Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore Year 15 • Tuesday 21 May 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840 GESLAAGDE KARATEKAMP: Francois du Plessis se Goju-Kai Karateskool het die afgelope naweek (17–19 Mei) ’n baie geslaagde kamp (Gashuku) by die Drakenstein Kultuursentrum (buite Franschhoek) gehou. Meer as 120 studente van Paarl, Stellenbosch, Strand en Kaap het die kamp bygewoon. Studente het geleer van dissipline, respek, netheid, spanwerk en verantwoordelikheid. Heelwat graderings het ook plaasgevind. Hier is die kampleiers (agter van links) Fortune Niyabanga, Diane de Kock, Wongalethu Fandreki, Mari Treurnicht, Tredoux Nigrini, Francois du Plessis (Shihan), Lloyd Louw, Erin Hendricks, Marinus Eybers en Dirkie Heydenrych; (voor) Willem de Wet, Louie Schultz, Jeanine Lotter, Keanan Idas en Dylan de Kock.

Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

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Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

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Page 1: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Tuesday 21 May 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

GESLAAGDE KARATEKAMP: Francois du Plessis se Goju-Kai Karateskool het die afgelope naweek (17–19 Mei) ’n baie geslaagde kamp (Gashuku) by die Drakenstein Kultuursentrum (buite Franschhoek) gehou. Meeras 120 studente van Paarl, Stellenbosch, Strand en Kaap het die kamp bygewoon. Studente het geleer van dissipline, respek, netheid, spanwerk en verantwoordelikheid. Heelwat graderings het ook plaasgevind.Hier is die kampleiers (agter van links) Fortune Niyabanga, Diane de Kock, Wongalethu Fandreki, Mari Treurnicht, Tredoux Nigrini, Francois du Plessis (Shihan), Lloyd Louw, Erin Hendricks, Marinus Eybers en DirkieHeydenrych; (voor) Willem de Wet, Louie Schultz, Jeanine Lotter, Keanan Idas en Dylan de Kock.

Page 2: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 21 May 20132

SALOMÉ NOURSE, Grafika24Bron: Netcare-opvoeding: Fakulteit van Nood- en Kritieke Sorg

Noodhulp: help ’n baba wat verstikKnip dié nuttige noodhulpwenk uit enraadpleeg dit tydens ’n noodgeval.

Kykof dieversperringal losgekomhet.

Indien nie, geetot vyfborsstote.

Plaas tweevingerpunte

op die laer deelvan die baba seborsbeen, eenvingerbreedteonder die tepel,en gee vyf

skerp stote indie borskas


Herhaaldie stappe totdie versperringlosgekom hetof hulpopdaag.

1 2 3


5 46

Draaidie babaom met sy/haar gesigna bo op jouvoorarm.

Geetot vyf skerpslae, tussendie skouer-blaaie, opdie baba serug.

Plaas diebabamet sy/haargesig na onderop jou voorarmen hou die koplaag (kniel opdie vloer).

Stappe om te neem

Wanneer ’n baba verstik is die luggang gedeeltelik of heeltemalversper. Dié versperringmoet so gou asmoontlik verwyder word.

Indien diebaba sy bewussynverloor, beginmet kardio-pulminêreresussitasie .


MBA­studente neem skool onder vlerkSes Stellenbosch MBA-studentehet ’n klein Idasvallei-laerskool,wat hoofsaaklik minderbevoor-regte kinders onderrig, onder hulvlerk geneem.

Die MBA-studente het ’n deurlo-pendegeldinsamelingprojekvansta-pel gestuur om die skool te bemagtigom bykomende onderwysers watdeur die skool self gefinansier word,in diens te behou.Die groep MBA-studente van die

Universiteit Stellenbosch Bestuur-skool (USB), beoog om deur werken-de geldinsamelingstrukture ’n vol-houbare finansiële posisie vir die StIdas Primêr te skep.Dié skooltjie het tans 254 leerlinge

vangr.Rtotgr.7virkindersvanIdas-vallei, Kayamandi, Cloetesvilleasook die omliggende plase.As deel van hul praktiese gevalle-

studie vir strategie, onder leidingvan prof. Marius Ungerer van dieUSB, is die studente se langtermyndoelomdiebeeldvanSt Idas teverbe-

ter en sodoende die gemeenskap,asook groot korporatiewemaatskap-pye, by die skool te betrek met dieidee dat dit finansiële verligting salbring.“TenspytevanSt Idasse finansiële

behoefteswas onsnasionalewiskun-de en geletterdheid-uitslae uitste-kend. Ons gr. 3-leerders het ’n prysvan die Wes-Kaapse Onderwys De-partement gewen vir 30% verbete-ring in Afrikaans,” het skoolhoofGlynis Rippenaar gesê.Daar is tans ’n geldtekort vir on-

derwyspostewatdeurdieskool sebe-heerliggaam gedra moet word, watkan lei tot ’n tekort aan onderwysersasdiefinansiëlesituasienieverbeternie. Die gevaar is dat die skool hulgr. R-klas sal moet staak sodat daar-die salaris aan die huidige gr. 2- on-derwyser betaal kan word.Dit is dus die MBA-studente se

korttermyndoel om dié situasie teverhoed deur die skool se kwartaal-likse braai-dae aan die breër Stellen-bosch-gemeenskap te bemark as ’n

volhoubare en suksesvolle geldinsa-meling-inisiatief. Die eerste braai-dag het reeds plaasgevind.In samewerking met die groep

MBA-studente doenSt Idas ’n beroepop die Stellenbosch-gemeenskap, so-wel asmaatskappye, omhierdie pro-jek te ondersteun sodat meer onder-wysers aangestel kan word.Die skool baat reeds deur die wel-

willendheid van SG Convenience, ’nafdeling van Super Group, wat asdeel van hul sosiale verantwoorde-likheid besluit het om by St Idas be-trokke te raak. Die maatskappy watkwartaalliksvoorraadsoostjips, lek-kernye enkoeldrankaandie skool sesnoepie skenk, daagnouandermaat-skappyeuit omookbetrokke te raak.Die volgende braai-dae vind op

Vrydag 2 Augustus enVrydag 29 No-vember 2013 plaas. Besprekings kanop die voorafgaande Dinsdag van el-ke braai-dag by die skool gemaakword.Bel0218866021ofstuur ’ne-posna [email protected] vir besonderhede.

