Zoutpansberger Zoutpansberger 11 Mei 2012 PRYS: R3,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 28 Vol. 18 Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8 www.zoutnet.co.za Perdeliefhebber erg emosioneel na hy self sy liefling Arabier moes uitsit na koeëlwond Dit ruk ‘n man se hart ... Six men arrested on charges of human trafficking - page 4 Musina mayor and chief whip told to “voetsek” - page 13 Blue Drop states most of Vhembe’s water is excellent - page 3 “Toe ek na my perd aangestap kom, waar sy dodelik verwond in die veld gelê het, het sy nog saggies vir my gerunnik, so asof sy desperaat vir oulaas dalk tog nog hulp van my vra. Dit ruk aan ‘n man se hart om jou edel, troue dier só te moet sien.” Bekende perdeliefhebber en deelnemer aan talle uithou- en pretritte, mnr. Tielman van den Berg, van Rondebosch by Louis Trichardt, was vandeesweek nog merkbaar aangedaan toe hy praat oor die dood van sy pragdier Colette, ‘n 10-jarige Arabier merrie, wat verlede Dinsdag weens ‘n ernstige koëlwond uitgesit moes word. Die perd se waarde word op R20 000 gestel. Die oorsprong van die fatale koeëlwond is nog onbekend. Plaasmense sê hulle het die middag om- streeks 15:00 ‘n knal gehoor uit die N1 se rigting, waar verskeie ander huise staan. Van den Berg het drie perde op sy 10-hektaar hoewe aangehou. Hulle kom elke dag omstreeks 17:00 uit die weiveld terug stal toe, waar hulle saans kos kry en slaap. Hy het Dinsdagaand onraad ge- merk toe die diere teen 18:00 nog nie opgedaag het nie. Hy het die perde gaan soek en hulle sowat 600 meter vanaf die huis en ongeveer 100 meter vanaf die lyndraad, aan die suidekant van die hoewe, langs die N1 gevind. Colette, ‘n grys Arabier mer- rie, kon nie beweeg nie. “Ek het gevind haar linker voorbeen is vanaf die skouer tot op die hoef vol droë bloed. Haar blad was ook erg geswel. Haar been was af. Sy kon glad nie daarop staan nie. Woensdagoggend het ek haar aangetref waar sy op die grond lê. Sy het baie moeilik opgestaan en ek het toe vir die eerste keer die klein koeëlwond op haar bors gesien, waaruit vars bloed gekom het. Die perd het gestaan en bewe van die pyn met die geswelde blad en die been wat af is in die blad,” vertel Van den Berg. Die twee ander perde het deurentyd by haar in die veld gebly. “Hulle is merkwaardige tropdiere. Hulle vlug of veg altyd saam,” sê Tielman. Saam met sy buurman, Danie Louw, het hulle vasgestel dat die koeël nêrens weer uit is nie, dat die been morsaf was en dat die dier op geen manier gered kon word nie. (Vervolg op p.2) Deur Frans van der Merwe Mnr. Tielman van den Berg op sy Arabiermerrie Collette, tydens ‘n uithouritbyeenkoms in Maart 2008 by die Capricorn Klub by Kuschke. Foto verskaf. Pepijn Rennings eats a doughnut without his hands at the Ridgeway Independent School outside Louis Trichardt’s cultural fun day on 5 May. The day served as a fundraising event for the school’s building project inter alia. (015) 516 1535/6/7 Fax: 516 1786 SAMSUNG FULL HD DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA WITH 52X R 1 699 99 NOW ONLY YOU SAVE R1000 OPTICAL ZOOM (015) 516 1535/6/7 Fax: 516 1786 KELVINATOR METALLIC R 1 299 99 LARGE 4 PLATE GAS HOB FIRST TIME IN SOUTH AFRICA! YOU SAVE R1700 NOW ONLY WE NOW HAVE 39 STORES AND IS STILL PROVIDING THE NATION WITH AFFORDABLE, QUALITY BUILDING MATERIAL. WE ARE BIGGER & BETTER AT MAKING HOME BUILDING SIMPLE! SIMPLY COMPARE PRICES AND LET US SHOW YOU HOW! FINANCE AVAILABLE UP TO R75 000 • UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY • INSURANCE OFFERED • SAME DAY APPROVAL• AFFORDABLE INSTALLMENTS P&L Credit only available at P&L Hardware Stores. TRADING HOURS: Monday to Friday: 07h00 - 17h00 Saturday: 07h00 - 14h00 Boerebenodighede Tel: 015 583 0190 TRADING HOURS: Mon - Fri: 08h00 - 17h00 / Sat: 08h00 - 14h00 / Public Holiday: 09h00 - 13h00 Acornhoek Tel: 082 941 8063 Bochum Tel: 015 505 3054 Bungeni Tel: 082 880 6624 Burgersfort Tel: 082 902 3470 Dwarsloop Tel: 082 806 6270 Dzanani Tel: 015 970 4794 Elim Tel: 015 556 4033 Elti Villas Tel: 015 516 4834 Giyani Tel: 015 812 1259 Hammanskraal Tel: 012 711 3648 Jane Furse Tel: 013 265 1628 Kabokweni Tel: 013 796 1100 Kwamhlanga Tel: 013 947 8224 Lebowakgomo Tel: 015 632 6197 Lenyenye Tel: 079 871 6778 Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 1325 Malamulele Tel: 015 851 0937 Mankweng Tel: 015 269 3441 Marite Tel: 082 941 8062 Matoks Tel: 015 527 0495 Modjadji Tel: 082 883 7608 Mokopane Tel: 015 491 3515 Msogwaba Tel: 071 680 8073 Musina Tel: 015 533 0676 Nkowankowa Tel: 079 871 3437 Sekgosese Tel: 082 941 8063 Seshego Tel: 015 223 0100 Sibasa Tel: 015 963 2206 Siyabushwa Tel: 071 680 8075 Tafelkop Tel: 082 310 9705 Themba Tel: 012 717 3599 Tshakuma Tel: 015 581 6016 Tshikumbani Tel: 082 937 3835 Venda Tel: 015 964 3561 Vondwe Tel: 079 871 6692 Xikundu Tel: 082 310 9704 Zebedeila Tel: 079 511 9782 Tel: (015) 516 5175 www.ayobmotors.co.za 2007 VW Kombi 1.9 TDi Caravelle Specs R219 995 C

Zoutpansberger 11 Mei 2012

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Community newspaper bringing you the news, sport and more from Louis Trichardt and surrounding areas in Limpopo province, South Africa.

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ZoutpansbergerZoutpansberger11 Mei 2012

PRYS: R3,00 BTW Ing. Jaargang 28 Vol. 18Joubertstraat 16B Louis Trichardt TEL: 516 4996/7/8


Perdeliefhebber erg emosioneel na hy self sy liefl ing Arabier moes uitsit na koeëlwond

Dit ruk ‘n man se hart ...

Six men arrested on charges of human traffi cking - page 4

Musina mayor and chief whip told to

“voetsek” - page 13

Blue Drop states most of Vhembe’s water is

excellent - page 3

“Toe ek na my perd aangestap kom, waar sy dodelik verwond in die veld gelê het, het sy nog saggies vir my

gerunnik, so asof sy desperaat vir oulaas dalk tog nog hulp van my vra. Dit ruk aan ‘n man se hart om jou edel, troue dier só te moet sien.”

Bekende perdeliefhebber en

deelnemer aan talle uithou- en pretritte, mnr. Tielman van den Berg, van Rondebosch by Louis Trichardt, was vandeesweek nog merkbaar aangedaan toe hy praat oor die dood van sy pragdier Colette, ‘n 10-jarige Arabier merrie, wat verlede Dinsdag weens ‘n ernstige koëlwond uitgesit moes word. Die perd se waarde word op R20 000 gestel.

Die oorsprong van die fatale koeëlwond is nog onbekend. Plaasmense sê hulle het die middag om-streeks 15:00 ‘n knal gehoor uit die N1 se rigting, waar verskeie ander huise staan.

Van den Berg het drie perde op sy 10-hektaar hoewe aangehou. Hulle kom elke dag omstreeks 17:00 uit die weiveld terug stal toe, waar hulle saans kos kry en slaap. Hy het Dinsdagaand onraad ge-merk toe die diere teen 18:00 nog nie opgedaag het nie. Hy het die perde gaan soek en hulle sowat 600 meter vanaf die huis en ongeveer 100 meter vanaf die lyndraad, aan die suidekant van die hoewe, langs die N1 gevind. Colette, ‘n grys Arabier mer-rie, kon nie beweeg nie.

“Ek het gevind haar linker voorbeen is vanaf die skouer tot op die hoef vol droë bloed. Haar blad was ook erg geswel. Haar been was af. Sy kon glad nie daarop staan nie. Woensdagoggend het ek haar aangetref waar sy op die grond lê. Sy het baie moeilik opgestaan en ek het toe vir die eerste keer die klein koeëlwond op haar bors gesien, waaruit vars bloed gekom het. Die perd het gestaan en bewe van die pyn met die geswelde blad en die been wat af is in die blad,” vertel Van den Berg. Die twee ander perde het deurentyd by haar in die veld gebly.

“Hulle is merkwaardige tropdiere. Hulle vlug of veg altyd saam,” sê Tielman.

Saam met sy buurman, Danie Louw, het hulle vasgestel dat die koeël nêrens weer uit is nie, dat die been morsaf was en dat die dier op geen manier gered kon word nie.

(Vervolg op p.2)

Deur Frans van der Merwe

Mnr. Tielman van den Berg op sy Arabiermerrie Collette, tydens ‘n uithouritbyeenkoms in Maart 2008 by die Capricorn Klub by Kuschke. Foto verskaf.

Pepijn Rennings eats a doughnut without his hands at the Ridgeway Independent School outside Louis Trichardt’s cultural fun day on 5 May. The day served as a fundraising event for the school’s building project inter alia.

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Acornhoek Tel: 082 941 8063Bochum Tel: 015 505 3054Bungeni Tel: 082 880 6624Burgersfort Tel: 082 902 3470Dwarsloop Tel: 082 806 6270Dzanani Tel: 015 970 4794Elim Tel: 015 556 4033Elti Villas Tel: 015 516 4834Giyani Tel: 015 812 1259Hammanskraal Tel: 012 711 3648Jane Furse Tel: 013 265 1628Kabokweni Tel: 013 796 1100

Kwamhlanga Tel: 013 947 8224Lebowakgomo Tel: 015 632 6197Lenyenye Tel: 079 871 6778Louis Trichardt Tel: 015 516 1325Malamulele Tel: 015 851 0937Mankweng Tel: 015 269 3441Marite Tel: 082 941 8062Matoks Tel: 015 527 0495Modjadji Tel: 082 883 7608Mokopane Tel: 015 491 3515Msogwaba Tel: 071 680 8073Musina Tel: 015 533 0676

Nkowankowa Tel: 079 871 3437Sekgosese Tel: 082 941 8063Seshego Tel: 015 223 0100Sibasa Tel: 015 963 2206Siyabushwa Tel: 071 680 8075Tafelkop Tel: 082 310 9705Themba Tel: 012 717 3599Tshakuma Tel: 015 581 6016Tshikumbani Tel: 082 937 3835Venda Tel: 015 964 3561Vondwe Tel: 079 871 6692

Xikundu Tel: 082 310 9704 Zebedeila Tel: 079 511 9782

Tel: (015) 516 5175


2007 VW Kombi 1.9 TDi Caravelle SpecsCaravelle SpecsCaravelle Specs

R219 995



By Peter Muthambi

(Vervolg van p. 1)Die afgelope vyf jaar het daar

‘n hegte band tussen hom en dié perd ontstaan. Hulle het saam aan talle uithouritte deelgeneem en goeie prestasies behaal. Die afgelope meer as twee jaar het hy egter net aan plesierritte deelgeneem. Hy praat met heim wee oor Colette.

“Mens het twee keer elke

dag ten nouste met so ‘n dier te maak. Elke oggend en elke aand is daar spesiale sorg en onder-soek mens jou perd om seker te maak sy is gesond, skoon van bosluise en beserings.Ons perdemense is erg oor ons perde. Sy was ‘n fyngeteelde edeldier,” sê Van den Berg. Hy praat moeilik verder oor die hartseer, die trauma, die pyn oor

die verlies van ‘n sierlike dier, met wie daar ook ‘n besonderse kameraadskap bestaan het.

Hy het darem een troos: “Colette het vir my ‘n pragtige, pikswart vul van vier maande oud agtergelaat. Ons sal hom met groot sorg grootmaak.”

Die skietvoorval word intus-sen verder ondersoek.

BUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkBUSINESS talkBUSINESS talk is a column focus sing on new developments in the local business arena.

To enable us to keep the column running on a weekly basis, readers and businesses are invited to contact the newspaper and let us know of new developments regarding new businesses or services less than a year old.

Any new development will be highlighted through a once-off short write-up in the col-umn free of charge. Further advertisement in the Zoutpansberger can be done at normal advertising rates.

For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at the office of the Zoutpansberger at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

New business or service?By Isabel Venter

Dixi’s brings fashion to you fingertips

Elite Rentals, met Rochelle Weideman aan die stuur, het op 10 April in Louis Trichardt geopen.

Elite Rentals hanteer alle soorte verhu-rings, soos verhuring van industriële geboue, besigheids persele, woonhuise, woonstelle, plotte en plase. Die verhurings word in samewerking met Van der Westhuizen Prokureurs gedoen.

Rochelle nooi alle kliënte uit om ‘n besoek aan haar kantoor te bring.

