by die meesters­atletiek wat naellope gedoen het en stof in die 50­jariges se oë geskop het!” sê Viljoen. “Dis bemoedigend om te sien hoe mense, ongeag van ouderdom en die intimiderende gevoel wat die ouderdom meebring, tog gaan meeding,” sê Joubert.

Beide Joubert en Viljoen oefen reeds sedert Augustus verlede jaar. Joubert gaan op 23 Maart aan die Noordwes meestersatletiek­byeenkoms op Rustenburg deelneem en stel sy visier op die 100m, 200m, 110mH en 400mH. Die SA’s is in Mei op Oudtshoorn.

“Ons sal kyk tot waar ons kan gaan. Ek wil graag nasionale kleure verwerf, ” sê Joubert. Op hoërskool het hy vir die Wes­Kaap deelgeneem

in die 110mH en die 400mH. As student het hy vir Maties gehardloop en was die Westelike Provinsie se senior manskampioen in die 110mH, met

‘n tyd van 14.3s. Joubert het atletiek by beide Laerskool – en Hoërskool

Louis Trichardt afgerig.

Links: Gideon Joubert het goud ingepalm vir die 110mH by

die Gauteng-Noord meestersatletiekbyeenkoms

op 23 Februarie. Hy het ook twee silwer

medaljes (100m en 400m) losgehardloop.

Na afloop van die Gauteng-Noord meesters-atletiekbyeenkoms op Pilditch in Pretoria, stap Jolandé Viljoen weg met ´n silwer medalje vir verspring en twee brons medaljes (100m en 200m).

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