PW Serdyn, een van die MBA-studente wat betrokke is by St Idas Primêr, saam met’n groep van die leerlinge.

Store your weapons safelyThe StellenboschSAPS have askedthe public to becareful and to com-ply with the lawwhen storing andtransporting fire-arms and ammuni-tion.According to

Capt Norman Dav-ids, the command-er of the Firearms,Liquor, and Sec-ondHandGoodsdi-vision (FLASH)firearms and am-munition must bestored and trans-ported as pre-scribed by the law.The legislation states that

a person is guilty of an of-fence if he or she fails to lock

the firearms in the pre-scribed safe, strongroom ordevice for safekeepingwhen

the weapon is notcarried on your per-son or not underyour direct control.A further contra-

vention is when apersonloseshis/herfirearm or is other-wise dispossessed ofthe firearm owing tothat person’s failureto lock the weaponaway safely or tak-ing reasonably stepstoprevent the lossortheft of the firearmas well as not keep-ing the keys to thesafe or strongroomin safe custody.Davids warned

that failure to comply withthe legislation could lead tocriminal prosecution.

The Stellenbosch SAPS have warned owners of fire-arms to comply with legislation when storing or trans-porting their firearms. PHOTO: FILE

Ooggetuies gesoekDie Stellenbosch SAPD is opsoek na ooggetuies van ’n on-geluk wat op 27 April op dieJonkershoek-pad plaasge-vind het.Volgens lt. NathalieMartin

het ’n wit Bantam-bakkie ’ngroenkleurige voertuig ver-

bygesteek, maar toe teen ’nmotorfiets gebots. Twee jongvroue is ernstig beseer in dieongeluk.“Ons is op soek na die insit-

tendes van die groenkleurigevoertuig watmoontlik die on-gelukgesienhet.Nabewering

het die voertuig by die toneelstilgehou, maar toe weer ge-ry.”Die insittendes van die

voertuig moet asseblief dieondersoekbeampte, sersantC.V. Mouton, by 082 453 9843bel.

Kids had a blast fighting firewith volunteer firefightersTheFire&FynbosAwarenessDay, hosted by the VolunteerWildfire Services (VWS) atLievland Wine Estate, was ablast for all those in attend-ance.The public got to see the

boys and girls in yellow dis-playing what they do best.It was also International

Firefighters Day whichmeanstherewasmuchtocele-brate and the VWS were ac-companied by the Stellen-bosch Fire Department, Bird-Dog Aviation, Cape LeopardTrust, Cape Nature, Workingon Fire, and Landrover Expe-rience.Underprivileged farm chil-

dren who are helped by theAnnaFoundation tookpart intheMellowYellowtrail runaspart of their Reading, Run-ning, Righting programme toteach and inspire the chil-dren. They loved doing all theactivities and becoming fire-

fighters forthe day.There

were manyprizes givenout on theday by manygeneroussponsors.One of a kindteddy bearfrom Build-a-bear was oneof the popu-lar prizes.The VWS is a volunteer or-

ganisation that relies on do-nations from the general pub-lic, which goes into the opera-tional costs of theorganisation. “None of ourmembersare financially com-pensatedandwithoutcashdo-nations from generous peo-ple, VWS would not be the or-ganisation it is today,” saidMichael Brandt, marketingmanager for the Jonkershoek

base.The Fire & Fynbos Aware-

ness Day is an annual eventand amust for kids of all ages.Make sure to diarise it fornext year.Become a volunteer by vis-

iting their website atwww.capefires.com or followthem on Facebook and Twit-ter or by visiting www.face-book.com/VolunteerWild-fireServices or @vwsfires.

VWS Jonkershoek held a very successful open day to create awareness.

Children got to be firefighters for the day and learnall about the work VWS does.

Page 3: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 21 May 2013 3

Twee tawwe koekiesANJE SMIT

Mathilda Venteren Janine van Zylis twee plaaslikejong sjefs wat al-bei baie sterk voeloor ’n gesondeleefstyl. ’n Nuwekosbeweging,Dessert Matters,het onlangs dank-sy die twee die liggesien.

Mathilda het be-kendheid verwerfas finalis inkykNET se kook-program, Kokke-door, en Janine hetnaam gemaak methaar Cold Gold or-ganiese roomys.Mathilda en Janinestudeer tans verderin Voedselweten-skap.“Ek het nog altyd

’n vreemde verhouding metkosgehad.Ditwasvirmyso-veel meer as net iets ommyaan die lewe te hou. Ek hetgedurig die smake, geure enteksture probeer analiseeren na-aap nadat ek ietsnuutsgeëethet.Ekhetkook-kuns geswot by ICA – dieFransemanier vol botter enroom – en daarnamy passievir gesonder kos ontdek,”

vertel Mathilda.Volgens Janine is haar

passie vir gesond eet geboreuit ’n klomp allergieë. “Ekmoes my dieet van skooltydaf aanpas en dit het gemaakdat ek klomp lekkernyemoesuitdink sonder gluten,eiers, suiwel, suiker, soja enongesonde vette,” het sy ge-sê. “Gesond eet is lekker enmaklik. Jy moet jouself net