“Goeie kliëntediens is ons leuse. Ons hou daar-van om navrae te beantwoord en altyd terug te kom na ons kliënte. Ons wil altyd daardie ekstra stappie neem en ‘n bietjie meer moeite doen, ook na ure,” sê Rochelle. Sy het drie jaar ondervinding in die verhuringsbedryf het en is ook tans besig om haarself verder te bekwaam deur middel van NQF 4 en NQF5 kursusse.

Die kantoor is geleë in die ou Vleissentraalge-bou in Erasmusstraat.

Rochelle kan gekontak word by 015 516 0004 of 082 829 1150.

Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Nuwe verhuringsmaatskappy vir dorp

Rochelle Weideman van Elite Rentals.

Dixi’s Nails will bring fash-ion to your fingertips and let them do the talking this season.

Managed by owner Elze-Marie Taute du Preez, Dixi’ Nails, situated at Dixi’s Basket in Tshirululuni Street, offers a wide variety of nail treatments. This also includes the regular manicures and pedicures.

Elze-Marie decided to incor-porate the nail department with her existing business after she

completed her nail technician course in January this year.

This enabled her to give a full range of nail treatments, including acrylic, gel, silk and fibre and revolution sculpture nails.

What really sets her apart, however, is the exiting new 3D Nail Art Printer service that she also provides. Elize-Marie is the sole agent in the Limpopo Province for 3D Nail Art.

This printer allows clients

to personalize their finger- and toenails. Clients can either choose images from an exten-sive gallery, or add their own digital images to be printed directly onto their real or arti-ficial nails.

“There are no boundaries to your creativity; the sky is the limit, and when you reach that, you can even print that on your nails,” says Elze-Marie.

Additionally, the nail printer can also customize other ob-jects such as fresh fruit, flowers (especially roses), cellphones and pens. “Basically, anything you can fit into the printer,” explains Elze-Marie.

Then, for those who are stressed out or suffering from muscle pain, Elze-Marie of-fers the Master Care Swedish Back Care System. With this system, the back, knees, neck and shoulders are re-aligned by transforming your body weight into traction, which relieves disc and joint pains.

Business hours are from 08:00 until 20:00 on week-days and by appointment on Saturdays.

For appointments, phone Elze-Marie at 079 047 0908.

Elze-Marie Taute du Preez, owner of Dixi´s Nails, next to the new 3D Nail Art Printer.

The MEC for Co-operative Government, Hu-man Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoG-STA), Mr Clifford Motsepe, promised that he would make sure that all municipalities in the province achieved a clean audit report. Motsepe was speaking during the official inauguration of the newly appointed mayor of Makhado Munici-pality at an event that was held at the Vyeboom sports grounds on Tuesday.

He said that no excuses would be tolerated in this regard. “I will be working closely with the municipalities in ensuring that we strengthen and instil good financial management,” said Motsepe. “We must all be crusaders of good governance. Our clean audit goals are an objective we must achieve,” he said.

Officially inaugu-rating the new mayor, Motsepe said that all audit queries raised by the auditor general (AG) must be attended to with immediate effect. “Gone are those days when au-dit reports remained un-attended year after year. Makhado Municipality has been the worst-per-forming municipality in the province for the past eight financial years. There is no time and we must ensure that the work begin in earnest right now. We must ensure that, by 2014, all municipalities achieve a clean audit. We need to do things differently in local government indeed,” Motsepe said.

He lashed out at lazy councillors and admin-istrators. He told the new mayor: “Among your responsibilities as a political leader is the provision oversight and monitoring. This remains a challenge not only in this municipality, but in many munici-palities in the province.”

Motsepe added that, year after year, the AG found that councillors interfered with supply chain

management processes or the appointment of staff in the organisation. “Councillors are forbidden from partaking in supply management processes,” he warned. Motsepe congratulated the new mayor and urged him to work hard, together with all councillors, in ensuring that services are rendered to the people.

Traditional leader Khosi-Pfareli Vho-Lilian Netshimbupfe wished Mutavhatsindi all the best with his appointment. For the first time in the his-tory of Makhado Municipality, SAMWU members attended the inauguration of the mayor.

Meanwhile the chairperson of SAMWU, Mr Elvis Tlou, said that his organisation was satis-fied with the new changes in leadership at the

municipality. “The new mayor must ensure that workers have working tools in order for them to be able to do their jobs,” Tlou said.

In his response, the new mayor, Cllr David Mutavhatsindi, said that he was very cognisant of the serious responsi-bility given to him and members of his council. “We accept this respon-

sibility willingly. Our responsibility as council is to act now and act decisively on matters that concern improving the quality of the lives of our people,” he said.

He added that the municipality would expand the provision of water and the quality-testing programme in the main town, R293 towns and rural areas.

“We shall increase our collective efforts in part-nership with the Vhembe District Municipality to ensure that the bulk water supply to our municipal-ity is realised within a set time frame. This would address existing backlogs and water interruptions,” Mutavhatsindi said.

Deur Frans van der Merwe

Hartseer na liefling Arabier se dood

MEC for Co-operative Government, Human Settlement and Traditional Affairs Mr Clifford Motsepe congratulates the new mayor of Makhado Municipality during his inauguration at the Vyeboom sports grounds on Tuesday.

MEC will help Makhado get clean audit

“Makhado Municipality has been the worst-performing

municipality in the province for the past eight financial years. There is no time and

we must ensure that the work begin in earnest right now.”


By Linda van der Westhuizen

Tap water in six of the 12 wa-ter-supply systems of Vhembe District is of excellent quality and safe to drink. These water supply systems are Makhado (Louis Trichardt), Malamulele, Mutale, Musekwa, Mutshedzi and Tshifire.

The water in Musina, Tho-hoyandou, Elim, Kutama and Thsedza is generally safe to drink but with some recorded microbiological failures.

Nzhelele’s water did not com-ply with the expected standards.

These findings are recorded in the results of the 2012 Blue Drop Certification Programme (BDCP). The overall results were announced by Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa on Monday.

The overall national Blue Drop assessment score improved from 72.9% in 2011 to 87.6% in 2012.

Limpopo is in the middle (fifth) of the nine provinces, with a score of 79.4%, improving on their 54% of 2009. Gauteng is first with 98.1% and Mpuma-langa is the worst performer with 60.9%

Vhembe District Municipality (VDM) is fourth in the province, with a score of 74,85% and is in position 67 on the national log. In 2011, VDM scored 45.87% and was the 101st municipality on the national log.

Malamulele had the highest Blue Drop score (78.39%) in Vhembe, and increased their

performance of last year by more than 31%. Mutale followed closely with a Blue Drop score of 77.17% (more than 27% in-crease). Musina scored 76.95% after a whopping improvement of just under 45%. Mutshedzi scored 72.26% (an increase of just above 26%), Tshifhire got 71.77% (an increase of just above 38%), Makhado (Louis Trich-ardt) scored 70.59% (an increase of nearly 26%) and Tshedza 67.97% (an increase of nearly 29%). Musekwa, with its Blue Drop score of 58.37%, showed the greatest improvement, just above 48%. The three poorest-performing systems also showed improvements. Elim improved by 24% to 53.79%, Kutama scored 46.40% (an improvement of just above 25%) and Nzhelele got 44.08% after an improvement of nearly 32%.

The report by the Department of Water Affairs gives credit for the improvements. “The 2012 Blue Drop scores for Vhembe District Municipality indicate the significant achievement of improvement in performance for every water supply system within the water service author-ity’s area of jurisdiction,” the department said.

Drinking-water quality com-pliance forms 30% of the Blue Drop score. Other areas that are assessed are water safety plan-ning, treatment process manage-ment, management accountabil-

ity and local regulation and asset management.

The report warns that “there remain shortcomings that require attention over the next assess-ment cycle to ensure the tap water quality management” in VDM. Their incident management pro-tocol must be amended to include subject matter more relevant to drinking water quality and not only emergencies in general.

Another challenge was the number of water-quality results. “The number of data sets (water-quality results) per supply sys-tem, and detail of the water safety plans, does not allow for an easy determination of what influenced the number of samples per water supply system,” states the report.

The department further en-couraged VDM to develop and implement risk-based monitoring programmes according to SANS 241 (South African National Standards) requirements. “The department could not allocate full scores under the drinking-water quality compliance criteria since the municipality could not pres-ent evidence of a full SANS 241 analysis that would indicate key risk determinants. The chemical-monitoring programmes mostly catered for fluoride, iron and manganese; this would be regard-ed as inadequate in areas where mining activity is prevalent,” the report states.

Blue Drop states most water is excellent

The Blue Drop Performance comparator of Limpopo shows Vhembe District Municipality in the fourth position. The chart has been adapted to show only the top four municipalities. Drinking water quality compliance is one of five performance areas of the Blue Drop Assessments. In the chart, the five areas are shown for each of the four municipalities in the order (from the top) of asset management, management commitment, drinking water quality (DWQ) compliance, process control management and water safety planning. At the bottom, the percentages can be seen. (Graphic adapted from 2012 Blue Drop Report).

Pragtige handwerk vir Ons Tuiste se basaar het ingestroom en die merk van pryse het hierdie Dinsdag in alle erns begin. Van links na regs is mesdames Elize Adendorff (familiekomitee), Hannetjie Steyn (inwoner), Anna van der Merwe (inwoner) en Kittie de Bruin (bestuuder). “Hier is pragtige goed teen baie spesiale pryse. Moenie vanjaar se basaar misloop nie!” sê me. de Bruin. Die basaar is op 25 Mei en begin om 08:00 op die parkeerarea by die woonstelle van Ons Tuiste.


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Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Limpopo police have arrested six sus-pects over the past weekend in Louis Trichardt and Thohoyandou believed to be involved in a human-trafficking syndicate.

According to a police report, the organised criminal syndicate, which includes five Ethiopian men and one In-dian man, aged between 26 and 37 years, were arrested by Musina detectives on Saturday and rescued 47 Ethiopian men who were allegedly destined to be sold as slaves in the province.

The group of 47 men allegedly arrived sometime last week in Musina. They were smuggled out of the refugee centre under mysterious circumstances and taken to different “safe” houses in Louis Trichardt and Thohoyandou.

The syndicate’s illegal activities were uncovered on Saturday after a relative opened a kidnapping case. The com-plainant told police that the group had been smuggled into the country and that

five of his family members out of the 47 were allegedly being held against their will. He had been ordered to pay R10 000 for their release.

The police organised a sting operation through which the complainant was in contact with the syndicate members. This culminated in a meeting at a well-known car dealership in Louis Trichardt. The complainant was in possession of the R10 000, which led to the arrest of two of the suspects and the rescue of the man’s five family members.

After being questioned by the po-lice, the suspects directed them to four other syndicate members who were in Golgotha, Thohoyandou. They were apprehended, after which they led the police to a house next to the University of Venda, where the remaining 42 victims were rescued.

The victims were found in good health and are currently being kept at a safe place, pending the outcome of the

investigation. The six suspects, all of whom have businesses in Thohoyandou, are being investigated for additional links with similar activities in other countries.

Limpopo Police Commissioner Lieu-tenant-General Simon Mpembe has laud-ed the police actions and reinforced the province’s resolve to fight any form of criminality. Mpembe said the organizers of these ventures were taking advantage of vulnerable people and putting their lives at risk. “We will not turn a blind eye to the exploitation of innocent people in our own backyard. Human traffick-ing is modern-day slavery, and the law must show no mercy on these heartless criminals,” he said.

The six suspects appeared in the Musi-na Magistrate’s Court on Monday. They each face 47 charges of kidnapping. They were not asked to plead and their cases were postponed until 14 May, pending further police investigation. They remain in custody.

Neem verlof om in tou te staan

Die toneel by die Makhado Munisipaliteit waar lede van die publiek vir ure in lang toue moes wag.

Daar is tye wat die toue by die Ma kha do Munisipaliteit net nie na wense vorder nie. Een so ‘n dag was verlede Donderdag, 3 Mei. Die toue by die betalingspunt van mu-nisipale rekenings het by die deure uitgestaan.

By die lisensie afdeling het lede van die publiek gesit … en gesit ...

Onderwyser me. Luzelle Wahl het verlof vir die dag ingesit om haar pu-blie ke lisensie te kry om die minibus van die skool te kan bestuur.

“Ek het al op 5 April met die lisen-sie se oogtoets begin. Die volgende dag het ek die betaling gaan doen. Dan moet jy ten minste vyf dae wag en kom hoor of jou vingerafdrukke reg uitgekom het. Ek sit al hier van vanoggend af en hier is net een kas-siere wat die algemene publiek help. Die ander een help net besighede en handelaars. Ek is seker daar is ‘n vin-niger en makliker manier. In Mossel-baai het ek my pa se lisensie gedoen en dit was so vinnig en maklik,” het Wahl gesê.

Wahl het die hoop uitgespreek dat

die nuwe burgemeester die stelsel sal laat ondersoek en verander.

In dieselfde tou as Wahl het mense gesit vir hul motorlisensieskyfies, leerlinglisensie betalings, publieke vervoerlisensies en registrasie van voertuie.

Mnr. Johan Jansen het al van 07:30 daar gesit en wag vir die toets-beampte, want hy is meegedeel dat dit net dié betrokke persoon is wat sy vingerafdrukke mag neem. Die toetsbeampte het kom sê dat hy net na agtuur daar sal wees. Teen 12:30 het Jansen nog daar gewag. Hy het die vorige dag sy lisensie geslaag.Die munisipale woordvoerder, mnr. Louis Bobodi, is op 3 Mei geroep. Die probleem is onder sy aandag gebring en hy is gevra om antwoorde te gee. Op 7 Mei het Bobodi gesê dat hy nie kan belowe dat hy die antwoorde op die vrae wat deurgestuur is betyds sal kan gee nie, want hy het belangriker dinge om te doen. Dit was hierdie week die inhuldiging van die nuwe burgemeester. Teen druktyd was daar nog geen antwoorde nie.