daarvoor oopmaaken ’n kopskuif maak.Jy kan soveel van jouskete en pyne geneessonder pille wat jouliggaam nog verderaftakel en slegs diesimptomeonderdrukof behandel deur netjou liggaam te voedmet die regte voed-sel,” verduidelik Ma-thilda oor die bood-skap wat hulle wiloordragedurendediekursusse wat hulleaanbied.“Ons doel is om

mense bewus temaak dat gesond eetooklekkeris,ensomslekkerder eet kan be-teken. Baie mensedink as iets nie room,suiker en/of botterbevat nie, gaan ditnie lekker wees nie,”voeg Janine by.Die twee jong

vroueontwikkelselfreseptevolgens persoonlike dieetvereistes en hulle droomdaarvan om een van die dae’n eie kookboek bekend testel. Kyk gerus na die nuut-ste inligting oor die demon-strasies wat hulle lewer bywww.facebook.com/desser-treallymattersofbelMathil-daVenter: 072 502 6619 of Ja-nine van Zyl 074 182 5510.

Janine van Zyl en Mathilda Venter.FOTO: ANJE SMIT

Lanquedoc sukkel metdwelms en smokkelhuiseANIKA MARAIS

Lanquedoc is ’n “stortingster-rein” vir maatskaplike pro-bleme.“Hier is nie werk nie. Hier

is net armoede, dwelms ensmokkelhuise. Ons moetmaar net voortploeter.”Só meen Neale Klein-

schmidt, gemeenskapsleieren koster van die St. Giles An-glikaanseKerk inLanquedoc.In dié gemeenskap, net bui-

te Pniel, is dwelms volop énmaklik beskikbaar.“Ons het net drie weke gele-

detweegraad2-leerlingebuitedie skool gevang dagga rook,”sê Ruben November, skool-hoof van die Pniel PrimêreSkool. “Dis ironies. Daar isamper nie geld vir kos nie,maar daar is altyd geld virdwelms.”Bykans 400 huisgesinne is

sowatagt jaargeledevanplasein die omgewing na Lanque-doc in die Dwarsriviervalleitussen Franschhoek en Stel-lenbosch verskuif.Anglo American het al hul

wingerde en boorde in dié om-gewing verkoop. Vier hon-derd huise is kort daarna inLanquedoc gebou en plaas-werkers is na dié dorpie ver-skuif.Werkloosheid is die groot-

ste probleem indié area, sêEl-marie Kotzé, maatskaplikewerker van die ACVV-tak indiePaarl.“DieRhodes-vrugte-plaas se inmaakfabriek hetookverledemaandtoegemaaken 160mense in die omgewinghet hul werke verloor.”Smokkelhuise, waar

dwelms en alkohol onwettigverkoop word, blyk vir baieinwoners die enigste inkom-ste te wees. “Hulle dink dit is

diebestemanieromkosopdietafel te kry. Hierdie plek is be-sig om te verval,” sê MonaKleinschmidt, inwoner vanLanquedoc en sekretaressevan die Boschendal TreasuryTrust. Dié trust beoog om ge-meenskapsprojekte in Lan-quedoc te begin.Koeldrank en tjips is spot-

goedkoop by kafees beskik-baar, sê ds. LeonKlate van dieCongregational-gemeentePniel. “Maar dit is net ’n frontvir die ander produkte wathulle óók verkoop. Die eintli-ke produkte word nie eers ge-adverteernie,maardiemenseweet waar om dit te kry.”Mona en Neale Klein-

schmidt het egter nog niemoed verloor nie. “Ek glo hierkan nog wonderwerke gebeuren dit is waarom ek betrokkebly,” sê Mona. “Ons kan ditmos nie net so los nie?”

Huise in Lanquedoc. FOTO: ANIKA MARAIS

Training for the unemployedStellemploywillpresentagar-dening skills training pro-gramme from 3 to 14 June.The course is only available

to unemployed people or part-time workers older than 18years and younger than 35years.The training programme is

accredited at Agriseta andpresented by Phezukomkho-

no Training Services.Stellemploy receives meal

donations from local church-es for the trainees during thecourse and the course itself issponsoredbytheStellenboschMunicipality.Anyone interested in at-

tending the training pro-gramme should phone or visitStellemploy as soon as possi-

ble as only 12 people can be ac-commodated on the course.Possible candidatesmust alsobe permanent residents of thegreater Stellenbosch Munici-pality.For further information on

the gardening course pleasecall Gaino or Betta at021 886 6993 or send an e-mailto [email protected].

ACVV vergaderDie ACVV se jaarvergadering vind plaas opDinsdag 21 Mei 10:00 in die ACVV-sentrum.Die gasspreker is Patricia Britz en sy sal

praat oor die Kinderwet.Vir meer besonderhede of om te bespreek

bel 021 887 6959.

Beide kantore sal ook Botoxaanbied en n


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18 000 copies distributed weekly in Stellenbosch,

Page 4: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 21 May 20134

21 Mei)Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA Stellenbosch Sen-traal) ontmoet om20:15bydieNGKerkStellen-bosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Bel die AA by084 293 3967 vir meer inligting.)Stellenbosch Blommeklub vergader in dieNGkerkStellenbosch-Wessekerksaal.Teevan09:30 endievergaderingom10:00.Komkykwatmaakdie klubmet “PickABox”. BelGreta vander Merwe by 021 886 5367 / 072 202 4572 virmeer inligting.)ACVV-Jaarvergadering om 10:00 in dieACVV-sentrum. Gasspreker Patricia Britz ra-kende die Kinderwet. Vir meer inligting of omjoubywoning tebevestigbel 0218876959.Almalis welkom.

22 Mei)Die Stellenbosse Heemkring se ledevergade-ring word om 19:00 in die Erfurthuis in Ryne-veldstraat gehou. D. Simons en L. de Waal saloordieonderwerp“JamestownErfenis”praat.Alle belangstellendes is welkom om die verga-dering by te woon. Bel 021 883 3611 vir enigenavrae oor die Heemkring, die vergadering ofom jou bywoning te bevestig.