The six suspects arrested over the weekend for allegedly being involved in a human-trafficking syndicate. Although they did appear in court on Monday, they were not asked to plead en therefore their identities cannot be revealed. Photo supplied.

Six arrested on charges of human trafficking



The Louis Trichardt Post Of-fice has maintained its track record as the best post office in Limpopo.

Louis Trichardt Post Office achieved a score of 99,78% conformance to operational stan-dards during the latest assessment by the post office. With that, the Louis Trichardt Post Office achieved close to a 100% for the third time in a row.

Ndala Mnisi, group executive in charge of post office outlets, presented a special trophy to

Louis Trichardt Post Office for this achievement. Mnisi says he is very proud of the team at the Louis Trichardt Post Office.

“The aim of the oversight programme, where we check the extent to which post offices con-form to operational requirements, is to improve customer service.”

Mnisi says the programme also looks at queue lengths, customer compliments and suggestions, right down to the cleanliness of the branch – everything that af-fects the customer’s experience.

Dries Rossouw, branch man-ager at the Louis Trichardt Post Office, attributes the success of the branch to team work. “This is not one person’s trophy,” he says.

“We received this award be-cause we all work together to give our customers a better ex-perience.” The Louis Trichardt Post Office does an average of 1 400 transactions per day and has seven postmen who deliver around 16 000 mail items per week to the town. (Article and photos supplied)

Local post office still best in Limpopo

The team from the Louis Trichardt Post Office who helped to maintain its track record as the best in the province.

Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se nuwe beheerraad het hul eerste vergadering op 3 Mei gehou. Hulle nooi die gemeenskap uit om met hulle te skakel, veral met positiewe voorstelle. Voor, van links na regs, is mnre. Kobus Barkhuizen (voorsitter), Pieter Leonard (ondervoorsitter), Henry Denner (skoolhoof), Bertus Guilluame (ondervoorsitter: finansiële komitee) en Jaco Voigt (voorsitter: finansiële komitee). Agter is mnr. Theo Muller (adjunkhoof), mnr. Hennie Coetzee (sport), me. Ralda van Wyk (reklame en bemarking), me. Riana Smith (koshuis en hulpbronne), me. Elizma Pöhl (kultuur), me. Laura Jacobs (sekretaresse), me. Elsa Kriek (adjunkhoof) en mnr. Coenie de Lange (personeelverteenwoordiger). Afwesig: Mnr. Johan Laubser (sport).

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A resident of Tshikwarani in the Kutama area is being held captive in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

Thabo Siavhe (28), together with three other humanitarian relief workers, was captured by North Sudanese soldiers while doing landmine clearance work on a United Nations contract. The four are said to have entered the wrong territory while busy with their duties, said a representative of the Sudanese government.

Siavhe is an employee of the state-owned Denel-Mechem company in Cape Town and, together with his colleague from Sudan, was deployed to Sudan to be “part of a UN task team responsible for the lifting of landmines and the destruction of unexploded remnants of the recent civil war between the two countries,” Denel Mechem CEO Ashley Williams told Mail & Guardian Online last week.

There has been an on-going clash between South Sudan and Sudan, and now the two Denel-Mechem employees are sus-pected of being military advisors to South Sudan. They are thought to have come to collect explosive debris for investigation purposes. Because of this allegation, the four men are being investigated and no foreign consul has been granted access to them yet.

Back at home, Siavhe’s fam-ily is worrying about their loved one’s health and safety in the hands of the Sudanese soldiers. “It’s painful to have seen your brother in March and now, in

May, you’re told that he is pos-sibly suffering in a foreign land,” said Lindiwe Siavhe, holding Siavhe’s son in her arms.

On Saturday, the Siavhe family received professional counselling for them to remain strong in this time of pain and uncertainty. “We pray day and night for our son to be released,” said Siavhe’s moth-er, Johanna Mahlangu-Siavhe (54), when the Zoutpansberger visited the family on Sunday. “I’ve not known how food tastes since we received news of his arrest in that far-away place. Thabo is a good son. We can’t imagine his being involved in bad activities.”

The Kutama Traditional Au-thority has been in contact with the South African ambassador in Sudan, and the council says they were told that Siavhe is in good health. “They say he might be released this week,” said the Kutama Traditional Authority’s chairperson, Mr MG Muofhe. “We’re also making a call for all people to start praying for Thabo’s safety and release.”Thabo Siavhe (28).

Tshifhiwa Mukwevho

Kutama man (28) held captive in Sudan

Branch manager Mr Dries Rossouw and Ms Christa Kruger of the local post office’s quality section with the trophy and certificate they won.



Baba in hospitaal ná spinnekopbyt‘n Onlangse geval waar ‘n eenjarige baba in die hospitaal geëindig het ná ‘n giftige spin-nekopbyt, het weereens dié agtvoetige lede van die diereryk in die kalklig geplaas.

Vir ouers Henk en Rita Cloete van Bela Bela was dit ‘n nagmerrie ondervinding. Hulle is dankbaar dat hul babadogter, Luané, wat middel April deur ‘n giftige sakspinnekop gebyt is, weer gesond is. Dit danksy ‘n stewige dosis sterk anti biotika en celes ta mien, wat genadig lik gekeer het dat ’n abses ont-staan het of ernstige weef sel-ska de ingetree het. Haar beterskap het egter gevolg op ‘n weeklange angstydperk van dokter- en hospitaalbesoeke.

Vol gens Inter net-bron ne oor spin ne kop-pe, is die sak spinne kop ver ant woor de lik vir die meeste spinne kop byte by mense. Hulle gif is sito tok sies, wat bete ken dat die gif op die wond self in werk, en selle en weef sel ver nietig. Die byt plek vorm ook blase.

Die sak spinne kop is vale rig tot lig groen, en die alge meenste soort wat in huise ge vind word. Hulle het op merk-like lang voor pote wat voren toe wys. Hulle is lief daar voor om in gor dyne, la kens en sagte mate riaal soos bed dens

te kruip.Die sak spinne kop se byt is aan vank lik pyn loos,

maar die gif ver oor saak ’n abses. In uiterste ge valle sweer die wond en is ’n vel oor plan ting nodig. Nog simp tome sluit in hoof pyn en koors. Die byt plek is ge woonlik aan vank lik sig baar as twee gele rige

knop pies.Kun diges maan egter dat

mense nie spinne-koppe voor die voet moet dood-

maak nie, om-dat veral die sak spinne kop eintlik baie w a a r d e v o l is vir boere, want hul le

help met pes-be heer.

(Artikel en foto’s: LiN Nuus/Die Pos)

Die sakspinnekop is valerig tot liggroen, en die algemeenste soort wat in huise gevind word.

Só het Luané se been gelyk, nadat sy deur ‘n giftige sakspinnekop gebyt is.

Leerlinge van die Levubu CVO-skool moes tydens hul onlangse temadag ‘n letter kies uit die woord BCVO en daarvolgens aantrek. Die “showstopper” was juffrou Ansie Erasmus (voor op die vloer) wat die B gekies het en as ‘n Boer by die skool opgedaag het. Foto verskaf.

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DEURLOPEND• GISTER-SE-JEUG BYEEN Die Gister-se-Jeugklub vergader elke Dinsdag vanaf 09:00 tot 11:00 in die kerksaal van die Nederdu-itsch Hervormde Kerk op die hoek van Stubbs-straat en Forestryweg in Louis Trichardt.

Alle senior burgers is welkom by die klub-vergaderings waar die programme interessante sprekers, musiek, speletjies, geestelike bood-skappe, uitstappies en kuier insluit.

Vir meer inligting kan mnr.Willie Agenbacht by 083 453 6597 of Nick le Roux by 081 378 5739 geskakel word.

Dienstye kan verander, veral gedurende vakansies. Skakel kerke vir meer inligting. Service times may change, especially during holidays . Phone churches for more information.


WHAT’S HAPPENING?We need your club, school, church or non-profit organisation’s events for 2012. Please send the details to [email protected], fax it to (015) 516 2303 or phone 015 516 4996/7. These events will be published free of charge in the calendar. You can also submit and view these online at www.zoutpansberger.co.za

WAT GEBEUR?Ons benodig alle klubs, skole, kerke en nie-winsgewende organisasies se opkomende gebeurtenisse vir 2012. Stuur besonderhede na [email protected], faks 015 516 2303 of skakel 015 516 4996/7. Die gebeurtenisse sal gratis in die kalender geplaas word. Besoek gerus ook ons webtuiste se kalender by www.zoutpansberger.co.za

LOUIS TRICHARDT• SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 519 4300 / 083 206 5594• Ambulance/Ambulans - 015 516 4378 / 015 516 2395• Electricity/Elektrisiteit - 015 516 2990• Water - 015 516 2990• Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 516 0551 / 015 516 0554• Munisipaliteit/Municipality - 015 519 3000• Hospital (Government) - 015 516 0148 / 9• Hospital (Private) - 015 516 0720 / 015 516 6980• SPB Dorpswag - 082 251 0827

MUSINA• SAPS/SAPD - 10111 / 015 534 7601• Ambulance/Ambulans - 10177 / 015 534 0061• Fire Brigade/Brandweer - 015 534 0061• Hospital (Government) - 015 534 0446 / 7• Municipality - 015 534 6000• Electricity/Water - 083 457 2183

LEVUBU • SAPS/SAPD - 10111/ 015 583 0121• Municipal and other services (see Louis Trichardt)


Indien kerke se besonderhede soos hierbo nie korrek is nie of verander het, skakel Andries by tel. 015 516 4997 of skryf aan [email protected] Nuwe kerke welkom. If church details are incorrect or have changed, please phone Andries at 015 516 4997 or write to [email protected] New churches welcome.

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (LTT)Tshirululunistraat 28, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 516 2272

• Afrikaanse Protestantse Kerk (Musina)Cass Straat 16, Sondag 09:00, Tel: 015 534 2126

• Agapé Gemeente (LTT)Munnikstraat 90, Sondag 09:00, 17:00 kom jeug bymekaar. Past. Sampie van Niekerk, Tel: 015 516 3725 / 082 926 9538

• AGS Charisma (LTT)Munnikstraat 70, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Anton van den Berg, Tel 015 516 0486 of 083 653 0790

• AGS El-Shaddai (Musina)

Watsonlaan 17, Sondag 10:00 en 18:00, Past. Boetie Visser, Tel: 015 534 3361 / 084 456 6959

• AGS Charisma (Levubu)Sondag 09:00. Past Anton van den Berg (015 5160486)

• All Nations for Jesus Christian Centre (LTT)

93 Burger Street (Maranatha Centre), Sunday 09:30 & Wednesday 18:00, Past Benjamin Sithole, Tel 083 532 9492/ 015 516 2275

• Anglican Church / St Marks (LTT)128 Munnik Street, Sunday 10:30, Rev Robbie Novella, Tel: 015 516 5165

• Baptist Church (Musina) Corner of Whyte & Limpopo Street, Sunday 09:30, Rev Paul Richardson, Tel: 015 534 0479 or 082 446 1728

• Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk (LTT) Ruhstraat 25, Sondag 09:30 & 18:30 (Ds. Johan Marais), Tel: 015 516 2714.

• Baird Ministries (LTT)Cnr of Rissik & Reitz Street. Fellowship on Sundays at 09:00 Bertus (founder) Tel 071 078 1631.

• Catholic Church (Musina)National Road. Tel: 015 534 2085

• Catholic Church (LTT)Corner Burger & Jeppe Street, Mass times: 1st Sunday 10:00 - 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday 17:00, Father Frank Gallagher, Tel: 015 516 0566 / 082 664 1393

• Chapel of Grace Church Sunday 09:00 - 11:00 at Maurunwa/SIloam/Nzhelele Past Oke Tel 083 461 6455 or 072 976 3448.

• Church of England / St Peters (LTT)33 Breda Street, Sunday 09:00, Rev Emil Katz, Tel: 015 516 2164 / 083 284 7580

• Emmanuel Christelike Kerk (LTT)Koraalboomstraat 3, Sondag 09:00, Past. Andries van Heerden, Tel: 015 516 4282 / 083 357 1658

• Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)Songozwistraat (Voortrekkersaal), Sondagdiens 09:00, leraar ds. Abel Erasmus, Tel: 073 371 7566.

• Gereformeerde Kerk (LTT)H/v Anderson & Songozwistraat, Sondag 09:00 en 10:45. Ds. Hans Grobler. Tel. 015 516 4007

• Gereformeerde Kerk (Musina)Wilsonlaan 1, Sondag 09:30, Ds. Cornel Nagel, Tel: 015 534 2253 / 084 406 1723

• Hervormde Kerk Louis TrichardtH/v Stubbs & Forestry, Sondag 08:30, Ds. Phillip Horn, Tel: 015 516 0550 / 083 259 4061

• Hervormde Kerk Zoutpansberg (LTT)H/v Stubb & Forestry, Sondag 10:00, Ds. Ronel Eckard, Tel: 072 122 7956

• Hervormde Kerk (Musina)H/v Van Zyl & Celliersstraat, Sondag om 09:00, ds. Eddie Eckard, Tel: 015 534 2519 of 082 958 9095, Kerkkantoor 015 534 2756.

• Lede in Christus Kerk (LTT)

Joubertstraat 29, Sondag 10:00 & 18:00, Past. Fanie Redelinghuis, Tel: 015 516 0521 / 082 465 8774

• Levubu Christelike Gemeente (Hatfield)Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Craig Whitcomb, Tel 015 583 0134 of 084 400 8937

• Methodist Church (LTT)79 Munnik Street, Sunday 09:00, Tel. 015 516 0446

• NG Kerk (Levubu)Perseel 316, Sondag 08:30 en 10:15 (LTT - Rondebosch Lapa), Ds. Petrus Kriel Tel: 015 583 002 / 082 898 2081

• NG Kerk (LTT)Erasmusstraat 23, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, ds. Jan Pretorius en ds. Corné Randall, Tel: 015 516 3902 of 072 207 8350.

• NG Kerk Soutpansberg (LTT)H/v Stubbs & Andersonstraat, Sondag 09:00, ds. Phillip Venter. Tel: 015 516 4366

• NG Kerk (Musina)Ds. Henricostraat, Sondag 09:00, ds Anton Kemp, Tel: 015 534 0759, 082 779 2609 / 082 779 2324

• New Covenant Kerk/Church (LTT)115 Krogh Street, Sondag 09:00 en 18:30, Louis Trichardt, André van Niekerk, Tel 015 516 5305 or 082 926 7313

• Ou Apostoliese Kerk van SA (LTT)Kroghstraat, Sondagdienste om 08:45 en 18:00, Priester Attie van Deventer, Tel. 079 516 7667

• Shammah Bedieninge/Ministries (LTT)Sondag hoofdiens & Kinderkerk 09:00, Jeugkerk en Huisselle 18:00, Donderdag: opleiding en geestelik toerusting, Past Strydom 082 785 0265, kerkkantoor 015 516 4018, Rissikstraat 50

• Sewendedag-adventiste (LTT)Groblerstraat, Saterdag 09:00 en 11:00, Roger de Troch, Tel 082 897 8374

• Sewendedag-adventiste (Musina)H/v Turner & Whytestraat, Saterdag 11:00, Marguerite Sindon & Marietjie Diener, Tel: 015 534 3240 / 082 358 2526

• Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (Buysdorp)Sondag 10:00 (erediens), Ds. H. J. Steyn (082 336 9751)

• Volle Evangelie Kerk (LTT)H/v Rissik & Burgersraat, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Stefan Pieterse, Tel: 015 516 0758 / 082 462 6755

• Volle Evangelie Kerk Ebenhaeser (Musina)H/v Turner & Watsonstraat, Sondag 09:00 & 18:00, Past. Jimmy Venter, Tel: 082 920 4493


SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBVInsp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

ZoutieWeatherLouis Trichardt(Seven-day forecast)

(Source: http://www.accuweather.com)


Thursday, 10 May

High: 24oC Low: 10oC


Friday, 11 May

High: 23oC Low: 10oC Saturday, 12 May

High: 21oC Low: 7oC

Partly sunny.

Sunday, 13 May

High: 23oC Low: 8oC

A couple of showers and thunderstorms.

Monday, 14 May

High: 18oC Low: 8oC Tuesday, 15 May

High: 21oC Low: 8oC

Mostly sunny.

Partly sunny.


Wednesday, 16 May

High: 23oC Low: 7oC

The Zoutpansberger’s website (www.zout-pansberger.co.za) offers rea ders a calendar entry service on their Events Page.

Visitors to the website can now list their calendar entries for upcoming events on the Events Page themselves. It is as easy as merely logging in on the Events Page through your existing Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts and uploading your entry. The entry will, however, not appear immediately as it has to go through a moderation process first.

In addition, sport club administrators (and

for that matter church and school administra-tors) can contact us to directly submit events on the Events Page without a moderations process. If an administrator is listed as a user on the site, their calendar entries will show im-mediately. This function allows administrators to update events through the year on a platform used by ten others publications throughout the province as part of both a local and provincial calendar.

For more information, phone Andries van Zyl at Tel 015 516 4996/7.

Make sure

you list

your event

• MANNE VAN DIE WOORD WEER BYEEN Die Manne van die Woord in Louis Trichardt is weer volstoom aan die gang en kom elke Vrydag van 05:45 tot 06:45 by Ocean Basket in Songozwistraat byeen.

By hierdie interkerklike byeenkomste bemoe-dig mans mekaar om die Here te dien.

Alle mans is welkom. Vir meer inligting kan Tobias Fourie by 082 451 4249 geskakel word.


• WOMEN’S EVENING AT AGAPÉ American actress Erin Bethea, who played in the film Fireproof, will visit Louis Trichardt. Erin will be the guest speaker at a women’s evening on Saturday, 12 May, at 18:00 at Agapé Chrisitan Cen-tre in Munnik Street.

In the film, firefight-er Caleb (Kirk Camer-

on) accepts the challenge to rescue his marriage by winning his wife, Catherine (Erin Bethea) back through the Love Dare principles.

The Love Dare book followed, with more than 7 million copies in print. Love Dare is designed to enrich good marriages and save marriages that are falling apart.


die draai nooi Ladies Circle 4 in Louis Trichardt alle mammas en hul vrien dinne vir ‘n lek-

ker damesoggend by Ocean Basket op 12 Mei.Idols-finalis Jean-Pierre en

sy orkes sal luister aan die geleentheid gee met talle pryse te wen, stalletjies, ‘n modeparade en gelukkige trekking.

Die koste beloop R100 per persoon, wat ‘n ete en geskenkie insluit. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Ocean Basket, Feminique of enige lid van Ladies

• EVASDAG BY SHAMMAH Shammah Bedieninge bied ‘n spesiale Evasdag op Saterdag, 12 Mei, aan met Ronel Nell as spreker.

“Die lewe maak soms snaakse draaie en alhoewel ons probeer om dit te hanteer, kan dit buite ons beheer raak. Vrou, jy kán aanbeweeg!” sê Ronel, wat haar lewenservaring kom deel. Die Evasdag kos R30 per persoon en vind plaas van 15:00 tot 17:00. (Vervolg op p. 9)

• BONSAI-SLYPSKOOL Die streek se bonsai-kwekers word uitgenooi na die volgen-de slypskool op 12 Mei by Three Day Kwekery net buite Louis Trichardt.

Die slypskool vind plaas vanaf 09:00 tot 12:00 en belangstellendes moet onthou om hul eie boompies saam te bring. Vir meer inligting, skakel Dawid Kruger by tel. 084 363 0041.

Circle 4.Vir meer inligting, skakel Belinda 082 303

2992 of Ria 073 573 0690.





Fri, Sat,Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20Sun,Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20


THE AVENGERS ˛◊∆Daily: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30


THE GREY ˛Ç∞Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:45, 22:20Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:45Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:30, 17:10, 19:45


THE HUNGER GAMES ˛ÇœDaily: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00


PUNCTURE ˛ÇFri, Sat: 9:45, 12:00, 15:00, 17:45, 20:10, 22:30Sun, Tue: 9:45, 12:00, 15:00, 17:45, 20:10Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:00, 17:45, 20:10


GOOD DEEDS ˛ÇFri, Sat: 9:15, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30Tue: 9:15, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30


THE AVENGERS 3D ˛◊∆Daily: 11:20, 14:20, 17:20, 20:30


THE VOW ¸̨ ◊Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30


OTELO BURNING ¸̨ ◊œEnglish Subtitles...Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 20:00, 22:30Sun, Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 20:00Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:45, 17:10, 20:00


BATTLESHIP ˛◊∆Fri-Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:30, 20:20


THINK LIKE A MAN ˛◊Fri, Sat: 9:05, 11:40, 14:25, 17:05, 19:45, 22:30Sun, Tue: 9:05, 11:40, 14:25, 17:05, 19:45Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:25, 17:05, 19:45



Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:15, 20:10, 22:45Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:50, 14:30, 17:15, 20:10Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:50, 14:30, 17:15, 20:10


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Albasini Dam 39.9% 40.2%Ebenezer Dam 100.2% 100%Flag Boshielo Dam 94.3% 94.9%Glen Alpine Dam 69.1% 95.9%Luphephe Dam 69.1% 70.8%Middel Letaba Dam 4.1% 4.4%Nandoni Dam 97.6% 98%Nsami Dam 34.3% 34.8%Nwanedzi Dam 68.7% 70.1%Nzhelele Dam 74.8% 76%Tzaneen Dam 96.7% 98%Vondo Dam 95.2% 95.9%




According to latest available information from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry as

on Monday, 7 May.


* Latest stats unavailable by the time of going to press




SPCA LOUIS TRICHARDT DBVInsp Lawrence Khodobo Cell 082 965 5151

• WEEKLY RUN/WALK The Sout-pansberg Athletics Club invites everyone to their weekly walk and run. “Let’s better your time on a fixed route,” invites the club. The walk and run take place every Tuesday from 17:15 at their club house, next to the municipal swimming pool in Louis Trichardt. For more information, phone Mark at 083 774 2264.

• WEEKLIKSE BERGFIETS-RITTE Bergfietsryers van alle ouderdomme en vlakke van fiksheid word genooi om Sondae vanaf 16:00 op ‘n nie-kompeterende basis saam te kom ry in en om Louis Trichardt. Vir meer in-ligting, skakel Marc Archer by tel. 083 324 8495.

• 4x4-DAG OP LEVUBU Die Levubu Gemeenskapsentrum, in samewerking met Levubu Laerskool, bied op 19 Mei ‘n 4x4-dag met hope ander pret aan.

Persone wat wil deelneem aan die 4x4-dag of ‘n stalletjie vir die dag wil bespreek, skakel Ma-rie Ferreira by 082 852 8859 of Johan Schutte by 082 378 6222.


• ONS TUISTE HOU BASAAR Ons Tuiste Ouetehuis in Louis Trichardt hou op 25 Mei vanaf 08:00 weer lekker basaar op hul voorstoep.

Heerlike pannekoek, worsbroodjies, tuisge-maakte konfyt, kerrie-en-rys, groente, koek, tert en ander gebak, asook nuttige handwerk sal te koop aangebied word.

Daar sal ook deurentyd boeremusiek wees, aangebied deur die 2 Crocs (Daan Snyman en John Kuhn).

“Koop ‘n pannekoek en geniet ‘n koppie kof-fee of tee gratis,” nooi die tehuis.

Vir navrae, skakel 015 516 0997 tydens kantoor-ure.• DR PEASLEY TO MINISTER

AT AGAPÉ Dr Harold Peasley, executive director of Multi Ministries, will minister at the Agapé Christian Church on Sunday, 13 May, at 09:00.

Multi Ministries is based in Roodepoort and Dr Peasly conducts conferences in South Africa, Europe and the USA.

Dr Peasley will be accompanied by a USA team from Sherwood Ministries who were involved in producing Christian films like Fire-proof and Facing the Giants.


• JAGGEWEER-SKIETKOM-PETISIE Die streek se skuts moet daarvan kennis neem dat die Soutpansberg Skietklub se jaarlikse Jaggeweer-skietkompetisie uitgestel is na 26 Mei. ‘n Rooibok sal vanjaar aangebied word as trekprys buiten die normale medaljes vir kategorie wenners. Die dag sal afgesluit word met ‘n gesellige bring-en-braai.



woners word uitgenooi na ‘n optrede van Suid-Afrikaanse sangsensasie Armand Hofmeyr in die Levubu Gemeenskap-saal op 9 Junie.

Sy optrede begin om 18:30 vir 19:00 en kaartjies kos R100 per persoon (tien per tafel), wat ‘n ligte ete insluit.

Kaartjies is beskik-baar by Delta, Beck’s Apteek, Weldon’s Apteek, OK Grocer of skakel Marie Ferreira by tel. 082 852 8859.

• SOUTPANSBERG KUNSFEES Laerskool Louis Trichardt se jaarlikse Soutpans-berg Kunsfees vind vanaf 28 tot 31 Mei by die skool plaas.

Vir meer inligting kan me. Annelle Pauer by 071 334 0447 geskakel word.

AUGUSTUS• INNI-BERG FEES BY CVO Die CVO Skool Zoutpansberg in Louis Trichardt bied weer vanjaar die Inni-Berg Fees aan op 24 en 25 Augustus.

‘n Opwindende program met top kunstenaars soos Izak Davel, Fredi Nest, Arno Jordaan, Karin Ferreira en vele meer sal oor die twee dae aangebied word. Buiten die stalletjies en biertuin, is daar ook kompetisies in die vorm van Mej. Inni-Berg Fees en Inni-Berg Karakter.

Vir meer inligting oor die fees en die beskik-baarheid van stalletjies, skakel Miempie du Toit by 084 606 0165 of Raymond Pretorius by 082 899 5011.

• KUNSUITSTALLING OP LEVUBU Kom geniet ‘n genotvolle aand en kunsuitstalling saam met Laerskool Levubu op 16 Mei.

Kaartjies is beskikbaar teen R60 per persoon, wat ‘n heerlike vingerete insluit. Daar is ‘n ope-afdeling waar ingeskryf kan word in enige van die drie kategorieë teen R30 per inskrywing en pryse kan gewen word.

Vir verdere inligting, skakel Michelle by 015 583 0102.

• CLASSIC CAR SHOW Owners and lovers of classic cars are invited to a Classic Cars Show at the Farmyard Trading Post in Polo-kwane on 12 and 13 May.

“Come and display your classic car. All cars pre-1982 are welcome,” invite the hosts, the Limpopo Classic Car Club.

The event is sponsored by Mercurius Limpopo and entrance is free.