23 Mei)Alkoholiste Anoniem (AA) sowel as Alanon,ter ondersteuning van familie en vriende vanverslaafdes, ontmoet om 20:15 in die NG KerkStellenbosch-Wes in Alexanderstraat. Bel dieAAby084 293 3967 ofAlanonby 021 889 5791 virmeer inligting.

31 May)Lynedoch United Football Club disco.Theme: Dressed to kill. Oostenberg Lodge,Kuilsrivier, from20:00to02:00.EntranceisR20.Call Shaun: 0 073 298 2993 or Anton:0 072 404 7117.

VOORTREKKERS VERKEN STELLENBOSCH: Die Stellenbosch Voortrekkers was onder die sowat 40gr. 6-leerlinge en 16 volwasse lede van tien Voortrekkerkommando’s in die Wes-Kaap wat op 3 en4 Mei gedenkwaardighede in Stellenbosch besoek het. Hier is ’n paar Voortrekkers (agter van links)Karli Prins, Wian Ooosthuizen, Divan Visser, Carel-Heinz Burger en Wilma Ferdinando by die ossewain die Langenhoven-studentesentrum op die Universiteit Stellenbosch-kampus.

Kom smul saam by HuisHorison se kermisHuis Horison se ge-wilde winterkermisword vanjaar op 8 Ju-nie by die sentrum inOnder-Papegaaiberggehou.Besoekerskanweer

uitsien na heerlikekoek, tert en koffie,kinderstalletjies,smullekker ontbyt enwegneemetes sooskerrie op rys of vet-koek, spitgebraaideskaapvleis opbroodjies, tradi-sionele afval, skaapkop enskilpadjies, hoenderpasteie,bobotie, Indonesiese geregte,aartappelskyfies of heerlikeworsbroodjies.Soetgoed sluit onder meer

pannekoek, poedings, stroop-soet koeksisters, koekies enfudge in.Diestalletjies isvan09:00 tot

14:00 oop.Boekliefhebbers sal ook

weer ’n fees by die boekstalle-

tjie hê, terwyl diemooiste handgemaak-te produkte, die skep-pings van die inwo-ners, verkoop salword.Sien ook uit na tuis-

gemaakte wors en bil-tong, wyn van ver-skeie wynkelders,plante, groente envrugte, tweedehandseklere, pottebakkers-werk en suurlemoen-

produkte.Om ontbytkaartjies te koop

of gebakte skaapkoppe voorafte bestel bel asseblief virHele-ne Jacobs by 021 887 5080 of2 [email protected].

Dra jou tekkiesvir KindersorgDie eerste Tekkie Tax-projek sal lands-wydopVrydag31Meiplaasvind,waarbyKindersorgSA:Stellenboschookbetrok-ke is.Die publiek word aangemoedig om ’n

Tekkie Tax-plakker te kry vir ’n donasievan R10. Daar kan ook spesiale vetersmet ’n tekkie-embleem aangekoop wordteen R30.Deur Kindersorg SA Stellenbosch te

ondersteunmet ’nplakkerofdie spesialeveters sal mense op 31Mei aangemoedigword om tekkies saammet hul plakkerste dra.So sal die publiek met trots kan wys

hoe hulle omgee vir die kinders vanStel-lenbosch en dus vir die wêreld wys dathulle, hulle “tax” betaal het.Die plakkers kan by Kindersorg SA:

Stellenbosch in Helshoogteweg gekoopword.Bel 021 887 2816 of stuur ’n e-pos na

[email protected] of [email protected].

Werksentrum hou basaarDie Stellenbosch Werksen-trum vir Volwasse Personemet Gestremdhede se ba-saar word op Saterdag 1 Ju-niebydieVGK-saal inLang-straat, Cloetesville in Stel-lenbosch gehou.Die basaar begin om 09:00

enledevandiepubliekworduitgenooi omdie sentrum teondersteun.Daar gaan iets vir elkeen

in die huisgesin teen bekos-tigbare pryse wees.Benewensdienormalege-

bak,waaronderkoek, andersoetighede en tuisgemaaktebrode, sal daar plaas-varsgroente en vrugte en selfswegneem-etes soos worsrol-letjies, slaptjips en kerrie-disse beskikbaar wees.Die sentrum se selfver-

vaardigde artikels, soos ge-breide handsakke en leer-items, sal ook tekoopaange-bied word.Die sentrum beoog om

met hierdie geldinsame-lingspoging die programme

van die sentrum verder uitte bou, terselfdertyd ouer-en gemeenskapsbetrokken-heid aan te wakker, en diegemeenskap opnuut bewuste maak van die aktiwiteitewaarmee persone met ge-stremdhede daagliks by diesentrum besig is.Besighede wat nog bydra-

es tot Stellenbosch Werk-sentrum se basaar wilmaak, kan Phil Williams enMarlese Robertson by 021887 8688 bel.

Bus tour onGarden RouteThe Stellenbosch Anglican Chaplaincy Trustwill be hosting a charity tour by luxury busalong theGardenRoute toKnysna andPletten-berg Bay from 10 to 13 October.Tickets will cost R1 675 per person sharing.

The ticket includes transport, ultra luxury ac-commodation on the Knysna Waterfront andone main meal per day at top selected restau-rants.A deposit of R375 by mid-June will secure a

reservation (seats are limited).For more information, phone the Anglican

ChaplaincytrusteesLionelCloete (0828507845)or Bereneace Katts (074 580 8227).