• OBSERVATION EVENING Join the Soutpansberg Astronomy Club (SAC) for an evening of stargazing on Saturday, 19 May, and catch the constellation of Orion as it disappears below the western horizon, while on the opposite side of the sky, the constellation of Scorpius rises.

Saturn in Virgo and Mars in Leo are well po-sitioned for viewing as are the deep-sky objects within them.

New members are welcome and no previous knowledge of the subject is necessary, just an in-terest in our universe. Braai packs, refreshments and amenities are available.

For further information and directions, contact Kos Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or by email at [email protected]

• A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM The drama department of Ridgeway College in Louis Trichardt will be putting on a unique production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

“Come and experience this travelling theatre experience as you are guided through the differ-ent scenes of this enchanting story,” invites the college.

On 17 May, students will have the opportu-nity to watch the production at R40 per ticket. The ticket price for both students and adults will remain the same on 18 May, while tickets for the gala evening on 19 May will cost R120 per person, which includes a sit-down dinner.

For more information and ticket enquiries, phone Ridgeway College at 010 590 4776.

• DINE WITH THE MOON Due to popular demand, residents are once again invited to Dine with the Moon on Saturday, 27 May.

The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club in Louis Trichardt invites you to join them for a night-sky safari, accompanied by a three-course meal, clas-sical music and the stars of the show, the first-quarter moon as well as a few stellar delights.

Booking is essential. Phone Kos or Sarah Coronaios on 079 148 4934 or 083 427 5674.

• NG KERK MESSINA HOU BASAAR Die NG Kerk in Musina hou weer hulle jaarlikse basaar op Saterdag, 2 Junie, met die tema “Plaaskombuis”.

Verkope begin om 07:30 en sluit in goeie-gehalte vars vleis, biltong, droëwors en sosaties.

Verder kan daar heerlik gesmul word aan ham-burgers, pannekoek, boereworsrolle, vetkoeke, kerrie-en-rys en nagereg. Vir die soettand is daar die heerlikste koeksisters en ander gebak.

Vir die kinders is daar ‘n kindertafel en speletjies, wat onder andere insluit verfbalskiet, ‘n klimmuur, “minit 2 winit”, T-hemde verf en gesigverf.

Die trompoppies van Messina Laerskool tree oudergewoonte ook op, en verskeie items word opgeveil.

“Jy kan heerlik ontspan met ‘n koppie koffie of tee en koek in die teetuin, en vars groente, vrug-te, en ook plante aankoop. Moenie hierdie basaar misloop nie – dit beloof om, soos gewoonlik, iets vir ‘n ieder en elk te bied!” nooi die gemeente.

• PLAASLIKE RUGBY Die Louis Trichardt Rugbyklub geniet eerskomende Sater-dag (12 Mei) ‘n afnaweek.

Die Messina Rugbyklub sal egter in ‘n weg-wedstryd te staan kom teen Loskop.

Louis Trichardt se volgende kragmeting is op 19 Mei wanneer hulle teen Loskop te staan kom in ‘n wedstryd op hul tuisveld. Messina sal op hulle beurt op hul tuisveld te staan kom teen Winterveld en Origstad.

• BULLETJIE RUGBYDAG Laer-skool Messina, in samewerking met Forever Resort Tshipise, bied op 26 Mei vir die 13de keer hul gewilde Bulletjie Rugbydag aan.

Dié bulletjiedag bly een van die grootste in die Limpopo Provinsie. Vir diegene wat graag tydens die dag wil kom uitstal, is uitstalruimte beskikbaar teen R300 per stalletjie. Besprekings vir stalletjies kan by Laerskool Messina gedoen word by 015 534 2144. Vir dié wat wil kom oorslaap, kan die oord geskakel word by tel. 015 539 0634.

“Dit beloof om weereens ‘n naweek vol pret en plesier te wees, wat afgesluit word met ‘n heerlike bring-en-braai en boeredans die Saterdag aand,” sê die skool.

• BUSHVELD WALK Ridgeway Col-lege in Louis Trichardt will once again be host-ing their Bushveld Walk on Saturday, 2 June.

Registration starts at 09:00 and the race starts at 10:00.


• PROPHETIC WORKSHOP A prophetic worship workshop, where worship teams and individuals will be guided in the principles of worship in the prophetic realm, will be conducted by well-known worship leader Mervis van der Merwe on Saturday 19 May at Shammah Ministries

in Rissik Street. Mervis will also conduct both services on Sunday, 20 May.

For the workshop, booking is essential and the cost is R30 per person. The workshop will commence at 15:00 on 19 May. The two Sunday services start at 09:00 and 18:00 respectively and everyone is welcome.

For enquiries and bookings, the church office can be contacted on week mornings at 015 516 4018. Alternatively, Past. Strydom can be con-tacted on 082 7850 265.

• BOOK LAUNCH AT AGAPÉ Residents of Louis Trichardt are reminded of Pastor Marcel van Niekerk’s book launch on 26 May.

Van Niekerk, one of the pastors at the Agapé Christian Centre, will launch his book The Space Between Us at 18:00 at the Agapé Christian

Centre in Munnik Street. The book endeavours to clarify the role that

the Holy Spirit plays in the lives of Christians and to “eradicate the mysterious shadow that has veiled the Holy Spirit for many generations.”

There will be a formal programme, followed by an opportunity to buy the book at R80.

(Vervolg van p. 8)Vir navrae of besprekings kan die kerkantoor

op weeksoggende geskakel word by 015 516 4018 of Sarie van Heerden by 0791372044.

• RUITERKLUB HOU UITSTAP-PIE Soutpansberg Ruiterklub nooi alle belang-stellendes na hul naweekuitstappie vanaf Vrydag, 11 Mei, tot Sondag, 13 Mei.

Daar sal besoek gebring word aan die Bouwer-gesin op die plaas Rabeja sowat 20km vanaf Louis Trichardt op die Thohoyandou-pad. Eie drinkbakke en kampies vir perde is noodsaaklik.

Vir meer inligting, skakel Elize by tel. 083 389 0688.

• GHOLF-EN-POTJIE DAG Die streek se gholfspelers word uitgenooi na ‘n “Potjie-en-Gholf” dag op 2 Junie by die Levubu Rugbyklub.

“Kom wys jou slag met ‘n gholfstok of die kook van ‘n potjie. Staan ‘n kans om een van vele kontantpryse los te slaan op ons unieke dryf-baan,” nooi die organiseerders. Die groot prys van R1 000 word geborg deur Tops in Levubu.

Deelname kos R50 per persoon en spelers kan vanaf 14:00 tot 17:00 afslaan.

Participants can choose between the 5km or 10km race. The entry fee is R15 for primary school children and R30 for high school chil-dren and adults. Corporate teams and sponsors are also welcome. The venue is south on the N1 from Louis Trichardt. At the Ford Edward road, turn left and continue for 3km then turn right at the signpost for the Walkathon.

For more information, phone Ridgeway Col-lege on 010 590 4776.


Jannie Brink, seun van Jan en Sally Brink van Louis Trichardt, en Nina Linde, dogter van Louis en Elsje Linde van Louis Trichardt, is op 31 Maart deur Nina se oupa, prof. Koos van Rooy en haar broer, ds. Lohan Linde, op die plaas Sederkrans in die huwelik bevestig. Foto verskaf.

The children of Ridgeway Independent School outside Louis Trichardt were happy to meet their mascot, Rico,on 5 May at the school’s cultural fun day. In front, holding Rico, are Casper-John Venter (left) and Marco Marcos, who pioneered the school’s project to save the rhino. Their financial contribution to the Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is used for Rico’s intensive training to sniff out rhino horn and ivory. At the back is Rico’s trainer from the Airport Company Transportation Security (ACTS) firm in Johannesburg, Mr Ernest Taylor, better known as ET. “Rico comes from Germany. He is about two years old and used to be at ‘Search and Rescue’. Because he is so happy, noisy and lively, we took him out. His temperament and high drive for a ball are excellent for his current training,” ET said. The principal, Ms Magriet Swanepoel, said that the day was a fundraiser for their hall-building project and that a percentage would go to EWT. She expressed her gratitude towards all the sponsors and the community for supporting the event.

Lebogang Lebese, Grade 11 learner of Louis Trichardt High School, is the runner-up in the senior category of the one-day tournament of the Polokwane Debating League (PDL). The PDL tournament took place on 5 May at Noorderland High School. Lebogang was also captain of the senior B-team that won three out of their four rounds.

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Join the Limpopo Mirror on Facebook, as well as Twitter and get news

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By Peter Muthambi

Makhado Mayor Cllr David Mutavhatsindi (second from right) cuts the ribbon to declare the Makhado Municipal Library officially open. Looking on are Ms Nickey van Zyl (left), Mr Ernest Raphalalani (second from left) and the acting municipal manager, Mr Elias Mugari (right).

Joy as municipal library finally re-opensThe Makhado municipal library in Louis Trichardt has officially reopened after being closed for renovations for almost six months. The library was opened by the Makhado Mu-nicipality’s mayor, Cllr David Mutavhatsindi, last Wednesday.

Mutavhatsindi said that having realised that the library was old and starting to deteriorate, the municipality took a decision to renovate it. He said that the roof was leaking and, as a result, this was endangering the books. Mutavhatsindi said that the municipality had spent R455 000 on the renova-tions. “We had to replace the carpets and renovate the ablution block as well,” he said.

Library users were over the moon when they heard the news that the library had reopened again.

Ms Nickey van Zyl is one of the regular library users who expressed her happiness. She was the first to enter the library, following the reopening. Mutavhatsindi apologised for the inconvenience caused during the renovation process.

‘n Jarelange inwoner van Louis Trichardt, mnr. Willie Cronjé, is op 1 Mei in die ouderdom van 79 jaar oorlede. Hy word oorleef deur sy eggenote, Betsie, en seuns Johan en Wessel. ‘n Roudiens vir wyle mnr. Cronjé is Maandag, 7 Mei, vanuit die Afrikaanse Protestante Kerk hier gehou. Die familie het hul dank uitgespreek teenoor almal wat medelye uitgespreek teenoor hulle in hul tyd van hartseer. Foto verskaf.

Family and friends this week mourn the sudden death of the 35-year-old Morné Nel, better know as Oscar, of Louis Trichardt. Oscar passed away on 4 May. A funeral service will be held for him on 11 May at 10:30 at the St Mark’s Anglican Church in Munnik Street.

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Furious residents of Nancefield in Musina are demanding the immediate resignation of Mayor Carol Phiri and the mu-nicipal council’s Chief Whip, Simon Madamalala.

The demand, contained in a memorandum which was also sent to the office of the MEC for Local Government and Housing, was repeated this week during public meetings in the Klopper Stadium in Nancefield on Mon-day and Tuesday.

One meeting was held after the arrest by Musina SAPS of various residents during Sunday night, including almost the entire management of the Musina Resi-dents Representative Committee (MRRC), the organizers of a pro-test march to the municipal offic-es. The demand was repeated at the police station and at the court where the detainees were brought on Tuesday, without any charges being brought against them. Immediately after they were brought from the police cells to the court, the prosecutor ruled that they should be taken back to be released without bringing them before court. They were only released by the police some three hours later. According to witnesses, the ruling for their release was originally given by the prosecutor on Monday.

This came in the midst of mounting tension between resi-dents and the municipality, which led to repeated demonstrations. People allegedly protested at the houses of two officials on Sunday. According to provincial SAPS spokesperson Col Ronel Otto, the police acted on allega-tions of public violence.

The demand for the resigna-

tion of the mayor and the chief whip was met with this reply from the mayor’s office: “The mayor and the Chief Whip have been deployed by their political party after the local government elections.”

Infuriated demonstrators ear-lier burnt an ANC T-shirt bearing the image of the Chief Whip at the municipal buildings. This happened two weeks ago after the mayor’s office refused to accept the memorandum presented at the end of a lawful march organized by the MRRC in collaboration with the SAPS and the munici-pality. Demonstrators responded with a “Voetsek” song, giving vent to indignation at what they rejected as “the totally unaccept-able arrogance of the mayor and the Chief Whip”.

The memorandum contains wide-ranging questions, some relating to serious allegations of corruption, especially in the handling of RDP housing and the appointment of municipal officials. According to MRRC chairperson Mshudu Ndou, the mayor’s office apologized last Monday for the earlier refusal to accept the memorandum and presented written answers to the memorandum, which was originally handed to her after a demonstration in March this year.

Anger welled up again after news was received of what was described as equally arrogant remarks in the written reply. On several queries in the memo-randum the MRRC, instead of being served with appropriate answers, they are instructed by the mayor’s office to “Attend IDP meetings and read municipal publications”, to get their infor-

mation from imbizos, ward com-mittee meetings, from previously published advertisements and, in the case of rumours about the dates on and the way in which the mayor obtained her learner’s and driver’s licences: “Information available on request at the traffic station.”

Almost every allegation of corrupt dealings referred to in the memorandum is dismissed with a challenge to provide proof as a precondition to any investigation. A request for the creation of a task team to listen to and address problems that people have concerning housing is dismissed with the statement: “An affective(sic) housing unit is attending to all housing needs in this municipality.” An enquiry about the reasons for the resigna-tion of a large number of traffic officials in Musina is answered with: “Conditions for employ-ment are a private matter between the employee and employer.

This is purely an administra-tive issue.” In the same way, a request for a report on all posi-tions advertised and filled since the new council was inaugurated, requesting post requirements, a list of candidates interviewed and score sheets of those finally appointed, is answered with: “This is purely an administrative issue. Administrators report to Council.”

In his address to residents as-sembled at the Klopper stadium, shortly after his release from police detention, Ndou called on residents to remain calm and await further developments. The angry call for the two officials’ speedy resignation was, however, even louder than before.

Demonstrators burning an ANC T-shirt bearing the image of Chief Whip Madamalala at the Musina municipal offices.The protesters demanded the immediate resignation of the mayor and the Chief Whip.

By Frans van der Merwe

Mayor and chief whip told to “voetsek”

Sanlam Limpopo het tydens hul jaarlikse erkeningsfunksie wat by die Ranch Hotel buite Polokwane gehou is erkenning gegee aan adviseurs wat beson-derlik presteer het tydens die 2011 bemarkingsjaar. Ko bus McCabe (regs) van Musina is aangewys as een van Sanlam Limpopo se Top 5 adviseurs van die jaar, na dat hy in die tweedeplek geëindig het. Hy ontvang verder ook sy tweede IQA (International Quality Award), ‘n internasionale toekenning vir uitmuntende produksie en kwaliteit besigheid. Freek Clifford (links), ook van Musina, ontvang op sy beurt ‘n meriete bestuurstoekenning vir uitmuntende prestasie en kliëntediens. Foto’s verskaf.

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C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Paladim Silver 16 000km R365 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Celcite White 12 560km R365 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Iridium Silver 19 000km R365 000A180 CDI 5-door 2009 Cirrus White 101 642km R160 000A180 CDI 5-door 2010 Calcite White 42 219km R229 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Cirrus White (6) 19 541km R365 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Iridium Silver 21 000km R365 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Cirrus White (6) 8 680km R365 000C250 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Paladium Silver 9000km R459 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Calcite White 11 900km R365 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Paladium Silver 5 000km R365 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Iridium Silver 2 200km R365 000C200 BE F/L (W2) 2011 Iridium Silver 5 000km R365 000

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Hy moes alreeds sy vark- en skaapboerdery staak weens aanhoudende veediefstal. Die nuutste is nou die ysterpale wat sy heiningdrade regop hou wat dag na dag voete kry.

“Bietjies, bietjies raak dit al hoe erger,” sê mnr. Kallie Röttcher, wat op een van die Rondebosch plase net buite Louis Trichardt boer. Hy verwys na letterlik kilometer-lange seksies van sy heiningdrade wat meer en meer platlê aangesien die ysterpale wat dit moet regop hou kronies gesteel word. Op dele van sy plaas is dit net bosse wat die heiningdraad nog stut.

“Dit is ‘n onheil!” sê Röttcher. Sy grootste vrees is sy beeste wat kan uitkom. Röttcher sê hy rapporteer die diefstalle nie eens meer aan die polisie nie. “Jy mors jou tyd. Dit gebeur in elk geval so gereeld,” sê hy.

Intussen spook Röttcher om die pale wat gesteel word, te vervang. Sowat ses weke gelede, sê hy, het hy by ‘n skrootmetaalonderne-ming sowat R9 000 se ysterpale gaan opkoop. Dit is juis dit wat hom ongelukkig maak. Hy meen die skrootmetaalondernemings skep ‘n mark vir die diewe om ontslae te raak van die ysterpale.

“Wie weet, dalk is dit my eie ys-terpale wat ek weer teruggekoop het,” sê Röttcher.

Maar is hierdie kritiek teen-oor skrootmetaal ondernemings geregverdig? Mev. Aurial Visser van LTT Scrap Metal stem nie saam nie.

“As ‘n verkoper ‘n afskrif van sy ID, sy naam en adres kan voorsien, is daar niks wat ons verhoed om skrootmetaal by hom te koop nie,” sê Visser. Dit, verduidelik sy, is egter nie van toepassing op die aankoop van Telkom, Eskom, Spoornet of myne se koperkabels, wat streng volgens wet verbied word nie. Elke skrootmetaalonderneming, sê Visser, weet presies wat hulle mag aankoop en wat nie.

Visser sê dat sy begrip het vir mense soos Röttcher se frustras-ie, maar meen dat dit baie moeilik vir hulle as onderneming is om te bepaal of die skrootmetaal wat hulle aankoop by iemand gesteel is. Dit is nog moeiliker as diefstalle nie by die polisie aangemeld word nie. In dié ver-band verduidelik sy dat hulle ‘n register hou van alle skrootmetaal wat aangekoop word en van wie dit aangekoop word. Dit is ook die prosedure by ander skroot-

metaalondernemings.“Die polisie kom kyk elke

Woensdag en Vrydag na ons boeke [register] en die skroot-metaal op ons persele,” sê Visser. Sy meen dit sou dan maklik gewees het om ‘n verdagte te identifiseer, sou dit aan die lig kom dat van die metaal gesteel is. Daar is mos ‘n register van wie die metaal verkoop het.

“My raad aan Röttcher is om die diefstalle te rapporteer. Hy kan ook sy ysterpale merk, sodat dit maklik identifiseerbaar is,” sê Visser. Sy het verskeie onderne-mings genoem wat reeds gebruik maak van dié merkprose dure.

“Ons weet nou al as metaal hier aankom met ‘n sekere merk op aan wie dit behoort. Dan bel ons die ondernemings om uit te vind of dit gesteel is. Baie ondernemings bel ons self en vra vir ons om op die uitkyk te wees vir sekere metale wat by hulle gesteel is,” sê Visser.

Visser het mense soos Rött cher uitgenooi om skrootmetaalonder-nemings te besoek en te kyk of hul gesteelde eiendom daar is. “Ek glo nie enige onderneming sal iemand weier om dit te doen nie,” sê Visser.

The guys from Round Table Zoutpansberg 66 in Louis Trichardt once again braved the winter cold, wearing only a denim and T-shirt, on Friday, 4 May, as part of their annual Winter Knights of Round Table charity event to highlight the plight of the less fortunate. As part of the event, which took place in the parking area at Makhado Crossing, residents were invited to bring them warm clothes, blankets and non-perishable food to be donated to the underprivileged. Pictured from left to right are Tablers Dirk Meissenheimer, Rudi Meissenheimer, André Muller (chairman), Johan Cronjé and Frans Vermaak. Muller expressed his gratitude towards all who supported them. Photo supplied.

Mnr. Kallie Röttcher by ‘n seksie van die heiningdraad op sy plaas waar diewe dag na dag sy ysterpale steel.

Deur Andries van Zyl

Boer knorrig oor ysterpale wat verdwyn

Van die manne wat daar was het Manne van die Woord se kamp op Friendschapsdal, Waterpoort, van 4 tot 6 Mei as “ongelooflik lekker” beskryf. “Mens wonder elke keer of daar iets nuuts gaan wees, maar hierdie keer was daar weer ‘n totaal nuwe aanslag,” sê kampganger Johan van Dijkhorst, wat gehou het van die “Gerig op die Woord” tema. Vaders het ook die geleentheid gekry om ‘n seën oor hulle seuns uit te spreek. Manne van die Woord bedank graag hul borge, Spar Louis Trichardt vir die etes, Limpopo Melkery vir die sap en Prima Slaghuis vir die vleishappies.

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STYLISH LIFESTYLE Mom, dad and kids will adore this up-market residence. Unbeat-able security, privacy, back-up electricity and own water is some of the many benefits of this 2855m2 tropical haven. Main residence comprises of 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, gym/jacuzzi, bar and braai. 2 living areas, dining room, kitchen, scullery and laundry. 4 garages, granny flat, servants quarters,

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I N T H E M A G I S -T R AT E ’ S C O U R T FOR THE DISTRICT OF MUSINA HELD AT MUSINA CASE NO: 179/10In the matter between:RUPERT DE JAGER Execution Creditor and TIGERE MHITI 1st Ex-ecution DebtorMOEMI SAM PITSI 2nd Execution DebtorNOTICE OF SALE IN

EXECUTIONIn the execution of a Judg-ment of the Magistrate’s Court for the district of Musina held at Musina, a sale without reserve, sub-ject to the Magistrate’s Court Act and the rules made there under, will be held at 2 White Street, Musina, on 25 MAY 2012 at 10:00, of the under men-tioned property of the De-fendant on conditions to be read out by the auctioneer at the time of the sale and which may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff Musina, at 2 White Street, Musina, prior to the sale. Certain:Erf 500 Messina Ex-tension 1, Registration Division MT Limpopo, Musina Local Munici-pality, Extend 991 (Nine nine one) Square Metres, held under title deed - T60311/2008Description:TERMS:A cash payment imme-diately on the property being knocked down to the purchaser, of 10% of the purchase price, the bal-ance and interest on the full purchase price at current bond rates payable against registration of transfer, to be secured by a bank, building society of other acceptable guarantees to be furnished to the Sheriff within 14 (fourteen) days from date of sale.Auctioneers charges are payable and calculated at 6% on the proceeding of the Sale up to a price of R30,000.00 and thereafter 3.5% to a maximum fee of R8,750.00 and a minimum of R440.00.



GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat die onder-staande goedere op die 25ste dag van MEI 2012 om 11H00 te Balju kantoor, White Straat, langs Gate-way Laerskool, Musina, aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word, naamlik: 1 x Ford 6600 Trekker; 1 x Welder.Gedateer te Musina hierdie 20ste dag van April 2012.ERWEE PROKUREURSProkureur vir Eiser Irwinstraat 9 , Posbus 1689, MUSINA 0900Tel: 015 534-3394/6/7 Faks: 015 534-3402VERW: HE/mk/R548/10376



GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat die onder-staande goedere op die 25ste dag van MEI 2012 om 11H00 te Balju kantoor, White Straat, langs Gate-way Laerskool, Musina, aan die hoogste bieder geregtelik verkoop word, naamlik: 1 x Samsung Foto Copy Machine; 1 x Samsung CLP-510 Lazer Printer; 1 x Computer Protine; 1 x HP Deskjet Printer D1660-Series.Gedateer te Musina hierdie 20ste dag van April 2012.ERWEE PROKUREURSProkureur vir Eiser Irwinstraat 9 , Posbus 1689, MUSINA 0900Tel: 015 534-3394/6/7 Faks: 015 534-3402V E R W : V V W / m k /M2435/9247

Payments in cash or Bank guaranteed cheques.Dated at Musina on the 26th of April 2012.ERWEE ATTORNEYSAttorneys for Plaintiff 9 Irwin Street, PO Box 1689, MUSINA 0900Tel: 015 534-3394/6/7Fax: 015 534-3402Ref: HE/ev/09/031 (8416)

Tel: 015 516 0900

Benodig die dienste van ‘n aktes tikster en/of litigasie tikster met

ondervinding in aktes.Salaris onderhandelbaar.

Geliewe alle CV’s per pos te versend na: [email protected]

Charles PieterseProkureurs - Attorneys



Deur Linda van der Westhuizen


SLP and Stakeholder OfficerVele Colliery - Musina Area

CoAL is a listed company, focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of thermal and metallurgical coal projects in South Africa.

The Company is looking for a suitably qualified person to fulfil the challenging role of SLP and Stakeholder Officer, reporting directly to the HR Manager at our Vele Colliery near Musina.

The job uncumbent will be responsible or:• Coordination and implementation of the mine’s Social and Labour Plan activities.• Responsible for the implementation and project management of Vele Colliery’s Local Economic Development (LED) projects as per the SLP commitments.• Driving and Coordinating Vele Colliery Corporate Social Investment Strategy• Engage Municipalities on their IDP plans and LED strategies.• Coordinate the mine’s Corporate Social Investment projects.• Help set up Enterprise Development strategy for the mine with a view of supporting local SMMEs.• Stakeholder Management and Media Relations• Identify worthy projects within the community that could be referred to the Company management team for funding. • Engage with various stakeholders on CSI initiatives• Manage and Coordinate the process of putting together SLP reports to be submitted to the Department of Mineral Resources.• Engage with labour sending communities on the Mine’s SLP projects.• Verify credentials of organisations approaching company for funding.

Minimum Requirements:• Grade 12 • Public Relations Degree or equivalent qualification. • A minimum of two years’ experience in stakeholder management is essential.• Sound knowledge of Mining Legislation.• Driver’s License.• Must be medically, physically fit and have a clear security clearance.

Skills / Competencies:• Strong interpersonal and organizational skills.• Sound business acumen/orientation.• High energy with a bias towards high standards.• Strong customer orientation.• Computer literacy.• Good communication skills.

Should your profile meet the above criteria, please send your CV and copies of qualifications to [email protected] The closing date for applica-tions is 18th May 2012. Applicants not contacted two weeks after the closing date of advertisement should consider themselves unsuccessful.

Preference will be given to HDSI applicants.

Logistics SupervisorVele Colliery - Musina Area

CoAL is a listed company, focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of thermal and metallurgical coal projects in South Africa.

The Company is looking for a suitably qualified person to fulfil the challenging role of Logistics Supervisor, reporting directly to the Logistics Manager at our Vele Colliery near Musina.

The job uncumbent will be responsible or:• The supervision and control of the loading ,weighing and dispatching of coal.• The supervision and control of all Vele stock delivered to the siding . • Daily checking of stockpiles to ascertain the following:• Correct sized coal.• Correct stockpiling.• Daily reporting on transport contractors weighbridge movements.• Reporting to the logistics manager on run of mine stockpiles received at the coal washing facility• Reporting to the logistics manager on run of mine stockpiles received at the coal washing facility .• Contact transport contractors for coal collection.• Check stockpiles are not contaminated.• Check quality of product on stockpiles.• Assist laboratory contractor with stockpile sampling.• Report on contractor plant breakdowns.• The care, safekeeping and economical use of all equipment, tools, protective clothing and consumables associated with field of work

Minimum Requirements:• Grade 12 • Logistics Diploma or equivalent qualification. • A minimum of one year experience in the mining industry is essential.• Driver’s License.• Must be medically, physically fit and have a clear security clearance.