Dans ten batevan outismeDie Ondersteuningsgroep vir personemet Outisme bied ’n dans op 24 Mei aan.Dit sal om20:00 begin in dieWeberGe-

denkskoolsaal in Jamestown en toegangis R70 per persoon. Alle gastemoet hulleeie xyz en platters saambring.Kallies Dance Band sal die musiek

maak.Bel 083 679 2863of 073 147 6208virmeer


Cloetesville netbal isweer op die beenNetbal inCloetesville hetweer opnuut vlamge-vat en alle belangstellende klubs word genooiom kontak te maak met die nuwe CloetesvilleNetbal-unie.Bel asseblief vir Merilyn by 071 871 7077 of

Magaret by 078 755 8089.

Tips on healthygrocery shoppingThe Nutritional Support Group willmeet on Tuesday 4 June in the Vergele-gen Mediclinic restaurant.Sanmare MacRobert and her col-

leaguesforJune’sNutritionSupportwillgive a talk on “Trolley Run: What to putin your shopping basket”.The “must buys” and “must avoids”

whendoinggrocery shoppingwill bedis-cussed.Thetalkwill startat18:00andentrance

is free.BringalongR5toenter theraffle towin

a nutritional goodie bag.To book your seat call Tracy on

021 851 6228.

Arthritis group tomeetThe Arthritis Foundation will meet onMonday 27 May at the Vergelegen Medi-clinic.Erika Schwabe from the Stellenbosch

physio- and occupational therapy groupwill speak on the topic “Therapy in Ac-tion”.The meeting will start at 19:00 and en-

trance is free.Everyone is welcome to attend.Please call Aletta van der Watt on

083 270 4842 for further information.

VGK Vlottenburghou reünieDie VGK Vlottenburg hou 1 Junie vanjaar ’nreünie bring-en-braai.Alle gemeentelede, van 1963 af, word genooi

om dié spesiale geleentheid by te woon. Dit sal14:00 in die VGK Vlottenburg-kerksaal begin.Bel asseblief vir Desmond Solomons by082 757 2190.

Argief-werksessie later vanjaar’n Inleidende argief-werkses-sie, geskikvirbibliotekarisse,museum- en erfenisbeamptes,dokumentering- en argief-as-sistente, word van 27 Augus-tus tot 29 Augustus by dieAfrikaanse Taalmonument indie Paarl aangebied.Die fasiliteerder, PétriaMa-

rais, is ’n gekwalifiseerde ar-givaris met baie jare se erva-

ring.Die werksessie sluit prak-

tiese oefeninge in en fokus oponderwerpe soos die verskilletussen biblioteke, argiewe endokumentesentrums; insame-ling en aanwins, waardebepa-ling (insluitende die waardevan rekords asook afskryf-in-struksies); sortering en rang-skikking; beskrywing/indek-

sering; bewaring; die rampbe-stuurplan; en wenke oor dieontsluiting van argiewe.Die kursusfooi is R2 000 per

persoon en sluit ’n ligte mid-dagete en koffie/tee in.Bel Amira Clayton by

021 863 4809/0543 of stuur ’[email protected] vir meer inlig-ting.

Page 5: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 21 May 2013 5

Music Alla Kaap™ atGrandWest a mustFollowing the very success-ful Music Alla Kaap™ cele-brating Zayn Adam lastyear, Alistair Izobell Pro-ductions is proud to an-nounce Music Alla Kaap™2013 in association withHeart 104.9fm.

ThelegendaryUSartistPer-cy Sledge, iconic South Afri-can PJ Powers, Cape Town’sparty band The Rockets, fea-turing two original membersColin “Bones” Delight andMolly Baron, top Cape vocalgroupTheBoyz, aswell as lastyear’s headline Zayn Adam

will be performing on thenight.“After three sold-out per-

formances I was under im-mense pressure to present abigger and better show,” saidevent producer Alistair Izo-bell. “We have decided to cele-brate the iconic 80s in this starstudded spectacular.“All the artists on the bill

having worked together onPercy’s SA tour in 1984 andagain in the early 1990s.“The Rockets and PJ’s Hot-

line supported the US artistand we added The Boyz whoaspired to walk in their foot-

steps at that time.”The show will be a celebra-

tion of great music, a 15 pieceband headed up by CapeTown’s top music directors,produced and conceptualisedby Alistair Izobell and hostedby Cape Town’s own divaShaleen Surtie-Richards.Don’tmiss out on this exclu-

sive Cape Town experience.The show will take place at

the GrandWest Grand Arenaon24and25Mayat 19:00.Tick-ets cost R135 to R245 and areavailable from Computicket.For more information visit

GrandWest on Facebook.

Percy Sledge is one of the artists to perform at GrandWest’s Music Alla Kaap™.

Mediterranean ‘bread’ pizzaThis easy recipe can bechanged to suit yourneeds and is a deliciousreplacement for a fami-ly pizza.Preparation time: 15

minutes.Cooking time: 5 min.Serves 2.IngredientsFor the pizza base:) 4 slices of bread) 2 cloves garlic –

grated) 3 Tbs olive oilTopping:) 140 g sundried tomato) 1 small block of mozza-

rella cheese) dried origanum (op-

tional) – a very small pinchper “pizza”

) 8 slices cooked salami

) Calamata olives) 1 large onion – sliced

and slowly fried in a bit ofolive oil until golden brownTo serve:) Rocket, fresh basil,

fresh chillies

MethodPreheat the oven to

200 °C. Flatten the breadslices with a rolling pin.Mixthegarlicandolive

oil and brush the slices ofbread with it.Fry each slice on both

sides in a griddle pan un-til the brown etchinglines appear on yourbread.Mash the sundried to-

mato up with a fork andthen smear it on one sideof thebread.Addthemoz-

zarella and all the toppings.Pop in the oven at 220 °C

until the cheese is meltedand bubbly.Serve with fresh rocket,

basil and chopped chillies.Recipe www.food24.com

An easy replacement for a healthy meal.PHOTO: WWW.FOOD24.COM

Join the conversation about King DavidA very informative publiclecture on the archaeologicalexcavations at the “City ofDavid” in Israel will be pre-sented by Prof Martin Kling-beil at Helderberg College,Somerset West this comingSaturday.The talk will take place

from 15:30 to 17:00 on 25May.The findings were so sig-

nificant and resulted in sucha public debate that bothCNN and BBC have madedocumentaries on it, and it

has been featured as a coverarticle inNationalGeograph-ic (December 2010).The lecture entitled The

Battle over King David – Ex-cavating the Fortress of Elah,will focus onwho David was,a poet, a hero, a king, andfounder of a dynasty.The story of the young

shepherd boy who defeated agiant and became king of Is-rael is the stuff of legends.But the biblical story of

King David is at the heart of

Israel’s history. WithoutDavid, there is no founder ofJerusalem, thereisnoauthorfor the Psalms and no UnitedMonarchy of Israel. WithoutDavid, there is no Messiah.Originally from Germany,

Prof Klingbeil is no strangerto South Africa, having ob-tained his DLitt in AncientNear Eastern Studies at Stel-lenbosch University in 1995.Call 082 881 4982 or e-mail

[email protected] more information.

Page 6: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 21 May 20136

Eikestadnuus 021 887 2840www.olx.co.za | www.eikestadnuus.co.za







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NEWHORIZON'SDEKOR. Blindings,sonskerms en vlieësiwwe.( Fabian: 021 886 6453of 083 348 1703 . Epos:[email protected]

Treat dad on Father's DayThose looking to takethe stress out of plan-ning a treat for dad onFather’s Day shouldbook a delicious Sun-day lunch at the Dev-on Valley hotel on 16June.

The lunch will beserved at the hotel’sFlavours restaurant.MarkusSchwemberg-

er is the executivechef. The Father’sDay lunch consists ofa buffet of authentic,contemporary Capecuisine.

All dad’s will alsoreceive a complimen-tary glass of Sylvan-Vale Dry CabernetRose and a small giftfrom the hotel.

The buffet is R160per person, with chil-dren under 12 at halfprice and children un-der three for free.

Space is limited.Make your booking

with Erin Meyer on021 865 2012orsendanemail to [email protected].

Jaarlikse bonsai-veiling binnekortDie Boland BonsaiKai hou Saterdag 25Mei sy jaarliksebonsai-veiling bydie Cape Town FishMarket in Ryne-veldstraat.

Pietman Retief isdie afslaer.

Die veiling sluit’n ontbyt in wat om09:00 begin.

Daar sal ’n keusewees van ’n buffet

vir R75 per persoonof ’n bord spek eneiers, wors en roos-terbrood vir R35per persoon.

Die veiling saldaarna om 10:00 indie ontvangslokaalbegin.

Bespreek by Ma-rie-Louise by082 715 0856 of byChris by072 700 5308 as jy

die veiling gaan by-woon en watter ont-byt jy verkies.

Mense wat bomeop die veiling wilverkoop, moet ookmet Marie-Louisein verbinding tree.

Vir nadere be-sonderhede oor diebonsai-veiling, belgerus vir WillemPretorius by083 260 5696.

10th Wacky Wine promisesto be bigger and betterThe 10th Wacky Wine weekend,withkykNETasthenewheadlinesponsor, will be held in the Rob-ertson Wine Valley from 6 to 9June 2013.

Wacky Wine now draws over18 600 visitors to the valley annual-ly.

The theme this year is “celebra-tion” and promises to be more fes-tive and wacky than any other year.

Wacky Wine has also launched a2013 charity drive for winter. Festi-val-goers are invited to join the Rob-ertson Wine Valley in supportingtheir local charities. Blankets andwinter clothing, for all ages, can bedonated for those less fortunate. Inreturn the valley will reward youwith wine, according to the weightof your donation, with a maximumof a six-bottle case of wine whichweighs about 9 kg.

Donations that weigh less than abottle of wine will be rewarded withvouchers for wine purchases at theLa Verne online wine shop

(www.lavernewines.co.za). All do-nations can be handed in at the Rob-ertsonWineValleyoffice,onthecor-ner of Voortrekker and ReitzStreets, Robertson.

As part of the ten-year celebra-tion,membersof the localcommuni-ty have also been commissioned toproduce the ±18 000 Wacky “goodiebags”. This provides much-neededemployment for the local communi-ty and the opportunity to learn newskills for the future.

The Robertson Wine Valley hasteamed up with Langeberg DoulosTrust and the bags were producedfrom recycled cement bags. Theycan be ordered by sending an emailto [email protected].

During the four days of the festi-val 48 wineries will be showcasingtheir wines and myriad key attrac-tions.Eachdaywillhaveasignaturewine theme catering for all palates.

There will be various tastings, de-licious food to savour and fun activi-ties such as “meet-the-winemaker”

tastings, brandy tours and tastings,fun wine competitions, river cruis-es, tractor trips, cheese and olivetastings, a simulated rodeo bull, amountainbikechallengeanda freshgoods market and local performingartists.

Aspartof theRobertsonWineVal-ley’s commitment to ensure a safefestival, a zero tolerance policy isimplemented towards drinking anddriving.

Visitors are requested to makeuse of the Buddy Bus or appointtheir own designated driver.

The cost for the festival is R100 apassport, which is valid for thewhole weekend.

It includes a tasting glass, free25 ml wine-tasting samples, and agoodie bag with some great surpris-es, as well as the programme high-lighting some special offers.

For further enquiries call023 626 3167, send an email to [email protected] orvisit the website at www.wacky-wineweekend.com.

Jamestown Metodiste Kerkvier 58ste bestaansjaarDie Metodiste Kerkin Jamestown viersy 58ste bestaans-jaar op Sondag 9 Ju-nie.

Die feesvieringesluit ’n optog, ’n og-

genddiens om 09:00en ’n middagdiensom15:00 in.Almal iswelkom om die fees-vieringe op hierdiegeskiedkundigedagby te woon.