Skills / Competencies:• Strong interpersonal and organizational skills.• Sound business acumen/orientation.• High energy with a bias towards high standards.• Strong customer orientation.• Computer literacy.• Good communication skills.

Should your profile meet the above criteria, please send your CV and copies of qualifications to [email protected] The closing date for applica-tions is 18th May 2012. Applicants not contacted two weeks after the closing date of advertisement should consider themselves unsuccessful.

Preference will be given to HDSI applicants.

VACANCYFLOOR MANAGERNeed retail experience.

Send your CV to:Fax: 015 534 3661

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 015 534 0750


CVO Skool Zoutpansberg

PERMANENT - VOLTYDS• Afrikaans Huistaal Gr 8-12

Aanvangsdatum: So gou moontlik

TYDELIK - AFLOS• Wiskundige Geletterdheid Gr 10-12

• Besigheidstudie Gr 10 & 12• Rekeningkunde Gr 7-9

• EBW Gr 8 & 9Tydperk: 17 Aug tot 30 Nov 2012

Handig CV in by die hoof,Mnr B. Groenewald, of faks dit na

0866406433, of per e-pos na [email protected]

Navrae: 0764012757Registrasie by SACE is ‘n vereiste.


Ses van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se redenaars het deurgedring na die semi-finaal van die ATKV redenaarskompetisie op 1 Junie, waar die hele Limpopo se jong redenaars sake gaan uitspook om aan die Suid-Afrikaanse redenaarskompetisie by Klein Kariba deel te neem. Van links na regs is Cara van der Goot (Graad1), Cheyenne van Zyl (Graad 2), Sarisa van der Goot (Graad 3), Alida du Preez (Graad 5), Ronel Meiring (Graad 5) en Dewald Stroebel (Graad 7).

Stel jou voor …’n stuk of 215 jong redenaars wat almal op een middag hulle goed-uitgewerkte toesprake kom lewer. Om nie eens te praat van die redenaars wat vinnig ‘n standpunt kan in-neem tydens hul onvoorbereide toesprake nie.

Redenaars van 25 skole het op 4 Mei aan die Limpopo-Noord uitdun van die ATKV Rede-naarskompetisie by Laerskool Louis Trichardt deelgeneem. Die hoofbeoordelaar, Issie Venter van Pretoria, het saam met 39 beoordelaars van Pretoria en Limpopo vir die kinders punte gegee.

Ses van Laerskool Louis Trichardt se 15 inskry-wings het deurgedring na die semi-finaal op 1 Junie, waar die hele Limpopo se jong redenaars sake gaan uitspook om aan die nasionale redenaarskompetisie by Klein Kariba deel te neem.

In die kategorie vir Graad 1 tot 3 het Triegies se

Cara van der Goot gesê “ ’n Pa se blaf is erger as sy byt”, Sarisa van der Goot het gesê “Vandag se dogters is katte, glad nie skatte nie” en Cheyenne van Zyl se onderwerp was “Die beste troeteldier is die een wat blaf en miaau.” Hulle drie het deurge-dring na die semi-finaal.

In die kategorie vir Graad 4 tot 5 het die twee wat deurgedring het, albei die tema “hekke” ge-kies. Alida du Preez het die tema uitgebrei na die onderwerp “Almal kan die sportshek oopmaak” en Ronel Meiring het gesê “Hekke is die sleutel tot my menswees”.

Vanaf Graad 6 het die redenaars ook on-voorbereide toesprake gelewer, wat 70% van hul

finale punt getel het. Dewald Stroebel het in die kategorie Graad 6 tot 7 deurgedring met sy onder-werp “Die wurms wat ‘n mens nie kan sien nie”. Vir sy onvoorbereide toespraak het Dewald gewys dat hy vinnig op sy voete kan dink.

“Dit is verbasend met hoeveel selfvertroue die jong kinders praat. Die organisasie was regtig uitstekend. Ander skole se ouers het ons gekom-plimenteer daaroor en ook oor die netheid van ons terrein se tuine en geboue, “ sê ouer me. Elmien van der Goot.

Me. Sussa Ehlers was verantwoordelik vir die reëlings. Die semi-finaal word weer by die skool aangebied.

Jonges wys hul redenaarsvermoë tydens ATKV-kompetisie


Deur Linda van der Westhuizen

Looking for a new opportunity?

Building Manager, Polokwane


REQUIREMENTS: Valid driver’s license, own transport2-3 years building maintenance experienceExcellent communication skillsComputer literacy: Excel, Word, Outlook and internetSUMMARY OF DUTIESEnsure effective business relations with retail tenants and service providersBudget planning and managementManage regular building inspection and maintenance programmesAttend to emergencies in accordance with regulationsAssume responsibility for the safe and efficient operation of the centre

Inspect and report on vacated premises Provide frequent legislative and operational reports

Important: Email your CV to [email protected] by 18 May 2012. Only CVs that meet the minimum requirements will be considered. If you have not received a response within fourteen days of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

We’re not landlords. We’re people.








Tannie Stiena Prinsloo is op 7 Mei in Pretoria-Wes ná ´n kort siekbed in die ouderdom van 72 jaar oorlede. Sy was goed bekend in Louis Trichardt vir haar groot liefde vir tuinmaak, tuinversiering en feetjies. Sy was ook goed bekend onder die Venda-gemeenskap in Thohoyandou as ‘n liewe mens wat altyd uitgereik het na ander. Sy laat haar een seun en vier dogters met baie kleinkinders agter. Foto verskaf.

Bejaardes van Ons Tuiste word opgelei om “Mind Moves” te doen om hul denke helder te hou. Van links na regs is Mesdames Annelie Janse van Rensburg (kursusleier), Rosa Swanepoel, Anna Botha en Kittie de Bruin (bestuurder van Ons Tuiste)

Vryf jou ore om beter te onthou “Jy is nooit te oud om jonger te word nie,” het Mae West gesê. Bejaardes van Ons Tuiste word “jonger” deur “Mind Moves” te doen om hul denke helder te hou.

Ons Tuiste is deur die Mind Moves Instituut in Johannesburg geïdentifiseer as een van twee ouetehuise waar die Mind Moves gratis aangebied word as ‘n proeflopie. Mind Moves is oefeninge wat spesifiek ontwikkel is om die brein, sintuie en spiere fiks te hou.

Een oefening wat die bejaardes – en natuurlik enige persoon – kan doen om kalm en rustig te word, is die “antenna-versteller”. Ons Tuiste se bejaardes het dit hierdie week Maandag aangeleer. Hulle het die arms opgelig en die oorskulp tussen die duim en voorvinger vasgehou, waarna hulle die hele oorskulp van albei ore gelyktydig van bo na onder met sirkelbewegings gemasseer het. Aanbieder me. Annelie Janse van Rensburg sê dat dié oefening balans, gehoor en geheue ontwikkel.

Annelie kom van Witbank en het by me. Max Naudé gehoor van Ons Tuiste, waar sy hierdie week die kursus oor vier dae aanbied. Elke kursusganger het ook die boekie, “Die glinster in my grysheid”, geskryf deur Melodie de Jager en uitgegee deur Mind Moves Instituut, as ‘n geskenk ontvang.

“Helderwakker” is nog ‘n oefening wat die bejaardes geniet. Hulle gooi die arms wyd oop en asem diep en stadig in, waarna hulle die arms oor die bors kruis asof hul hulself ‘n drukkie gee.Die “helderwakker” oefening bevorder “ontspanning, dieper asemhaling en die goedvoel-hormone”… en “is ‘n skitterende opkikker en met gereelde doen gee dit ook jou gesondheid ‘n hupstootjie,” skryf De Jager.

Die kursusgangers sê dat hulle baie baat vind by die Mind Moves.

“Ek is seker hierdie oefeninge gaan ons brein bietjie helder maak. Ek geniet dit verskriklik. Ja, en vyfuur in die oggend vryf ek my ore…” sê me. Anna van der Merwe (81).

Spreker Johnny Louw het tydens die vroue-aand op 3 Mei gesê dat die vrou die goddelike rol het om die “lewegewende een” te wees en dat sy in haar gesin en daarbuite lewe moet spreek. Die vroue-aand, aangebied deur Louis Trichardt se Manne van die Woord, het by die saal van die Laerskool Louis Trichardt plaasgevind. ‘n Paar van die vroue wat bydraes tot die aand se sukses gemaak het, staan saam met die nou-reeds-bekende herlewingspreker. Van links na regs is Martlie Fourie, Yolanda du Preez, Izelle Briers, Johnny Louw, Marié Enslin en Bernice Clifton.

The Way, the Truth and the Life

The man God uses.

I read a testimony of Oswald J Smith where he prayed this prayer on his 38th

birthday:Lord, here are my hands; I consecrate

them to Thee. May they never touch anything that You would not have them touch, or do anything that would dishon-our You.

Here are my feet; I dedicate them to Thee. May they never go where You would not be seen.

Here, Lord, are my eyes. May they never look at anything that would grieve Your Holy Spirit.

May my ears never listen to anything dishonouring to Your Name.

May my mouth never be opened to speak a word that I would not want You to hear.

May my mind never retain a thought nor an imagination that would dim the sense of Your presence.

May my heart know no love, and cher-ish no feeling that is not of Thee. Amen.

To pray this prayer would be to ask God to make you a man or woman after His own heart.

The main thing in our lives is not what we achieve, but the lives we live, the thoughts we think.

We must walk closer to God. The apos-tle said: “Christ in you”. Christ wants us, not merely our service.

Read Romans 6:12-16. - 079 5168303

Do you have a good joke? E-mail it to [email protected] jy ‘n goeie grappie?

Stuur dit per e-pos na [email protected]

BRIEWE / LETTERSWrite to us at PO Box 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 / Skryf aan ons te

Posbus 1680, Louis Trichardt, 0920 of [email protected]

Voorkeur word gegee aan kort briewe oor plaaslike aange leent hede. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om briewe te verkort. / Preference is given to short, factual letter concerning local matters. The editor reserves the

right to shorten letters.


Dankie Werda vir die gholfhemde

Open Letter to Makhado Municipality

Chairperson’s Association asks for transparency with new appointments

The Chairpersons Association, the author of this letter, consists

of 45 chairpersons of influential organisations and representatives of all the cultural groups, representing directly and indirectly, 90,000 people. The Chairpersons Association is a non-political group which focuses on good corporate governance as well as reconciliation and the unlocking of synergy among all cultural groups.

The Chairpersons Association is of the view that a municipal manag-er for Makhado Municipality should not be a political appointment, but rather a trained and skilled person who can motivate his staff to render proper services to the public in order to give value to the taxpayers of this area for the taxes they pay.

The Chairpersons Association is also of the opinion that if poor service delivery continues the way it is right now, people will turn to violent human rights actions and uproar, which will eventually bring government structures to a fall. It is therefore not in the interest of any governing organisation, the country, and/or the residents to appoint a municipal manager with his political affiliation as the only criterion. There is much more to the job description than an untrained, unskilled and inexperienced politi-cian can deal with. Nobody is done a favour by making a political ap-pointment only.

The Chairpersons Association is also of the opinion that the public within the Makhado Municipality, as far as service delivery is con-cerned, is not at all interested in politics but needs basic services to be rendered in respect of sewerage, water supply, proper roads, electrici-ty, and capitalization of programmes on an economically effective basis.

Therefore, it is important where the interests of the public and the taxpayers are at stake, that the public should participate in the processes of hiring the municipal manager. It is also clear that service delivery within the Makhado Municipality, if one looks at the

adverse audit reports, that this mu-nicipality’s performance is the worst in the whole of Limpopo and a seri-ous intervention should therefore be made through the appointment of experienced and skilled people. The officials who appoint these people will have to be held fully account-able if they appoint under-qualified people as a result of these people’s political affiliations.

The public, fortunately, is not ignorant anymore and understands where these appointments come from and who should be held responsible for such appointments. It is of vital importance that the resi-dents who contribute towards the revenue of the Makhado Municipal-ity and who are dependent on the services of the Makhado Munici-pality and government structures and are directly affected by the appointment of staff at the Makhado Municipality should be consulted. These people should also be af-forded an opportunity to raise their voices to object to or support the fairness of the process of employ-ing the municipal manager and the recruitment of senior managers and directors to portfolios.

The infrastructure at Makhado Municipality has collapsed to such an extent that one cannot rely on accurate statements being sent to the public anymore. The roads are in a terrible state; the sewage system is in a terrible state; the water supply is in a terrible state; tenders are being awarded to render services in respect of roads etc. to people who are not properly trained, thereby wasting millions of rands of taxpayers’ money. This is done because they are appointed based on friendship, nepotism and/or political affiliations. These are the standards according to which government structures are judged by the elector-ate, which does not hold a very fa-vourable view. Many of the officials who hold senior positions who are appointed at Makhado Municipality do not even stay within the bound-aries of the Makhado Municipality

Die O/14-hokkiespan van Hoër-skool Louis Trichardt bedank

graag vir Werda motors vir die gholf-hemde wat hulle geborg het.

Met hierdie blou hemde vertoon

die span baie netjies as hulle van en na wedstryde ry.