Vir meer inlig-ting oor die be-staansjaarvieringeof om betrokke teraak, bel Dale Si-mons by082 788 4904.


Die Internationale Astronomie Unie enUniversiteit Stellenbosch het Donder-dag 16 Mei ’n uitreik gedoen by dieKuyasa-sentrum in Kayamandi. Hier isdie US-studente by die leerlinge van dieKuyasa-sentrum in Kayamandi met hulhandgemaakte Galileo-teleskope.

Hier wys ErnstJordaan (heelregs) van die USvir die leerlingeby Kayamandise Kuyasa-sen-trum die maanvan naby.FOTO: ANJE SMIT

Page 7: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 21 Mei 2013 7

Helping graduates shift fromcampus to corporateAttending graduation and ob-tainingadegree is thedaythatall students look forward to.However the euphoria soonwears off when people startasking, “What’s next?”.Knowing that South Africa

has a high number of unem-ployed graduates isn’t a com-forting thought either, but on-line platforms like careers-sa.net provide potential andrecent graduates with accessto numerous tools and re-sources to help them plan andbegin their careers.Depending which statistics

are considered, there are be-tween 300 000 (National SkillsDevelopment Handbook) and600 000 (Adcorp EmploymentIndex) unemployed graduatesin SouthAfrica.And this highnumber is not exclusive toSouth Africa; unemploymentat graduate level is in fact aglobal concern.An analysis ofgovernment data conductedfor the Associated Press inAmerica found that an esti-mated 1.5 million, or 53.6%, ofbachelor’s degree-holders un-der the age of 25 in 2011 wereunemployed or working in ajob that doesn’t require abachelor’s degree.“Although part of the prob-

lemissystemic– thereare justnot enough jobs out there –therearestill things thatgrad-uates can do to increase theirchances of success.” says Sa-mantha Crous, CRF InstituteRegional Director: Africa &Benelux, the organisation be-hind careerssa.net.“Several graduates are

making mistakes which canbe prevented when applyingfor work.”According to theSouthAfri-

can Graduates DevelopmentAssociation (SAGDA) therearevarious reasonswhygrad-uates struggle to secure theirfirst job. Common challengesinclude a poorly presentedresume, a lack of interviewhandling skills, poor verbaland non-verbal communica-tion and inadequate work ex-posure and experience.Lindsay Gibson, Marketing

Manager at the CRF Institute,agrees with SAGDA’s find-ings.When visiting campusesaround South Africa to dis-tributecareerssa.netandtofa-cilitate free job huntingwork-shops to graduates, Gibson re-alised that graduates have agap in knowledge regardingthe working world.“Knowing where to find a

jobisonethingbutthevariousnuances on how to find oneand how to fit into the corpo-rate world can be overwhelm-ing. That’s where we feel ca-reerssa.net canhelp –wehaveall the jobhuntingtoolsgradu-ates need in one place. Fromwhat an employment contractcan look like, CV tips and tem-plates, alternatives to corpo-rate jobs and more.”“We want to help all South

African graduates shift aspainlessly from their realityon campus to the new worldof work.”Careerssa.net provides

graduates with a four-step cy-cle, which gives them access

to various tools and resourcesto help them begin their ca-reers and counter the chal-lenges that prevent severalgraduates from landing theirdream jobs.1.Knowyourself:Thissec-

tion includes a matching toolwhere graduates can discoverwhich industries and compa-nies suit their personalitytraits.2. Make a decision: This

tab features the profiles ofSouth Africa’s top graduateemployers such as StandardBank and Accenture, expertarticles and video interviewswith employers and recentgraduates who work at thesecompanies.3. Getting ready: Here

graduates can receive inter-view tips and advice on howto create their CVs and coverletters.4. Apply online: This sec-

tion provides graduates withlinks to online job vacanciesand applications.“Along with our website,

graduates can also find us onFacebook and Twitter for ca-reer guidance and informa-tion,” says Crous. “We live ina digital era and it’s essentialthatwe incorporate socialme-diaasoneofourmodesof com-munication to help graduatesbegin their careers.”For some the transition

from campus to corporate issmooth but for others it’s anoverwhelming adjustment.Visit www.careerssa.net

for more information and ca-reer guidance.

Wie is oulikste Eikestad-onnie?EUNICE VISAGIE

Eikestadnuus is op soek naStellenbosch se Gunsteling-onnie.Die enigste manier vir on-

derwysers om dié kompetisiete wen, is vir leerlinge om hulonderwysers nomineer.Nominasies geskied deur

middel van ’n motiveringsop-

stel van 150 woorde oor hoe-kom jy dink jou onderwysermoet met die titel as Stellen-bosch se Gunsteling-onniewegstap.Hoërskool- én laerskoolon-

derwyserskan inaanmerkingkom.Eikestadnuus sal elke week

een van die opstelle plaas endieanderonderwyserswatbe-

noem is se name sal ook be-kend gemaak word.Die stemproses sal geskied

deur middel van SMS’e.Diealgehelewennervandie

kompetisie sal op 31 Julie aan-gekondig word.Vir meer besonderhede bel

EuniceVisagieby 021 887 2840of stuur ’n e-pos na [email protected].

OUD-BLITSBOKKE IN AKSIE: Twee oud-Springbok-sewesrugbyspelers het die afgelope naweek ’n tagrug-by-wedstryd gespeel om die spel te bemark. Hier is Neil Powell in aksie. FOTO’S: EUNICE VISAGIE

Hier is Marius Schoeman.

Page 8: Stellenbosch Gazette 21 Mei 2013

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 15 • Dinsdag 21 Mei 2013 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Sport in kort

Pniel kry ’n vroue­rugbyspanDie Pniel Villagers­rugbyklub se program vir 2013

sluit die begin van ’n eerste amptelike vroue­rugby­span in.Die span sal in die WP­rugbyunie se vroueliga

meeding.Die klub nooi alle belangstellende vroue ouer as

18 jaar uit om die oefening by te woon.Oefening sal weekliks op ’n Dinsdag plaasvind.Vir meer besonderhede bel Andria Stubbs Men­

toor by 083 303 9565.

Golf fundraiser for Maties SwimmingThe Maties Swimming Club’s Golf Day is Friday

31 May at the Stellenbosch Golf Club to raise fundsfor the club. The format will be a four­ball AllianceStableford – two scores to count.The swimming club has a history of excellence,

producing multiple olympians, an olympic medallist,Commonwealth Games’ medals and national cham­pions.After the London Olympics the club realised that

as a club they stand on the threshold to continue asbefore or to strive towards something better. Theyhave seen the need to be forward thinking and in­novative.To take the club to the next level they need to

work towards bridging the gap between just beinggood and being the best.For information or to register for the golf day con­

tact Lise Veldsman at 0 082 776 2595, 021 9101384 or 2 [email protected].

Cellar2Cellar Trail RunEntries for the 4th annual Cellar2Cellar Trail Run

& Wine Experience on Saturday 7 September areopen.Starting and finishing at Blaauwklippen, partici­

pants can choose between a fun 12 km wine experi­ence, a 12 km trail run and a 20 km trail run.According to Pieter du Plessis, Cellar2Cellar race

director, the 12 km wine experience is unique in thatthere are seven wine estates that will offer two tast­ings per cellar.For further information or to enter the

Cellar2Cellar Trail Run & Wine Experience visitwww.cellar2cellar.co.za, call Agne du Plessis on 082517 4799 or email entries@iqela­events.co.za.

Nine­to­Five MTB Action atDelveraMountain bike enthusiasts, leisure cyclists and

spectators can look forward to an action­packed dayof fun at the eighth Dirtopia Nine­to­Five MountainBike Team Relay taking place at Delvera Farm onMonday 17 June, a public holiday.Competitors’ endurance levels will be put to the

test with entrants trying to finish as many 7 km lapsas possible in an 8­hour time period.The concept is similar to a 24 hour event. The

route is easy enough for riders across all levels andfast laps will ensure lots of activity in the transitionarea. Riders can participate in three categories: solo,teams of two or teams of four.For more information or to enter mail info@dirto­

pia.co.za or phone 021 884 4752.

Skryf nou in vir BergrivierInskrywings vir die Bergrivier­kanomarathon van

10 tot 13 Julie is oop. Besoek www.berg.org.za.

PSG BORG KOSHUIS-SOKKER: PSG op Stellenbosch is die amptelike borg van Dagbreek se eerste sokkerspan.

Impi Challenge returns toLievland, StellenboschThemuch anticipatedNewBalance Impi Chal-lenge will return to Lievland Wine Estate andWiesenhof Legacy Park, Stellenbosch theweekend of 19 – 20 October.Two lucky Eikestadnuus readers stand the

chance to win a New Balance Impi Challengehamper to the value of R670.Each hamper will include an entry into the

Impi Challenger race, an Impi visor and an ex-clusive 2013 Impi vest.To be eligible for this prize, send the answer

to the following question, yourname, surnameand vest size to [email protected]:Who is the title sponsorof the Impi

Challenge?For more information on the New Balance

Impi Challenge contact Hayley Weinberg on073 411 5575, email [email protected] visit www.impichallenge.co.za.

Finale Bolandskole rugby-proewe teen WPDie Boland Hoërskole Rugby Unie biedop Woensdag 22 Mei finale proewe aanvir die kies van die Boland skole-spanneteenWPopCPUTse velde inWellington.Dieprogramvirdiedagseaksie is soos

volg:A-VELD (o.18’s): 14:30-15:35 – Boland C

t WP C; 15:40-16:45 – Boland B t WP B;16:50-18:00 – Boland A t WP A.B-VELD (o.16’s): 14:30-15:35 – Boland t

WP (o.16 meisies); 15:40-16:45 – Boland Bt WP B (seuns); 16:50-18:00 – Boland A tWP A (seuns).Toegangsgelde is R5 vir kinders in

skooldrag (spelers uitgesluit) en R10 viralle ander persone (keurders, afrigtersen spanbestuurders uitgesluit).

Stuur nounominasiesNominasiesvir Let’sPlay/Eike-stadnuusSportster virMei moet opdie laatsteVrydag, 31Mei inge-stuur word.Die enigste

manierom opdiémanierer-kenning aan jou skool se sportsterre te gee, isdeur ’n e-pos met die nominasie en motiveringaan [email protected] te stuur.Net skole kan nominasies instuur.Diemaandeliksewenners komnie net in aan-

merking vir die sportster van die jaar nie,maarkan ook die wenner van die Hennie Pietersen-wisseltrofee wees. Dié trofee gaan aan die wen-nerwatuit al die streke sewenners gekiesword.Skolewordherinneromookspannetenomineervirdiesportspanvandiemaand-kompetisie.Virmeer besonderhede 0 021 887 2840.

ENTRIES OPEN FOR MOUNTAIN WARRIOR TRAIL RUN FESTIVAL: Entries for the third annual MountainWarrior Trail Run Festival will open on Friday 24 May. Taking place on Saturday 31 August and Sunday1 September the Mountain Warrior Trail Run Festival will give trail-running enthusiasts the perfectopportunity to experience the beautiful slopes and contours of the Stellenbosch and Simonsberg Moun-tains as well as a major section of the Greater Simonsberg Conservancy. For further information orto enter the Mountain Warrior Trail Run Festival visit www.mountainwarrior.co.za, contact Agne du Plessison 082 517 4799 or email [email protected]. PHOTO: CHRIS HITCHCOCK