- Adri Denner(Hoërskool Louis Trichardt)

and therefore they do not have any sentiments towards the public of Makhado Municipality. The follow-ing persons are some examples:

(a) The previous municipal manager, Mr Tshikalange, lives in Thohoyandou. His contract was not renewed after expiry;

(b) The corporate services direc-tor, Ms Ndou, lives in Thohoyandou and not in the area of the Makhado Municipality;

(c) The technical services direc-tor, Mr Ralulimi, lives in Thohoy-andou;

(d) The development planning director, Ms Sinthumule, lives in Thohoyandou;

(e) The community services director, Mr Mugari, now the act-ing municipal manager, lives in Polokwane.

Appointments such as these are being made while we have excel-lent, qualified people within this area who can do the job much better, with much more motivation, where they will be directly held ac-countable to the public surrounding them in the area where they live.

You do understand that for the past three years, the Makhado Mu-nicipality has received a disclaimer from the Auditor General. It is a clear indication that the senior man-agement team is incapable and does not have the capacity to do their job. This should be understood against the background that these people had been appointed in these very senior positions, notwithstanding the fact that they had never worked at a municipality before. These people were promoted to these very positions because of their political connections.

The view of the Chairpersons Association is that the Makhado Municipality cannot continue to be managed by people who either do not live in this town or area, who are not known by this community, who do not feel themselves to be accountable to this community and who are not trained, skilled and experienced people for these jobs. These people are not even in touch

with the public lvinging within the Makhado Municipality. They are unapproachable and do not respond to any letters of the public. They do not even respond to letters of the regulatory authority like NERSA.

We also wish to emphasize that, in terms of the amendments of the Makhado Municipal Act, it is unac-ceptable that cadre deployment be done. All people appointed in these very important positions should be well qualified and carry the commu-nity’s confidence with them. These people should not be serving in an ANC branch executive committee.

The Chairpersons Association wishes to appeal to you and recom-mend that the Chairpersons Associa-tion, the Ratepayers Associations, the Chamber of Commerce (which is also one of our members), the ag-ricultural unions and all the affected parties and organisations should be accorded observer status in the municipal manager’s interviews as well as during the interviews with other candidates for impor-tant executive and non-executive structures, that these organisations and stakeholders be given a list of all applicants and those shortlisted, for the sake of transparency, and to verify the shortlisting criteria and to ensure that everyone who qualifies has been invited to the interview. This sort of approach will ensure that transparency is maintained and that an open and honest appoint-ment is made in the best interest of the public as well as the governing structures. This will avoid further embarrassment to the governing structures and promote harmony among all cultural groups, thereby assisting the unlocking of the synergy among all cultural groups in order to make this region an in-vestment haven for investors, which will create wealth and not poverty and unemployment.

Your urgent response and action in respect of this letter are required, please.

- André Naudé (Chairperson)

(Letter shortened - Editor)

Special confessions

A priest was called away for an emergen-cy. Not wanting to leave the confessional unattended, he called his rabbi friend from across the street and asked him to cover for him.

The rabbi told him he wouldn’t know what to say, but the priest told him to come on over and he’d stay with him for a little bit and show him what to do.

The rabbi comes and he and the priest are in the confessional.

A few minutes later, a woman comes in and says, “Father forgive me for I have sinned.”

The priest asks, “What did you do?”

The woman says, “I committed adultery.”

Priest: “How many times?”

Woman: “Three times.”

Priest: “Say two Hail Marys, put five dol-lars in the box and go and sin no more.”

A few minutes later a man enters the confessional. He says, “Father forgive me for I have sinned.”

Priest: “What did you do?”Man: “I committed adultery.”Priest: ”How many times?”Man: “Three times.”Priest: “Say two Hail Marys, put five dol-

lars in the box and go and sin no more.”The rabbi tells the priest that he thinks

he’s got it, so the priest leaves.

A few minutes later

another woman enters and says, “Father forgive me for I have sinned.”

Rabbi: ”What did you do?”Woman: “I committed adultery.”Rabbi: “How many times?”Woman: “Once.”Rabbi: “Go do it two more times. We

have a special this week, three for five dollars”

Nei my lanie, dis vir die omgewing

Speedcop stop Gatiep en wil hom beboet oor een hooflig wat dood is.

Gatiep se: Nei my lanie! Dis load shed-ding, ek sit later die anner enetjie aan!


Published by Zoutnet CC, trading as Zoutpansberger and printed by D Brits, Jeppe Street 1, Louis Trichardt.

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Soutpansberg Gholfklub

The19th hole

BS - Beterbal Stableford, IS - Ind Stableford, BBB - B/bal Bonus Bogey, HS - Houespel, GS - Gekombineerde Stable ford, 4BA/S - 4Bal Alliansie Stableford, 2B/AS - 2Bal American Scramble, BBM - Beterbal Multiplier

58 VAAL STREET, LOUIS TRICHARDT - TEL (015) 516 2470BURGER STREET - TEL (015) 516 2245

TRADING HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 8am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm / Fri: 8am - 12:30pm & 2pm - 5pm / Sat: 8am - 2pm

Weeklikse Byeenkomste

ISWoens Woensdag-kragmeting

Vry Sundowner IS




Maandelikse Houespel

Datum Borg Formaat

05/05/12 SPB Gholfklub HS

Plek Naam Punte

641 K Jacobs

uittel 682 M Mostert

uittel 683 T Victor

uittel 694 A Krügel

uittel 695 I Steyn

706 S Otto


Datum Borg Formaat

02/05/12 SPB Gholfklub IS

Plek Naam Punte

-1 Z Nortje

-2 M du Plessis

-3 W Kriel

Opkomende Kompetisie

FormaatDatum Kompetisie

Maandelikse Houespel02/06/12 HS

AGS Dag12/05/12 -

Rotariër Dag26/05/12 -

Hierdie groep atlete van die Levubu CVO het aan die SA-atletiekkampioenskappe deelgeneem by die Ruimsig Stadion in Roodepoort en medaljes verower. Voor is Reese Coetzee (tweede spiesgooi O/8). Agter, van links na regs, is Martin Theunissen (tweede in verspring en eerste in die aflos O/12), Rudolph Beetge (eerste in 200m, verspring en aflos, asook tweede in 100m O/13) en Chené Jacobs (tweede hoogspring O/13). Foto verskaf.

Iné du Plessis, uitblinker netbalspeler van Laerskool Louis Trichardt, is gekies vir die Limpopo O/13-netbalspan wat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse netbalkampioenskappe vanaf 24 tot 28 Junie op Boksburg gaan deelneem.

Mnr. Dries Nel (links) van Martin’s Begrafnisdienste het die gholfhemde van die eerste gholfspan van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt geborg. Saam met hom is twee lede van die span, Marco van Zyl en Gerrit Janse van Rensburg, en die gholforganiseerder, mnr. Theo Muller. Die span se hoedjies is deur Nulandis geborg.

The U/15 soccer team of Louis Trichardt High School had a good season and came as far as being crowned champions in their cluster. With the team are their coaches, Mr Bethuel Tshivhenga (left) and Mr Gerard Rossouw (right).

The U/15 soccer team of Louis Trichardt High School had a good season and came as far as being crowned champions in their cluster.

Their coaches, Messrs Be-thuel Tshivhenga and Gerard Rossouw, were proud of them when they won the Soutpans-berg East circuit in the COPA Coca-Cola circuit on 24 April on their home turf. They beat Makhado Comprehensive 4-0, Murunwa 3-1 and Masedi 5-1.

As winners of the Soutpans-berg East Circuit, the U/15s of Louis Trichardt competed against Soutpansberg North (Musina High School) and Soutpansberg West (Benny’s Care Sports Academy). Louis Trichardt scored six goals as opposed to the one goal of Mu-sina. It was, however, the match against Benny’s Care that coach Tshivhenga described as the highlight of their season.

“We drew 1-1, but it was an

excel lent game against the team of an academy that specializes in sport,” Tshivhenga said.

As Soutpansberg cluster champions, the team played other teams of the Vhembe Dis-trict at the Makwarela Stadium on 2 May. They lost 0-1against Lwamondo and 0-4 against Malamulele. The winners of the final of the FNB U/15 Legacy Programme were Makhado FC, with Swakoteka FC from Bun-geni in second place.

U/15’s crowned cluster champions

Met die Kremetart fietswedren wat oor vier weke (8 tot 10 Junie) plaasvind, kan voor-nemende deelnemers aan die 175km wedren hierdie week hul oefenprogram voortsit.

Vir die volgende week kan fietsryers Maandag ‘n maklike 45 minute op die spinfiets spandeer. Dit word Dinsdag gevolg met ‘n 40km rit op die N1, wat insluit vier tien-minuut-lange trapsessies, met twee minute rustussenposes. Woensdag word die bene getoets wanneer fietsryers twee keer van Cloud’s End Hotel na Mountain Inn buite Louis Trichardt moet trap. Donderdag behels ‘n 60km trap uit op die N1, waarna daar Vrydag gerus kan word. Saterdag kan die hele 176km Kremetart-roete gery word, gevolg deur ‘n 40km “herstelrit” Sondag na die Hendrik Verwoerd tonnels.

Intussen beloof die gewilde Kiddies Race en 10km prettrap, wat tydens die Kremetartnaweek gery word, weer om vanjaar baie aftrek te geniet. Daar is reeds ses pryse (vir kinders nege jaar en jonger) in die Kiddies Race en agt pryse vir die 10km prettrap vir kinders tussen O/10 en O/13. Die klub het ‘n beroep gedoen op besighede om betrokke te raak by die Kiddies Race en prettrap. Cycle Centre het reeds ‘n fiets geborg vir die Kid-dies Race, met Super Cycles wat ‘n fiets geborg het as prys vir die prettrap.

Die tyd raak ook min vir mense om stalletjies te bespreek. ‘n Uitstalruimte kos R300 vir drie dae (vanaf Vrydag tot Sondag ná die bergfiets-afdeling).

Vir meer inligting of om ‘n stalletjie te bespreek, skakel Stanley by 082 493 3897, Koos by 082 490

6013, Mark by 083 324 8495, Jandré by 083 288 5426 of Paula by 015 516 1228.


Tyd raak nou min om bene reg te kry

Marianka Mattheus (links) van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt veg vir die bal tydens Saterdag se 0/16-meisies kragmeting teen Stanford College. Die wedstryd het gelykop 2-2 geëindig.


E. & O.E.

Tel: (015) 516 5175/6/7 Fax: (015) 516 1012

AFTER HOURS: • Willie 082 953 3642 • Ishmael 076 772 0200 • Charles 071 786 7862

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LDV’S2010 FordBantam1.3iSilver53000km R 94 9952006 FordRanger2.5TDiLWBWhite R 99 9952012 GoNow2.2D/CabCharcoal R 119 9952012 GoNow2.2SUVGold R 139 995NEW GoNow2.2LWBMaroon R 99 9952008 GoNow2.2D/Cab87000kmBlue R 69 9952007 HyundaiH1002.6iDD/S141000km R 99 9952008 HyundaiH1002.6iDD/S142000km R 109 9952006 IsuzuKB250DLED/CabA/CP/L133000kmBlack R 134 9952009 Mazda2.2LWBA/C84000kmWhite R 114 9952012 NissanNP200White R 109 9952010 NissanNP2001.6SA/CP/SCD102000km R 109 9952010 OpelCorsa1.8ClubA/CMagsB/BR/BTonneauCover35000kmBlackR 137 9952007 OpelCorsa1.857000Silver R 89 9952011 ToyotaHilux2.0VVTiA/CCD41000kmT/BR/B R 167 9952010 ToyotaHilux2.0VVTiA/CCanopy52000km R 164 9952010 ToyotaHilux2.0VVTiA/CCanopy45000km R 164 9952009 ToyotaHilux2.7VVTiR/BA/CP/STralies&Tent53000km R 209 9952008 ToyotaHilux2.5D-4DR/BSRXWhite129000km R 159 995

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Pieter Guillaume (links) van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt se O/14 seunshokkiespan in aksie tydens Saterdag se wedstryd teen Stanford College. Louis Trichardt het die vriendskaplike wedstryd 1-0 gewen.

CP van Wyk (links) van Louis Trichardt was die sesde junior man oor die wenstreep by die MTN Nissan Bergfiets Halfmarathon op 6 Mei by Clarens in die Oos-Vrystaat. Saam met CP is Christiaan Roos, ook van Louis Trichardt, wat 18de in die junior manskategorie geëindig het. CP het algeheel tiende en Christiaan algeheel 53ste uit 533 ryers geëindig. Foto verskaf.


Bergfietsryers van Louis Trichardt het die afgelope naweek bietjie die bene gaan oefen tydens die Magoebaskloof bergfietsuitdaging oor afstande van onder meer 20km, 35km en 45km.

Sarah Venter, wat die afgelope paar maande haarself gevestig het as een van die streek se top vrouebergfietsryers, het weereens beïndruk deur as eerste vrou oor die wenstreep te trap in die moordende

45km wedren. Sy was ook die eerste vroue sub-veteraan. Shaun Constable het die beste van die plaaslike ryers presteer in die 45km wedren deur algeheel derde te eindig. Hy was ook die eerste senior man tuis.

In die 20km was dit Catherine Labus-chagne wat algeheel derde eindig in die vroue-afdeling. Catherine is ook geen vreemdeling op die podium die afgelope

paar wedrenne nie. Buiten haar derdeplek was sy ook die eerste vroue sub-veteraan by die wenstreep. Louise Olivier, ‘n leer-ling van Hoërskool Louis Trichardt, het ook aan die 20km wedren deelgeneem en verras deur algeheel vierde te eindig in die vroue-afdeling.

Marius Smit het ook bietjie gaan sweet. Hy het aan die 35km-wedren deelgeneem en palm ‘n algehele 37ste plek in.

Sarah weereens onstuitbaar by Magoebaskloof